Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

No, they're not "Republican" values. They're not even political values; they're social ones. The only reason they're mythtified to be Republican values is that Moral Majority shit that Jerry Falwell and his ilk dumped on the system, bringing religion and so-called "social conservatism" into a realm where it has no business -- politics. And because it was conservative-based the MM synched with the RP, leaving by process of assumed elimination this latter-day myth that "Democrats", or "Liberals", or "the left", whatever the bogeyman of the moment is, are made up of godless immoral pedophiliac perverted fornicating baby eaters. It's another simplistic demonization ploy like the one of the Red Scare daze that deliberately conflated "Liberal" with "communist" (after already conflating "communist" with "Satan"). It's the kind of deliberate haze that clouds intelligent discourse. Sorry.

Well that's a hell of a long post Pogo and I thank you for it. Really I do. I plan to respond to all of it point by point but I am on my way out the door to go spend time with my daughter. But I just want to respond to this one point you made specifically very quickly. I am sorry, Pogo but they are Republican values. Don't you remember when the Democrats held the vote to remove God from their platform? Surely you remember that. It was incredibly controversial and the measure passed IIRC. The only reason why they put it back was because all hell broke loose when the media started writing articles about how Democrats are Godless.

The reality of that vote was that the politicians and electors casting those votes were hostile to religion and they represent the Democratic party. With that vote, the Democratic party defined itself as anti-religion. So yes....they are Republican values because we have stayed in step with the black community that is, generally speaking, a strong religious community. Democrats cannot make that claim anymore after that vote.

I am going to respond to the rest as I value the effort you put into your post and it deserves a response, but seriously my baby girl comes first. It was a great post, BTW.
"Blacks and whites live in Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore."

Who's having the problems in those cities?

Blacks, or whites?
Both but what difference does that make for the poor whites in the states run by republicans?

Keep deflecting back to poor states, where EVERYONE is having problems, away from cities like Chicago, (multiple murders weekly), Detroit, (people are afraid to live in large areas of town because of gangs), Baltimore, (we just saw a police commissioner fired because he wasn't able do his job because the idiot mayor figuratively handcuffed him).

all 3 run by democrats for well over half a century.

and those 3 are far from being the ONLY shitholes under the democratic thumb.
I wasnt deflecting I was talking about the poor republican run states and you deflected to Detroit and Chicago. Dont get mad because I pointed that out.

Well brother..what's the solution? I notice rightwinger has not responded (although he may be offline I guess) to my points that the Democrats have made a lot of promises but when they had total power to solve them, they didn't. I assume by your posts that you are a person of color. Doesn't that piss you off? They had total control and did nothing. I am seriously curious....is that lost on those communities that the Democrats made promises to?

I am sincerely interested to know what the black community thinks...what is your explanation for why they had the golden opportunity and yet didn't do a damned thing to fulfill their promises.
The solution requires a dismantling of the racial caste system here in the US. It also requires a dismantling of the capitalistic system where it is inherent that the masses will be in poverty. So far the closest party to doing this are the dems.

Dems and repubs have made a lot of promises. Reps just happen to have a large majority of openly racist bigots in their party. I dont waste time being pissed off over things that I personally cannot control.

I cant speak to what the entire Black community thinks as we are obviously not monolithic. Some support the Dems. A large portion believe the whole thing is a crock of shit and a very small minority support the repubs.

Seriously I am out of time because I have to go spend time with my little girl, but I want to respond to this in more depth later. Just really quick, you didn't answer my question. How do you rationalize or justify the Democrats total inaction when they had total power? They were in a position to solve every problem and fulfill every promise they have made....and they did nothing.

NOTHING, Asclepias.

How do you feel about that? Don't you feel a sense of being betrayed?
No, they're not "Republican" values. They're not even political values; they're social ones. The only reason they're mythtified to be Republican values is that Moral Majority shit that Jerry Falwell and his ilk dumped on the system, bringing religion and so-called "social conservatism" into a realm where it has no business -- politics. And because it was conservative-based the MM synched with the RP, leaving by process of assumed elimination this latter-day myth that "Democrats", or "Liberals", or "the left", whatever the bogeyman of the moment is, are made up of godless immoral pedophiliac perverted fornicating baby eaters. It's another simplistic demonization ploy like the one of the Red Scare daze that deliberately conflated "Liberal" with "communist" (after already conflating "communist" with "Satan"). It's the kind of deliberate haze that clouds intelligent discourse. Sorry.

Well that's a hell of a long post Pogo and I thank you for it. Really I do. I plan to respond to all of it point by point but I am on my way out the door to go spend time with my daughter. But I just want to respond to this one point you made specifically very quickly. I am sorry, Pogo but they are Republican values. Don't you remember when the Democrats held the vote to remove God from their platform? Surely you remember that. It was incredibly controversial and the measure passed IIRC. The only reason why they put it back was because all hell broke loose when the media started writing articles about how Democrats are Godless.

The reality of that vote was that the politicians and electors casting those votes were hostile to religion and they represent the Democratic party. With that vote, the Democratic party defined itself as anti-religion. So yes....they are Republican values because we have stayed in step with the black community that is, generally speaking, a strong religious community. Democrats cannot make that claim anymore after that vote.

I am going to respond to the rest as I value the effort you put into your post and it deserves a response, but seriously my baby girl comes first. It was a great post, BTW.

Well thank you and I should note in return I read the entire thread before picking this post as the best and most thoughtful one to chew on.

Actually I don't remember the "God plank" as I didn't watch that convention and wasn't really interested, but it is reasonable to do so --- religion simply has no place in politics unless we're running a theocracy. That the RP allowed the Falwell element in there is to their detriment, it's not an asset and can never be. All it does is polarize and divide.


We'll leave it there for now; I too have stuff to do. Fine exchange as always my friend. :thup:
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Both but what difference does that make for the poor whites in the states run by republicans?

Keep deflecting back to poor states, where EVERYONE is having problems, away from cities like Chicago, (multiple murders weekly), Detroit, (people are afraid to live in large areas of town because of gangs), Baltimore, (we just saw a police commissioner fired because he wasn't able do his job because the idiot mayor figuratively handcuffed him).

all 3 run by democrats for well over half a century.

and those 3 are far from being the ONLY shitholes under the democratic thumb.
I wasnt deflecting I was talking about the poor republican run states and you deflected to Detroit and Chicago. Dont get mad because I pointed that out.

Well brother..what's the solution? I notice rightwinger has not responded (although he may be offline I guess) to my points that the Democrats have made a lot of promises but when they had total power to solve them, they didn't. I assume by your posts that you are a person of color. Doesn't that piss you off? They had total control and did nothing. I am seriously curious....is that lost on those communities that the Democrats made promises to?

I am sincerely interested to know what the black community thinks...what is your explanation for why they had the golden opportunity and yet didn't do a damned thing to fulfill their promises.
The solution requires a dismantling of the racial caste system here in the US. It also requires a dismantling of the capitalistic system where it is inherent that the masses will be in poverty. So far the closest party to doing this are the dems.

Dems and repubs have made a lot of promises. Reps just happen to have a large majority of openly racist bigots in their party. I dont waste time being pissed off over things that I personally cannot control.

I cant speak to what the entire Black community thinks as we are obviously not monolithic. Some support the Dems. A large portion believe the whole thing is a crock of shit and a very small minority support the repubs.

Seriously I am out of time because I have to go spend time with my little girl, but I want to respond to this in more depth later. Just really quick, you didn't answer my question. How do you rationalize or justify the Democrats total inaction when they had total power? They were in a position to solve every problem and fulfill every promise they have made....and they did nothing.

NOTHING, Asclepias.

How do you feel about that?
I avoided your question in the hopes you would realize that it made you sound naive. When were they in this position of total power? Dont get me wrong. I think the dems are pretty screwed up as well. Just no where near the level the repubs are.

If you look at the poorest states, they have one thing in common... With one exception, they are all in the southeast. You need to note that those states were solidly Democrat for years, have a high black population which has been dependent on government assistance for decades, and suffered under Jim Crow laws instituted by the Democrats prior to that. So, once again, a lot of the problems can be traced back to the Democrats (even though the far left sites blame everything on the Republicans and neglect to mention the damage the Democrats did to that region when they were in power).

If you look at the poorest states, they have one thing in common... With one exception, they are all in the southeast. You need to note that those states were solidly Democrat for years, have a high black population which has been dependent on government assistance for decades, and suffered under Jim Crow laws instituted by the Democrats prior to that. So, once again, a lot of the problems can be traced back to the Democrats (even though the far left sites blame everything on the Republicans and neglect to mention the Democrat did to that region when they were in power).

Oh cut the fucking crap with this tired old "Democrats run this, Republicans run that" bullshit parlor game. It's fucking old, it's fucking tired, and nobody's buying it. Jesus Christ on a Canker that's fucking lame.

Democrats run cities; Republicans run states. It's just how they're organized. Ain't got squat to do with who's got poverty or who's got crime or who's got rape. See if you can elevate to a Junior High level of discourse. SMFH.
Wow, Pogo

Seems like you're getting testy because I answered someone's question (and it wasn't even directed to you)...

he far left sites blame everything on the Republicans and neglect to mention the damage the Democrats did to that region when they were in power).

You mean the democrats are not STILL in power in that region? OMG!
What happened? How did democrats LOSE power in that region?

Actually, most Republicans aren't racist, and readily accept blacks into the party... They just try to get the blacks that believe that working to get ahead pays off, and Republicans can see that promoting poverty through a welfare state doesn't help blacks.
I beg to differ. I believe in working to get ahead and I would never be a republican. Those that are fall into 2 categories. Uncle Toms and the ones that think fighting to take the republican party back from the racists is fruitful.

whats an uncle tom?

Actually, most Republicans aren't racist, and readily accept blacks into the party... They just try to get the blacks that believe that working to get ahead pays off, and Republicans can see that promoting poverty through a welfare state doesn't help blacks.
I beg to differ. I believe in working to get ahead and I would never be a republican. Those that are fall into 2 categories. Uncle Toms and the ones that think fighting to take the republican party back from the racists is fruitful.

whats an uncle tom?

Actually, most Republicans aren't racist, and readily accept blacks into the party... They just try to get the blacks that believe that working to get ahead pays off, and Republicans can see that promoting poverty through a welfare state doesn't help blacks.
I beg to differ. I believe in working to get ahead and I would never be a republican. Those that are fall into 2 categories. Uncle Toms and the ones that think fighting to take the republican party back from the racists is fruitful.

whats an uncle tom?

an uncle tom- there is no such thing. lib blacks use it to discredit blacks who are smart enough to vote conservative.

Actually, most Republicans aren't racist, and readily accept blacks into the party... They just try to get the blacks that believe that working to get ahead pays off, and Republicans can see that promoting poverty through a welfare state doesn't help blacks.
I beg to differ. I believe in working to get ahead and I would never be a republican. Those that are fall into 2 categories. Uncle Toms and the ones that think fighting to take the republican party back from the racists is fruitful.

whats an uncle tom?

an uncle tom- there is no such thing. lib blacks use it to discredit blacks who are smart enough to vote conservative.
That's not the definition and you know it
It's not just blacks who vote Democratic, it's all minorities from all social strata

Republicans have been insulting them for 40 years, why would they want to belong to that party?
Can you explain why individuals in minorities go Republican if they become successful? It's not because Republicans are "racist", like you claim. It's because they've seen that the Democrats' schemes are failing.
They don't

Asians don't vote Republican neither do wealthy blacks or Hispanics.
Why would they vote for people who hate them?
All someone has to do is read this board, listen to Rush, Hannity, Levin or Watch Fox to realize why blacks will never vote Republican

That is the Republican base
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

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Blaming democrats for racism is like blaming police for crimes. Democrats have done a lot more to prevent racism than republicans have. Why do you think 99% of blacks vote for dems? Is it because dems are racists? If you say dems are racists, then what you are also saying is blacks enjoy racism and want a party that continues to perpetrate racism.

So can you tell us which race the dems are racists against? Blacks or whites?
Another reason is the freebies...

After all, when LBJ signed the legislation giving them welfare, he stated "I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

If dems are smart to figure out how to earn black votes, why can't reps learn from dems and offer more freebies?

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