Why do Blacks vote Democrat?


You need to understand that poverty is not being eliminated by the Dems. As a matter of fact, the poverty rate is going up, and it's the worst in the cities the Democrats control!!!!
Of course its not. Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to stop anyone from eradicating poverty. Their voter base needs poor whites to have someone to blame.

That's total bullshit. Republican politicians have a vested interest in getting people out of poverty. When someone gets money and they will often start to vote Republican because of taxation. The difference is that Republicans say to people of color "you don't need our help. You can do it all on your own. We have enough faith in you to believe that you can create your own success". Honestly, I find the Democratic point of view on this matter terribly insulting to people of color. It's the Democrats who say "oh you can't do it alone. You need help from the white institution". They treat them like children who lack the ability to achieve on their own. It's degrading.
You call that a solution?

Fuck you......get a job

No jobs? Not my problem loser
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And those minority neighborhoods with jobs leaving are run by Democrats.... Don't you think it's time for the Democrats to take responsibility for their own actions and mistakes instead of playing the tired old line of "you're doing OK while I screw everything up, and it's all your fault"?????

And they keep claiming Republicans are voting against their best interest?

Its more hilarious that the poorest states in the union are republican. Of course these poor whites are voting against their self interest.

Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore....

great neighborhoods for minorities there
None of them are in the poorest states run by republicans.


those are just places that have been under Democratic control for decades, and none of them show any chance of improving conditions for minorities.

You list the poorest states?


but that affects blacks and whites both.

the cities I listed?

The only chance minorities have is to move.
You sound like a defeatist. Of course there is always a way to improve conditions. Blacks and whites live in Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore.
If they were born here, they're just Americans.

We are all Americans.

And those Americans who happen to have a darker shade of skin- whom the OP refers to as "Why do Blacks vote Democrat"- I am sure- appreciate being told by Conservatives that the reason 'blacks' vote Democrat is because Conservatives think Blacks are too stupid to know that they shouldn't.

That's not what he said. It's actually a great question. The black community in general is strong on religion and family values. These are Republican values and are generally not championed by Democrats. Republicans believe that people of color do not need the white man's help to have success. We have enough faith in the black community that they can achieve according to their own merits. We actually think it is insulting to the black community to suggest that they need the white man's help to achieve. Democrats clearly don't feel that way judging by their policies and their approach.

My honest belief is that Democratic politicians don't WANT to get blacks or any other minority out of poverty or in a better place in life. Democratic voters do but the politicians don't. Generally when a group starts to have success and they gain money they want to protect it. When you are a tax payer you tend to look fondly on Republican ideals. When you are a tax receiver you look at the Democrats favorably. So getting people out of poverty is the last thing the Democratic politicians want to do because it potentially diminishes their voting block.

Take same sex marriage. Democrats are cheering (many Republicans are too), but while they say how thrilled they are to the media, I can assure you that Democratic politicians are not happy. What do they have to gain the homosexual vote now? The fight is over. Game, set, and match. What cause does the gay community need championed now? You will notice that it was not Democratic politicians who did anything about SSM. They didn't do shit, not even when they had near super-majorities in both houses of Congress and the Presidency. They had total power and what did they do to help? Absolutely nothing. Why? Because it wasn't in their best interests to do so in regard to maintaining a voting block for future elections.

So why do blacks vote for Democrats? Because the politicians have gotten them hooked on the system. I am speaking very generally here, BTW. They have maneuvered the black community into a place where they rely upon the Democrats for their survival and the Democratic politicians keep make promises that they have no intention of keeping because a promise fulfilled is a potential vote lost. Democratic politicians want to keep the noses of minorities right above the water line. They don't want them to drown, but neither do they want them to have success because with success comes potential defection to the Republicans.

Again I am speaking very generally and I am talking about Democratic politicians, not Democratic voters.
Interesting theory. So even though Blacks were predominantly republican for decades after the republican party freed them from slavery you think that loyalty will not be the same if poverty was eradicated by the dems?

It will be for a while but the clock will have started ticking. The LGBTQ community is strongly Democratic right now. If the Republicans are smart and shut the fuck up about the issue I give it 8 years until there are just as many gay Republicans as there are gay Democrats. One must remember that after the end of slavery, the Democrats fucked up by continuing persecution. They passed Jim Crow laws, the KKK was very active, so the Democrats were still demonizing the black community. But once their civil rights were assured what happened? They switched parties and they did so in a hurry. Why? Because the Republicans had gotten them what they wanted (equal civil rights) and with that done and out of the way, they changed their focus to other issues.

If the Democrats eliminated poverty int he black community I would give it ten years MAYBE before they went back to the Republican party, because then their focus will be on protecting their new found wealth and that's what Republicans do. Democrats tax the hell out of people. Once they start getting rich they are going to want low taxes in order to keep what they have achieved. For a Democratic politician, getting the black community out of poverty is a death sentence for future elections.
I think that may be partially true. There is a new awareness among Blacks that the concepts of wealth whites hold dear are dead ends. We come from a culture that values cooperative living and community vs individual investment. I think If the Dems were to somehow eradicate poverty they could bet on poor people of any color staying with them.

Well I would agree that the poor will stay with the Democrats no matter their color. But that's a "tax receiver / tax payer issue" that has nothing to do with the color of one's skin.

You need to understand that poverty is not being eliminated by the Dems. As a matter of fact, the poverty rate is going up, and it's the worst in the cities the Democrats control!!!!
Of course its not. Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to stop anyone from eradicating poverty. Their voter base needs poor whites to have someone to blame.

That's total bullshit. Republican politicians have a vested interest in getting people out of poverty. When someone gets money and they will often start to vote Republican because of taxation. The difference is that Republicans say to people of color "you don't need our help. You can do it all on your own. We have enough faith in you to believe that you can create your own success". Honestly, I find the Democratic point of view on this matter terribly insulting to people of color. It's the Democrats who say "oh you can't do it alone. You need help from the white institution". They treat them like children who lack the ability to achieve on their own. It's degrading.
I agree your post is total BS. If there were no people in poverty repubs couldnt snow them about how their lives are messed up because of Mexicans, Blacks on welfare, gays, and abortion.
And they keep claiming Republicans are voting against their best interest?

Its more hilarious that the poorest states in the union are republican. Of course these poor whites are voting against their self interest.

Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore....

great neighborhoods for minorities there
None of them are in the poorest states run by republicans.


those are just places that have been under Democratic control for decades, and none of them show any chance of improving conditions for minorities.

You list the poorest states?


but that affects blacks and whites both.

the cities I listed?

The only chance minorities have is to move.
You sound like a defeatist. Of course there is always a way to improve conditions. Blacks and whites live in Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore.

"Blacks and whites live in Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore."

Who's having the problems in those cities?

Blacks, or whites?
We are all Americans.

And those Americans who happen to have a darker shade of skin- whom the OP refers to as "Why do Blacks vote Democrat"- I am sure- appreciate being told by Conservatives that the reason 'blacks' vote Democrat is because Conservatives think Blacks are too stupid to know that they shouldn't.

That's not what he said. It's actually a great question. The black community in general is strong on religion and family values. These are Republican values and are generally not championed by Democrats. Republicans believe that people of color do not need the white man's help to have success. We have enough faith in the black community that they can achieve according to their own merits. We actually think it is insulting to the black community to suggest that they need the white man's help to achieve. Democrats clearly don't feel that way judging by their policies and their approach.

My honest belief is that Democratic politicians don't WANT to get blacks or any other minority out of poverty or in a better place in life. Democratic voters do but the politicians don't. Generally when a group starts to have success and they gain money they want to protect it. When you are a tax payer you tend to look fondly on Republican ideals. When you are a tax receiver you look at the Democrats favorably. So getting people out of poverty is the last thing the Democratic politicians want to do because it potentially diminishes their voting block.

Take same sex marriage. Democrats are cheering (many Republicans are too), but while they say how thrilled they are to the media, I can assure you that Democratic politicians are not happy. What do they have to gain the homosexual vote now? The fight is over. Game, set, and match. What cause does the gay community need championed now? You will notice that it was not Democratic politicians who did anything about SSM. They didn't do shit, not even when they had near super-majorities in both houses of Congress and the Presidency. They had total power and what did they do to help? Absolutely nothing. Why? Because it wasn't in their best interests to do so in regard to maintaining a voting block for future elections.

So why do blacks vote for Democrats? Because the politicians have gotten them hooked on the system. I am speaking very generally here, BTW. They have maneuvered the black community into a place where they rely upon the Democrats for their survival and the Democratic politicians keep make promises that they have no intention of keeping because a promise fulfilled is a potential vote lost. Democratic politicians want to keep the noses of minorities right above the water line. They don't want them to drown, but neither do they want them to have success because with success comes potential defection to the Republicans.

Again I am speaking very generally and I am talking about Democratic politicians, not Democratic voters.
Interesting theory. So even though Blacks were predominantly republican for decades after the republican party freed them from slavery you think that loyalty will not be the same if poverty was eradicated by the dems?

It will be for a while but the clock will have started ticking. The LGBTQ community is strongly Democratic right now. If the Republicans are smart and shut the fuck up about the issue I give it 8 years until there are just as many gay Republicans as there are gay Democrats. One must remember that after the end of slavery, the Democrats fucked up by continuing persecution. They passed Jim Crow laws, the KKK was very active, so the Democrats were still demonizing the black community. But once their civil rights were assured what happened? They switched parties and they did so in a hurry. Why? Because the Republicans had gotten them what they wanted (equal civil rights) and with that done and out of the way, they changed their focus to other issues.

If the Democrats eliminated poverty int he black community I would give it ten years MAYBE before they went back to the Republican party, because then their focus will be on protecting their new found wealth and that's what Republicans do. Democrats tax the hell out of people. Once they start getting rich they are going to want low taxes in order to keep what they have achieved. For a Democratic politician, getting the black community out of poverty is a death sentence for future elections.
I think that may be partially true. There is a new awareness among Blacks that the concepts of wealth whites hold dear are dead ends. We come from a culture that values cooperative living and community vs individual investment. I think If the Dems were to somehow eradicate poverty they could bet on poor people of any color staying with them.

Well I would agree that the poor will stay with the Democrats no matter their color. But that's a "tax receiver / tax payer issue" that has nothing to do with the color of one's skin.
Exactly. Lets see starve on the streets and commit crime or get welfare until you get a job? I dont think its a hard choice for poor people.
Its more hilarious that the poorest states in the union are republican. Of course these poor whites are voting against their self interest.

Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore....

great neighborhoods for minorities there
None of them are in the poorest states run by republicans.


those are just places that have been under Democratic control for decades, and none of them show any chance of improving conditions for minorities.

You list the poorest states?


but that affects blacks and whites both.

the cities I listed?

The only chance minorities have is to move.
You sound like a defeatist. Of course there is always a way to improve conditions. Blacks and whites live in Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore.

"Blacks and whites live in Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore."

Who's having the problems in those cities?

Blacks, or whites?
Both but what difference does that make for the poor whites in the states run by republicans?

You need to understand that poverty is not being eliminated by the Dems. As a matter of fact, the poverty rate is going up, and it's the worst in the cities the Democrats control!!!!
Of course its not. Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to stop anyone from eradicating poverty. Their voter base needs poor whites to have someone to blame.
Then why has the poverty rate been increasing in recent years, even when the Democrats are running the country???

It's because those poverty programs the Democrats set up failed!!!!

You need to understand that poverty is not being eliminated by the Dems. As a matter of fact, the poverty rate is going up, and it's the worst in the cities the Democrats control!!!!
Of course its not. Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to stop anyone from eradicating poverty. Their voter base needs poor whites to have someone to blame.
Then why has the poverty rate been increasing in recent years, even when the Democrats are running the country???

It's because those poverty programs the Democrats set up failed!!!!
Are you serious or are you really that simple minded?

You need to understand that poverty is not being eliminated by the Dems. As a matter of fact, the poverty rate is going up, and it's the worst in the cities the Democrats control!!!!
Of course its not. Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to stop anyone from eradicating poverty. Their voter base needs poor whites to have someone to blame.

That's total bullshit. Republican politicians have a vested interest in getting people out of poverty. When someone gets money and they will often start to vote Republican because of taxation. The difference is that Republicans say to people of color "you don't need our help. You can do it all on your own. We have enough faith in you to believe that you can create your own success". Honestly, I find the Democratic point of view on this matter terribly insulting to people of color. It's the Democrats who say "oh you can't do it alone. You need help from the white institution". They treat them like children who lack the ability to achieve on their own. It's degrading.
You call that a solution?

Fuck you......get a job

Republicans don't have the mentality of "fuck you get a job" dude. We recognize that there are times in everyone's life that they need help. They were laid off and they need to support their family while they find a new one, or they have a medical problem that does not allow them to work. We know...we get it and we don't begrudge people using those programs. It's when they screw the system and take advantage of the system that is the problem. A lifelong welfare recipient, for example....we are not benefiting that person. We are keeping them in the cycle of poverty. We want them to get out of poverty. We want them to have success and to be able to be proud that they are independent and strong.

You need to understand that poverty is not being eliminated by the Dems. As a matter of fact, the poverty rate is going up, and it's the worst in the cities the Democrats control!!!!
Of course its not. Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to stop anyone from eradicating poverty. Their voter base needs poor whites to have someone to blame.
Then why has the poverty rate been increasing in recent years, even when the Democrats are running the country???

It's because those poverty programs the Democrats set up failed!!!!
Call it a gross failure of trickle down

I'm serious, and it's actually gotten to where half the country is on some form of government assistance under Obama. Does THAT sound like success????
It's not just blacks who vote Democratic, it's all minorities from all social strata

Republicans have been insulting them for 40 years, why would they want to belong to that party?
Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore....

great neighborhoods for minorities there
None of them are in the poorest states run by republicans.


those are just places that have been under Democratic control for decades, and none of them show any chance of improving conditions for minorities.

You list the poorest states?


but that affects blacks and whites both.

the cities I listed?

The only chance minorities have is to move.
You sound like a defeatist. Of course there is always a way to improve conditions. Blacks and whites live in Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore.

"Blacks and whites live in Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore."

Who's having the problems in those cities?

Blacks, or whites?
Both but what difference does that make for the poor whites in the states run by republicans?

Keep deflecting back to poor states, where EVERYONE is having problems, away from cities like Chicago, (multiple murders weekly), Detroit, (people are afraid to live in large areas of town because of gangs), Baltimore, (we just saw a police commissioner fired because he wasn't able do his job because the idiot mayor figuratively handcuffed him).

all 3 run by democrats for well over half a century.

and those 3 are far from being the ONLY shitholes under the democratic thumb.
None of them are in the poorest states run by republicans.


those are just places that have been under Democratic control for decades, and none of them show any chance of improving conditions for minorities.

You list the poorest states?


but that affects blacks and whites both.

the cities I listed?

The only chance minorities have is to move.
You sound like a defeatist. Of course there is always a way to improve conditions. Blacks and whites live in Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore.

"Blacks and whites live in Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore."

Who's having the problems in those cities?

Blacks, or whites?
Both but what difference does that make for the poor whites in the states run by republicans?

Keep deflecting back to poor states, where EVERYONE is having problems, away from cities like Chicago, (multiple murders weekly), Detroit, (people are afraid to live in large areas of town because of gangs), Baltimore, (we just saw a police commissioner fired because he wasn't able do his job because the idiot mayor figuratively handcuffed him).

all 3 run by democrats for well over half a century.

and those 3 are far from being the ONLY shitholes under the democratic thumb.
Red States = Welfare States

A result so decades of failed Republican policies meant to keep people in poverty
It's not just blacks who vote Democratic, it's all minorities from all social strata

Republicans have been insulting them for 40 years, why would they want to belong to that party?
Can you explain why individuals in minorities go Republican if they become successful? It's not because Republicans are "racist", like you claim. It's because they've seen that the Democrats' schemes are failing.

You need to understand that poverty is not being eliminated by the Dems. As a matter of fact, the poverty rate is going up, and it's the worst in the cities the Democrats control!!!!
Of course its not. Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to stop anyone from eradicating poverty. Their voter base needs poor whites to have someone to blame.

That's total bullshit. Republican politicians have a vested interest in getting people out of poverty. When someone gets money and they will often start to vote Republican because of taxation. The difference is that Republicans say to people of color "you don't need our help. You can do it all on your own. We have enough faith in you to believe that you can create your own success". Honestly, I find the Democratic point of view on this matter terribly insulting to people of color. It's the Democrats who say "oh you can't do it alone. You need help from the white institution". They treat them like children who lack the ability to achieve on their own. It's degrading.
You call that a solution?

Fuck you......get a job

No jobs? Not my problem loser

Reduce corporate taxes and stop giving unions so much power and businesses will stay in the United States. Do you think an American business wants to build a plant in a foreign country? Hell no! They want to build it in the USA because they want to support the American economy and they can dramatically reduce transportation costs. But when a foreign nation gives cheaper labor, less government intrusion, and a lower tax rate they have to do what they have to do. Businesses exist to make a profit and the shareholders demand that they do. Every American has a stake in this. Do you have a 401k? Guess what? You have an interest in the success of corporate America. Do you have a retirement plan that includes investments? Guess what? You have a vested interest in the success of corporate America.

Create a business friendly environment for business and business will stay here and those that have left will come back. Keep maintaining a hostile business environment and companies will leave. It's as simple as that.

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