Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

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Because most repubs are racists that could care less what Blacks think?
But most everybody knows what blacks think: Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson speak for black people and they tell everybody about it on media outlets.
1. They give them free shit
2. They give them a platform to remain a violent, disgusting and stupid people.
3. A platform to attack whites.
Because too many republicans are just like matthew
We could argue over which party is more racist and show plenty of examples for each don't you think?

The fact that Democrats and their media are so quick to shout racism at every opportunity just makes them race baiters not purveyors of the honest truth.

I'm willing to say racism is pretty well balanced between the parties although the Democratic Party has an extensive history of slavery and black oppression.
We could argue but the facts would dictate a loss for anyone arguing they are equally racist.
Well, I'm willing to read over the facts you are willing to present..
Been there done that. No matter how many examples of racist comments I could post you will continue to claim you are right. For example I know its an exercise in futility because, despite the GOP admitting to the southern strategy, you just claimed that the Democratic party of today equals the Democratic party that fought a civil war to keep slavery around.

Actually, most Republicans aren't racist, and readily accept blacks into the party... They just try to get the blacks that believe that working to get ahead pays off, and Republicans can see that promoting poverty through a welfare state doesn't help blacks.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

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Because most repubs are racists that could care less what Blacks think?

Well, big surprise.. I think you're way way way way wrong..and sheesh
Thats ok that you think I'm wrong. I wasnt looking for agreement. I was just stating the obvious.
Perhaps you'll have an epiphany someday and realize that you are wrong. In the meantime enjoy.
Blacks vote Democratic because they refuse to vote for a party that openly welcomes racists to their party[\QUOTE]
Oh really?


As the south turned less racist the color changed from blue to red, proof enough for me.

Actually, most Republicans aren't racist, and readily accept blacks into the party... They just try to get the blacks that believe that working to get ahead pays off, and Republicans can see that promoting poverty through a welfare state doesn't help blacks.
I beg to differ. I believe in working to get ahead and I would never be a republican. Those that are fall into 2 categories. Uncle Toms and the ones that think fighting to take the republican party back from the racists is fruitful.
Blacks vote Democrat because they don't want to vote for the people who keep ridiculing them for voting Democrat,
as if voting Democrat is a symptom of racial inferiority.
Obviously we're not talking racial inferiority, since intelligent blacks DO vote Republican. Maybe they don't like being ridiculed because it takes a real moron to vote for the Democrats.

lol, so only 10% of blacks are intelligent enough to vote Republican?

Yeah, that's the kind of racism I was referring to.
Do you think the SCOTUS is racist too?

I will be Dred Scott thought they were.
.. is it still?
Blacks vote Democrat because they don't want to vote for the people who keep ridiculing them for voting Democrat,
as if voting Democrat is a symptom of racial inferiority.
Obviously we're not talking racial inferiority, since intelligent blacks DO vote Republican. Maybe they don't like being ridiculed because it takes a real moron to vote for the Democrats.

lol, so only 10% of blacks are intelligent enough to vote Republican?

Yeah, that's the kind of racism I was referring to.
Do you think the SCOTUS is racist too?

I will be Dred Scott thought they were.
.. is it still?

don't really know, I am not a mind reader. But considering their recent decisions they may not be racists but they certainly must be drug abusers.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303
Because most repubs are racists that could care less what Blacks think?

Well, big surprise.. I think you're way way way way wrong..and sheesh
Thats ok that you think I'm wrong. I wasnt looking for agreement. I was just stating the obvious.
Perhaps you'll have an epiphany someday and realize that you are wrong. In the meantime enjoy.
Perhaps you will educate yourself and realize there is no way I could be wrong. Until then....

Actually, most Republicans aren't racist, and readily accept blacks into the party... They just try to get the blacks that believe that working to get ahead pays off, and Republicans can see that promoting poverty through a welfare state doesn't help blacks.
Typical Republican.....get a job and your problems would be over

Ignoring the fact that in minority neighborhoods there are three applicants for every opening and companies are pulling out every day
Obviously we're not talking racial inferiority, since intelligent blacks DO vote Republican. Maybe they don't like being ridiculed because it takes a real moron to vote for the Democrats.

lol, so only 10% of blacks are intelligent enough to vote Republican?

Yeah, that's the kind of racism I was referring to.
Do you think the SCOTUS is racist too?

I will be Dred Scott thought they were.
.. is it still?

don't really know, I am not a mind reader. But considering their recent decisions they may not be racists but they certainly must be drug abusers.
uh.. I was hoping NYcarbineer would answer since I asked him. I just wanted to see his opinion. He knows a lot...

Actually, most Republicans aren't racist, and readily accept blacks into the party... They just try to get the blacks that believe that working to get ahead pays off, and Republicans can see that promoting poverty through a welfare state doesn't help blacks.
Typical Republican.....get a job and your problems would be over

Ignoring the fact that in minority neighborhoods there are three applicants for every opening and companies are pulling out every day
Hey. They should be able to pull themselves up by those boot straps that the people without boots cant seem to find.

And those minority neighborhoods with jobs leaving are run by Democrats.... Don't you think it's time for the Democrats to take responsibility for their own actions and mistakes instead of playing the tired old line of "you're doing OK while I screw everything up, and it's all your fault"?????

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