Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

its much easier to vote to get free checks off the backs of the mostly white backs of working people. Vote lib, get your freebies. It really is that simple. Not to mention the constant slander against the GOP and white cons in general.

You are wrong obviously. Most freeloaders are seniors and white people. If you cut back on "freebies" then more whites and seniors will die and suffer more than the black population.

But dn't let these facts come in your way of racism.

If you look at the poorest states, they have one thing in common... With one exception, they are all in the southeast. You need to note that those states were solidly Democrat for years, have a high black population which has been dependent on government assistance for decades, and suffered under Jim Crow laws instituted by the Democrats prior to that. So, once again, a lot of the problems can be traced back to the Democrats (even though the far left sites blame everything on the Republicans and neglect to mention the damage the Democrats did to that region when they were in power).

Really? Jim Crow laws were turned off long time ago. Today the cons has exclusive cnotrol of the south. You people need to wake up and smell the coffee. Cons have made things worse for blacks. Cons deny them basic healthcare. Con racism keeps blacks out of workforce. Blacks suffer more under cons.

I am happy to know cons don't understand these bacis facts. This is why you people will never get minority votes. ever.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

Why do Blacks vote Democratic?

Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Nixon instituted the Southern Strategy
Reagan Talked about Welfare Queens and Young Bucks
Bush said the Scary Black Man Willie Horton was going to get you.
Jesse Helms showed "white hands" complaining about how affirmative action stole your job.
Romney talked about Birth Certificates and the "47%".

The thing is there is a party that has consistently appealed to racism, and that's the Republican party. It might have been a good strategy (and a shameful one) in 1988 when Whites still made up 88% of the electorate.

When they are down to 70% of the electorate, it's less good of an idea.

But keep repeating stuff about Welfare, that'll win people over. No really.
Blacks vote Democrat because (a) they have been dishonestly conditioned over generations by the Left to expect the government to magically make life "fair", not to mention a consistent and relentless lowering of standards and expectations, and (b) the Right has displayed a breathtaking lack of either awareness or self awareness on racism, fundamental human nature and politics, not to mention an apparent willful ignorance about their situation in general.

American Blacks should be much further along in their development and progress after the evils of slavery, but unfortunately their progress has been completely hamstrung and impeded by politics. As a result, they have been effectively victimized for a second time in this nation's history.

Sadly, the perpetrators on both "ends" of this topic absolutely refuse to look in the mirror.

Okie dokie, back to the partisan finger-pointing....

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Blacks vote Democrat because (a) they have been dishonestly conditioned over generations by the Left to expect the government to magically make life "fair", not to mention a consistent and relentless lowering of standards and expectations, and (b) the Right has displayed a breathtaking lack of either awareness or self awareness on racism, fundamental human nature and politics, not to mention an apparent willful ignorance about their situation in general.

American Blacks should be much further along in their development and progress after the evils of slavery, but unfortunately their progress has been completely hamstrung and impeded by politics. As a result, they have been effectively victimized for a second time in this nation's history.

Sadly, the perpetrators on both "ends" of this topic absolutely refuse to look in the mirror.

Okie dokie, back to the partisan finger-pointing....


No, this is not partisanship. It's a very basic simple lesson of life. If you help someone, then they vote for you. If you are an a$$hole towards them they don't vote for you.

You and other cons have often said that helping black people is victimizing them. What you dishonest people never tell the people and yourself is this: More white people and seniors are on government dole than ALL blacks combined. I am not even talking about SS.

There are more white people benefitting from corporate welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, section 8, food stamps and other government programs than ALL blacks combined and alive today.

But as I tell cons often, don't let these basic facts get in the way of you hating black people. You will always continue to hate blacks and blame them for accepting government aid while completely ignoring the seniors (the real freeloaders) and white single moms and latina single moms and many other people in this country.
Blacks vote Democrat because (a) they have been dishonestly conditioned over generations by the Left to expect the government to magically make life "fair", not to mention a consistent and relentless lowering of standards and expectations, and (b) the Right has displayed a breathtaking lack of either awareness or self awareness on racism, fundamental human nature and politics, not to mention an apparent willful ignorance about their situation in general.

American Blacks should be much further along in their development and progress after the evils of slavery, but unfortunately their progress has been completely hamstrung and impeded by politics. As a result, they have been effectively victimized for a second time in this nation's history.

Sadly, the perpetrators on both "ends" of this topic absolutely refuse to look in the mirror.

Okie dokie, back to the partisan finger-pointing....


No, this is not partisanship. It's a very basic simple lesson of life. If you help someone, then they vote for you. If you are an a$$hole towards them they don't vote for you.

You and other cons have often said that helping black people is victimizing them. What you dishonest people never tell the people and yourself is this: More white people and seniors are on government dole than ALL blacks combined. I am not even talking about SS.

There are more white people benefitting from corporate welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, section 8, food stamps and other government programs than ALL blacks combined and alive today.

But as I tell cons often, don't let these basic facts get in the way of you hating black people. You will always continue to hate blacks and blame them for accepting government aid while completely ignoring the seniors (the real freeloaders) and white single moms and latina single moms and many other people in this country.
I'm not a conservative, sorry.

And thanks for getting right back to the partisan finger-pointing, per my prediction.

Blacks vote Democrat because (a) they have been dishonestly conditioned over generations by the Left to expect the government to magically make life "fair", not to mention a consistent and relentless lowering of standards and expectations, and (b) the Right has displayed a breathtaking lack of either awareness or self awareness on racism, fundamental human nature and politics, not to mention an apparent willful ignorance about their situation in general.

American Blacks should be much further along in their development and progress after the evils of slavery, but unfortunately their progress has been completely hamstrung and impeded by politics. As a result, they have been effectively victimized for a second time in this nation's history.

Sadly, the perpetrators on both "ends" of this topic absolutely refuse to look in the mirror.

Okie dokie, back to the partisan finger-pointing....


No, this is not partisanship. It's a very basic simple lesson of life. If you help someone, then they vote for you. If you are an a$$hole towards them they don't vote for you.

You and other cons have often said that helping black people is victimizing them. What you dishonest people never tell the people and yourself is this: More white people and seniors are on government dole than ALL blacks combined. I am not even talking about SS.

There are more white people benefitting from corporate welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, section 8, food stamps and other government programs than ALL blacks combined and alive today.

But as I tell cons often, don't let these basic facts get in the way of you hating black people. You will always continue to hate blacks and blame them for accepting government aid while completely ignoring the seniors (the real freeloaders) and white single moms and latina single moms and many other people in this country.
I'm not a conservative, sorry.

And thanks for getting right back to the partisan finger-pointing, per my prediction.


I answered the question you raised. If you have a non partisan solution then go ahead and work on it. Tell the government something we don't already know. Bye.
1. They give them free shit
2. They give them a platform to remain a violent, disgusting and stupid people.
3. A platform to attack whites.

You idiots do understand don't you that if 90% of black Americans are voting Democrat, it's not just poor blacks voting Democrat;

90% of black Americans are not poor.

btw, with over 70% of Jewish Americans voting Democrat, and well over 70% of Asian Americans voting Democrat,

what's the RWnut talking point to explain that? Is that all about poor Jews and Asians wanting free stuff?
You want to start fixing the problems of poverty? Start by giving EVERYONE universal basic healthcare, regardless of income status, government funded, paid out of taxes.

With that, no poor person has any disincentive to get a job because making more money might lose them their Medicaid or other low income based healthcare coverage.

For starters.
Here's one good reason why 43 million blacks are pissed off at conservatives.

When a white cop in S. Carolina shot a black man running away from the white cop, the white cop shot the black man in the back 8 times. Many KKK and local folks raised money for this white cop for his legal defense.

This is one of a million reasons why blacks will never vote for cons.
Blacks vote Democrat because (a) they have been dishonestly conditioned over generations by the Left to expect the government to magically make life "fair", not to mention a consistent and relentless lowering of standards and expectations, and (b) the Right has displayed a breathtaking lack of either awareness or self awareness on racism, fundamental human nature and politics, not to mention an apparent willful ignorance about their situation in general.

American Blacks should be much further along in their development and progress after the evils of slavery, but unfortunately their progress has been completely hamstrung and impeded by politics. As a result, they have been effectively victimized for a second time in this nation's history.

Sadly, the perpetrators on both "ends" of this topic absolutely refuse to look in the mirror.

Okie dokie, back to the partisan finger-pointing....

Democrats are helping to make life fair. They have pushed for affirmative action, healthcare, childcare, jobs programs, anti poverty programs, minimum wage increases

All Republicans offered was more prisons
It is really confusing to me why cons don't understand the basic rule of life. "If you are nice to me, then I will be nice to you". You want black votes? Then be nice to them. This does not mean handout. This means equal opportunity, respect and dignity.

Why is this so difficult for cons to understand? You expect blacks to vote for your party when your party members were calling Obama Kenyan, Muslim, "Hussein", socialist, Marxist, corporate whore, community organizer, liar, anti-American?
Another reason is the freebies...

After all, when LBJ signed the legislation giving them welfare, he stated "I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

If dems are smart to figure out how to earn black votes, why can't reps learn from dems and offer more freebies?
What's wrong??? Have you already blown that welfare check the Dims give you for being a non-productive member of society???
Another reason is the freebies...

After all, when LBJ signed the legislation giving them welfare, he stated "I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

If dems are smart to figure out how to earn black votes, why can't reps learn from dems and offer more freebies?
What's wrong??? Have you already blown that welfare check the Dims give you for being a non-productive member of society???
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Yep, you keep throwing away the votes. Dems will pick them up. It's like throwing away your money out of your car. Heck yeah, I will run behind your car and pick up as much as I can, of course assuming you are the only car on highway and there are no other cars around on the road. Let's play this game on an empty race track completely closed off for public. You throw the money, I pick it up.

That's how you treat minority votes.

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