Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

But....being stripped of your identity and named after your owner is the ultimate in EQUALITY. What more would any good negro want?
For GOD'S sake man! The GOP freed the slaves 150 years ago.
Jeeze! Please try to man up and accept facts. No one can give you your African last name back. You don't know what it is. I don't either. Hell you don't even know if you had one.

BUT you want equal rights to set yourself apart. Makes no sense.

You think I'm black? That's fun.
I was speaking in generalities. I don't care what race you are.

Now you are lying. Pitiful.

noun gen·er·al·i·ty \ˌje-nə-ˈra-lə-tē\
: a statement that is not specific or detailed

: the quality or state of being general rather than specific or detailed

: the biggest part of a group
Yep-I am sure that African Americans love being told by Conservatives that the reason they vote Democrat is because all African Americans are too stupid not to.
I agree, its much better to be told that you need handouts and lower standards for schools, work and military because you belong to a genetically inferior race.
Fuck those ignorant conservatives for saying you are equal and should be able to excel in the same manner as your white counterparts.
They are equal. It's not them it's things are equal. Maybe you misunderstood
making things unequal indicates they are not equal. Perhaps you dont understand.
lets put it this way, you need a complicated surgery, you have a choice between two doctors.
doctor one could have been accepted at a college with lower grades than required, he might have graduated with substandard grades and its possible that he was hired just to fill a government mandated position in the hospital.
doctor two is of a race that even though there might have been an economic advantage, he had to graduate top in his class in high school to be accepted at the college, he had to graduate with top of the class grades from medical school and he really had to show potential in order to be hired at the hospital instead of a government mandated spot.
of course you dont know for sure about the first one, but the question is there.
which doctor do you choose to perform your surgery.

then there is the chance that the first doctor is actually better than the second. but, do you take the chance?
Let me tell you a true story. Since they ended quotas in medical schools we've seen less blacks becoming doctors. As a result we have a shortage of hood doctors. None of the privileged whites want to work in the hood after graduation.
I have often wondered why the US supports government schools to harm people and not one to help people. A medical academy could be created to teach doctors and other medical personnel how to treat the afflicted. An add-on, as at West point and others, that for the education they will be assigned for a time where needed.
because if the government runs it, it will be substandard and geared to the lowest denominator when it comes to those attending.
I wouldn't want any of those "graduates" to be my doctor.
What have they done?

Affirmative action, education programs, healthcare, mass transit, childcare, jobs programs, minority business initiatives.....

What have republicans offered other than more prisons?

Those are general categories. Both Republicans and Democrats can lay claim to the same. 'Please be specific' was included for a reason.

I named programs promoted by Democrats today, not Republicans fifty years ago

Name a program today supported by Republicans that helps minorities but isn't a windfall for the wealthy

So you admit that it was Republicans, and not Democrats, which supported those general programs. Awesome!

I asked you to be specific first.

I provided specifics. Still waiting on anything from you.

Try to give something Republicans have supported in the last 35 years that helps minorities or the poor without helping the wealthy more?
Republicans are never for any programs that help all of us. Healthcare education Social Security. They would even sell Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon. They don't think much about the commons. They think private land owners should own these things and run them. Then the tax payers wouldn't have to pay for park rangers etc. Then that private land owner would make a profit hire people maintain the place and pay taxes.
The healthcare crap is not for everyone, it is for the lazy bastards that are already sucking off the taxpayer for everything they have. Social Security was a great idea until the democrats decided that those that didnt put into it could take from it, same with Medicare, it was meant as an account to take care of people later in life, it was not meant to be drained so hood rats could have Medicaid.
and they wont sell Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon, these places are visited by mostly whites, which means little chance of violence.
Blacks vote Democratic because they refuse to vote for a party that openly welcomes racists to their party and uses them as scapegoats to place the blame of societies woes

The only thing Republicans have done for blacks is build more prisons

Democrats hope they believe this so they can continue to exploit them for political gain.
Is West Point geared to the lowest common denominator? Maybe if one thinks more of what is good for the American people things take on a different perspective?
But....being stripped of your identity and named after your owner is the ultimate in EQUALITY. What more would any good negro want?
For GOD'S sake man! The GOP freed the slaves 150 years ago.
Jeeze! Please try to man up and accept facts. No one can give you your African last name back. You don't know what it is. I don't either. Hell you don't even know if you had one.

BUT you want equal rights to set yourself apart. Makes no sense.

You think I'm black? That's fun.
I was speaking in generalities. I don't care what race you are.

Now you are lying. Pitiful.

noun gen·er·al·i·ty \ˌje-nə-ˈra-lə-tē\
: a statement that is not specific or detailed

: the quality or state of being general rather than specific or detailed

: the biggest part of a group


noun bull~shit
: what ErnieS does when he is proven to be a fool
So let's see what the Democrats' policies have given blacks....

Murder Rate for Black Americans Is Four Times the National Average Josh Sugarmann
Murder Rate for Black Americans Is Four Times the National Average

Poverty Rate by Race Ethnicity The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
10% of whites live in poverty, 27% of blacks

72 Of Black Kids Raised In Single Parent Household 25 Percent In U.S. News One
72 Percent Of Black Kids Raised By Single Parent, 25% Overall In U.S.

Education levels of African Americans vs. the general population
African American education levels: 77.6% of those ages 18+ are high school graduates (versus 83.1% of the population).

BlackDemographics.com INCOME
During the 1990s African American income grew tremendously. By 2000, 57.9% of African American households had an annual income of $35K or more compared to just 38.2% in 1970. However due to the recession that number dropped to just 46% by 2011 reversing much of these gains. The most dramatic change during this same period is the percentage of Black households making under $15K (from 14.5% in 2000 to 25.4% in 2011) which is well below the poverty line.

Although incomes for African Americans have improved significantly since the Civil Rights era, they are still lower then the average Americans. For example the median income for Black families is $20 thousand a year less than the American median income. As you can see from the chart labeled Family Income 2010 thatBlack married-couple families make more than twice that of Female householder families. This charts also proves that there is a substantial benefit for those in a married-couple family regardless of race or ethnicity.

Very good charts

They highlight the effect of supply side economics on our poorest citizens
Is West Point geared to the lowest common denominator? Maybe if one thinks more of what is good for the American people things take on a different perspective?
Its becoming that way, along with the rest of the military.
as far as the theory that they should have a medical school the same as west point. West Point is backed by the Constitution, A medical school would not be.
Nowhere in the constitution is a college education mentioned as a right.
Face it Dems. The facts don't lie. All the really shitty places to live in the United States are those places controlled by the Democrat party.

Deal with it.


New York, Los Angeles, San Fransico are our most visited cities

Which Republican controlled city or state does anyone want to visit?

Have you ever been hiking in Wyoming, Montana or Alaska?

oh well...

Which Democrat controlled city or state does anyone want to live in?

Eight million people want to live in New York
Face it Dems. The facts don't lie. All the really shitty places to live in the United States are those places controlled by the Democrat party.

Deal with it.


New York, Los Angeles, San Fransico are our most visited cities

Which Republican controlled city or state does anyone want to visit?

Have you ever been hiking in Wyoming, Montana or Alaska?

oh well...

Which Democrat controlled city or state does anyone want to live in?

Eight million people want to live in New York
2 million want to live there. 6 million can't afford to move.
Is West Point geared to the lowest common denominator? Maybe if one thinks more of what is good for the American people things take on a different perspective?
Its becoming that way, along with the rest of the military.
as far as the theory that they should have a medical school the same as west point. West Point is backed by the Constitution, A medical school would not be.
Nowhere in the constitution is a college education mentioned as a right.
The government has a college of medicine check out USU. in addition there is the Veterans
Administration, and Medicare.
Face it Dems. The facts don't lie. All the really shitty places to live in the United States are those places controlled by the Democrat party.

Deal with it.


New York, Los Angeles, San Fransico are our most visited cities

Which Republican controlled city or state does anyone want to visit?

Have you ever been hiking in Wyoming, Montana or Alaska?

oh well...

Which Democrat controlled city or state does anyone want to live in?

Eight million people want to live in New York
2 million want to live there. 6 million can't afford to move.
One of the most expensive cities to live in. Anywhere else is cheaper

Yet NYC has eight million.....not bad for Democratic leadership
That's bullshit.
I hire people with the skills I need to fill an opening. I will admit that I succumb to stereotypes at times, especially when I review resumes for possible candidates.
I figure parents that burden their children with some made up pseudo-African name are militant agitators and have raised their children the same way. I want Americans in my employ. I don't want people who identify as Gay-American, German-American Afro_American or Japanese-American. I don't want racists of any skin tone.

So you just admitted that you will disqualify a candidate if they have a "black" name. But you aren't even a little bit racist, right, Cleetus?

So let's look at that. If someone applies to your Possum Catching Company with a name like "Tetsuo Suzuki", you wouldn't hire him because he wasn't "American"? Or "Jamal Washington"?
They got the names when they were property. Right or wrong, they were slaves. For the last 150 years they have been Americans. They have American last names.
THAT'S equality.
So, since slavery ended, black people have wanted to be equal; or have they?
Why, if you want to be treated the same way everyone else is, would you purposely set yourself apart?

Are you really trying to argue that blacks have been equal for the last 150 years? Did you miss the whole "Jim Crow" thing?
and your effort to rid yourself of white guilt and try to mistakenly prove you are not a racist are also being expressed rather openly.
Here I am saying the blacks don't need help because the are not less intelligent, you say they need help because they are less intelligent and I'm the racist?
Keep thinking that.

No, guy, what you are saying is that we need affirmative action because blacks are less intelligent, because you whine about "test scores". I wasn't even talking about college admissions, I was talking about job placement. Not familiar with a lot of jobs that make you take a "test" to get on board.

they need help because white people make the hiring decisions. And even when they aren't openly racist like your boy Ernie just admitted he was, you have the subtle racism of just wanting to hire people you feel comfortable with.

Case in point. In my department, we had three people leave the company in 2012.

One was a Chinese woman who had been with the company for 9 years, and had developed a lot of our relationships with Asian vendors.
One was a black woman who had been with us for two years.
One was a white, blonde intern who had worked with us for just the summer.

Guess which one the General Manager cleared his schedule for to go to her going away luncheon.
And Democrats are 85% white.

Uh, no, they aren't.

Okay, let's look at the Demographics of who voted for Obama.

Democrats have a tremendous amount of diversity in their ranks, especially when compared with the 87 percent white Republican Party. The most loyal bloc of Democratic supporters are African-Americans, with women supporting Democrats a staggering 90 percent of the time and men slightly less.

This support is engrained in the culture and cuts across age, income and regional divisions. This support has been longstanding for many decades, but has increased in intensity since Democrats chose Barack Obama as the party’s standard-bearer.

Hispanics, the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States, also tend to support Democrats — voting for them 60 to 70 percent of the time. Unlike African-American support, a Hispanic voter’s support is more likely to be affected by income or location than by race.

The Hispanic population makes up 16 percent of the country, and is expected to nearly double by 2050.

Economic Demographics of Democrats Liberals Politics Debt
1. They give them free shit
2. They give them a platform to remain a violent, disgusting and stupid people.
3. A platform to attack whites.
This right here is why blacks don't vote Republican. They are not going to vote for a party which clearly hates them, and panders to people who say shit like this.

The only real mystery is why retards keep asking why blacks don't vote Republican. Just look within your own party, retards!
But....being stripped of your identity and named after your owner is the ultimate in EQUALITY. What more would any good negro want?

Whose been stripped of their identity and named after their owner? Lou Alcindor ??? Cassius Clay?

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