Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

That's bullshit.
I hire people with the skills I need to fill an opening. I will admit that I succumb to stereotypes at times, especially when I review resumes for possible candidates.
I figure parents that burden their children with some made up pseudo-African name are militant agitators and have raised their children the same way. I want Americans in my employ. I don't want people who identify as Gay-American, German-American Afro_American or Japanese-American. I don't want racists of any skin tone.

So you just admitted that you will disqualify a candidate if they have a "black" name. But you aren't even a little bit racist, right, Cleetus?

So let's look at that. If someone applies to your Possum Catching Company with a name like "Tetsuo Suzuki", you wouldn't hire him because he wasn't "American"? Or "Jamal Washington"?
I will disqualify a candidate I see as a militant racist. I don't much care what race he is.
Tetsuo Suzuki would get his resume read as would a black Stephen Washington even if he included a photo with his application. I have no problem hiring the best candidate for a job if I think he is a good fit
Jamal Washington's resume would go to the bottom of the stack.
I've been out in the real world long enough to know that a great many people who give their kids "African" names are militant racist asses that think Whitey owes them a living. They typically raise their kids to be the same way.
Have I missed a good candidate here or there along the way? I probably have, but in the end, I have saved countless hours reading resumes and interviewing people who would not fit in at my place of business. I'm not about to apologize for what I have learned over the years. Nor am I apt to change.
They got the names when they were property. Right or wrong, they were slaves. For the last 150 years they have been Americans. They have American last names.
THAT'S equality.
So, since slavery ended, black people have wanted to be equal; or have they?
Why, if you want to be treated the same way everyone else is, would you purposely set yourself apart?

Are you really trying to argue that blacks have been equal for the last 150 years? Did you miss the whole "Jim Crow" thing?
Nope. It took the GOP about a hundred years to end Jim Crow.
I will disqualify a candidate I see as a militant racist. I don't much care what race he is.
Tetsuo Suzuki would get his resume read as would a black Stephen Washington even if he included a photo with his application. I have no problem hiring the best candidate for a job if I think he is a good fit

Who the hell asks for a PHOTO on a resume?

Jamal Washington's resume would go to the bottom of the stack.

Because you're racist. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to getting help.

I've been out in the real world long enough to know that a great many people who give their kids "African" names are militant racist asses that think Whitey owes them a living. They typically raise their kids to be the same way.

Really? I live in Chicago and haven't met anyone like that not even once. I also never met anyone like that when I was in the military for 11 years.

Have I missed a good candidate here or there along the way? I probably have, but in the end, I have saved countless hours reading resumes and interviewing people who would not fit in at my place of business. I'm not about to apologize for what I have learned over the years. Nor am I apt to change.

No, but you do demonstrate why we need Affirmative Action.
Better question

Why does ANYONE vote democrat? With the talk & behaviors I've seen the last few years it astonishes me that they hold any seats.

Really? The Democrats brought us the worst recession in 80 years and wars based on lies?

Oh, no, wait, that was REPUBLICANS.
The war would have been unnecessary had WJC done his job and there would have been no recession without the subprime mortgage market created by JEC.
I will disqualify a candidate I see as a militant racist. I don't much care what race he is.
Tetsuo Suzuki would get his resume read as would a black Stephen Washington even if he included a photo with his application. I have no problem hiring the best candidate for a job if I think he is a good fit

Who the hell asks for a PHOTO on a resume?

Jamal Washington's resume would go to the bottom of the stack.

Because you're racist. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to getting help.

I've been out in the real world long enough to know that a great many people who give their kids "African" names are militant racist asses that think Whitey owes them a living. They typically raise their kids to be the same way.

Really? I live in Chicago and haven't met anyone like that not even once. I also never met anyone like that when I was in the military for 11 years.

Have I missed a good candidate here or there along the way? I probably have, but in the end, I have saved countless hours reading resumes and interviewing people who would not fit in at my place of business. I'm not about to apologize for what I have learned over the years. Nor am I apt to change.

No, but you do demonstrate why we need Affirmative Action.

I was in the military for 20, and met several.

I worked Corrections for 10, and met dozens.
That's bullshit.
I hire people with the skills I need to fill an opening. I will admit that I succumb to stereotypes at times, especially when I review resumes for possible candidates.
I figure parents that burden their children with some made up pseudo-African name are militant agitators and have raised their children the same way. I want Americans in my employ. I don't want people who identify as Gay-American, German-American Afro_American or Japanese-American. I don't want racists of any skin tone.

So you just admitted that you will disqualify a candidate if they have a "black" name. But you aren't even a little bit racist, right, Cleetus?

So let's look at that. If someone applies to your Possum Catching Company with a name like "Tetsuo Suzuki", you wouldn't hire him because he wasn't "American"? Or "Jamal Washington"?
I will disqualify a candidate I see as a militant racist. I don't much care what race he is.
Tetsuo Suzuki would get his resume read as would a black Stephen Washington even if he included a photo with his application. I have no problem hiring the best candidate for a job if I think he is a good fit
Jamal Washington's resume would go to the bottom of the stack.
I've been out in the real world long enough to know that a great many people who give their kids "African" names are militant racist asses that think Whitey owes them a living. They typically raise their kids to be the same way.
Have I missed a good candidate here or there along the way? I probably have, but in the end, I have saved countless hours reading resumes and interviewing people who would not fit in at my place of business. I'm not about to apologize for what I have learned over the years. Nor am I apt to change.
Exactly why things are not fair for black people yet thank you for admitting it.
I will disqualify a candidate I see as a militant racist. I don't much care what race he is.
Tetsuo Suzuki would get his resume read as would a black Stephen Washington even if he included a photo with his application. I have no problem hiring the best candidate for a job if I think he is a good fit

Who the hell asks for a PHOTO on a resume?

Jamal Washington's resume would go to the bottom of the stack.

Because you're racist. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to getting help.

I've been out in the real world long enough to know that a great many people who give their kids "African" names are militant racist asses that think Whitey owes them a living. They typically raise their kids to be the same way.

Really? I live in Chicago and haven't met anyone like that not even once. I also never met anyone like that when I was in the military for 11 years.

Have I missed a good candidate here or there along the way? I probably have, but in the end, I have saved countless hours reading resumes and interviewing people who would not fit in at my place of business. I'm not about to apologize for what I have learned over the years. Nor am I apt to change.

No, but you do demonstrate why we need Affirmative Action.
Stupid names Stuff Black People Hate
No life is not fair. I buried my oldest child, some black kid with an "African" name has been passed over for a job. Perceptions matter. Don't walk into my place of business with your ass hanging out of your pants and don't apply for a clerical position with finger nails that should require an oversize load permit. In case #1, I don't think someone who cares so little about his appearance should be the face of my company and #2 physical limitations are one thing but don't claim disability for something you can control.

Do blacks want equality or separate but equal?
Your names scream the latter.
and your effort to rid yourself of white guilt and try to mistakenly prove you are not a racist are also being expressed rather openly.
Here I am saying the blacks don't need help because the are not less intelligent, you say they need help because they are less intelligent and I'm the racist?
Keep thinking that.

No, guy, what you are saying is that we need affirmative action because blacks are less intelligent, because you whine about "test scores". I wasn't even talking about college admissions, I was talking about job placement. Not familiar with a lot of jobs that make you take a "test" to get on board.

they need help because white people make the hiring decisions. And even when they aren't openly racist like your boy Ernie just admitted he was, you have the subtle racism of just wanting to hire people you feel comfortable with.

Case in point. In my department, we had three people leave the company in 2012.

One was a Chinese woman who had been with the company for 9 years, and had developed a lot of our relationships with Asian vendors.
One was a black woman who had been with us for two years.
One was a white, blonde intern who had worked with us for just the summer.

Guess which one the General Manager cleared his schedule for to go to her going away luncheon.
The one that was blowing him under the desk?
1. They give them free shit
2. They give them a platform to remain a violent, disgusting and stupid people.
3. A platform to attack whites.
Why do black people vote Democrat? Are people like Matthew, who speak like Matthew, Democrat? Know the answer to that question and you will have the answer to your question.
If only changing parties or ideology was as easy as changing your pants.

But ingrained loyalty is hard to just drop. It has nothing to do with intelligence or give aways or anything like that. At some time in the past the blacks switched from the party that FREED them to the party that actually did put them in CHAINS. The same party that has not yet apologized for their past. Why doesn't someone apologize? Because they don't feel they have done anything wrong. So be it with the democrat party.

LBJ predicted he would have those n....ers voting democrat for 100 years and so far he has been right.

There are two huge con jobs that simply amaze me.

One is that the rich democrat aristocrats were able to talk the brave southern poor to charge into canister to protect the rich democrat way of life.

The other is how LBJ got blacks to change party.

Both should be in history book on how effective propaganda can really be.
Again, LBJ did not say that. I guess you are of the Party that thinks if they repeat a lie enough times.......
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303
Maybe, just maybe, your perception of the Democratic Party is inaccurate.
all read her kneesAll and realize things are not fair for black people yet because people like Bernie exist.
1. They give them free shit
2. They give them a platform to remain a violent, disgusting and stupid people.
3. A platform to attack whites.
Why do black people vote Democrat? Are people like Matthew, who speak like Matthew, Democrat? Know the answer to that question and you will have the answer to your question.
Do Democrats give them free shit?
Do they remain, on average, more violent than whites, currently?
Do they or do they not, attack whites far more often that whites attack blacks?

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