Why do Blacks vote Democrat?


He's right. Bill Clinton gave up a chance to kill Bin Laden, and he started the sub prime business, which led to the housing bubble.

Uh, no, he didn't. The Sudan offered to turn over Bin Laden to Saudi Arabia. At the time, we had no complaints against the guy, and the Saudis didn't want him.

Clinton DID try to kill bin Laden in 1998, and Republicans accused him of making up a fake crisis to distract from the Lewinsky Affair. They made jokes about Aspirin Factories.

On the other hand, when Bush was handed a report that said, "Bin Laden Determined to strike US", he said, "You covered your ass" and went fishing. 9/11 happened a month later.

Now, on to the Housing Bubble. The problem was not the "Sub-Prime business', it was Bush allowing Wall Street to sell those mortgages as investments that caused the meltdown.

And Hillary voted for the war in Iraq, and even made speeches in the Senate to get other Democrats to vote for it.

and i'm sure that cost her the nomination in 2008, but so fucking what?

Bush was the guy who beat the war drums against Iraq, a country that hadn't attacked us and didn't have the weapons he claimed they had.

Bush Lied. People Died. and you fools are about to nominate his brother.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

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The same reason Republicans are 90% white.
And Democrats are 85% white. What's your point? Over the years, you have repeated this 90% number a half billion times. You act as if that makes Republicans racist. Of course 95% of blacks voting for a black man is not racist in the least.
You're a bad joke with a weak punchline, Dweeb
About 95% of black voters are Democrats. DId you expect them to vote Republican in 08 and 12? :rofl:

I wouldn't say mentioning welfare is necessarily racist.... I'm sure a lot of worthless white Democrats get it, in addition to blacks, so race has nothing to do with it!!!

A Koch Brother, a Teabagger and a Single Mom walk into a restaurant and the waiter brings out 10 cookies.

The Koch Brother wolfs down 9 cookies and then says to the Teabagger, "That Welfare Queen wants half your Cookie!"
Better question

Why does ANYONE vote democrat? With the talk & behaviors I've seen the last few years it astonishes me that they hold any seats.

Most Americans just aren't as smart as you, I guess. If only you could influence them somehow. Educate them. If only.
You could be the smartest person in the country an still cast an ignorant vote when you're not informed about politics
You do it every time
Says the drone who votes based on image rather than issues.
Kosh...is that you?
I caught that too. Hmmmmmm.
Can't help myself...

I literally fall out of my chair when some fool brings up the Aug 6 PDB.
1. They give them free shit
2. They give them a platform to remain a violent, disgusting and stupid people.
3. A platform to attack whites.
Why do black people vote Democrat? Are people like Matthew, who speak like Matthew, Democrat? Know the answer to that question and you will have the answer to your question.
Do Democrats give them free shit?
Do they remain, on average, more violent than whites, currently?
Do they or do they not, attack whites far more often that whites attack blacks?
And yet...you focus on "black sounding" names when rejecting new hires. Nope....no racial problems there...........

I'm serious, and it's actually gotten to where half the country is on some form of government assistance under Obama. Does THAT sound like success????
Oh? Half the country? Are you counting Social Security and government worker pensions....like military retirement?

You believe military retirement falls under 'government assistance'?

Government worker pensions fall under 'government assistance'?
Nope....I was asking Obiwan if he was fudging his numbers by including those things.
Racist quotes from LBJ appear in print form dozens of sources yet apologists deny history in favor of whitewashing the legacy of one of the most evil people to ever sit in the big chair.
Do you have witnesses that can dispute claims made by people present when LBJ supposedly made the racist statements attributed to him? I've read several first hand accounts of the voting Democrat for 200 years and Thurgood Marshal quotes we've all heard. I've never heard of anyone present at the time who disputed those claims.
Nope...there was only one source......and it was hearsay only. But we know how people like you like to repeat stuff over and over in order to make it sound like the truth.

He's right. Bill Clinton gave up a chance to kill Bin Laden, and he started the sub prime business, which led to the housing bubble.

And Hillary voted for the war in Iraq, and even made speeches in the Senate to get other Democrats to vote for it.
And our SEALS under President Obama killed OBL...and we all remember how the RWrs here went into mourning over that.

I'm serious, and it's actually gotten to where half the country is on some form of government assistance under Obama. Does THAT sound like success????
Oh? Half the country? Are you counting Social Security and government worker pensions....like military retirement?

You believe military retirement falls under 'government assistance'?

Government worker pensions fall under 'government assistance'?
Nope....I was asking Obiwan if he was fudging his numbers by including those things.

Why would you even consider including them?

What study would?

Looks like more deflection
I am not a black person, I am a white person, but I am sick and tired of this two party monopoly on our government. I think we need more parties, better candidates, better choices. Also, it sickens me that one has to be SO rich to run for president in this country that they are out of touch with ordinary Americans and our problems. They are SO rich, they cannot possibly relate to us regular people. Life is completely different for those people, and also a lot of people get rich by doing some not very good or honest things, so I feel a little bit distrustful of such people, like Donald Trump. He's also too much of a ham, hamming it up for the cameras all the time. Meh, I guess that's no different from Obama. :D
1. They give them free shit
2. They give them a platform to remain a violent, disgusting and stupid people.
3. A platform to attack whites.
Because too many republicans are just like matthew

Come on,we give stupid white democrats just as much shit as stupid black democrats. You're the one's who turn it into a racial issue.
So....why do threads like this only quiz black democrats?

I didnt quiz anyone.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

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There are some real sleazy republican Politicians, and ones who are out of touch with common Americans, like poor blacks. while its true the same can be said for Democrat politicians, I believe they are the masters of communication and know how to paint those republicans as what it means to be conservative in general. The Republicans for some reason dont know how to sell an idea, and I think many of the good ones may be silenced by the Good ol boys in the party anyways, seems like th eonly time they try to talk about what they stand for is around election time, meanwhile Democrats seem to be constantly in campaign mode with their use of the media . Its a wonder anyone votes for republicans, other than the fact that they are not Democrats.

I'm serious, and it's actually gotten to where half the country is on some form of government assistance under Obama. Does THAT sound like success????
Oh? Half the country? Are you counting Social Security and government worker pensions....like military retirement?

You believe military retirement falls under 'government assistance'?

Government worker pensions fall under 'government assistance'?
Nope....I was asking Obiwan if he was fudging his numbers by including those things.

Why would you even consider including them?

What study would?

Looks like more deflection
Think about how Obiwan would want to inflate his figures. Think about it for a bit....maybe it will come to you.
They don't seem to know that Bill had a PDB in December 1998: "Bin Ladin Preparing to Hijack US Aircraft and Other Attacks"

Don't remember anything in Bush's PDB about Bin Laden hijacking planes.

Do you?
The link I posted above will take you to a link to the actual PDB...

The PDB briefly mentioned hijackings (one line), but no details, and says that after investigating it, the FBI dismissed it as not being a credible threat.

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