Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

We have yet to address the way Republicans treat the first black President

Blacks ask, has a white President ever been welcomed with such hostility?

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We have yet to address the way Republicans treat the first black President

Blacks ask, has a white President ever been welcomed with such hostility?
Left wing propaganda and Leftnutter can be counted on to eat it up every time.
Can't help myself...

I literally fall out of my chair when some fool brings up the Aug 6 PDB.
Here's info on it (from a reputable source) that clears Bush... The only sites that actually try to blame him are the looney left sites that no intelligent person takes seriously...

August 6 PDB - 911myths

Again, it wasn't what was actually in the PDB - which actually does mention HIJACKING AIRPLANES as something Bin Laden might try - but it was Bush's reaction to it.

CNN.com - Transcript Bin Laden determined to strike in US - Apr 10 2004

We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational threat reporting, such as that from a ---- service in 1998 saying that Bin Laden wanted to hijack a U.S. aircraft to gain the release of "Blind Sheikh" Omar Abdel Rahman and other U.S.-held extremists.

Nevertheless, FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with
preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.

His reaction was not to call a meeting of his top security guys and see what we could do to improve security at the airports.

His reaction was to say to the CIA Briefer "“All right. You’ve covered your ass, now.” and then he went fishing.

Ron Suskind George W. Bush and the Aug. 6 2001 PDB - Salon.com

"We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational threat reporting, such as that from a ---- service in 1998 saying that Bin Laden wanted to hijack a U.S. aircraft to gain the release of "Blind Sheikh" Omar Abdel Rahman and other U.S.-held extremists."


And AGAIN, I find a democrat that thinks that hijacking a plane to gain the release of someone is the same as Operation Bojinka (1995).

Call a meeting on old information, when there were 'red lights linking all over the world'?

That makes a lot of sense. (NOT)

"His reaction was to say to the CIA Briefer "“All right. You’ve covered your ass, now.” and then he went fishing."

and yet MORE unsubstantiated BS.

ever bother to read Clinton's December 1998 PDB.


Tell a lie often enough, and people start believing it, right?

Yes, the British really HATED Bush.

So your argument is that if a foreign country makes a film about killing a leader, that's evidence of what, exactly?

The Interview 2014 - IMDb

BTW, I apologize for the memory lapse over the paragraph concerning the high jacking.

Had nothing to do with 9-11, so I tend to dismiss it as anything but historical.

Like most of that Aug 6 PDB.
And AGAIN, I find a democrat that thinks that hijacking a plane to gain the release of someone is the same as Operation Bojinka (1995).

Call a meeting on old information, when there were 'red lights linking all over the world'?

That makes a lot of sense. (NOT)

"His reaction was to say to the CIA Briefer "“All right. You’ve covered your ass, now.” and then he went fishing."

and yet MORE unsubstantiated BS.

ever bother to read Clinton's December 1998 PDB.


Tell a lie often enough, and people start believing it, right?

Everything I've stated has been substantiated. Bush didn't treat the August 6th PDB like it was any big deal. Then he fought for years to have it "classified" because it made him look like he didn't give a fuck.

Bush was truly the master of fucking things up.
And AGAIN, I find a democrat that thinks that hijacking a plane to gain the release of someone is the same as Operation Bojinka (1995).

Call a meeting on old information, when there were 'red lights linking all over the world'?

That makes a lot of sense. (NOT)

"His reaction was to say to the CIA Briefer "“All right. You’ve covered your ass, now.” and then he went fishing."

and yet MORE unsubstantiated BS.

ever bother to read Clinton's December 1998 PDB.


Tell a lie often enough, and people start believing it, right?

Everything I've stated has been substantiated. Bush didn't treat the August 6th PDB like it was any big deal. Then he fought for years to have it "classified" because it made him look like he didn't give a fuck.

Bush was truly the master of fucking things up.

Why would he treat it as a big deal?

For the most part, it was OLD NEWS.

PDBs aren't automatically classified?

the reason you don't know 'which country' is because that is STILL classified.

There's 30-40 PDBs mentioning bin Laden and AQ that are still classified that I'd like to see.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of Clinton PDBs that are still classified.

Why do you think I fall out of my chair laughing when some fool brings up PDBs?
If only changing parties or ideology was as easy as changing your pants.

But ingrained loyalty is hard to just drop. It has nothing to do with intelligence or give aways or anything like that. At some time in the past the blacks switched from the party that FREED them to the party that actually did put them in CHAINS. The same party that has not yet apologized for their past. Why doesn't someone apologize? Because they don't feel they have done anything wrong. So be it with the democrat party.

LBJ predicted he would have those n....ers voting democrat for 100 years and so far he has been right.

There are two huge con jobs that simply amaze me.

One is that the rich democrat aristocrats were able to talk the brave southern poor to charge into canister to protect the rich democrat way of life.

The other is how LBJ got blacks to change party.

Both should be in history book on how effective propaganda can really be.
Again, LBJ did not say that. I guess you are of the Party that thinks if they repeat a lie enough times.......

Maybe yes and maybe no. You can't prove a negative and the quote is in a book written about LBJ. If I were to argue for you that the quote really isn't that bad for the time. I wouldl say that using the N word was not out of fashion at the time and LBJ was a noted foul mouth. The rest of the quote certainly has proved to be true. So I am not sure why you shorts are in a knot, it is probably, if not truly an LBJ quote, a paraphrase of his racist sentiments. Here is an discussion about LBJ from another site. Interesting that LBJ is truly the one that had a southern strategy based solely on race.

From 1940 to 1960 Johnson voted with the South 78% on civil rights issues. Before 1957, voted 100% against civil rights issues. He also voted against the C.R.A. of 1957 and 1960.

LBJ reversed his position on race 180%, likely because he was a consumate politico who realized he was going to need the black vote, rather than any sense of brotherhood or equality. In Congress, LBJ repeatedly voted against legislation to protect black Americans from lynching. As a Senate leader he did his best to cripple the C.R.A. of 1957 managing to reduce it to an act of mere symbolism by taking out the enforcement provisions before sending it to Eisenhower. Dem colleague Strom Thurmond staged the longest filibuster in history up to that point, speaking for 24 hours in a failed attempt to block the bill.

In 1960 another C.R.A. was introduced to try to correct the LBJ deficiencies of the 1957 act, and Senate Democrats again staged a record-setting filibuster. In both cases, LBJ petitioned the northeastern Kennedy liberals to credit him for having seen to the law’s passage while at the same time boasting to southern Democrats that he had cut the legs out from under the legislation.

Johnson later explained it: “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days, and that’s a problem for us, since they’ve got something now they never had before: the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this — we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”

The opposition to civil rights was still somewhat prevalant in the Dem party at the time, excepting the northeastern liberal wing. They again filibustered the 64 C.R.A (for 57 days) and a (much) larger percentage of Republicans than Democrats in both houses of Congress voted for it. In the House, 80 percent of the Republicans and 63 percent of the Democrats voted in favor. In the Senate, 82 percent of the Republicans and 69 percent of the Democrats voted for it.

Did LBJ really say I ll have those n s voting Democrat for two-hundred years when passing the Great Society legislation - Quora
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We have yet to address the way Republicans treat the first black President

Blacks ask, has a white President ever been welcomed with such hostility?
Left wing propaganda and Leftnutter can be counted on to eat it up every time.
Far from it

Blacks hear what is said on rightwing talk radio, spouted on boards like these and the constant attacks from Foxnews

Ask any black whether Obama is given a fair deal by Republicans and they will laugh at you
We have yet to address the way Republicans treat the first black President

Blacks ask, has a white President ever been welcomed with such hostility?
Left wing propaganda and Leftnutter can be counted on to eat it up every time.
Far from it

Blacks hear what is said on rightwing talk radio, spouted on boards like these and the constant attacks from Foxnews

Ask any black whether Obama is given a fair deal by Republicans and they will laugh at you
Why do you think I fall out of my chair laughing when some fool brings up PDBs?

Mostly because trying to defend Bush's gross incompetence is a full time job?

I mean, I used to be one of these Right-Wingers who used to defend the guy. Until his gross incompetence started effecting my life directly.

The guy was a boob who never should have been president, and he fucked up everything he touched.

This was one of them.

a PDB that, for the most part listed old information, gave no mention of how, when, or where the attack was going to happen, and it's Bush's fault.

THAT'S why I fall out of my chair laughing when some fool brings it up.
Blacks vote Democrat because they don't want to vote for the people who keep ridiculing them for voting Democrat,
as if voting Democrat is a symptom of racial inferiority.
I would also like to add, a party that have showed them many time they are not out to help anyone
Blacks vote Democratic for the same reason Jews do. The Right screwed them over.

Yeah...going to war to give them their freedom and granting them civil rights....yeah we really fucked them over hardcore. BTW...Obama and the Democrats are not exactly championing the Jews lately in case you hadn't noticed.
Next you'll be telling us that the Jews are too stupid because they vote Democrat?
The jews are not stupid. They know exactly what they do…
We have yet to address the way Republicans treat the first black President

Blacks ask, has a white President ever been welcomed with such hostility?

I figure you have experienced memory loss of Bush's welcoming...:laugh:

Granted, you glory in being an imbecile now-a-days.
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a PDB that, for the most part listed old information, gave no mention of how, when, or where the attack was going to happen, and it's Bush's fault.

THAT'S why I fall out of my chair laughing when some fool brings it up.

Because Bush-apologizing requires some real mental handstands...

The guy fucked up pretty much everything, didn't he?
Why do you think I fall out of my chair laughing when some fool brings up PDBs?

Mostly because trying to defend Bush's gross incompetence is a full time job?

I mean, I used to be one of these Right-Wingers who used to defend the guy. Until his gross incompetence started effecting my life directly.

The guy was a boob who never should have been president, and he fucked up everything he touched.

This was one of them.
He certainly wasn't the greatest President but his success was far greater than piss poor Obama.

I can't believe what a hate filled myopic moron you have become.

a PDB that, for the most part listed old information, gave no mention of how, when, or where the attack was going to happen, and it's Bush's fault.

THAT'S why I fall out of my chair laughing when some fool brings it up.

Because Bush-apologizing requires some real mental handstands...

The guy fucked up pretty much everything, didn't he?

Stating facts is 'Bush apologizing'?

You're hilarious.
1. They give them free shit
2. They give them a platform to remain a violent, disgusting and stupid people.
3. A platform to attack whites.
Why do black people vote Democrat? Are people like Matthew, who speak like Matthew, Democrat? Know the answer to that question and you will have the answer to your question.
Do Democrats give them free shit?
Do they remain, on average, more violent than whites, currently?
Do they or do they not, attack whites far more often that whites attack blacks?
And yet...you focus on "black sounding" names when rejecting new hires. Nope....no racial problems there...........
Ernie S. does that? Fuck! I am glad you busted his ass

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