Why do Blacks vote Democrat?


Sorry it took me a while to get back to you... I checked the figures, and you're right... They include 15% of the population on Social Security... Other info I had seen earlier didn't break it down..

I'm serious, and it's actually gotten to where half the country is on some form of government assistance under Obama. Does THAT sound like success????
Oh? Half the country? Are you counting Social Security and government worker pensions....like military retirement?

You believe military retirement falls under 'government assistance'?

Government worker pensions fall under 'government assistance'?
Nope....I was asking Obiwan if he was fudging his numbers by including those things.

Why would you even consider including them?

What study would?

Looks like more deflection
Think about how Obiwan would want to inflate his figures. Think about it for a bit....maybe it will come to you.

DID obiwan inflate his numbers?

Or are you just deflecting.
No life is not fair. I buried my oldest child, some black kid with an "African" name has been passed over for a job. Perceptions matter. Don't walk into my place of business with your ass hanging out of your pants and don't apply for a clerical position with finger nails that should require an oversize load permit. In case #1, I don't think someone who cares so little about his appearance should be the face of my company and #2 physical limitations are one thing but don't claim disability for something you can control.

Do blacks want equality or separate but equal?
Your names scream the latter.

Guy, you are trying to equate names with dress codes. Can't you stay on one subject at time.

Frankly, I've never seen anyone come to an interview with his ass hanging out of his pants. I really have to wonder what kind of region you live in, but then again, looking at your AVI, I think we've answered that.
No Joe. I'm equating names with other actions and behaviors that keep blacks from being unhyphenated Americans. Do blacks want to be seen as equals? Then they should try acting equal.
My heritage is 8th generation American of English decent, Native American an German. (2nd generation born here) I am proud of my heritage, but I don't look to set myself apart from my countrymen.
My name is Ernest, not Ernst or Von Ernst.
No life is not fair. I buried my oldest child, some black kid with an "African" name has been passed over for a job. Perceptions matter. Don't walk into my place of business with your ass hanging out of your pants and don't apply for a clerical position with finger nails that should require an oversize load permit. In case #1, I don't think someone who cares so little about his appearance should be the face of my company and #2 physical limitations are one thing but don't claim disability for something you can control.

Do blacks want equality or separate but equal?
Your names scream the latter.

Guy, you are trying to equate names with dress codes. Can't you stay on one subject at time.

Frankly, I've never seen anyone come to an interview with his ass hanging out of his pants. I really have to wonder what kind of region you live in, but then again, looking at your AVI, I think we've answered that.
No Joe. I'm equating names with other actions and behaviors that keep blacks from being unhyphenated Americans. Do blacks want to be seen as equals? Then they should try acting equal.
My heritage is 8th generation American of English decent, Native American an German. (2nd generation born here) I am proud of my heritage, but I don't look to set myself apart from my countrymen.
My name is Ernest, not Ernst or Von Ernst.

---- all of which is your choice. You could be Ernst if you wanted; that would be another choice.

But you know what....
--- other people have that choice too. And you don't get to make theirs for them. Just as they don't get to make yours for you.

Sorry it took me a while to get back to you... I checked the figures, and you're right... They include 15% of the population on Social Security... Other info I had seen earlier didn't break it down..


Social Security

NOT Military pensions

NOT government worker pensions..

The number was high because the site I had seen it in earlier didn't break it down... I found out it did actually include 15% of the population on Social Security, but it did not include pensions....

The number was high because the site I had seen it in earlier didn't break it down... I found out it did actually include 15% of the population on Social Security, but it did not include pensions....

Which she/he/it included in the rant about you padding the numbers

The number was high because the site I had seen it in earlier didn't break it down... I found out it did actually include 15% of the population on Social Security, but it did not include pensions....

Which she/he/it included in the rant about you padding the numbers
It was an honest mistake, since the sites I had seen it on earlier didn't break it down, but further research showed that it was included in the tally, and I posted that fact... Pensions weren't included, though...
Better question

Why does ANYONE vote democrat? With the talk & behaviors I've seen the last few years it astonishes me that they hold any seats.

Most Americans just aren't as smart as you, I guess. If only you could influence them somehow. Educate them. If only.
You could be the smartest person in the country an still cast an ignorant vote when you're not informed about politics
You do it every time
Says the drone who votes based on image rather than issues.
Kosh...is that you?
You know, there are flaming liberals and then there are just simpleton dumbfucks like you.
Most Americans just aren't as smart as you, I guess. If only you could influence them somehow. Educate them. If only.
You could be the smartest person in the country an still cast an ignorant vote when you're not informed about politics
You do it every time
Says the drone who votes based on image rather than issues.
Kosh...is that you?
I caught that too. Hmmmmmm.
Of course you did. Morons think alike. Fairly common among simpletons
1. They give them free shit
2. They give them a platform to remain a violent, disgusting and stupid people.
3. A platform to attack whites.

You idiots do understand don't you that if 90% of black Americans are voting Democrat, it's not just poor blacks voting Democrat;

90% of black Americans are not poor.

btw, with over 70% of Jewish Americans voting Democrat, and well over 70% of Asian Americans voting Democrat,

what's the RWnut talking point to explain that? Is that all about poor Jews and Asians wanting free stuff?

when polls show that more than half of Americans are conservative but almost all colleges and professers are libtards then what does that tell you?
Can't help myself...

I literally fall out of my chair when some fool brings up the Aug 6 PDB.
Here's info on it (from a reputable source) that clears Bush... The only sites that actually try to blame him are the looney left sites that no intelligent person takes seriously...

August 6 PDB - 911myths

Again, it wasn't what was actually in the PDB - which actually does mention HIJACKING AIRPLANES as something Bin Laden might try - but it was Bush's reaction to it.

CNN.com - Transcript Bin Laden determined to strike in US - Apr 10 2004

We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational threat reporting, such as that from a ---- service in 1998 saying that Bin Laden wanted to hijack a U.S. aircraft to gain the release of "Blind Sheikh" Omar Abdel Rahman and other U.S.-held extremists.

Nevertheless, FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with
preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.

His reaction was not to call a meeting of his top security guys and see what we could do to improve security at the airports.

His reaction was to say to the CIA Briefer "“All right. You’ve covered your ass, now.” and then he went fishing.

Ron Suskind George W. Bush and the Aug. 6 2001 PDB - Salon.com
The link I posted above will take you to a link to the actual PDB...

The PDB briefly mentioned hijackings (one line), but no details, and says that after investigating it, the FBI dismissed it as not being a credible threat.

No, you didn't link to the complete memo.

This is the complete memo.

CNN.com - Transcript Bin Laden determined to strike in US - Apr 10 2004

That it said was that "We have not been able to corroborate some of the more sensational threat reporting, such as that from a ---- service in 1998 saying that Bin Laden wanted to hijack a U.S. aircraft to gain the release of "Blind Sheikh" Omar Abdel Rahman and other U.S.-held extremists."

We still don't know WHICH foriegn country had an intelligence service that was telling us Bin Laden was looking to do hijackings.

However, Bush was happy to report a foreign agency's intelligence on "Yellowcake" from Niger when the CIA rejected the reports.

So either foreign reports are credible or they aren't.

But Bush's response.

"All right. You've covered your ass, now."

You said Clinton tried to kill Bin Laden...

Were you aware of this???
Bill Clinton Hours Before 9 11 Attacks I Could Have Killed Osama bin Laden - ABC News

You mean this one...

“I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have had to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him.

“And so I didn’t do it.”

Wow. You mean he wouldn't kill 300 women and children to MAYBE get Bin Laden?

Imagine if we had killed 300 women and children and we MISSED bin Laden?
No Joe. I'm equating names with other actions and behaviors that keep blacks from being unhyphenated Americans. Do blacks want to be seen as equals? Then they should try acting equal.
My heritage is 8th generation American of English decent, Native American an German. (2nd generation born here) I am proud of my heritage, but I don't look to set myself apart from my countrymen.
My name is Ernest, not Ernst or Von Ernst.

Your name is "Cleetus", and the fact you fly a Confederate Battle Flag is nothing to be proud of. You Celebrate a shameful moment where a large part of the country gave up on its ideals of all men being created equal.

You can't have 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow and then claim that "Well, they're equal NOW". That's absurd.

When half the country loses it's shit because a man who is half-black gets elected, you know we still have problems, and the problem is not that Mama Washington named her baby "Jamal".
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303
Maybe the problem here is the Republicans. Maybe they're just a little too stupid to figure out why more people don't vote for them.

Where African-Americans vote democratic because they correctly understand that they’re not welcome in the GOP, with republicans or republican politicians propagating lies about an ‘entitlement mentality,’ ‘welfare queens,’ and ‘black thugs.’
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

View attachment 44303
Maybe the problem here is the Republicans. Maybe they're just a little too stupid to figure out why more people don't vote for them.

Where African-Americans vote democratic because they correctly understand that they’re not welcome in the GOP, with republicans or republican politicians propagating lies about an ‘entitlement mentality,’ ‘welfare queens,’ and ‘black thugs.’
I can see why Republicans would be confused. How could anyone reject them just for using cute little nick names like that? It's all just good fun and games.

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