Why do Blacks vote Democrat?

1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

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Because most repubs are racists that could care less what Blacks think?
But most everybody knows what blacks think: Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson speak for black people and they tell everybody about it on media outlets.
Because people like you think that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson speak for all black people.
If only changing parties or ideology was as easy as changing your pants.

But ingrained loyalty is hard to just drop. It has nothing to do with intelligence or give aways or anything like that. At some time in the past the blacks switched from the party that FREED them to the party that actually did put them in CHAINS. The same party that has not yet apologized for their past. Why doesn't someone apologize? Because they don't feel they have done anything wrong. So be it with the democrat party.

LBJ predicted he would have those n....ers voting democrat for 100 years and so far he has been right.

There are two huge con jobs that simply amaze me.

One is that the rich democrat aristocrats were able to talk the brave southern poor to charge into canister to protect the rich democrat way of life.

The other is how LBJ got blacks to change party.

Both should be in history book on how effective propaganda can really be.
Again, LBJ did not say that. I guess you are of the Party that thinks if they repeat a lie enough times.......
and I guess you are of the party that believes if you deny the truth long enough, it never happened.
1) I think the Democratic Parties legions of race baiters (the race card) is a very effective tool in keeping racism alive and promoting mistrust, especially between the political parties.

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Because most repubs are racists that could care less what Blacks think?
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Her sign should finish up with "Republicans. I'm nothing like what you portray me as."
How do we portray her?
Blacks vote Democratic for the same reason Jews do. The Right screwed them over.

Yeah...going to war to give them their freedom and granting them civil rights....yeah we really fucked them over hardcore. BTW...Obama and the Democrats are not exactly championing the Jews lately in case you hadn't noticed.
Next you'll be telling us that the Jews are too stupid because they vote Democrat?
1. They give them free shit
2. They give them a platform to remain a violent, disgusting and stupid people.
3. A platform to attack whites.
Because too many republicans are just like matthew

Come on,we give stupid white democrats just as much shit as stupid black democrats. You're the one's who turn it into a racial issue.
So....why do threads like this only quiz black democrats?

I'm serious, and it's actually gotten to where half the country is on some form of government assistance under Obama. Does THAT sound like success????
Oh? Half the country? Are you counting Social Security and government worker pensions....like military retirement?

You believe military retirement falls under 'government assistance'?

Government worker pensions fall under 'government assistance'?
The war would have been unnecessary had WJC done his job and there would have been no recession without the subprime mortgage market created by JEC.

You have a fucking excuse for everything, don't you.

"Hey, Cleetus, why haven't you caught the possums yet?"

"Well, Cooter, it's all Bill Clinton's fault for having a permissive possum policy."
Racist quotes from LBJ appear in print form dozens of sources yet apologists deny history in favor of whitewashing the legacy of one of the most evil people to ever sit in the big chair.
Do you have witnesses that can dispute claims made by people present when LBJ supposedly made the racist statements attributed to him? I've read several first hand accounts of the voting Democrat for 200 years and Thurgood Marshal quotes we've all heard. I've never heard of anyone present at the time who disputed those claims.
The war would have been unnecessary had WJC done his job and there would have been no recession without the subprime mortgage market created by JEC.

You have a fucking excuse for everything, don't you.

"Hey, Cleetus, why haven't you caught the possums yet?"

"Well, Cooter, it's all Bill Clinton's fault for having a permissive possum policy."
When is your next gig on Comedy Central, Joe?
No life is not fair. I buried my oldest child, some black kid with an "African" name has been passed over for a job. Perceptions matter. Don't walk into my place of business with your ass hanging out of your pants and don't apply for a clerical position with finger nails that should require an oversize load permit. In case #1, I don't think someone who cares so little about his appearance should be the face of my company and #2 physical limitations are one thing but don't claim disability for something you can control.

Do blacks want equality or separate but equal?
Your names scream the latter.

Guy, you are trying to equate names with dress codes. Can't you stay on one subject at time.

Frankly, I've never seen anyone come to an interview with his ass hanging out of his pants. I really have to wonder what kind of region you live in, but then again, looking at your AVI, I think we've answered that.
Someone should cut and paste my questions.

I don't think bodecea can see them.

That, or she doesn't want to respond to them
Well, I don't really know why anyone would vote for either party after the messes they have created, after all the promises they have made and broken, after all the corruption, lies and government wasteful spending, and all the time while DEMANDING that we the people pay more and more taxes. I'd like to see these arses have to account for every taxpayer dollar spent. I don't trust any of these SOBs in either party.

He's right. Bill Clinton gave up a chance to kill Bin Laden, and he started the sub prime business, which led to the housing bubble.

And Hillary voted for the war in Iraq, and even made speeches in the Senate to get other Democrats to vote for it.
Another reason is the freebies...

After all, when LBJ signed the legislation giving them welfare, he stated "I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

If dems are smart to figure out how to earn black votes, why can't reps learn from dems and offer more freebies?
What's wrong??? Have you already blown that welfare check the Dims give you for being a non-productive member of society???
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^ OP, this is why.

I wouldn't say mentioning welfare is necessarily racist.... I'm sure a lot of worthless white Democrats get it, in addition to blacks, so race has nothing to do with it!!!

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