Why Do Communist Libs Hate The Purity Of The Ballot??

"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.

I can't roll my eyes far enough to justify the level of bullshitty this criticism has reached. Nitpicking is a communist marker.

Critical Race Theory originated in the Marxist organization called the Frankfurt School.

If you support Critical Race Theory, you are ignorant or a commie.

Which are you?

What is critical race theory?

Not what you "feel" it is or "project" it to be...but the literal definition....

This should be fun....


The democrat rep. needs to explain why he belongs to the racist, democrat party....

What that democrat really wants to hide? It was the democrat party that enacted the jim crow laws in the first place......why he belongs to the political party of jim crow is the question that he should be asked........the democrat party was created by slave owners, they wanted to spread slavery into new states, they started the Civil War to keep slaves, they fought the Civil Rights movement every step of the way, they kept black children out of the good public schools...and today they refuse to allow black children to escape from horrible, democrat party run public schools, they enacted jim crow laws, poll taxes and literacy tests....

Of the two people you quoted...it is the democrat party Rep. that needs to explain himself and his participation in the racist democrat party.....

I've seen some incredibly lame replies on this forum over the years, and this one ranks right up there with the worst of them.
This same person will be on "Civil War" posts fighting you tooth and nail over how the Civil War wasn't over slavery and how honoring the Confederacy is just honoring southern heritage, blah, blah....

These people are pathetically fragile and disingenuous......which is why anytime someone accurately recounts history...they get so triggered by it
Did everyone enjoy confederate memorial day yesterday? Schools were closed in the confederacy for the day. Both of them.

"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.

I can't roll my eyes far enough to justify the level of bullshitty this criticism has reached. Nitpicking is a communist marker.

Critical Race Theory originated in the Marxist organization called the Frankfurt School.

If you support Critical Race Theory, you are ignorant or a commie.

Which are you?

What is critical race theory?

Not what you "feel" it is or "project" it to be...but the literal definition....

This should be fun....

View attachment 488322

Here you go:

I would love to hear your "response."

I'm going with ignorance on your part, rather than you deliberately being a fucking commie.

"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.

I can't roll my eyes far enough to justify the level of bullshitty this criticism has reached. Nitpicking is a communist marker.

Critical Race Theory originated in the Marxist organization called the Frankfurt School.

If you support Critical Race Theory, you are ignorant or a commie.

Which are you?

What is critical race theory?

Not what you "feel" it is or "project" it to be...but the literal definition....

This should be fun....

View attachment 488322

Here you go:

I would love to hear your "response."

I'm going with ignorance on your part, rather than you deliberately being a fucking commie.

You do understand that ENTIRELY NONE of the shit you morons whine about as it relates to "critical race theory" is actually being taught right??

The CRT that the rest of us sane people are talking about is how racism is embedded in laws and legal institutions -- which is 1000% true.....all of that fearmongering over Karl Marx and commie this and marxist that won't change that fact.....


"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.

I'd say these woke nannystate impotent dress wearers were RACE TRAITORS, but with names like Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía it tells you all you need to know, if you catch my drift

"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.


The democrat rep. needs to explain why he belongs to the racist, democrat party....

What that democrat really wants to hide? It was the democrat party that enacted the jim crow laws in the first place......why he belongs to the political party of jim crow is the question that he should be asked........the democrat party was created by slave owners, they wanted to spread slavery into new states, they started the Civil War to keep slaves, they fought the Civil Rights movement every step of the way, they kept black children out of the good public schools...and today they refuse to allow black children to escape from horrible, democrat party run public schools, they enacted jim crow laws, poll taxes and literacy tests....

Of the two people you quoted...it is the democrat party Rep. that needs to explain himself and his participation in the racist democrat party.....

You clearly have no idea what context means.....

That Democrat you refer to is the same guy who OPPOSED the racially fueled legislation that was written by that REPUBLICAN moron who had to be educated by that Democrat....

Why do you conservatives keep referring to the conservatives of the past as Democrats -- expecting us to not know that they were still conservatives....

Which is why you conservatives keep repeating the same talking points that those Democrats in the past did

The "Conservatives" of the democrat party wanted slavery.....the "Conservatives" of the Republican party wanted to end slavery, you doofus.......

Conserving is a neutral action...what you are trying to conserve defines who you are....the democrats were trying to conserve the institution of slavery.....Republican religious conservatives fought to end slavery.

The democrat party created poll taxes, literacy tests and jim crow laws.....the party should be disbanded and it's assets given to the descendants of slaves....

"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.

I can't roll my eyes far enough to justify the level of bullshitty this criticism has reached. Nitpicking is a communist marker.

Critical Race Theory originated in the Marxist organization called the Frankfurt School.

If you support Critical Race Theory, you are ignorant or a commie.

Which are you?

What is critical race theory?

Not what you "feel" it is or "project" it to be...but the literal definition....

This should be fun....

View attachment 488322

Here you go:

I would love to hear your "response."

I'm going with ignorance on your part, rather than you deliberately being a fucking commie.

You do understand that ENTIRELY NONE of the shit you morons whine about as it relates to "critical race theory" is actually being taught right??

The CRT that the rest of us sane people are talking about is how racism is embedded in laws and legal institutions -- which is 1000% true.....all of that fearmongering over Karl Marx and commie this and marxist that won't change that fact.....

You realize that you are repeating verbatim the concepts of Critical Theory created by the Marxist organization called Frankfurt School?

Critical theory (also capitalized as Critical Theory)[1] is a Marxist approach to social philosophy that focuses on reflective assessment and critique of society and culture in order to reveal and challenge power structures. With origins in sociology and literary criticism, it argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors. Maintaining that ideology is the principal obstacle to human liberation,[2] critical theory was established as a school of thought primarily by the Frankfurt School theoreticians Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Erich Fromm, and Max Horkheimer.


In sociology and political philosophy, "Critical Theory" means the Western-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School, developed in Germany in the 1930s and drawing on the ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. Though a "critical theory" or a "critical social theory" may have similar elements of thought, capitalizing Critical Theory as if it were a proper noun stresses the intellectual lineage specific to the Frankfurt School.


All they did was slap the word "race" in there, and it's suddenly something new?

You are doing the bidding of Marxists/Commies and you don't even know it.


"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.


The democrat rep. needs to explain why he belongs to the racist, democrat party....

What that democrat really wants to hide? It was the democrat party that enacted the jim crow laws in the first place......why he belongs to the political party of jim crow is the question that he should be asked........the democrat party was created by slave owners, they wanted to spread slavery into new states, they started the Civil War to keep slaves, they fought the Civil Rights movement every step of the way, they kept black children out of the good public schools...and today they refuse to allow black children to escape from horrible, democrat party run public schools, they enacted jim crow laws, poll taxes and literacy tests....

Of the two people you quoted...it is the democrat party Rep. that needs to explain himself and his participation in the racist democrat party.....

You clearly have no idea what context means.....

That Democrat you refer to is the same guy who OPPOSED the racially fueled legislation that was written by that REPUBLICAN moron who had to be educated by that Democrat....

Why do you conservatives keep referring to the conservatives of the past as Democrats -- expecting us to not know that they were still conservatives....

Which is why you conservatives keep repeating the same talking points that those Democrats in the past did

The "Conservatives" of the democrat party wanted slavery.....the "Conservatives" of the Republican party wanted to end slavery, you doofus.......

Conserving is a neutral action...what you are trying to conserve defines who you are....the democrats were trying to conserve the institution of slavery.....Republican religious conservatives fought to end slavery.

The democrat party created poll taxes, literacy tests and jim crow laws.....the party should be disbanded and it's assets given to the descendants of slaves....

It`s not the 19th century anymore and you really need to keep up. We know what the Democrats were a long time ago and we know what YOU are today. You would`ve been head cheerleader for John Wilkes Booth.
Since the Trumpublicans declared war on American democracy nothing can be taken for granted, there is no such thing as an honest mistake. If they are using the language of Jim Crow it must be assumed it is on purpose.
democrats instituted Jim Crow

"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.


The democrat rep. needs to explain why he belongs to the racist, democrat party....

What that democrat really wants to hide? It was the democrat party that enacted the jim crow laws in the first place......why he belongs to the political party of jim crow is the question that he should be asked........the democrat party was created by slave owners, they wanted to spread slavery into new states, they started the Civil War to keep slaves, they fought the Civil Rights movement every step of the way, they kept black children out of the good public schools...and today they refuse to allow black children to escape from horrible, democrat party run public schools, they enacted jim crow laws, poll taxes and literacy tests....

Of the two people you quoted...it is the democrat party Rep. that needs to explain himself and his participation in the racist democrat party.....

You clearly have no idea what context means.....

That Democrat you refer to is the same guy who OPPOSED the racially fueled legislation that was written by that REPUBLICAN moron who had to be educated by that Democrat....

Why do you conservatives keep referring to the conservatives of the past as Democrats -- expecting us to not know that they were still conservatives....

Which is why you conservatives keep repeating the same talking points that those Democrats in the past did

The "Conservatives" of the democrat party wanted slavery.....the "Conservatives" of the Republican party wanted to end slavery, you doofus.......

Conserving is a neutral action...what you are trying to conserve defines who you are....the democrats were trying to conserve the institution of slavery.....Republican religious conservatives fought to end slavery.

The democrat party created poll taxes, literacy tests and jim crow laws.....the party should be disbanded and it's assets given to the descendants of slaves....

It`s not the 19th century anymore and you really need to keep up. We know what the Democrats were a long time ago and we know what YOU are today. You would`ve been head cheerleader for John Wilkes Booth.

Are you insane, you just terminally stupid? You guys are the ones pushing segregation today, trapping minority children in destructive democrat party controlled public schools, and you are the ones pushing race hate and violence......
Since the Trumpublicans declared war on American democracy nothing can be taken for granted, there is no such thing as an honest mistake. If they are using the language of Jim Crow it must be assumed it is on purpose.
democrats instituted Jim Crow
Another would be cheerleader for John Wilkes Booth wants to teach us about the Democrats of 100 years ago. What are YOU today?
Since the Trumpublicans declared war on American democracy nothing can be taken for granted, there is no such thing as an honest mistake. If they are using the language of Jim Crow it must be assumed it is on purpose.
democrats instituted Jim Crow
Another would be cheerleader for John Wilkes Booth wants to teach us about the Democrats of 100 years ago. What are YOU today?
I can tell you what the Dems are today. I have PROVEN it consistently.

You're a bunch of Marxist commie shits....and MOST OF YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IT!!! BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING STUPID!!!! Useful idiots.
Since the Trumpublicans declared war on American democracy nothing can be taken for granted, there is no such thing as an honest mistake. If they are using the language of Jim Crow it must be assumed it is on purpose.
democrats instituted Jim Crow
Another would be cheerleader for John Wilkes Booth wants to teach us about the Democrats of 100 years ago. What are YOU today?
I can tell you what the Dems are today. I have PROVEN it consistently.

You're a bunch of Marxist commie shits....and MOST OF YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IT!!! BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING STUPID!!!! Useful idiots.
If all you can do is name call and offer nothing of worth, then I can forget about your comments.
Since the Trumpublicans declared war on American democracy nothing can be taken for granted, there is no such thing as an honest mistake. If they are using the language of Jim Crow it must be assumed it is on purpose.
democrats instituted Jim Crow
Another would be cheerleader for John Wilkes Booth wants to teach us about the Democrats of 100 years ago. What are YOU today?
I can tell you what the Dems are today. I have PROVEN it consistently.

You're a bunch of Marxist commie shits....and MOST OF YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IT!!! BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING STUPID!!!! Useful idiots.
If all you can do is name call and offer nothing of worth, then I can forget about your comments.
Deny it, bitch. You want the fucking government (the least trustworthy institution among humans) to own and run everything.

You have said NOTHING of value your entire time here. Quit getting mad because I have outed your commie ass.
Since the Trumpublicans declared war on American democracy nothing can be taken for granted, there is no such thing as an honest mistake. If they are using the language of Jim Crow it must be assumed it is on purpose.
democrats instituted Jim Crow
Another would be cheerleader for John Wilkes Booth wants to teach us about the Democrats of 100 years ago. What are YOU today?
I can tell you what the Dems are today. I have PROVEN it consistently.

You're a bunch of Marxist commie shits....and MOST OF YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IT!!! BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING STUPID!!!! Useful idiots.
If all you can do is name call and offer nothing of worth, then I can forget about your comments.
Deny it, bitch. You want the fucking government (the least trustworthy institution among humans) to own and run everything.

You have said NOTHING of value your entire time here. Quit getting mad because I have outed your commie ass.
Show us Al`s posting history of wanting the government to run everything...or just shut up.
I am not sure why those guys hate it so much. Maybe they are just mad at the world in general.

"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.

Wow, self incrimination.

Racist much...

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