Why do cons harp on liberals being snowflakes, but pretend Spicer and Trump aren't whiney little...

...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban
So you learned news watching snowflake?
I have said many times all the way back to the primaries Trump was thin skinned I also said Obama was when he was President as well. The reason the right calls the left snowflakes, buttercups, and cupcakes is because the right did not need therapy dogs, safe spaces, crying sessions, coloring books, Play Doh, or have to take time off from work or school to deal with Obamas two Presidential election wins.
The Right are afraid of their own shadows. Example: Terrorist are coming to get us! Why are conservatives so afraid of TERRORIST AND TERRORISM???
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban

Suck it up buttercup. Time to put on you're big boy pants.
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban

It's not about what Trump is, or isn't. It's what a bunch of pussy hacks people like you are. You know, people who get "triggered" and need a place to hide. At least you have your basement, think of those poor little college kids with no place to hide.
Oh really? It isn't about Trump? God you're a pussy lol. Just admit he's a whiney little bitch.
I have said many times all the way back to the primaries Trump was thin skinned I also said Obama was when he was President as well. The reason the right calls the left snowflakes, buttercups, and cupcakes is because the right did not need therapy dogs, safe spaces, crying sessions, coloring books, Play Doh, or have to take time off from work or school to deal with Obamas two Presidential election wins.
The Right are afraid of their own shadows. Example: Terrorist are coming to get us! Why are conservatives so afraid of TERRORIST AND TERRORISM???

Ask the died at the hands of terrorists........

Oh wait, you can't, they're dead.

But then, you might ask those fleeing terrorist. K?
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban

Suck it up buttercup. Time to put on you're big boy pants.
Lol you do know we are talking about Trump. Either admit he's a whiney bitch or get lost.
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban

It's not about what Trump is, or isn't. It's what a bunch of pussy hacks people like you are. You know, people who get "triggered" and need a place to hide. At least you have your basement, think of those poor little college kids with no place to hide.
Oh really? It isn't about Trump? God you're a pussy lol. Just admit he's a whiney little bitch.

You're the whining little boi.
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban
Because liberals are acting like fragile little snowflakes, melting at the slightest heat while conservatives are not. In case you missed it, Trump isn't conservative, so there's that as well.

No. Trump isn't conservative. He's what ever you want to call the craziness that conservatives have become
He's not even that. He's a left leaning moderate who was the only viable alternative to the infinitely worse Hillary.
You should be very proud of Trump he lies every day, and has no idea in the least what he is doing. You do recall that disaster of a military strike he authorized?
The incompetent liar in chief is no longer in office.
Just today, trump tells us that there are terrorist attacks and the media won't report them. This man is insane
I have said many times all the way back to the primaries Trump was thin skinned I also said Obama was when he was President as well. The reason the right calls the left snowflakes, buttercups, and cupcakes is because the right did not need therapy dogs, safe spaces, crying sessions, coloring books, Play Doh, or have to take time off from work or school to deal with Obamas two Presidential election wins.
The Right are afraid of their own shadows. Example: Terrorist are coming to get us! Why are conservatives so afraid of TERRORIST AND TERRORISM???
You're mistaking being realistic with afarid but then again some liberals have a tough time with reality. As for why terrorist and terrorism is a concern how about this?

It seems some have already forgotten.
I have said many times all the way back to the primaries Trump was thin skinned I also said Obama was when he was President as well. The reason the right calls the left snowflakes, buttercups, and cupcakes is because the right did not need therapy dogs, safe spaces, crying sessions, coloring books, Play Doh, or have to take time off from work or school to deal with Obamas two Presidential election wins.
The Right are afraid of their own shadows. Example: Terrorist are coming to get us! Why are conservatives so afraid of TERRORIST AND TERRORISM???
You're mistaking being realistic with afarid but then again some liberals have a tough time with reality. As for why terrorist and terrorism is a concern how about this?

It seems some have already forgotten.

I haven't forgotten. Nor have I forgotten that the people that did this came here LEGALLY on a visa.

They weren't refugees. Matter of fact, zero attacks have been done by refugees. All of them that were done were done by US citizens who were radicalized, US Naturalized citizens who were radicalized, and people who came here LEGALLY on a visa.
I have said many times all the way back to the primaries Trump was thin skinned I also said Obama was when he was President as well. The reason the right calls the left snowflakes, buttercups, and cupcakes is because the right did not need therapy dogs, safe spaces, crying sessions, coloring books, Play Doh, or have to take time off from work or school to deal with Obamas two Presidential election wins.
The Right are afraid of their own shadows. Example: Terrorist are coming to get us! Why are conservatives so afraid of TERRORIST AND TERRORISM???
You're mistaking being realistic with afarid but then again some liberals have a tough time with reality. As for why terrorist and terrorism is a concern how about this?

It seems some have already forgotten.

I haven't forgotten. Nor have I forgotten that the people that did this came here LEGALLY on a visa.

They weren't refugees. Matter of fact, zero attacks have been done by refugees. All of them that were done were done by US citizens who were radicalized, US Naturalized citizens who were radicalized, and people who came here LEGALLY on a visa.
So wouldn't that make the case for better vetting stronger especially from countries that have no real government and are basically failed states?
I have said many times all the way back to the primaries Trump was thin skinned I also said Obama was when he was President as well. The reason the right calls the left snowflakes, buttercups, and cupcakes is because the right did not need therapy dogs, safe spaces, crying sessions, coloring books, Play Doh, or have to take time off from work or school to deal with Obamas two Presidential election wins.
The Right are afraid of their own shadows. Example: Terrorist are coming to get us! Why are conservatives so afraid of TERRORIST AND TERRORISM???
You're mistaking being realistic with afarid but then again some liberals have a tough time with reality. As for why terrorist and terrorism is a concern how about this?

It seems some have already forgotten.

Not forgotten, but you seem to be having trouble remembering what countries were involved in it.
I have said many times all the way back to the primaries Trump was thin skinned I also said Obama was when he was President as well. The reason the right calls the left snowflakes, buttercups, and cupcakes is because the right did not need therapy dogs, safe spaces, crying sessions, coloring books, Play Doh, or have to take time off from work or school to deal with Obamas two Presidential election wins.
The Right are afraid of their own shadows. Example: Terrorist are coming to get us! Why are conservatives so afraid of TERRORIST AND TERRORISM???
You're mistaking being realistic with afarid but then again some liberals have a tough time with reality. As for why terrorist and terrorism is a concern how about this?

It seems some have already forgotten.

I haven't forgotten. Nor have I forgotten that the people that did this came here LEGALLY on a visa.

They weren't refugees. Matter of fact, zero attacks have been done by refugees. All of them that were done were done by US citizens who were radicalized, US Naturalized citizens who were radicalized, and people who came here LEGALLY on a visa.
So wouldn't that make the case for better vetting stronger especially from countries that have no real government and are basically failed states?

Refugees are vetted much more than people who come here on a visa are. They are interviewed at least 5 times, each time, they check what they said before to what they are saying now. If anything changes, they don't come here. And, those interviews are done over an 18 to 24 month period, during which time, their fingerprints and names are ran through INTERPOL, Homeland Security and the FBI. If anything pops up, they don't come here.

One percent of the refugees that apply to come here actually make it here.

After they come here? They are watched for the next 2 to 3 years. If they have any questionable activity, they are deported back to where they came from.

THAT is the reason no refugees have ever done a terrorist attack in this country.

If you wanna protect the country from terrorists, step up the vetting on those who come here legally on a visa. San Bernadino happened because some American citizen became radicalized, got a wife from the ME who was also radicalized, and brought her over here in less than 6 months on a marriage visa.
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban

Suck it up buttercup. Time to put on you're big boy pants.
Lol you do know we are talking about Trump. Either admit he's a whiney bitch or get lost.

The only Whitney bitch I'm seeing is Billy000. I'd tell you to get lost, but you're already there.
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban

Suck it up buttercup. Time to put on you're big boy pants.
Lol you do know we are talking about Trump. Either admit he's a whiney bitch or get lost.

The only Whitney bitch I'm seeing is Billy000. I'd tell you to get lost, but you're already there.
lol you cons harping on the Dems losing is all you have. You're too much of a wuss to address all of Trump's bullshit.
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban
Let's get it right. Pussy Hats and Snowflakes. Twitter poll... funny stuff.
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban

Suck it up buttercup. Time to put on you're big boy pants.
Lol you do know we are talking about Trump. Either admit he's a whiney bitch or get lost.

The only Whitney bitch I'm seeing is Billy000. I'd tell you to get lost, but you're already there.
lol you cons harping on the Dems losing is all you have. You're too much of a wuss to address all of Trump's bullshit.
Losing? Good grief, you silly snowflake (or pussy hat, don't know your gender), of course you are losing. We have the vast majority of state legislatures, governors, the house and senate, and the presidency. Why? Because the pussy hat, snowflake crowds are a bunch of juvenile lunatics. Your ideas and belief system are so screwed up, rational adults want no part of it.
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban

Suck it up buttercup. Time to put on you're big boy pants.
Lol you do know we are talking about Trump. Either admit he's a whiney bitch or get lost.

The only Whitney bitch I'm seeing is Billy000. I'd tell you to get lost, but you're already there.
lol you cons harping on the Dems losing is all you have. You're too much of a wuss to address all of Trump's bullshit.
Losing? Good grief, you silly snowflake (or pussy hat, don't know your gender), of course you are losing. We have the vast majority of state legislatures, governors, the house and senate, and the presidency. Why? Because the pussy hat, snowflake crowds are a bunch of juvenile lunatics. Your ideas and belief system are so screwed up, rational adults want no part of it.
No Americans are just really stupid people.
I have said many times all the way back to the primaries Trump was thin skinned I also said Obama was when he was President as well. The reason the right calls the left snowflakes, buttercups, and cupcakes is because the right did not need therapy dogs, safe spaces, crying sessions, coloring books, Play Doh, or have to take time off from work or school to deal with Obamas two Presidential election wins.
The Right are afraid of their own shadows. Example: Terrorist are coming to get us! Why are conservatives so afraid of TERRORIST AND TERRORISM???
You're mistaking being realistic with afarid but then again some liberals have a tough time with reality. As for why terrorist and terrorism is a concern how about this?

It seems some have already forgotten.

I haven't forgotten. Nor have I forgotten that the people that did this came here LEGALLY on a visa.

They weren't refugees. Matter of fact, zero attacks have been done by refugees. All of them that were done were done by US citizens who were radicalized, US Naturalized citizens who were radicalized, and people who came here LEGALLY on a visa.
So wouldn't that make the case for better vetting stronger especially from countries that have no real government and are basically failed states?
Trump releasing of his taxes would have vettted Trump quite well.

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