Why do cons harp on liberals being snowflakes, but pretend Spicer and Trump aren't whiney little...

I have said many times all the way back to the primaries Trump was thin skinned I also said Obama was when he was President as well. The reason the right calls the left snowflakes, buttercups, and cupcakes is because the right did not need therapy dogs, safe spaces, crying sessions, coloring books, Play Doh, or have to take time off from work or school to deal with Obamas two Presidential election wins.
The Right are afraid of their own shadows. Example: Terrorist are coming to get us! Why are conservatives so afraid of TERRORIST AND TERRORISM???
You're mistaking being realistic with afarid but then again some liberals have a tough time with reality. As for why terrorist and terrorism is a concern how about this?

It seems some have already forgotten.

Not forgotten, but you seem to be having trouble remembering what countries were involved in it.
15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudia Arabia!!! Why didn't Trump put a ban on the Saudis???
I have said many times all the way back to the primaries Trump was thin skinned I also said Obama was when he was President as well. The reason the right calls the left snowflakes, buttercups, and cupcakes is because the right did not need therapy dogs, safe spaces, crying sessions, coloring books, Play Doh, or have to take time off from work or school to deal with Obamas two Presidential election wins.
The Right are afraid of their own shadows. Example: Terrorist are coming to get us! Why are conservatives so afraid of TERRORIST AND TERRORISM???
The left has no power...why is that? I'll help you out, America is tired of your shit
I have said many times all the way back to the primaries Trump was thin skinned I also said Obama was when he was President as well. The reason the right calls the left snowflakes, buttercups, and cupcakes is because the right did not need therapy dogs, safe spaces, crying sessions, coloring books, Play Doh, or have to take time off from work or school to deal with Obamas two Presidential election wins.
The Right are afraid of their own shadows. Example: Terrorist are coming to get us! Why are conservatives so afraid of TERRORIST AND TERRORISM???
You're mistaking being realistic with afarid but then again some liberals have a tough time with reality. As for why terrorist and terrorism is a concern how about this?

It seems some have already forgotten.

Not forgotten, but you seem to be having trouble remembering what countries were involved in it.
15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudia Arabia!!! Why didn't Trump put a ban on the Saudis???

Looks like it's because Trump has business dealings with the Saudis. Don't want to piss off his business partners.
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban

Suck it up buttercup. Time to put on you're big boy pants.
Lol you do know we are talking about Trump. Either admit he's a whiney bitch or get lost.

The only Whitney bitch I'm seeing is Billy000. I'd tell you to get lost, but you're already there.
lol you cons harping on the Dems losing is all you have. You're too much of a wuss to address all of Trump's bullshit.

"I'd tell you to get lost", and somehow you equate that to me harping about Dems losing?

Dude, get it straight, I'm inferring that YOU ARE LOST.

But I'll take the Dems losing as well

Sends a tingle down my leg.
Every one seems to have lost there humor, angry never fixes any thing. healthy information driven discourse does . give it a try some time.
Are you freaking kidding? Barry Hussein couldn't get through a freaking week without complaining about Fox News, Hannitty and Rush Limbaugh The Obama administration even tried to shut down talk radio with the ironic named "fairness doctrine" which would have forced right wing radio shows to spout left wing propaganda. The issue was so outrageous that Hussein dropped it.
I have said many times all the way back to the primaries Trump was thin skinned I also said Obama was when he was President as well. The reason the right calls the left snowflakes, buttercups, and cupcakes is because the right did not need therapy dogs, safe spaces, crying sessions, coloring books, Play Doh, or have to take time off from work or school to deal with Obamas two Presidential election wins.
The Right are afraid of their own shadows. Example: Terrorist are coming to get us! Why are conservatives so afraid of TERRORIST AND TERRORISM???
You're mistaking being realistic with afarid but then again some liberals have a tough time with reality. As for why terrorist and terrorism is a concern how about this?

It seems some have already forgotten.

Not forgotten, but you seem to be having trouble remembering what countries were involved in it.
15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudia Arabia!!! Why didn't Trump put a ban on the Saudis???
Why didn't Obama? Find a mutual question and ask.
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban

It's because the left has ramped up efforts to instigate the rioters and whiners. It's out of hand. Not hard to see that many of those uninformed protesters are easily influenced and the left is making sure that they are all over TV and social media pushing their bullshit narrative.

I do think Trump should rise above it but it's become the norm for presidents to use talk shows and social media to respond to criticism. I thought it was tacky years ago and it still is but that's all some seem to know these days.

I suppose it's a matter of fighting them on their own terms.

The majority of Americans support the travel bans. It's only the majority of libs that don't and it makes no sense. If you guys cared about women, you wouldn't want to import a bunch of barbaric, inbred idiots who think women are property.

We aren't obligated to take in refugees with a bunch of terrorists among them. Time for other countries to step up and do more. Our security is our number one priority, not refugees who are simply looking for better living. The U.N. made clear last year that most Muslim refugees are just wanting to go to better places. Of course, it's because a lot of Muslim countries are shitholes, mainly because that's they way they make it. Many refugees went back home after they were angry about not getting enough money from government and were bitching about the housing. Just the fact that so many returned tells you they were in no danger and thought they were going to have it better somewhere else.

The ban is temporary until we can improve the vetting system. After that, only those running from war should even be considered. We can't afford economic refugees. And we damn sure can't afford more terrorists or Muslims who believe in sharia law. Fuck them.

They can stay and improve their own countries and those young Muslim males can fucking fight ISIS instead of other countries sending their young people to do it for them.
I have said many times all the way back to the primaries Trump was thin skinned I also said Obama was when he was President as well. The reason the right calls the left snowflakes, buttercups, and cupcakes is because the right did not need therapy dogs, safe spaces, crying sessions, coloring books, Play Doh, or have to take time off from work or school to deal with Obamas two Presidential election wins.
The Right are afraid of their own shadows. Example: Terrorist are coming to get us! Why are conservatives so afraid of TERRORIST AND TERRORISM???
You're mistaking being realistic with afarid but then again some liberals have a tough time with reality. As for why terrorist and terrorism is a concern how about this?

It seems some have already forgotten.

Not forgotten, but you seem to be having trouble remembering what countries were involved in it.
15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudia Arabia!!! Why didn't Trump put a ban on the Saudis???

Because they are the U. S. ally and fighting our war against Iran in Yemen..

Why are people so slow and stupid to world events?
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban
I think the American public is trolling Trump. Trying to drive him out.
The whole world is trolling him...

Come to EU. It's huge. It's the greatest EU in the world!
A coworker of my mine is seriously entertaining the thought that Trump can't read. Gives a pretty persuasive argument.
Many people are saying it.
His activity on Twitter doesn't support it. He who can tweet can read. Wicked ADHD though.
Just today, trump tells us that there are terrorist attacks and the media won't report them. This man is insane
He's right. There are attacks almost everyday, read the forum here. How many does msm cover? Only a few big ones.
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban
I think the American public is trolling Trump. Trying to drive him out.
The whole world is trolling him...

Come to EU. It's huge. It's the greatest EU in the world!
A coworker of my mine is seriously entertaining the thought that Trump can't read. Gives a pretty persuasive argument.
Many people are saying it.
His activity on Twitter doesn't support it. He who can tweet can read. Wicked ADHD though.
LOL@ a bunch of losers that couldn't operate an espresso stand criticizing a business tycoon that became president. You're like little hurt rodents licking your wounds.
Looks like it's because Trump has business dealings with the Saudis. Don't want to piss off his business partners.
Do you know what year this is? Are Saudi nations on terrorist campaigns? And the Taliban in Afghanistan were baking the 9/11 murderers, not Saudi Arabia.
Every one seems to have lost there humor, angry never fixes any thing. healthy information driven discourse does . give it a try some time.
The left cannot be reasoned with and they are funny as hell when they lose power. Speak for yourself. Give it a try it sometime.
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban
Because liberals are acting like fragile little snowflakes, melting at the slightest heat while conservatives are not. In case you missed it, Trump isn't conservative, so there's that as well.

No. Trump isn't conservative. He's what ever you want to call the craziness that conservatives have become
He's not even that. He's a left leaning moderate who was the only viable alternative to the infinitely worse Hillary.
You should be very proud of Trump he lies every day, and has no idea in the least what he is doing. You do recall that disaster of a military strike he authorized?
Awww, look at you, trying to be all insulting and stuff. What, did you believe Trump was on the ground in that one?
Because liberals are acting like fragile little snowflakes, melting at the slightest heat while conservatives are not. In case you missed it, Trump isn't conservative, so there's that as well.

No. Trump isn't conservative. He's what ever you want to call the craziness that conservatives have become
He's not even that. He's a left leaning moderate who was the only viable alternative to the infinitely worse Hillary.
You should be very proud of Trump he lies every day, and has no idea in the least what he is doing. You do recall that disaster of a military strike he authorized?
The incompetent liar in chief is no longer in office.
How long will it take you to realize that Trump lies to you every single day?
He's now a politician. That's what they do. Perhaps you've forgotten Hillary's well earned reputation for dissembling?
...bitches when it comes to SNL parodies?

Of course the response I expect from cons on this thread will be "well Melissa McCarty and Alec Baldwin are hacks!" Of course not only is that opinion irrelevant to the point of their childish whiney, but it's also pathetic. You don't have to be fans of those comedians to realize how much of little girls Trump and Spicer are.

You people helped elect the biggest snowflake of them all but you're all too much of pussies to admit it.

Sean Spicer reacts to Melissa McCarthy’s stinging ‘SNL’ impression

Oh and here is Trump's hilarious claim that any negative polls on him are "fake news".

Trump fumes on Twitter as polls show majority of Americans oppose his travel ban
Because liberals are acting like fragile little snowflakes, melting at the slightest heat while conservatives are not. In case you missed it, Trump isn't conservative, so there's that as well.

No. Trump isn't conservative. He's what ever you want to call the craziness that conservatives have become
He's not even that. He's a left leaning moderate who was the only viable alternative to the infinitely worse Hillary.
You should be very proud of Trump he lies every day, and has no idea in the least what he is doing. You do recall that disaster of a military strike he authorized?
Awww, look at you, trying to be all insulting and stuff. What, did you believe Trump was on the ground in that one?
He ordered it, its his responsibility
No. Trump isn't conservative. He's what ever you want to call the craziness that conservatives have become
He's not even that. He's a left leaning moderate who was the only viable alternative to the infinitely worse Hillary.
You should be very proud of Trump he lies every day, and has no idea in the least what he is doing. You do recall that disaster of a military strike he authorized?
The incompetent liar in chief is no longer in office.
How long will it take you to realize that Trump lies to you every single day?
He's now a politician. That's what they do. Perhaps you've forgotten Hillary's well earned reputation for dissembling?
So you don't care about Trump lies, but had no problem repeating the "lies" of Clinton and Obama

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