CDZ Why do Conservatives believe that America is no longer great?

How is Sweden and Finland doing?

Why don't you move there and write us back and tell us?

What a fucking lame retort
Every time a Republican President gets elected, you hear from the Hollywood liberal elites that they are going to move out of America, yet they never do. That is because they LOVE their money(that isn't taxed like we are) and don't want any government to take it away. Since Obama has been in office, Hollywood has received OBSCENE tax breaks, yet We the People have had to pick up the bill. Shame libtards are too stupid to realize this, but when your head is stuck up your ass, you tend to miss a lot of what is going on around you.

View attachment 63142

Total nonsense

What "tax breaks" did Hollywood receive from Obama ?
He raised taxes on anyone making over $400K

What happened to all the conservatives on this board who swore they would leave forever if Obama got reelected? They all snuck back in
I love it when a libtard asks a question like he did. It just shows how out of touch he is with what is going on in the world. So, let me enlighten you with FACTS.

Hollywood Supported Obama, Gets Rewarded With Tax Breaks
But they were good little liberals in Hollywood and Obama managed to reward them for their support. Snuck into the fiscal cliff deal was a provision to extend tax cuts for certain television and film productions. The tax breaks could amount to as much as $15 million to $20 million per production, depending upon where they are being filmed. Television is the biggest winner as the deduction doesn’t apply to a series, but to each individual episode.

So the next time you sit down to watch your favorite weekly television shows, I hope you remember that they are getting a $15 million to $20 tax break for just that episode, while your taxes are going up due to Obamacare and other liberal policies they supported and endorsed.
Must be nice to be a liberal elite, but for being a liberal schmoe who sits in his parents basement, smoking pot, getting welfare and staying on his parents healthcare till he is 26, just give up the vote for more liberal political hacks, so you can keep the status quo.

You post anti Obama propaganda links from Breitbart and friends. It takes a little effort, but in you own link it says......

Section 317 of the freshly approved legislation includes an extension for “special expensing rules for certain film and television productions.” Congress first enacted production tax incentives favorable to the domestic entertainment industry in 2004, and extended them in 2008, but the deal was meant to expire in 2011.

So Obama merely extended existing legislation. Legislation that was first enacted in 2004 and extended in 2008 when WHO was President? George W Bush. WHO ran Congress? The Republicans

Was it Bush who was trying to curry favor with Hollywood?

Far better than they would without America's contribution to their situation.

Neither a Nazi nor a Soviet dominated Europe would be a very nice place to live.

Sweden was not invaded in WWII
We did not liberate either them or Finland

My point was that neither a Nazi nor a Soviet dominated Europe would be a very nice place to live.

You can tell because that is what I said.

It relates to the question of capitalism vs socialism because the Industrial might that gave US that military power came from our better economic system.

Would you like to be a Swedish Citizens in a Nazi dominated Europe?

Hard to tell "what if" history

Actually, Sweden did quite well selling to the Nazis

I feel on safe ground saying a Nazi Dominated Europe would be pretty crappy.

And making some money?

Yeah. That would NOT balance it out.
How is Sweden and Finland doing?

Far better than they would without America's contribution to their situation.

Neither a Nazi nor a Soviet dominated Europe would be a very nice place to live.

Sweden was not invaded in WWII
We did not liberate either them or Finland

My point was that neither a Nazi nor a Soviet dominated Europe would be a very nice place to live.

You can tell because that is what I said.

It relates to the question of capitalism vs socialism because the Industrial might that gave US that military power came from our better economic system.

Would you like to be a Swedish Citizens in a Nazi dominated Europe?

Hard to tell "what if" history

Actually, Sweden did quite well selling to the Nazis

I feel on safe ground saying a Nazi Dominated Europe would be pretty crappy.

And making some money?

Yeah. That would NOT balance it out.

Everyone agrees the Nazis sucked

The question was about Sweden. Sweden survived the war by playing both sides of the fence and made money off of selling vital supplies to the Nazis

You brought up about how they would have fared if the Nazis had won. My opinion was they would have done just fine and would have continued selling to the Nazis
Far better than they would without America's contribution to their situation.

Neither a Nazi nor a Soviet dominated Europe would be a very nice place to live.

Sweden was not invaded in WWII
We did not liberate either them or Finland

My point was that neither a Nazi nor a Soviet dominated Europe would be a very nice place to live.

You can tell because that is what I said.

It relates to the question of capitalism vs socialism because the Industrial might that gave US that military power came from our better economic system.

Would you like to be a Swedish Citizens in a Nazi dominated Europe?

Hard to tell "what if" history

Actually, Sweden did quite well selling to the Nazis

I feel on safe ground saying a Nazi Dominated Europe would be pretty crappy.

And making some money?

Yeah. That would NOT balance it out.

Everyone agrees the Nazis sucked

The question was about Sweden. Sweden survived the war by playing both sides of the fence and made money off of selling vital supplies to the Nazis

You brought up about how they would have fared if the Nazis had won. My opinion was they would have done just fine and would have continued selling to the Nazis

YOu think having a Nazi Superpower as your neighbor and trading partner would be "fine"?

I respectfully disagree.
Why don't you move there and write us back and tell us?

What a fucking lame retort
Every time a Republican President gets elected, you hear from the Hollywood liberal elites that they are going to move out of America, yet they never do. That is because they LOVE their money(that isn't taxed like we are) and don't want any government to take it away. Since Obama has been in office, Hollywood has received OBSCENE tax breaks, yet We the People have had to pick up the bill. Shame libtards are too stupid to realize this, but when your head is stuck up your ass, you tend to miss a lot of what is going on around you.

View attachment 63142

Total nonsense

What "tax breaks" did Hollywood receive from Obama ?
He raised taxes on anyone making over $400K

What happened to all the conservatives on this board who swore they would leave forever if Obama got reelected? They all snuck back in
I love it when a libtard asks a question like he did. It just shows how out of touch he is with what is going on in the world. So, let me enlighten you with FACTS.

Hollywood Supported Obama, Gets Rewarded With Tax Breaks
But they were good little liberals in Hollywood and Obama managed to reward them for their support. Snuck into the fiscal cliff deal was a provision to extend tax cuts for certain television and film productions. The tax breaks could amount to as much as $15 million to $20 million per production, depending upon where they are being filmed. Television is the biggest winner as the deduction doesn’t apply to a series, but to each individual episode.

So the next time you sit down to watch your favorite weekly television shows, I hope you remember that they are getting a $15 million to $20 tax break for just that episode, while your taxes are going up due to Obamacare and other liberal policies they supported and endorsed.
Must be nice to be a liberal elite, but for being a liberal schmoe who sits in his parents basement, smoking pot, getting welfare and staying on his parents healthcare till he is 26, just give up the vote for more liberal political hacks, so you can keep the status quo.

You post anti Obama propaganda links from Breitbart and friends. It takes a little effort, but in you own link it says......

Section 317 of the freshly approved legislation includes an extension for “special expensing rules for certain film and television productions.” Congress first enacted production tax incentives favorable to the domestic entertainment industry in 2004, and extended them in 2008, but the deal was meant to expire in 2011.

So Obama merely extended existing legislation. Legislation that was first enacted in 2004 and extended in 2008 when WHO was President? George W Bush. WHO ran Congress? The Republicans

Was it Bush who was trying to curry favor with Hollywood?
Your own words
What "tax breaks" did Hollywood receive from Obama ?
He raised taxes on anyone making over $400K
Yet then you have to resort to the liberal play book that it is George Bush's fault, so Obama is allowed to do it also. I guess that is why you have no problem that Obama is at WAR with Islam over in the Middle East, because George Bush did it? If it wasn't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.

What a fucking lame retort
Every time a Republican President gets elected, you hear from the Hollywood liberal elites that they are going to move out of America, yet they never do. That is because they LOVE their money(that isn't taxed like we are) and don't want any government to take it away. Since Obama has been in office, Hollywood has received OBSCENE tax breaks, yet We the People have had to pick up the bill. Shame libtards are too stupid to realize this, but when your head is stuck up your ass, you tend to miss a lot of what is going on around you.

View attachment 63142

Total nonsense

What "tax breaks" did Hollywood receive from Obama ?
He raised taxes on anyone making over $400K

What happened to all the conservatives on this board who swore they would leave forever if Obama got reelected? They all snuck back in
I love it when a libtard asks a question like he did. It just shows how out of touch he is with what is going on in the world. So, let me enlighten you with FACTS.

Hollywood Supported Obama, Gets Rewarded With Tax Breaks
But they were good little liberals in Hollywood and Obama managed to reward them for their support. Snuck into the fiscal cliff deal was a provision to extend tax cuts for certain television and film productions. The tax breaks could amount to as much as $15 million to $20 million per production, depending upon where they are being filmed. Television is the biggest winner as the deduction doesn’t apply to a series, but to each individual episode.

So the next time you sit down to watch your favorite weekly television shows, I hope you remember that they are getting a $15 million to $20 tax break for just that episode, while your taxes are going up due to Obamacare and other liberal policies they supported and endorsed.
Must be nice to be a liberal elite, but for being a liberal schmoe who sits in his parents basement, smoking pot, getting welfare and staying on his parents healthcare till he is 26, just give up the vote for more liberal political hacks, so you can keep the status quo.

You post anti Obama propaganda links from Breitbart and friends. It takes a little effort, but in you own link it says......

Section 317 of the freshly approved legislation includes an extension for “special expensing rules for certain film and television productions.” Congress first enacted production tax incentives favorable to the domestic entertainment industry in 2004, and extended them in 2008, but the deal was meant to expire in 2011.

So Obama merely extended existing legislation. Legislation that was first enacted in 2004 and extended in 2008 when WHO was President? George W Bush. WHO ran Congress? The Republicans

Was it Bush who was trying to curry favor with Hollywood?
Your own words
What "tax breaks" did Hollywood receive from Obama ?
He raised taxes on anyone making over $400K
Yet then you have to resort to the liberal play book that it is George Bush's fault, so Obama is allowed to do it also. I guess that is why you have no problem that Obama is at WAR with Islam over in the Middle East, because George Bush did it? If it wasn't for double standards, liberals would have no standards at all.

View attachment 63150

If George Bush and a Republican Congress passed the tax break in 2004 and then Bush extended the tax break in 2008.......why is it Obama pandering to Hollywood for doing the same thing in 2011?
I think the problem these days is that we hear folks like Warren Buffett say they can afford to pay higher taxes and we think, "yes, well, he can; he's got billions." What we need to hear is the folks who are not that well off, but who are nonetheless in the 1%, saying the same thing...because, quite frankly, it's true for them too. But most folks in that position aren't about to say that because, IMO, they are just plain greedy...that or they genuinely believe that "he who dies with the most wins."
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Karl Marx said that right? Or was it Lenin? Don't remember for sure. Point is, it's communism.
I think the problem these days is that we hear folks like Warren Buffett say they can afford to pay higher taxes and we think, "yes, well, he can; he's got billions." What we need to hear is the folks who are not that well off, but who are nonetheless in the 1%, saying the same thing...because, quite frankly, it's true for them too. But most folks in that position aren't about to say that because, IMO, they are just plain greedy...that or they genuinely believe that "he who dies with the most wins."
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Karl Marx said that right? Or was it Lenin? Don't remember for sure. Point is, it's communism.
Why is it that a billionaire who pays less tax rate but pays 10's of millions of dollars is bashed for his TAX given, but someone with a 30% tax rate, pays in $10,000 and says it isn't fair? Why cant the person try working harder to become a billionaire so he can pay the 10's of millions? Because to liberals, it is TOO HARD and unfair. Maybe the libtards are just too lazy to get off their pot smoking ass. Good thing that there is Affirmative Action, otherwise this 1/2 white guy would never of been president.

I think the problem these days is that we hear folks like Warren Buffett say they can afford to pay higher taxes and we think, "yes, well, he can; he's got billions." What we need to hear is the folks who are not that well off, but who are nonetheless in the 1%, saying the same thing...because, quite frankly, it's true for them too. But most folks in that position aren't about to say that because, IMO, they are just plain greedy...that or they genuinely believe that "he who dies with the most wins."
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Karl Marx said that right? Or was it Lenin? Don't remember for sure. Point is, it's communism.

The central element of communism, as an economic system, is that what is produced/supplied, how much and at what prices they are sold is determined by a central authority (government) rather than by the application of the laws of supply and demand in a free market.

The slogan you noted, "Jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedürfnissen," while accurately associated with communism/socialism, speaks to what Max saw as an anticipated outcome of having implemented communism, not a state of functioning in the process of arriving at communism. It is not an expression of how those systems operate. It's original utterance is from Etienne-Gabriel Morelly's Code of Nature, published in 1755, "Every citizen will make his particular contribution to the activities of the community according to his capacity, his talent and his age; it is on this basis that his duties will be determined, in conformity with the distributive laws."

Although some folks might construe the few sentences you quoted as intimating and advocating for communism, that is not at all what I was suggesting, nor is it what the lady who made the remarks I shared was even remotely hinting at. The heart of that statement is that there is no good justification for giving to the wealthiest segment of society economic advantages that just increase their wealth when increasing wealth is what they are going to experience anyway and tax cuts like the Reagan ones are "nice to have" and great enough to affect folks in lower income brackets, but neither necessary for one-percenters, nor large enough to meaningfully alter their economic behavior. We see this illustrated when Bill Clinton raised taxes and we experienced the boom of new investment commonly thought of as the "Dot Com Boom" wherein myriad fortunes, not the least being mine and that of others on this site, were made, and made in a higher tax rate environment than Reagan created. (I don't want to get in to a huge "ways and means" over the Dot Com Boom, for I'm well aware that no one thing can be causally said to be the cause of the great profitability and wealth that was made in the 1990s.)
I think the problem these days is that we hear folks like Warren Buffett say they can afford to pay higher taxes and we think, "yes, well, he can; he's got billions." What we need to hear is the folks who are not that well off, but who are nonetheless in the 1%, saying the same thing...because, quite frankly, it's true for them too. But most folks in that position aren't about to say that because, IMO, they are just plain greedy...that or they genuinely believe that "he who dies with the most wins."
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Karl Marx said that right? Or was it Lenin? Don't remember for sure. Point is, it's communism.

The central element of communism, as an economic system, is that what is produced/supplied, how much and at what prices they are sold is determined by a central authority (government) rather than by the application of the laws of supply and demand in a free market.

The slogan you noted, "Jeder nach seinen Fähigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedürfnissen," while accurately associated with communism/socialism, speaks to what Max saw as an anticipated outcome of having implemented communism, not a state of functioning in the process of arriving at communism. It is not an expression of how those systems operate. It's original utterance is from Etienne-Gabriel Morelly's Code of Nature, published in 1755, "Every citizen will make his particular contribution to the activities of the community according to his capacity, his talent and his age; it is on this basis that his duties will be determined, in conformity with the distributive laws."

Although some folks might construe the few sentences you quoted as intimating and advocating for communism, that is not at all what I was suggesting, nor is it what the lady who made the remarks I shared was even remotely hinting at. The heart of that statement is that there is no good justification for giving to the wealthiest segment of society economic advantages that just increase their wealth when increasing wealth is what they are going to experience anyway and tax cuts like the Reagan ones are "nice to have" and great enough to affect folks in lower income brackets, but neither necessary for one-percenters, nor large enough to meaningfully alter their economic behavior. We see this illustrated when Bill Clinton raised taxes and we experienced the boom of new investment commonly thought of as the "Dot Com Boom" wherein myriad fortunes, not the least being mine and that of others on this site, were made, and made in a higher tax rate environment than Reagan created. (I don't want to get in to a huge "ways and means" over the Dot Com Boom, for I'm well aware that no one thing can be causally said to be the cause of the great profitability and wealth that was made in the 1990s.)
Did you know that at the end of Bill Clnton's(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) administration, that the Dot Com Bubble burst because of those taxes that were imposed upon them in 1993. That sure was something the liberals seem to forget. When you tax people, a few years later, the economy will tank, when you lower taxes, a few years later, the economy will roar. Go ask John F. Kennedy about that.
Donald Trump's major talking point is that America is no longer great- so why do Conservatives believe America is no longer great?

When do Conservatives believe America stopped being great?

they don't believe america is great anymore because a black guy is president, there is marriage equality and no segregation.

aren't they lovely?
Donald Trump's major talking point is that America is no longer great- so why do Conservatives believe America is no longer great?

When do Conservatives believe America stopped being great?

they don't believe america is great anymore because a black guy is president, there is marriage equality and no segregation.

aren't they lovely?
Total bullshit as liberals are the TRUE racists, bigots, sexists and humanity haters.
1. Why did you have to bring up the color of the presidents skin, not the policies that he FORCED upon US? Racist.
2. Some people think homosexuality is immoral(Like many other liberal ideas) yet you FORCE upon US mandates that we MUST accept them. Bigot.
3. I did not have sexual relations with that woman(Also I am married to Hillary Clinton) and Paula Jones, "you better put some ice on that lip" while I abused you, while governor of Arkansas. Sexist.
4. It is mankind's fault for Global Warming, babies unborn and born, need to be executed for the reason of CHOICE. Black lives matter unless it is a black man killing other blacks.
You libtards, are truly disgusting.
Donald Trump's major talking point is that America is no longer great- so why do Conservatives believe America is no longer great?

When do Conservatives believe America stopped being great?

they don't believe america is great anymore because a black guy is president, there is marriage equality and no segregation.

aren't they lovely?
Wrong again. I beleive we are no longer great because we are so focused on equality of OUTCOME, instead of equality of OPPORTUNITY. Do you even know the difference?

I couldn't care less about the race of the president, but you brought it up. I wonder why. Is it because race is always in the forefront of your mind? I do not like Obama because of his policies and agenda. Can you say the same about Bush? Or do you just not like him because he has an R beside his name?

If you Liberals where able to stop self-congratulating long enough to accually LISTEN to what other people are saying, you MIGHT just learn something.

On a side note. Interesting Antidote:
I have never met a true liberal that has not gone to college, yet I have met plenty of conservatives who have gone to college. The reason for this? Colleges are, for the most part, run my LIBERALS. Have to give the left this one, they where very smart back in the day. They realized a long time ago that to win in the long term they have to get control of education, and it was working, until their policies started to fail...
Did you know that at the end of Bill Clnton's(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) administration, that the Dot Com Bubble burst because of those taxes that were imposed upon them in 1993. That sure was something the liberals seem to forget. When you tax people, a few years later, the economy will tank, when you lower taxes, a few years later, the economy will roar. Go ask John F. Kennedy about that.

The taxes to which I referred are those enacted in 1993, not 1997. The 1993 tax bills produced the following:
  • Previously the top individual tax rate of 31% applied to all income over $51,900. The Act created a new bracket of 36% for income above $115,000, and 39.6% for income above $250,000.
  • Previously, corporate income above $335,000 was taxed at 34%.
  • The Act created new brackets of 35% for income from $10 million to $15 million, 38% for income from $15 million to $18.33 million, and 35% for income above $18.33 million.
  • The 2.9% Medicare tax previously was capped to only apply to the first $135,000 of income. This cap was removed. Transportation fuels taxes were raised by 4.3 cents per gallon. The portion of Social Security benefits subject to income taxes was raised from 50% to 85%.
  • The phase-out of the personal exemption and limit on itemized deductions were permanently extended. The AMT tax rate was increased from 24% to tiered rates of 26% and 28%.
  • Part IV Section 14131: Expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit and added inflation adjustments.
The scope of the 1993 tax legislation vastly outstripped the 1997 TRA, which is the legislation that caused the burst...most notably, the TRA was a tax reduction, not a tax increase.

Are you aware your statement is not an accurate and complete representation of truth, even if tax rates played a role?

The study linked in the question above shows that it is the volatility, not the mere increase or decrease in tax rates, that caused the burst. You'll note, assuming you bother to read the study in its entirety, that it was the difference between the dividend rate and the capital gains rates that caused the burst, not the rate of taxation.

I think the problem these days is that we hear folks like Warren Buffett say they can afford to pay higher taxes and we think, "yes, well, he can; he's got billions." What we need to hear is the folks who are not that well off, but who are nonetheless in the 1%, saying the same thing...because, quite frankly, it's true for them too. But most folks in that position aren't about to say that because, IMO, they are just plain greedy...that or they genuinely believe that "he who dies with the most wins."
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Karl Marx said that right? Or was it Lenin? Don't remember for sure. Point is, it's communism.

Doesn't every nation on earth follow that quote "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" ?

Can you name a country that doesn't?
Donald Trump's major talking point is that America is no longer great- so why do Conservatives believe America is no longer great?

When do Conservatives believe America stopped being great?

they don't believe america is great anymore because a black guy is president, there is marriage equality and no segregation.

aren't they lovely?

America is not great because we got universal healthcare

Conservatives equate it to a return to slavery
Did you know that at the end of Bill Clnton's(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) administration, that the Dot Com Bubble burst because of those taxes that were imposed upon them in 1993. That sure was something the liberals seem to forget. When you tax people, a few years later, the economy will tank, when you lower taxes, a few years later, the economy will roar. Go ask John F. Kennedy about that.

The taxes to which I referred are those enacted in 1993, not 1997. The 1993 tax bills produced the following:
  • Previously the top individual tax rate of 31% applied to all income over $51,900. The Act created a new bracket of 36% for income above $115,000, and 39.6% for income above $250,000.
  • Previously, corporate income above $335,000 was taxed at 34%.
  • The Act created new brackets of 35% for income from $10 million to $15 million, 38% for income from $15 million to $18.33 million, and 35% for income above $18.33 million.
  • The 2.9% Medicare tax previously was capped to only apply to the first $135,000 of income. This cap was removed. Transportation fuels taxes were raised by 4.3 cents per gallon. The portion of Social Security benefits subject to income taxes was raised from 50% to 85%.
  • The phase-out of the personal exemption and limit on itemized deductions were permanently extended. The AMT tax rate was increased from 24% to tiered rates of 26% and 28%.
  • Part IV Section 14131: Expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit and added inflation adjustments.
The scope of the 1993 tax legislation vastly outstripped the 1997 TRA, which is the legislation that caused the burst...most notably, the TRA was a tax reduction, not a tax increase.

Are you aware your statement is not an accurate and complete representation of truth, even if tax rates played a role?

The study linked in the question above shows that it is the volatility, not the mere increase or decrease in tax rates, that caused the burst. You'll note, assuming you bother to read the study in its entirety, that it was the difference between the dividend rate and the capital gains rates that caused the burst, not the rate of taxation.

Maybe if you look closely at the 1993 mark, you can see that already the S & P started going down, but really tanked 4 years after the money wasnt there.The taxes of 1993 produced for the 1st time in 40 years, a House majority of Republicans led by Newt Gingrich. With Newt's contract on America, Clinton approved 7 of the 10 and that got the US rolling. But once again, it takes a while for taxes to start affecting business, as it removes capital for expansion. In 1999 the results showed with the collapse of Enron, MCI/World Com, and other Dot coms. Happens all the time, which is happening today. Dow is down over 2000 points since its high last year, oil is hovering around 27 dollars a barrel, and all Obama can do is hike up taxes again, with $10 tax on oil. There are never enough taxes when a liberal is in charge, as it isn't their money being given to liberal special interest groups.
Donald Trump's major talking point is that America is no longer great- so why do Conservatives believe America is no longer great?

When do Conservatives believe America stopped being great?

they don't believe america is great anymore because a black guy is president, there is marriage equality and no segregation.

aren't they lovely?

America is not great because we got universal healthcare

Conservatives equate it to a return to slavery

you mean radical reactionaries. there is nothing, zero, zilch, nada, conservative about them.
I think the problem these days is that we hear folks like Warren Buffett say they can afford to pay higher taxes and we think, "yes, well, he can; he's got billions." What we need to hear is the folks who are not that well off, but who are nonetheless in the 1%, saying the same thing...because, quite frankly, it's true for them too. But most folks in that position aren't about to say that because, IMO, they are just plain greedy...that or they genuinely believe that "he who dies with the most wins."
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. Karl Marx said that right? Or was it Lenin? Don't remember for sure. Point is, it's communism.

Doesn't every nation on earth follow that quote "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" ?

Can you name a country that doesn't?
America is all about freedom, the capability of using one's God given gift, to perform to the best of ones ability, to either fail or succeed. Liberalism is all about "FAIRNESS" and instead of trying to bring up everyone to meet the goal of excellence, they tell everyone they will fail, that it is the excellent ones who are at fault for their(failed one's) misery.
Example - A marathon is run by many people but one only wins, so that person gets rewarded for being the best that he can be, he gets a winning trophy and lots of money.
Liberalism - Same man runs but is being held back by the liberal, because the liberal whispers in his ear that he cant do it, that it is too hard, so you might as well give it up. Then when they do finish, even if he won, the liberals would give everyone in the race a participation trophy, share the cash with everyone, and even those that didn't run. That to a liberal is FAIR.
What is the difference between a dead liberal in the road and a dead skunk in the road?

Skid marks in front of the skunk.

Donald Trump's major talking point is that America is no longer great- so why do Conservatives believe America is no longer great?

When do Conservatives believe America stopped being great?

they don't believe america is great anymore because a black guy is president, there is marriage equality and no segregation.

aren't they lovely?

America is not great because we got universal healthcare

Conservatives equate it to a return to slavery

you mean radical reactionaries. there is nothing, zero, zilch, nada, conservative about them.

Radical Reactionaries?

They prefer to call themselves "Patriots"...they are anything but

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