why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

It's not just conservatives. It is after all ending a life. Everyone should be uncomfortable with that. With all the forms of birth control why does it so often come to an abortion?

I don't know anyone who likes abortion. In a perfect world, there would be no need for it. We don't live in a perfect world.

We now live in a world where some states teach abstinence only. Which works great up until the person has sex. Studies show that kids who are taught abstinence only are more likely to have sex without any sort of birth control.

These same states have waged a war on Planned Parenthood and women's health clinics. Using abortion as an excuse to hate them and close them down. They're managed to close down a lot of those clinics to the point that there's only one in some states and very few in others.

Those same states didn't expand medicare and join the exchange. So many women who would qualify for help to pay for insurance don't and remain without it.

When you close down the clinic that makes birth control available and cheap or free, women will get pregnant and some of those women will have abortions. In too many cases those clinics are the only option for women because they don't have insurance. Since they don't have insurance, they can't go to a doctor's office for a prescription for birth control.

It's well documented that abortion is 3% of Planned Parenthood's business. It's also well documented that most of what they do is PREVENT abortion by making reliable birth control available to women who can't afford it or even to go to a doctor's office. So since abortion is only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does, the real reason I can see for the anti freedom people to close the clinics is to prevent women from having reliable birth control.

We see it in their personhood legislation. It makes some forms of birth control illegal. We see conservatives having a total conniption fit that the ACA covers birth control. One conservative business went to court to have the right to deny their employees some forms of birth control.

If a person was honestly against abortion they would want to do anything and everything to prevent unplanned pregnancies. They should be applauding the ACA for making birth control free to women. They should be arguing for the pill to be without a required prescription and available over the counter. They should be on the front lines of making sure all women and men had reliable birth control.

Yet they do the exact opposite.

So personal responsibility plays no part huh?

We should just accept the fact that women are stupid and can't help but get themselves pregnant without some entity giving them free birth control. That's insane.
Yeah...that premise really annoys me...."why should a woman be a slave to her body if she doesn't want to be?"

Obviously it didn't matter to her when she was attempting to have an orgasm!

I hate it when I hear that crap.

We are all slaves to our bodies. If we do things that harm our bodies then we suffer the consequences don't we?

We control what our bodies do, what our body ingests, etc....

If a woman doesn't want to be burdened with a baby, then she should abstain from activities that causes pregnancy. I know it's a archaic idea, but it works.
I agree. And if a woman can not afford contraception, then have the man pay for it. And if he cant, then find a wealthier man. And if you cant? Then go on a fucking diet you fat fuck.
Im a dead man for this post...I see it coming.
It was questioning the morals of some and comparing them to the other.\

Morally wrong as it does not sit well with the conservatives, but then morals seem to change once the child is born and the parent(s) struggle with providing a common welfare for their child(ren). Then they are a burden on society and let them fend for themselves.
So the morals are pick and choose.

has anyone suggested killing those who are a burden on society ??

Just because the first part of your tirade is true does not make it all true, akin to saying, "The sky is blue. Babies eat pussy." ...................

NO YOU WERE MAKING STEREOTYPICAL GENERALIZATIONS ....................but I understand you are a Liberal and unaware of your behavior!!
This is not about woman and children being killed in broad daylight dumb fuck. This is about a woman and her reproduction System get the fuck out of her life and let her and her quack decide control freak , mother fucker

The child is just as dead when it is ripped out of its mother's womb and thrown into the dumpster as if the mother had thrown it off a bridge, you dumb fuck.

A woman does not have the moral right to kill another person for the sake of convenience. She is the one that is trying to be a control freak by killing her child, you stupid mutherfvcker. It is not her body that she is controlling. It is putting another human being to death and that is wrong.

It is better to chose life over convenience and if you don't understand that then you are no better than the Nazis with their program of mass killings.
You need to understand that those that support abortion do not consider a first trimester fetus a human being. I do not agree with it....but I understand why they think that.
I'm sorry, but that makes absolutely no sense. one week not pregnant, five weeks a heartbeat in a body, the fetus has a body, no matter what any of the fools on here think, it is a body. When the child is aborted and removed is not a body? I'm just saying. and is that heart beating? nope, blowed up sir!!!
I get it and I agree with you.

But many people do not believe the heartbeat makes it a human being. I disagree with them, but I understand them....so whereas I think they are wrong to think that, I understand that they do not see it as murder.

Well, for my part the heartbeat is not the defining characteristic of "humanity." Things that are not human have a heartbeat.

Heck, I had a toothache onetime and I would have sworn that thing had a heartbeat.

I am pushing for the legal definition of when a fetus becomes a human to be: When it begins showing characteristics that are uniquely human.
The debate is about "when does life begin".
If Liberals argue that life begins with cognizance , and a fetus is an innate object, or as some refer to it - a parasite within a woman's body. Then this parasite should have no memory because technically it isn't alive yet - LIFE STARTS AT MEMORY / COGNIZANCE ?

However - it has been demonstrated that we all have fetal memories / prenatal memory. Also Babies do learn while in the Womb - there is intellectual activity - I THINK THEREFORE I AM .... unfortunately years after being born many become Liberals and that intellectual activity ceases

Babies Learn to Recognize Words in the Womb Science AAAS News
Most that approve of abortion do not approve of aborting a fetus with a developed brain. Most see it as appropriate during the first tri mester only....and there is no fetus recognizing words at that point.
It's not just conservatives. It is after all ending a life. Everyone should be uncomfortable with that. With all the forms of birth control why does it so often come to an abortion?

I don't know anyone who likes abortion. In a perfect world, there would be no need for it. We don't live in a perfect world.

We now live in a world where some states teach abstinence only. Which works great up until the person has sex. Studies show that kids who are taught abstinence only are more likely to have sex without any sort of birth control.

These same states have waged a war on Planned Parenthood and women's health clinics. Using abortion as an excuse to hate them and close them down. They're managed to close down a lot of those clinics to the point that there's only one in some states and very few in others.

Those same states didn't expand medicare and join the exchange. So many women who would qualify for help to pay for insurance don't and remain without it.

When you close down the clinic that makes birth control available and cheap or free, women will get pregnant and some of those women will have abortions. In too many cases those clinics are the only option for women because they don't have insurance. Since they don't have insurance, they can't go to a doctor's office for a prescription for birth control.

It's well documented that abortion is 3% of Planned Parenthood's business. It's also well documented that most of what they do is PREVENT abortion by making reliable birth control available to women who can't afford it or even to go to a doctor's office. So since abortion is only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does, the real reason I can see for the anti freedom people to close the clinics is to prevent women from having reliable birth control.

We see it in their personhood legislation. It makes some forms of birth control illegal. We see conservatives having a total conniption fit that the ACA covers birth control. One conservative business went to court to have the right to deny their employees some forms of birth control.

If a person was honestly against abortion they would want to do anything and everything to prevent unplanned pregnancies. They should be applauding the ACA for making birth control free to women. They should be arguing for the pill to be without a required prescription and available over the counter. They should be on the front lines of making sure all women and men had reliable birth control.

Yet they do the exact opposite.

So personal responsibility plays no part huh?

We should just accept the fact that women are stupid and can't help but get themselves pregnant without some entity giving them free birth control. That's insane.
Yeah...that premise really annoys me...."why should a woman be a slave to her body if she doesn't want to be?"

Obviously it didn't matter to her when she was attempting to have an orgasm!

I hate it when I hear that crap.

We are all slaves to our bodies. If we do things that harm our bodies then we suffer the consequences don't we?

We control what our bodies do, what our body ingests, etc....

If a woman doesn't want to be burdened with a baby, then she should abstain from activities that causes pregnancy. I know it's a archaic idea, but it works.
I agree. And if a woman can not afford contraception, then have the man pay for it. And if he cant, then find a wealthier man. And if you cant? Then go on a fucking diet you fat fuck.

No, if a woman can't afford contraception then she needs to keep her legs shut. It doesn't cost anyone a dime.
This is not about woman and children being killed in broad daylight dumb fuck. This is about a woman and her reproduction System get the fuck out of her life and let her and her quack decide control freak , mother fucker

The child is just as dead when it is ripped out of its mother's womb and thrown into the dumpster as if the mother had thrown it off a bridge, you dumb fuck.

A woman does not have the moral right to kill another person for the sake of convenience. She is the one that is trying to be a control freak by killing her child, you stupid mutherfvcker. It is not her body that she is controlling. It is putting another human being to death and that is wrong.

It is better to chose life over convenience and if you don't understand that then you are no better than the Nazis with their program of mass killings.
You need to understand that those that support abortion do not consider a first trimester fetus a human being. I do not agree with it....but I understand why they think that.
I'm sorry, but that makes absolutely no sense. one week not pregnant, five weeks a heartbeat in a body, the fetus has a body, no matter what any of the fools on here think, it is a body. When the child is aborted and removed is not a body? I'm just saying. and is that heart beating? nope, blowed up sir!!!
I get it and I agree with you.

But many people do not believe the heartbeat makes it a human being. I disagree with them, but I understand them....so whereas I think they are wrong to think that, I understand that they do not see it as murder.

Well, for my part the heartbeat is not the defining characteristic of "humanity." Things that are not human have a heartbeat.

Heck, I had a toothache onetime and I would have sworn that thing had a heartbeat.

I am pushing for the legal definition of when a fetus becomes a human to be: When it begins showing characteristics that are uniquely human.
I believe it is a human being at fertilization. I would say before fertilization, but my God wont accept me in based on my many years of masturbation...so I say after fertilization.
Most that approve of abortion do not approve of aborting a fetus with a developed brain. Most see it as appropriate during the first tri mester only
Possibly - you can prove that of course ?

Actually - most Dems and Libs support whatever Big Brother tells them to support .
I don't know anyone who likes abortion. In a perfect world, there would be no need for it. We don't live in a perfect world.

We now live in a world where some states teach abstinence only. Which works great up until the person has sex. Studies show that kids who are taught abstinence only are more likely to have sex without any sort of birth control.

These same states have waged a war on Planned Parenthood and women's health clinics. Using abortion as an excuse to hate them and close them down. They're managed to close down a lot of those clinics to the point that there's only one in some states and very few in others.

Those same states didn't expand medicare and join the exchange. So many women who would qualify for help to pay for insurance don't and remain without it.

When you close down the clinic that makes birth control available and cheap or free, women will get pregnant and some of those women will have abortions. In too many cases those clinics are the only option for women because they don't have insurance. Since they don't have insurance, they can't go to a doctor's office for a prescription for birth control.

It's well documented that abortion is 3% of Planned Parenthood's business. It's also well documented that most of what they do is PREVENT abortion by making reliable birth control available to women who can't afford it or even to go to a doctor's office. So since abortion is only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does, the real reason I can see for the anti freedom people to close the clinics is to prevent women from having reliable birth control.

We see it in their personhood legislation. It makes some forms of birth control illegal. We see conservatives having a total conniption fit that the ACA covers birth control. One conservative business went to court to have the right to deny their employees some forms of birth control.

If a person was honestly against abortion they would want to do anything and everything to prevent unplanned pregnancies. They should be applauding the ACA for making birth control free to women. They should be arguing for the pill to be without a required prescription and available over the counter. They should be on the front lines of making sure all women and men had reliable birth control.

Yet they do the exact opposite.

So personal responsibility plays no part huh?

We should just accept the fact that women are stupid and can't help but get themselves pregnant without some entity giving them free birth control. That's insane.
Yeah...that premise really annoys me...."why should a woman be a slave to her body if she doesn't want to be?"

Obviously it didn't matter to her when she was attempting to have an orgasm!

I hate it when I hear that crap.

We are all slaves to our bodies. If we do things that harm our bodies then we suffer the consequences don't we?

We control what our bodies do, what our body ingests, etc....

If a woman doesn't want to be burdened with a baby, then she should abstain from activities that causes pregnancy. I know it's a archaic idea, but it works.
I agree. And if a woman can not afford contraception, then have the man pay for it. And if he cant, then find a wealthier man. And if you cant? Then go on a fucking diet you fat fuck.

No, if a woman can't afford contraception then she needs to keep her legs shut. It doesn't cost anyone a dime.
or invest a little money in Everyready batteries.......
Most that approve of abortion do not approve of aborting a fetus with a developed brain. Most see it as appropriate during the first tri mester only....and there is no fetus recognizing words at that point.

That is a piss poor criteria for putting a child to death.

You are dehumanizing the victim with crap like that.

Every fetus will develop he necessary brain function if you don't kill them.
I personally don't care if a girl/woman has an abortion. That is her decision.

I think young girls should receive counseling before getting an abortion - not just about the fate of the fetus but their own emotions about it.

My biggest problem with abortion is a huge, government-funded organization that performs abortions, mostly on minority women who have little education. If a girl wants an abortion, she or her family should pay for it - not the general population.
Most that approve of abortion do not approve of aborting a fetus with a developed brain. Most see it as appropriate during the first tri mester only
Possibly - you can prove that of course ?

Actually - most Dems and Libs support whatever Big Brother tells them to support .
I don't know the stats greenbean...I am basing it on those I have personally debated with over the years.
Most that approve of abortion do not approve of aborting a fetus with a developed brain. Most see it as appropriate during the first tri mester only....and there is no fetus recognizing words at that point.

That is a piss poor criteria for putting a child to death.

You are dehumanizing the victim with crap like that.

Every fetus will develop he necessary brain function if you don't kill them.
yes, I agree. Thus why I am not pro abortion. Others feel differently.
When you bring a child into a life of misery, what do you call it?

Look, I'm not going to continue to argue with you people. You base your whole position on a false premise. A fetus is not a child. Abortions are not killing children, they are ending the development before it becomes a child.

And, btw, all over the world, most countries allow abortion. It is only the extreme right wing in Ameria that has such fits about it. You make America look foolish. Sad. You people would believe the Sun circled the Earth and that the Earth was flat if your religious leaders told you so.
so take them out of their misery is you r only other option? Again, [email protected]
has anyone suggested killing those who are a burden on society ??
Yes - Margaret Sanger - the founder of Planned Parenthood
Links to that, not unplanned pregnancies but actual homo sapiens that were concieved ??

Good talking point but pure out and out SHIT, SHIT SHIT SHIT

actual homo sapiens that were concieved ??

Possibly .... But ,There are many quotes from Sanger that tend to indicate this - Libs have been trying to sweep them under the carpet or explain them away but to no avail - here's one ....

"The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." - infant to be implies it was already born ....
Morally wrong as it does not sit well with the conservatives, but then morals seem to change once the child is born and the parent(s) struggle with providing a common welfare for their child(ren). Then they are a burden on society and let them fend for themselves.
So the morals are pick and choose.

If you save a child from being murdered it is not your responsibility to provide welfare for the rest of its life.

It is the responsibility of the parents that conceived the child to provide for the welfare. Once the child becomes of age it is his/her responiblity to provide for their own welfare.

Again the concept of personal responsibility eludes a Libtard.
has anyone suggested killing those who are a burden on society ??
Yes - Margaret Sanger - the founder of Planned Parenthood
Links to that, not unplanned pregnancies but actual homo sapiens that were concieved ??

Good talking point but pure out and out SHIT, SHIT SHIT SHIT

actual homo sapiens that were concieved ??

Possibly .... But ,There are many quotes from Sanger that tend to indicate this - Libs have been trying to sweep them under the carpet or explain them away but to no avail - here's one ....

"The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." - infant to be implies it was already born ....

I had that same web sitye, but as I stated your first post was PURE SHIT and you are UNABLE to SUBSTANTIATE IT!!

When you bring a child into a life of misery, what do you call it?

Look, I'm not going to continue to argue with you people. You base your whole position on a false premise. A fetus is not a child. Abortions are not killing children, they are ending the development before it becomes a child.

And, btw, all over the world, most countries allow abortion. It is only the extreme right wing in Ameria that has such fits about it. You make America look foolish. Sad. You people would believe the Sun circled the Earth and that the Earth was flat if your religious leaders told you so.

I'm not comfortable with letting an outside, third party make the call about what is and what is not "misery" for that child. Isn't that a subjective term? Is it misery to not have cable TV? How do YOU define misery?
When you bring a child into a life of misery, what do you call it?

Look, I'm not going to continue to argue with you people. You base your whole position on a false premise. A fetus is not a child. Abortions are not killing children, they are ending the development before it becomes a child.

And, btw, all over the world, most countries allow abortion. It is only the extreme right wing in Ameria that has such fits about it. You make America look foolish. Sad. You people would believe the Sun circled the Earth and that the Earth was flat if your religious leaders told you so.

The "every one else does it" argument is juvenile and stupid. Life begins at conception, any biologist would tell you that. A fetus is a human life....period.
funny thought hopped into my head reading this post. Funny a scientist says the earth is warming and we all need to change our way of life and the libs are all over that as fact, without any evidence to support it, and when the same type scientists state that life begins at conception. nope, wrong, even though a heartbeat can be heard and a picture taken of said child. They are, if nothing else, a bunch of............. H Y P O C R I T S
yes, I agree. Thus why I am not pro abortion. Others feel differently.

You have been arguing their side all day long.

Like the Marine General said in Full Metal Jacket "Why don't you get with the program and join the winning team"?

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