why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

If Liberals can argue that child can be put to death before it is born because it is a bother to a mother then why not after it is born? What has really changes except for a few more weeks of life?

They have this notion that if it can not survive outside of it's environment that it is not a human life. That it is just a thing called a fetus not a developing baby.
Never mind that all life has to be in a certain environment while it is developing but it is still life.

I'd appreciate it if you and others stopped labeling all liberals as having the same beliefs on specific issues. They don't. I know many liberal Catholics who oppose Abortion on principle and oppose Capital Punishment and gay marriage too.

Now if you feel the need to lump a certain set of liberals as holding the same beliefs, go for it; I have coined the term Callous Conservative because the ideas they hold on governance show a total disregard for others. I don't lump all conservatives into that set, not do I lump all of the Crazy Right Wing into the general set of Conservatives - they belong to the idiot fringe and are an embarrassment to real conservatives.
And again, the stupid never stops. So here you are pleading for some sort of filtering to not group you or your belief structure as everybody, and turn around and do just that!! You all are definitely k00ks. That must be a pre-requisite for left posting on the message board, remember to bring the stupid!!!

You would be grouped in the set of those who cannot comprehend a simple sentence. I'm not pleading, I'm reasoning with someone I know is smart enough to understand my point. Sadly for you, you're not one of them.
IMHO - inappropriate sex is sex without consent. And a minor cannot give consent. So any sex among minors is sex without consent. I don't think we should just poo - poo that away. You are right - condoms can help minimize the risk of pregnancy and disease and if minors are going to have non-consensual sex, then yeah, better WITH a condom. But when a kid can go to the school bookstore, PAY for a pencil and pick up free condoms, what message does that send? Honestly, what do you think that kid picks up from that? Don't you think that makes that kid think it's OK?

Is that a beneficial message to send?
sometimes a message like that is better than no message at all.

You are right I guess. I just wish we could do better.
It has to come from the home....sadly, in many cases it doesn't. And to be frank, I am not saying it is because the parents don't care. Its just so many parents feel "my kid wouldn't be involved in that"....like..."my kid would never do drugs"....Heck, my parents were shocked when I told them a few years back that I used to raid their liquor cabinet when I was 14 years old.....and they were excellent caring parents.

You know what - you are right. It does have to come from the home. Schools may do and teach and "send messages" that I don't approve of all the time. It IS my job to make sure my son gets the other side of the story. Dang - someone actually changed my mind on these boards - now THAT is pretty rare.

Good work. (not condescending in any way - you really are making some good posts here.)
lol. So I am not one of those posters that is dumb as a box of rocks?

No you're not. I've gotten complaints from the box of rocks for insulting them when I've posted CrusaderFrank, Rabbi and a few others are dumb as a box of rocks.
In response to the title of this thread, the conservative base opposes abortion because the greater the number of people in our population, the more competition among them to secure employment, and thus wages and benefits will remain low. And as a bonus, if they can prevent any raises in the minimum wage, the profits will continue to soar.

In a few words, it's all about greed and a callous disregard for others.


So what is the left's rationale for murdering the unborn? Less people means a decrease in carbon output? Kill the helpless ...clean the planet?

I don't speak for the left!

I believe a women has a right to choose to have an abortion of not, within the rules set by Roe. I also believe the opposition to abortion by jerks like you has nothing to do with compassion for the unborn, since you and other callous conservatives have so often demonstrated a lack of empathy and a callus disregard for those in need, aged and infirm.
In response to the title of this thread, the conservative base opposes abortion because the greater the number of people in our population, the more competition among them to secure employment, and thus wages and benefits will remain low. And as a bonus, if they can prevent any raises in the minimum wage, the profits will continue to soar.

In a few words, it's all about greed and a callous disregard for others.


So what is the left's rationale for murdering the unborn? Less people means a decrease in carbon output? Kill the helpless ...clean the planet?

I don't speak for the left!

I believe a women has a right to choose to have an abortion of not, within the rules set by Roe. I also believe the opposition to abortion by jerks like you has nothing to do with compassion for the unborn, since you and other callous conservatives have so often demonstrated a lack of empathy and a callus disregard for those in need, aged and infirm.

So where are the Democrats reform policies to help keep the programs for those in need, the aged and the infirm?

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

same reason that conservatives, and some liberals, care about other people being murdered.
but it's ok for liberals to care (poke their noses) into our Second amendment rights.

believe me, I don't think many care if you liberals abort your offspring. you're the ones who has to live it....best of luck with that


Let them grow up and THEN shoot them, huh?

That's our StoopidStuff for you.
huh?????????????? more [email protected]

Actually, some aren't allowed to grow up - there is a country where a mad man shot and killed a classroom of 5 and 6 year old children. Hard to believe, nothing has been done to prevent another such horrific even though a terrorist organization has decided arming teachers and administrators and taking away the rights of those with mental health issues is the answer.
You did exactly what was expected. You never made on statement about morals being morals. Only separating them when convenient.
Once again your ignorance and immaturity and stupidity precede you.
Thank you affirming.

You have missed the point entirely. Not uncommon for someone of your caliber. As you can see, name calling is so easy and so immature. But then again that happens quite often from the right.
See how much this accomplishes.
My comment was about the moral comments and picking and choosing that some seem to enjoy.
Is it moral or is it not.

Morally wrong as it does not sit well with the conservatives, but then morals seem to change once the child is born and the parent(s) struggle with providing a common welfare for their child(ren). Then they are a burden on society and let them fend for themselves.
So the morals are pick and choose.

If you save a child from being murdered it is not your responsibility to provide welfare for the rest of its life.

It is the responsibility of the parents that conceived the child to provide for the welfare. Once the child becomes of age it is his/her responiblity to provide for their own welfare.

Again the concept of personal responsibility eludes a Libtard.

You made a comment on the morality of welfare and how it is connected to abortion. I answered it.

It is not my fault you didn't like the answer. Libtards usually run from the concept of personal responsibility.

As a Conservative I feel a responsibility to protect a child from being murdered (as should all humans) but I don't feel it is my responsibility to provide welfare for the child. It is the parent's responsibility to do that. It is also the parent's responsibility not to kill their child but the state allows them to do it.

I stated my moral position very clearly. I am against killing children and it is the responsibility of the parents of a child to provide welfare for their children.

You can't get much clearer than that.

If you don't understand those two concepts then congratulations, you are a poster child for the Libtards.
In response to the title of this thread, the conservative base opposes abortion because the greater the number of people in our population, the more competition among them to secure employment, and thus wages and benefits will remain low. And as a bonus, if they can prevent any raises in the minimum wage, the profits will continue to soar.

In a few words, it's all about greed and a callous disregard for others.


So what is the left's rationale for murdering the unborn? Less people means a decrease in carbon output? Kill the helpless ...clean the planet?

I don't speak for the left!

I believe a women has a right to choose to have an abortion of not, within the rules set by Roe. I also believe the opposition to abortion by jerks like you has nothing to do with compassion for the unborn, since you and other callous conservatives have so often demonstrated a lack of empathy and a callus disregard for those in need, aged and infirm.

So where are the Democrats reform policies to help keep the programs for those in need, the aged and the infirm?

TANF, SS and SSI. Things the GOP and Callous Conservatives oppose, or reduce or tax.
but it's ok for liberals to care (poke their noses) into our Second amendment rights.

believe me, I don't think many care if you liberals abort your offspring. you're the ones who has to live it....best of luck with that


Let them grow up and THEN shoot them, huh?

That's our StoopidStuff for you.
huh?????????????? more [email protected]

Actually, some aren't allowed to grow up - there is a country where a mad man shot and killed a classroom of 5 and 6 year old children. Hard to believe, nothing has been done to prevent another such horrific even though a terrorist organization has decided arming teachers and administrators and taking away the rights of those with mental health issues is the answer.

If you think any law will prevent another misuse of firearms, you're an idiot. I had a gun stolen from my car last year. It was in the glove box under state law, making me think it wasn't the target but a bonus for the thief, the doors were locked, and laws say the person that broke the window getting in can't do that yet it still happened.
but it's ok for liberals to care (poke their noses) into our Second amendment rights.

believe me, I don't think many care if you liberals abort your offspring. you're the ones who has to live it....best of luck with that


Let them grow up and THEN shoot them, huh?

That's our StoopidStuff for you.
huh?????????????? more [email protected]

Actually, some aren't allowed to grow up - there is a country where a mad man shot and killed a classroom of 5 and 6 year old children. Hard to believe, nothing has been done to prevent another such horrific even though a terrorist organization has decided arming teachers and administrators and taking away the rights of those with mental health issues is the answer.

what rights do those with mental health issues have? the right to murder?
They should have the right to treatment and society should have the right to have them put where they cannot harm others.
you idiots would rather see a classroom of 8 year olds shot than have a teacher shoot a would-be murderer who happened to be mentally ill.

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

It's not just conservatives. It is after all ending a life. Everyone should be uncomfortable with that. With all the forms of birth control why does it so often come to an abortion?

I don't know anyone who likes abortion. In a perfect world, there would be no need for it. We don't live in a perfect world.

We now live in a world where some states teach abstinence only. Which works great up until the person has sex. Studies show that kids who are taught abstinence only are more likely to have sex without any sort of birth control.

These same states have waged a war on Planned Parenthood and women's health clinics. Using abortion as an excuse to hate them and close them down. They're managed to close down a lot of those clinics to the point that there's only one in some states and very few in others.

Those same states didn't expand medicaid and join the exchange. So many women who would qualify for help to pay for insurance don't and remain without it.

When you close down the clinic that makes birth control available and cheap or free, women will get pregnant and some of those women will have abortions. In too many cases those clinics are the only option for women because they don't have insurance. Since they don't have insurance, they can't go to a doctor's office for a prescription for birth control.

It's well documented that abortion is 3% of Planned Parenthood's business. It's also well documented that most of what they do is PREVENT abortion by making reliable birth control available to women who can't afford it or even to go to a doctor's office. So since abortion is only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does, the real reason I can see for the anti freedom people to close the clinics is to prevent women from having reliable birth control.

We see it in their personhood legislation. It makes some forms of birth control illegal. We see conservatives having a total conniption fit that the ACA covers birth control. One conservative business went to court to have the right to deny their employees some forms of birth control.

If a person was honestly against abortion they would want to do anything and everything to prevent unplanned pregnancies. They should be applauding the ACA for making birth control free to women. They should be arguing for the pill to be without a required prescription and available over the counter. They should be on the front lines of making sure all women and men had reliable birth control.

Yet they do the exact opposite.

Two thumbs up, clear, concise and sure to be ignored by the willfully ignored.
In response to the title of this thread, the conservative base opposes abortion because the greater the number of people in our population, the more competition among them to secure employment, and thus wages and benefits will remain low. And as a bonus, if they can prevent any raises in the minimum wage, the profits will continue to soar.

In a few words, it's all about greed and a callous disregard for others.


So what is the left's rationale for murdering the unborn? Less people means a decrease in carbon output? Kill the helpless ...clean the planet?

I don't speak for the left!

I believe a women has a right to choose to have an abortion of not, within the rules set by Roe. I also believe the opposition to abortion by jerks like you has nothing to do with compassion for the unborn, since you and other callous conservatives have so often demonstrated a lack of empathy and a callus disregard for those in need, aged and infirm.

So where are the Democrats reform policies to help keep the programs for those in need, the aged and the infirm?

TANF, SS and SSI. Things the GOP and Callous Conservatives oppose, or reduce or tax.

Nothing callous about expecting someone to provide their own food. I'm not asking them to do anything I don't already do. Social Security is nothing more than another bleeding heart redistribution program. When those contributing at a higher amount get a lower proportion in return than they put in compared to the higher return the low wage workers get, it's a nonsense program. SSI is a joke when it comes to disability. I saw it personally with a former employee who, despite foot problems, could do his job which involved strenuous activity. When he was fired for misconduct and blatant insubordination, he quickly applied for SSI claiming he couldn't do things on the same strenuous level which he had no problem doing before getting fired.
In response to the title of this thread, the conservative base opposes abortion because the greater the number of people in our population, the more competition among them to secure employment, and thus wages and benefits will remain low. And as a bonus, if they can prevent any raises in the minimum wage, the profits will continue to soar.

In a few words, it's all about greed and a callous disregard for others.


So what is the left's rationale for murdering the unborn? Less people means a decrease in carbon output? Kill the helpless ...clean the planet?

I don't speak for the left!

I believe a women has a right to choose to have an abortion of not, within the rules set by Roe. I also believe the opposition to abortion by jerks like you has nothing to do with compassion for the unborn, since you and other callous conservatives have so often demonstrated a lack of empathy and a callus disregard for those in need, aged and infirm.

So where are the Democrats reform policies to help keep the programs for those in need, the aged and the infirm?

TANF, SS and SSI. Things the GOP and Callous Conservatives oppose, or reduce or tax.

The CBO has said those programs needs to be reformed because they are unsustainable.
I see Republicans trying to reform them to remain sustainable.
I don't see anything coming from the Democrats.
but it's ok for liberals to care (poke their noses) into our Second amendment rights.

believe me, I don't think many care if you liberals abort your offspring. you're the ones who has to live it....best of luck with that


Let them grow up and THEN shoot them, huh?

That's our StoopidStuff for you.
huh?????????????? more [email protected]

Actually, some aren't allowed to grow up - there is a country where a mad man shot and killed a classroom of 5 and 6 year old children. Hard to believe, nothing has been done to prevent another such horrific even though a terrorist organization has decided arming teachers and administrators and taking away the rights of those with mental health issues is the answer.

If you think any law will prevent another misuse of firearms, you're an idiot. I had a gun stolen from my car last year. It was in the glove box under state law, making me think it wasn't the target but a bonus for the thief, the doors were locked, and laws say the person that broke the window getting in can't do that yet it still happened.

I don't believe laws prevent crimes, a law makes an act criminal and provides a punishment. Thus I support requiring any person who wishes to own, possess, or have in his or her custody or control a license. And any person who sells a gun to an unlicensed person to be punished by a loss of said license and the surrender of any weapons they own or possess to a licensed gun dealer sans compensation.
In response to the title of this thread, the conservative base opposes abortion because the greater the number of people in our population, the more competition among them to secure employment, and thus wages and benefits will remain low. And as a bonus, if they can prevent any raises in the minimum wage, the profits will continue to soar.

In a few words, it's all about greed and a callous disregard for others.


So what is the left's rationale for murdering the unborn? Less people means a decrease in carbon output? Kill the helpless ...clean the planet?

I don't speak for the left!

I believe a women has a right to choose to have an abortion of not, within the rules set by Roe. I also believe the opposition to abortion by jerks like you has nothing to do with compassion for the unborn, since you and other callous conservatives have so often demonstrated a lack of empathy and a callus disregard for those in need, aged and infirm.

So where are the Democrats reform policies to help keep the programs for those in need, the aged and the infirm?

TANF, SS and SSI. Things the GOP and Callous Conservatives oppose, or reduce or tax.

The CBO has said those programs needs to be reformed because they are unsustainable.
I see Republicans trying to reform them to remain sustainable.
I don't see anything coming from the Democrats.

The D's support a raise in the Minimum Wage, the R's do not;
The D's support COLA's for those on SS and those on SSI, the R's do not.
In response to the title of this thread, the conservative base opposes abortion because the greater the number of people in our population, the more competition among them to secure employment, and thus wages and benefits will remain low. And as a bonus, if they can prevent any raises in the minimum wage, the profits will continue to soar.

In a few words, it's all about greed and a callous disregard for others.


So what is the left's rationale for murdering the unborn? Less people means a decrease in carbon output? Kill the helpless ...clean the planet?

I don't speak for the left!

I believe a women has a right to choose to have an abortion of not, within the rules set by Roe. I also believe the opposition to abortion by jerks like you has nothing to do with compassion for the unborn, since you and other callous conservatives have so often demonstrated a lack of empathy and a callus disregard for those in need, aged and infirm.
Yep, murdering unborn babies makes you out to be so friggen compassionate.

BTW, stop lumping me in with the Christian Right. I believe women should have the right to choose, but I don't believe that those who are against that right should have to pay for it to be done by others that do. The problem seems to be Democrats don't want you to have alternative options or a choice in the matter. Whoever decided to make it an issue really just wanted to use it as a tool to kill the poor before they're born. Less of them around means a cleaner planet.

So what is the left's rationale for murdering the unborn? Less people means a decrease in carbon output? Kill the helpless ...clean the planet?

I don't speak for the left!

I believe a women has a right to choose to have an abortion of not, within the rules set by Roe. I also believe the opposition to abortion by jerks like you has nothing to do with compassion for the unborn, since you and other callous conservatives have so often demonstrated a lack of empathy and a callus disregard for those in need, aged and infirm.

So where are the Democrats reform policies to help keep the programs for those in need, the aged and the infirm?

TANF, SS and SSI. Things the GOP and Callous Conservatives oppose, or reduce or tax.

The CBO has said those programs needs to be reformed because they are unsustainable.
I see Republicans trying to reform them to remain sustainable.
I don't see anything coming from the Democrats.

The D's support a raise in the Minimum Wage, the R's do not;
The D's support COLA's for those on SS and those on SSI, the R's do not.
But the D's don't seem to support COLAs for DoD employees. I haven't had one for over 6 years.
but it's ok for liberals to care (poke their noses) into our Second amendment rights.

believe me, I don't think many care if you liberals abort your offspring. you're the ones who has to live it....best of luck with that


Let them grow up and THEN shoot them, huh?

That's our StoopidStuff for you.
huh?????????????? more [email protected]

Actually, some aren't allowed to grow up - there is a country where a mad man shot and killed a classroom of 5 and 6 year old children. Hard to believe, nothing has been done to prevent another such horrific even though a terrorist organization has decided arming teachers and administrators and taking away the rights of those with mental health issues is the answer.

If you think any law will prevent another misuse of firearms, you're an idiot. I had a gun stolen from my car last year. It was in the glove box under state law, making me think it wasn't the target but a bonus for the thief, the doors were locked, and laws say the person that broke the window getting in can't do that yet it still happened.

I don't believe laws prevent crimes, a law makes an act criminal and provides a punishment. Thus I support requiring any person who wishes to own, possess, or have in his or her custody or control a license. And any person who sells a gun to an unlicensed person to be punished by a loss of said license and the surrender of any weapons they own or possess to a licensed gun dealer sans compensation.

Interesting that you say it's hard to believe nothing has been done to prevent other such horrific events, referencing 5 and 6 years old being killed by a gunman, then claim laws don't prevent crimes. If laws don't prevent crimes, why is it hard to believe nothing has been done. Saying nothing has been done to prevent it then saying laws can't prevent it contradicts itself.
but it's ok for liberals to care (poke their noses) into our Second amendment rights.

believe me, I don't think many care if you liberals abort your offspring. you're the ones who has to live it....best of luck with that


Let them grow up and THEN shoot them, huh?

That's our StoopidStuff for you.
huh?????????????? more [email protected]

Actually, some aren't allowed to grow up - there is a country where a mad man shot and killed a classroom of 5 and 6 year old children. Hard to believe, nothing has been done to prevent another such horrific even though a terrorist organization has decided arming teachers and administrators and taking away the rights of those with mental health issues is the answer.

If you think any law will prevent another misuse of firearms, you're an idiot. I had a gun stolen from my car last year. It was in the glove box under state law, making me think it wasn't the target but a bonus for the thief, the doors were locked, and laws say the person that broke the window getting in can't do that yet it still happened.

I don't believe laws prevent crimes, a law makes an act criminal and provides a punishment. Thus I support requiring any person who wishes to own, possess, or have in his or her custody or control a license. And any person who sells a gun to an unlicensed person to be punished by a loss of said license and the surrender of any weapons they own or possess to a licensed gun dealer sans compensation.


Your post is sans common-sense. We don't need to be and shouldn't need to be licensed to buy a gun or possess a gun. That's just another way for the government to rob us of our cash. It's does nothing to prevent gun violence. I thought the goal was supposed to end gun violence, not grab our cash and eventually grab our fucken guns.

So what is the left's rationale for murdering the unborn? Less people means a decrease in carbon output? Kill the helpless ...clean the planet?

I don't speak for the left!

I believe a women has a right to choose to have an abortion of not, within the rules set by Roe. I also believe the opposition to abortion by jerks like you has nothing to do with compassion for the unborn, since you and other callous conservatives have so often demonstrated a lack of empathy and a callus disregard for those in need, aged and infirm.

So where are the Democrats reform policies to help keep the programs for those in need, the aged and the infirm?

TANF, SS and SSI. Things the GOP and Callous Conservatives oppose, or reduce or tax.

The CBO has said those programs needs to be reformed because they are unsustainable.
I see Republicans trying to reform them to remain sustainable.
I don't see anything coming from the Democrats.

The D's support a raise in the Minimum Wage, the R's do not;
The D's support COLA's for those on SS and those on SSI, the R's do not.

None of those supports does anything to reform the programs.

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