why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?


Let them grow up and THEN shoot them, huh?

That's our StoopidStuff for you.
huh?????????????? more [email protected]

Actually, some aren't allowed to grow up - there is a country where a mad man shot and killed a classroom of 5 and 6 year old children. Hard to believe, nothing has been done to prevent another such horrific even though a terrorist organization has decided arming teachers and administrators and taking away the rights of those with mental health issues is the answer.

If you think any law will prevent another misuse of firearms, you're an idiot. I had a gun stolen from my car last year. It was in the glove box under state law, making me think it wasn't the target but a bonus for the thief, the doors were locked, and laws say the person that broke the window getting in can't do that yet it still happened.

I don't believe laws prevent crimes, a law makes an act criminal and provides a punishment. Thus I support requiring any person who wishes to own, possess, or have in his or her custody or control a license. And any person who sells a gun to an unlicensed person to be punished by a loss of said license and the surrender of any weapons they own or possess to a licensed gun dealer sans compensation.


Yet WryCatcher said to me that it's hard to believe something he says can't prevent crimes hasn't been done to prevent it.
huh?????????????? more [email protected]

Actually, some aren't allowed to grow up - there is a country where a mad man shot and killed a classroom of 5 and 6 year old children. Hard to believe, nothing has been done to prevent another such horrific even though a terrorist organization has decided arming teachers and administrators and taking away the rights of those with mental health issues is the answer.

If you think any law will prevent another misuse of firearms, you're an idiot. I had a gun stolen from my car last year. It was in the glove box under state law, making me think it wasn't the target but a bonus for the thief, the doors were locked, and laws say the person that broke the window getting in can't do that yet it still happened.

I don't believe laws prevent crimes, a law makes an act criminal and provides a punishment. Thus I support requiring any person who wishes to own, possess, or have in his or her custody or control a license. And any person who sells a gun to an unlicensed person to be punished by a loss of said license and the surrender of any weapons they own or possess to a licensed gun dealer sans compensation.


Yet WryCatcher said to me that it's hard to believe something he says can't prevent crimes hasn't been done to prevent it.
He's not interested in prevention. That's the key.
Because killing innocent people is wrong and we believe they all people have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Because killing innocent people is wrong and we believe they all people have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Liberals don't think so if it is inconvenient to have you around. Off to the dumpster behind the abortion clinic you go!
Wars are to protect us from those who wish to do us harm, self-defense as it were. You have a problem with this.

I have a problem when we fight a war against a country that didn't attack us over weapons they didn't have, because they made the President's daddy look stupid a decade earlier.

why don't you?

Execution is for those who have broken a law by taking the life of another. You have a problem with this.

Given that we've come close to executing someone who didn't do what he was convicted of 153 times in this country, yes.

No one is trying to take food out of the mouths of babes, conservatives would like the babe's parents to be able to provide for their children rather than uncle Sam. You have a problem with this.

I have a huge problem with this when we have racism and a rigged economic system based on impoverishing millions of people, yes. We spend billions on weapons we never use, but complain about making sure children don't go to bed hungry at night in the richest country in the world.

Abortion kills an unborn human being and is unnecessary as putting the child up for adoption is always an option. You don't have a problem with this.

There's no such thing as an "unborn human being". We mark the beginning of life from BIRTH, not conception.

Also, there are hundreds of thousands of children in foster care right now that no one wants to adopt. Do you really think adding a million more a year is going to be feasible?
I have a huge problem with this when we have racism and a rigged economic system based on impoverishing millions of people, yes. We spend billions on weapons we never use, but complain about making sure children don't go to bed hungry at night in the richest country in the world.

The thing that impoverishes Americans is this bloated out of control combine government that takes over 40% of the GNP.

The best way for anybody to stay out of poverty is not to elect Liberals that ruin the economic with failed Left Wing economic polices.

Of course you voted for Obama that spent more money on defense than any President in history so if you have a problem with defense spending you caused it.
The thing that impoverishes Americans is this bloated out of control combine government that takes over 40% of the GNP.

Well, no, not really. We are actually on the LOW end of industrialized nations on Government spending as a percentage of GNP, even with our bloated military budget



The best way for anybody to stay out of poverty is not to elect Liberals that ruin the economic with failed Left Wing economic polices.

I'm sorry, guy, we were doing just fine under Clinton. Then Bush brought us wars, recessions and managed to even lose an entire city.

Of course you voted for Obama that spent more money on defense than any President in history so if you have a problem with defense spending you caused it.

You know what, guy, you aren't going to get very far if you are going to be willfully ignorant. Obama has reduced military spending by about 200 million while winding down Bush's wars.

The thing that impoverishes Americans is this bloated out of control combine government that takes over 40% of the GNP.

Well, no, not really. We are actually on the LOW end of industrialized nations on Government spending as a percentage of GNP, even with our bloated military budget



The best way for anybody to stay out of poverty is not to elect Liberals that ruin the economic with failed Left Wing economic polices.

I'm sorry, guy, we were doing just fine under Clinton. Then Bush brought us wars, recessions and managed to even lose an entire city.

Of course you voted for Obama that spent more money on defense than any President in history so if you have a problem with defense spending you caused it.

You know what, guy, you aren't going to get very far if you are going to be willfully ignorant. Obama has reduced military spending by about 200 million while winding down Bush's wars.


You do know he was President in those enormous spikes in 2009, 2010 and 2011 don't you? The budget is decreasing now because the war in Iraq tapered off but Obama fought that war for three years and now he is resuming bombing and sent more troops back in.

You voted for a war mongering President that fought the war in Iraq for three years, declaring it a success, escalated the war in Afghanistan causing thousands of American, allied and civilian deaths, bombed Libya that had nothing to do with the security of the US and is now reintroducing the war in the Middle East with more troops and bombing and idiots like you voted for him so don't complain about military spending. All it does is destroy your credibility.
You do know he was President in those enormous spikes in 2009, 2010 and 2011 don't you?

Spike implies it is going up. It's been going down since 2008.

The budget is decreasing now because the war in Iraq tapered off but Obama fought that war for three years and now he is resuming bombing and sent more troops back in.

But he isn't blundering in blindly like Bush did or overcommitting us.. and again, you claimed he increased defense spending when it has been declining on his watch.

You voted for a war mongering President that fought the war in Iraq for three years, declaring it a success, escalated the war in Afghanistan causing thousands of American, allied and civilian deaths,

I think escalating the war in Afghanistan was a mistake, and I've said so many times here.

bombed Libya that had nothing to do with the security of the US

Also a mistake, but it had nothing to do with the defense budget going up when it was going down.

and is now reintroducing the war in the Middle East with more troops and bombing and idiots like you voted for him so don't complain about military spending. All it does is destroy your credibility.

Again, military spending is declining, which was opposed to your point it was increasing. And frankly, while I think disengaging from the MIddle east would be prudent, neither party is ever going to do that as long as the Israelis and Oil Companies are calling the shots in Washington.
Again, military spending is declining, which was opposed to your point it was increasing. And frankly, while I think disengaging from the MIddle east would be prudent, neither party is ever going to do that as long as the Israelis and Oil Companies are calling the shots in Washington.

You were bitching about the military budget but yet you voted for a war monger with a proven record of interventionism and militarism.

You are either a dumbass for not knowing who you were voting for or else you really don't have convictions on the issue.

A bit of advice. If you are going to spout this hippy peacenik bullshit then don't vote for a President that is a war monger like Obama. It just makes you sound like you don't know what you are talking about.

Enough said on this. This thread is about abortion, not Obama's failed foreign policy. If you want to discuss that start another thread.
You were bitching about the military budget but yet you voted for a war monger with a proven record of interventionism and militarism.

You are either a dumbass for not knowing who you were voting for or else you really don't have convictions on the issue.

Obviously, you are still arguing a point where you've been discredited. Obama reduced military spending. Period. This isn't even in dispute.

A bit of advice. If you are going to spout this hippy peacenik bullshit

I'm not a "hippy peacenik" guy. I'm a veteran and I got out of the army at the rank of Staff Sergeant. And, yes, I think the military is great at wasting money. But you were still wrong on your assertation that Obama increased military expenditures when he reduced them.
I'm not a "hippy peacenik" guy. I'm a veteran and I got out of the army at the rank of Staff Sergeant. And, yes, I think the military is great at wasting money. But you were still wrong on your assertation that Obama increased military expenditures when he reduced them.

Your previous post sounded like that hippy peacenik bullshit. If you don't want to be accused of being a fool then don't post foolish bullshit.

If you want to defend Obama's record of militarism then go start another thread. This thread is for a discussion on abortion.
I'm not a "hippy peacenik" guy. I'm a veteran and I got out of the army at the rank of Staff Sergeant. And, yes, I think the military is great at wasting money. But you were still wrong on your assertation that Obama increased military expenditures when he reduced them.

Your previous post sounded like that hippy peacenik bullshit. If you don't want to be accused of being a fool then don't post foolish bullshit.

If you want to defend Obama's record of militarism then go start another thread. This thread is for a discussion on abortion.

True, you've alreadly lost the argument on abortion, it would be embarrassing if you lost the argument of "Obama increased military spending" when facts show he did the oppossite of that.

Okay, Abortion. The decision should be made by the woman the fetus is in. End of story.
WHY do libs care about other people gun ownership?

Becuase they kill 32,000 people every year and injure another 78,000 and are used to commit 300,000 crimes and our police have to arm themselves like they are in a war zone.

abortions kill over a million innocent babies a year, but your ok with that. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of couples waiting to adopt.
I'm not a "hippy peacenik" guy. I'm a veteran and I got out of the army at the rank of Staff Sergeant. And, yes, I think the military is great at wasting money. But you were still wrong on your assertation that Obama increased military expenditures when he reduced them.

Your previous post sounded like that hippy peacenik bullshit. If you don't want to be accused of being a fool then don't post foolish bullshit.

If you want to defend Obama's record of militarism then go start another thread. This thread is for a discussion on abortion.

True, you've alreadly lost the argument on abortion, it would be embarrassing if you lost the argument of "Obama increased military spending" when facts show he did the oppossite of that.

Okay, Abortion. The decision should be made by the woman the fetus is in. End of story.

the decision should be made by the man and the hand the gun is in. End of story.
WHY do libs care about other people gun ownership?

Becuase they kill 32,000 people every year and injure another 78,000 and are used to commit 300,000 crimes and our police have to arm themselves like they are in a war zone.

abortions kill over a million innocent babies a year, but your ok with that. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of couples waiting to adopt.
Meanwhile, millions upon millions of orphans all over the world needing parents and homes. Why bring more and more millions of unwanted children into this already over populated world?
I'm not a "hippy peacenik" guy. I'm a veteran and I got out of the army at the rank of Staff Sergeant. And, yes, I think the military is great at wasting money. But you were still wrong on your assertation that Obama increased military expenditures when he reduced them.

Your previous post sounded like that hippy peacenik bullshit. If you don't want to be accused of being a fool then don't post foolish bullshit.

If you want to defend Obama's record of militarism then go start another thread. This thread is for a discussion on abortion.

True, you've alreadly lost the argument on abortion, it would be embarrassing if you lost the argument of "Obama increased military spending" when facts show he did the oppossite of that.

Okay, Abortion. The decision should be made by the woman the fetus is in. End of story.

the decision should be made by the man and the hand the gun is in. End of story.

Once a male human being is has passed puberty and is able to copulate, he should have a vasectomy until his is married and ready to take responsibility for the children he makes. Vasectomies are reversible and are less invasive and more effective than any kind of birth control that is left up to the woman. If all men had vasectomies, we would have zero problems with unwanted pregnancies. So, why not man up and do the right thing, thus preventing the necessity for abortions? It should not be the woman’s responsibility to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

And yes, this is what I truly believe.
abortions kill over a million innocent babies a year, but your ok with that. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of couples waiting to adopt.

Fetuses aren't babies. No one considers them to be babies. Not the law, not the medical community, not even the bible.

This is absolutely not true.

Until the Roe v Wade the standard was the "quickening" or when the baby made it's first movement. At Roe v Wade the standard was changed to "reasonable expectation of viability outside the womb"

Medical texts:

“The life cycle of mammals begins when a sperm enters an egg.”

Okada et al., A role for the elongator complex in zygotic paternal genome demethylation, NATURE 463:554 (Jan. 28, 2010)

“Fertilization is the process by which male and female haploid gametes (sperm and egg) unite to produce a genetically distinct individual.”

Signorelli et al., Kinases, phosphatases and proteases during sperm capacitation, CELL TISSUE RES. 349(3):765 (Mar. 20, 2012)

“The oviduct or Fallopian tube is the anatomical region where every new life begins in mammalian species. After a long journey, the spermatozoa meet the oocyte in the specific site of the oviduct named ampulla, and fertilization takes place.”

Coy et al., Roles of the oviduct in mammalian fertilization, REPRODUCTION 144(6):649 (Oct. 1, 2012) (emphasis added).

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