why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

Only to people like you, people who attack others for their beliefs and opinions. If you can, think about it. Stop using words like libtard and other nonsensical attacks on others, and some day post something more than an echo of right wing propaganda.
You realize that the left in this thread are the ones attacking the right for their belief that abortion is murder.....have you read any of Bears posts?

I'm not my brother's keeper. Respond to my post on this issue, in re sex ed, free contraceptives and abortion in the case of rape, incest, or at the cost of the life of the mother.

The only way to reduce abortions is a rational effort to make unwanted pregnancy rare.

The methods used by the right to life people, the murder of Dr. Tiller, the bombing by Rudolph, picketing outside of family planning offices who also provide abortion and the callous disregard for those pregnant, alone or in fear of a violent husband/SO seems to me both non productive in preventing abortions.

Supporting funding to prevent abortions by providing more education, more family planning and shelters for women stuck in a violent relationship - many stay to protect their kids, pets and have no job and no skills deserve empathy and a path to follow, not scorn.

Wry, I agree with just about everything you say here. I deplore the methods of so many "pro-lifers" (bombing a clinic or murdering a doctor is certainly NOT "pro-life.")

And I agree that the real meaningful reduction in abortions will come from (duh) a reduction in unwanted pregnancy.

But none of that changes the fact that I STILL believe that when a fetus begins demonstrating traits that are uniquely human, he or she is entitle to protection under our legal system.

If the ONLY enforcement we have if for doctors to sign a statement saying they have not terminated a pregnancy that posed no threat to the life of the mother every year, then that's a start. It may be a loophole big enough for Jupiter to fit through, but it's still a big difference (imho) than our society saying there is nothing wrong with it.

The issue is not a simple one. For background, I ran our agencies domestic violence unit and I managed, wrote (1) and co-wrote (1) DOJ grants funded by the Violence Against Women Act. My opinions on the issue of abortion - and other family violence issues - developed from my conversations with surveyors of DV.
You had the advantage of educating yourself with actual data...and not the spin that most hear from the pundits and politicians.
I do not approve of abortion, but I will never frown on someone who has one for I am not aware of their situation and I respect their belief that a fetus is not a human being...I do not see one who aborts as one who believes they are committing murder.

You simply talk feeling and not what is fact.

I spoke of semantics earlier, you speak of a fetus as "lifeless or not having formed life", ............

If I understand your position correctly then because the fetus has not popped out of mom it is not alive .........

When would you say life begins?? Was there any life actually created?? Can you go back to a lab and throw chemicals together to form DNA chains and then with electricity or magic or whatever create life??

The sperm that the man ejaculates has life essence in it, it is alive ...............

The egg the woman contributes is a living organism / cell, it contains life essence already ...................

When the tow living organism, sperm and the egg combine the resulting embryo has life ......................

Go back and look at the definition of life and then come back to argue your semantics
The ability or methods to investigate a crime is a different question altogether than the question of who has a right to legal protection. The methods to enforce a ban do not have to be intrusive - they may or may not be incredibly EFFECTIVE without some intrusion - but that is a completely different issue. And that issue can be debated and enacted in concordance with law.
I 'll use Brazil as an example because the Catholic Church is part of the government there, and the Catholic Church is basically who wants abortion banned here. The way a ban is enforced in countries like Brazil is the government audits all medical records kept by the facility. That search would violates the 4th amendment right of every patient.

Just because rape is a very difficult crime to investigate and prosecute is no argument to legalize it. (NOT equating the two).
It's not just difficult, an abortion ban is unenforceable, even in Brazil.

BTW: I would prefer it if you don't delete part of my post when you re-post it as a direct quote. I believe it gives a misleading impression as to what I posted. I understand that there was just one small part that you wanted to respond to - but later posters never see the full post and make assumptions that are not correct. Thanks.
After the administrator changes the server settings to stop having a whole chain of quotes whenever anyone quotes one person, sure. And the redirecting needs to be brought under control, too. You're welcome.
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"Fetuses aren't people", but they are innocent human life. That's what the pro-lifers are saying.

Tough to believe we'll ever have an honest, constructive conversation on this important topic.

Well, it's hard to have constructive conversations with dupes.

Here's the thing. The GOP has been "against" abortion since Five Republican Justices teamed up with 2 Democratic ones to strike down the country's largely unenforced abortion laws.

In that time, they've appointed no less than 8 justices to the Supreme Court, yet Roe v. Wade has stood every challenge. And guys like TakeAStep get all so upset about the poor little babies (although they can fucking starve to death, he'd be fine with that, before giving them a food stamp) and they vote Republican.

And the rich get their free trade, they get their union busting, they get deregulation and their bailouts and their tax cuts. But strangely, Abortion, which is supposedly this great moral issue, remains just as legal now as it was in 1973.

Now, there are ways to REDUCE the number of abortions. Universal health care, comprehensive sex education, fostering self-esteem for girls, family and medical leave- paid. Things that would either prevent unwanted pregnancies to start with or would allow a couple that is on the fence about whether to abort or not to decide in favor of keeping it.

But shit, you suggest that kind of liberal, "it takes a village" stuff, and they are screaming about "Freedom" and "Founding Fathers" and that sort of shit.
oh please explain how health insurance avoids abortions. I'm all eyes.

for more from JoeB131 go to [email protected]
You realize that the left in this thread are the ones attacking the right for their belief that abortion is murder.....have you read any of Bears posts?

I'm not my brother's keeper. Respond to my post on this issue, in re sex ed, free contraceptives and abortion in the case of rape, incest, or at the cost of the life of the mother.

The only way to reduce abortions is a rational effort to make unwanted pregnancy rare.

The methods used by the right to life people, the murder of Dr. Tiller, the bombing by Rudolph, picketing outside of family planning offices who also provide abortion and the callous disregard for those pregnant, alone or in fear of a violent husband/SO seems to me both non productive in preventing abortions.

Supporting funding to prevent abortions by providing more education, more family planning and shelters for women stuck in a violent relationship - many stay to protect their kids, pets and have no job and no skills deserve empathy and a path to follow, not scorn.

Wry, I agree with just about everything you say here. I deplore the methods of so many "pro-lifers" (bombing a clinic or murdering a doctor is certainly NOT "pro-life.")

And I agree that the real meaningful reduction in abortions will come from (duh) a reduction in unwanted pregnancy.

But none of that changes the fact that I STILL believe that when a fetus begins demonstrating traits that are uniquely human, he or she is entitle to protection under our legal system.

If the ONLY enforcement we have if for doctors to sign a statement saying they have not terminated a pregnancy that posed no threat to the life of the mother every year, then that's a start. It may be a loophole big enough for Jupiter to fit through, but it's still a big difference (imho) than our society saying there is nothing wrong with it.

The issue is not a simple one. For background, I ran our agencies domestic violence unit and I managed, wrote (1) and co-wrote (1) DOJ grants funded by the Violence Against Women Act. My opinions on the issue of abortion - and other family violence issues - developed from my conversations with surveyors of DV.
You had the advantage of educating yourself with actual data...and not the spin that most hear from the pundits and politicians.
I do not approve of abortion, but I will never frown on someone who has one for I am not aware of their situation and I respect their belief that a fetus is not a human being...I do not see one who aborts as one who believes they are committing murder.

You simply talk feeling and not what is fact.

I spoke of semantics earlier, you speak of a fetus as "lifeless or not having formed life", ............

If I understand your position correctly then because the fetus has not popped out of mom it is not alive .........

When would you say life begins?? Was there any life actually created?? Can you go back to a lab and throw chemicals together to form DNA chains and then with electricity or magic or whatever create life??

The sperm that the man ejaculates has life essence in it, it is alive ...............

The egg the woman contributes is a living organism / cell, it contains life essence already ...................

When the tow living organism, sperm and the egg combine the resulting embryo has life ......................

Go back and look at the definition of life and then come back to argue your semantics
Maybe you have a reading comprehension issue. If this is the case, then I apologize for being so condescending to you.

FYI....I have made it clear that I, personally, see the fetus as a human being. Furthermore, I see a fertilized egg as a human being because it has all of the ingredients necessary to become a human being.

I simply understand why others don't see it that way. I believe it was definition 3 in your post..."life is the span between birth and death"...

Got it?
You are right I guess. I just wish we could do better.
It has to come from the home....sadly, in many cases it doesn't. And to be frank, I am not saying it is because the parents don't care. Its just so many parents feel "my kid wouldn't be involved in that"....like..."my kid would never do drugs"....Heck, my parents were shocked when I told them a few years back that I used to raid their liquor cabinet when I was 14 years old.....and they were excellent caring parents.

You know what - you are right. It does have to come from the home. Schools may do and teach and "send messages" that I don't approve of all the time. It IS my job to make sure my son gets the other side of the story. Dang - someone actually changed my mind on these boards - now THAT is pretty rare.

Good work. (not condescending in any way - you really are making some good posts here.)
lol. So I am not one of those posters that is dumb as a box of rocks?

LOL - not today for sure. (But, I reserve the right to tear into you like you were made out of ham tomorrow).
Made of Ham???? Is that a dig because I mentioned I am Jewish? So you are antiemetic? Ahhh....so now the true colors come out. Go ahead....tear into me...lets see who wins...(I think I am winning right now)


I didn't realize you are Jewish. I missed that.
It's line from "Best in Show." It kinda means voraciously attack.

I knew the "era of good feelings" couldn't last. I apologize for my error.
I'm not my brother's keeper. Respond to my post on this issue, in re sex ed, free contraceptives and abortion in the case of rape, incest, or at the cost of the life of the mother.

The only way to reduce abortions is a rational effort to make unwanted pregnancy rare.

The methods used by the right to life people, the murder of Dr. Tiller, the bombing by Rudolph, picketing outside of family planning offices who also provide abortion and the callous disregard for those pregnant, alone or in fear of a violent husband/SO seems to me both non productive in preventing abortions.

Supporting funding to prevent abortions by providing more education, more family planning and shelters for women stuck in a violent relationship - many stay to protect their kids, pets and have no job and no skills deserve empathy and a path to follow, not scorn.

Wry, I agree with just about everything you say here. I deplore the methods of so many "pro-lifers" (bombing a clinic or murdering a doctor is certainly NOT "pro-life.")

And I agree that the real meaningful reduction in abortions will come from (duh) a reduction in unwanted pregnancy.

But none of that changes the fact that I STILL believe that when a fetus begins demonstrating traits that are uniquely human, he or she is entitle to protection under our legal system.

If the ONLY enforcement we have if for doctors to sign a statement saying they have not terminated a pregnancy that posed no threat to the life of the mother every year, then that's a start. It may be a loophole big enough for Jupiter to fit through, but it's still a big difference (imho) than our society saying there is nothing wrong with it.

The issue is not a simple one. For background, I ran our agencies domestic violence unit and I managed, wrote (1) and co-wrote (1) DOJ grants funded by the Violence Against Women Act. My opinions on the issue of abortion - and other family violence issues - developed from my conversations with surveyors of DV.
You had the advantage of educating yourself with actual data...and not the spin that most hear from the pundits and politicians.
I do not approve of abortion, but I will never frown on someone who has one for I am not aware of their situation and I respect their belief that a fetus is not a human being...I do not see one who aborts as one who believes they are committing murder.

You simply talk feeling and not what is fact.

I spoke of semantics earlier, you speak of a fetus as "lifeless or not having formed life", ............

If I understand your position correctly then because the fetus has not popped out of mom it is not alive .........

When would you say life begins?? Was there any life actually created?? Can you go back to a lab and throw chemicals together to form DNA chains and then with electricity or magic or whatever create life??

The sperm that the man ejaculates has life essence in it, it is alive ...............

The egg the woman contributes is a living organism / cell, it contains life essence already ...................

When the tow living organism, sperm and the egg combine the resulting embryo has life ......................

Go back and look at the definition of life and then come back to argue your semantics
Maybe you have a reading comprehension issue. If this is the case, then I apologize for being so condescending to you.

FYI....I have made it clear that I, personally, see the fetus as a human being. Furthermore, I see a fertilized egg as a human being because it has all of the ingredients necessary to become a human being.

I simply understand why others don't see it that way. I believe it was definition 3 in your post..."life is the span between birth and death"...

Got it?

Apparently comprehension is your big issue, I make no apologies to your ignorant ass ...............

Try life started at the moment of conception, get past that part of the semantics and then taking that life becomes murder ......................
It has to come from the home....sadly, in many cases it doesn't. And to be frank, I am not saying it is because the parents don't care. Its just so many parents feel "my kid wouldn't be involved in that"....like..."my kid would never do drugs"....Heck, my parents were shocked when I told them a few years back that I used to raid their liquor cabinet when I was 14 years old.....and they were excellent caring parents.

You know what - you are right. It does have to come from the home. Schools may do and teach and "send messages" that I don't approve of all the time. It IS my job to make sure my son gets the other side of the story. Dang - someone actually changed my mind on these boards - now THAT is pretty rare.

Good work. (not condescending in any way - you really are making some good posts here.)
lol. So I am not one of those posters that is dumb as a box of rocks?

LOL - not today for sure. (But, I reserve the right to tear into you like you were made out of ham tomorrow).
Made of Ham???? Is that a dig because I mentioned I am Jewish? So you are antiemetic? Ahhh....so now the true colors come out. Go ahead....tear into me...lets see who wins...(I think I am winning right now)


I didn't realize you are Jewish. I missed that.
It's line from "Best in Show." It kinda means voraciously attack.

I knew the "era of good feelings" couldn't last. I apologize for my error.
whereas I am Jewish, I did not take it as anything but the joke you meant....I just seized the opportunity to get a leg up before your "tearing" you plan to give me at a later date.

I do not get bent out of shape over jokes about looks, religion and race....I loved Don Rickles.
Wry, I agree with just about everything you say here. I deplore the methods of so many "pro-lifers" (bombing a clinic or murdering a doctor is certainly NOT "pro-life.")

And I agree that the real meaningful reduction in abortions will come from (duh) a reduction in unwanted pregnancy.

But none of that changes the fact that I STILL believe that when a fetus begins demonstrating traits that are uniquely human, he or she is entitle to protection under our legal system.

If the ONLY enforcement we have if for doctors to sign a statement saying they have not terminated a pregnancy that posed no threat to the life of the mother every year, then that's a start. It may be a loophole big enough for Jupiter to fit through, but it's still a big difference (imho) than our society saying there is nothing wrong with it.

The issue is not a simple one. For background, I ran our agencies domestic violence unit and I managed, wrote (1) and co-wrote (1) DOJ grants funded by the Violence Against Women Act. My opinions on the issue of abortion - and other family violence issues - developed from my conversations with surveyors of DV.
You had the advantage of educating yourself with actual data...and not the spin that most hear from the pundits and politicians.
I do not approve of abortion, but I will never frown on someone who has one for I am not aware of their situation and I respect their belief that a fetus is not a human being...I do not see one who aborts as one who believes they are committing murder.

You simply talk feeling and not what is fact.

I spoke of semantics earlier, you speak of a fetus as "lifeless or not having formed life", ............

If I understand your position correctly then because the fetus has not popped out of mom it is not alive .........

When would you say life begins?? Was there any life actually created?? Can you go back to a lab and throw chemicals together to form DNA chains and then with electricity or magic or whatever create life??

The sperm that the man ejaculates has life essence in it, it is alive ...............

The egg the woman contributes is a living organism / cell, it contains life essence already ...................

When the tow living organism, sperm and the egg combine the resulting embryo has life ......................

Go back and look at the definition of life and then come back to argue your semantics
Maybe you have a reading comprehension issue. If this is the case, then I apologize for being so condescending to you.

FYI....I have made it clear that I, personally, see the fetus as a human being. Furthermore, I see a fertilized egg as a human being because it has all of the ingredients necessary to become a human being.

I simply understand why others don't see it that way. I believe it was definition 3 in your post..."life is the span between birth and death"...

Got it?

Apparently comprehension is your big issue, I make no apologies to your ignorant ass ...............

Try life started at the moment of conception, get past that part of the semantics and then taking that life becomes murder ......................
The ability or methods to investigate a crime is a different question altogether than the question of who has a right to legal protection. The methods to enforce a ban do not have to be intrusive - they may or may not be incredibly EFFECTIVE without some intrusion - but that is a completely different issue. And that issue can be debated and enacted in concordance with law.
I 'll use Brazil as an example because the Catholic Church is part of the government there, and the Catholic Church is basically who wants abortion banned here. The way a ban is enforced in countries like Brazil is the government audits all medical records kept by the facility. That search would violates the 4th amendment right of every patient.

Just because rape is a very difficult crime to investigate and prosecute is no argument to legalize it. (NOT equating the two).
It's not just difficult, an abortion ban is unenforceable, even in Brazil.

BTW: I would prefer it if you don't delete part of my post when you re-post it as a direct quote. I believe it gives a misleading impression as to what I posted. I understand that there was just one small part that you wanted to respond to - but later posters never see the full post and make assumptions that are not correct. Thanks.
After the administrator changes the server settings to stop having a whole chain of quotes whenever anyone quotes one person, sure. And the redirecting needs to be brought under control, too. You're welcome.

Personally I'm not interested in the Catholic Church or WHY Brazil opts to do what they do.

My argument is based on a legal theory - not a religious one.

Also, the string of quotes collapse and some drop off so they do not become too cumbersome. Altering someone's quote is a HUGE NO-NO here and I fully support that rule.

I would really prefer to not have to report violations.
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I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

It's not just conservatives. It is after all ending a life. Everyone should be uncomfortable with that. With all the forms of birth control why does it so often come to an abortion?

I don't know anyone who likes abortion. In a perfect world, there would be no need for it. We don't live in a perfect world.

We now live in a world where some states teach abstinence only. Which works great up until the person has sex. Studies show that kids who are taught abstinence only are more likely to have sex without any sort of birth control.

These same states have waged a war on Planned Parenthood and women's health clinics. Using abortion as an excuse to hate them and close them down. They're managed to close down a lot of those clinics to the point that there's only one in some states and very few in others.

Those same states didn't expand medicaid and join the exchange. So many women who would qualify for help to pay for insurance don't and remain without it.

When you close down the clinic that makes birth control available and cheap or free, women will get pregnant and some of those women will have abortions. In too many cases those clinics are the only option for women because they don't have insurance. Since they don't have insurance, they can't go to a doctor's office for a prescription for birth control.

It's well documented that abortion is 3% of Planned Parenthood's business. It's also well documented that most of what they do is PREVENT abortion by making reliable birth control available to women who can't afford it or even to go to a doctor's office. So since abortion is only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does, the real reason I can see for the anti freedom people to close the clinics is to prevent women from having reliable birth control.

We see it in their personhood legislation. It makes some forms of birth control illegal. We see conservatives having a total conniption fit that the ACA covers birth control. One conservative business went to court to have the right to deny their employees some forms of birth control.

If a person was honestly against abortion they would want to do anything and everything to prevent unplanned pregnancies. They should be applauding the ACA for making birth control free to women. They should be arguing for the pill to be without a required prescription and available over the counter. They should be on the front lines of making sure all women and men had reliable birth control.

Yet they do the exact opposite.
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With all due respect, that someday you may earn, you seem to be a self righteous asshole, and as dumb as a box of rocks.

Libtards always argue that they are not responsible for their actions. They hate the concept of personal responsibility.

It is not self righteous to think that parents should live up to their responsibility before killing their child.
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This is not about woman and children being killed in broad daylight dumb fuck. This is about a woman and her reproduction System get the fuck out of her life and let her and her quack decide control freak , mother fucker

The child is just as dead when it is ripped out of its mother's womb and thrown into the dumpster as if the mother had thrown it off a bridge, you dumb fuck.

A woman does not have the moral right to kill another person for the sake of convenience. She is the one that is trying to be a control freak by killing her child, you stupid mutherfvcker. It is not her body that she is controlling. It is putting another human being to death and that is wrong.

It is better to chose life over convenience and if you don't understand that then you are no better than the Nazis with their program of mass killings.
You need to understand that those that support abortion do not consider a first trimester fetus a human being. I do not agree with it....but I understand why they think that.
I'm sorry, but that makes absolutely no sense. one week not pregnant, five weeks a heartbeat in a body, the fetus has a body, no matter what any of the fools on here think, it is a body. When the child is aborted and removed is not a body? I'm just saying. and is that heart beating? nope, blowed up sir!!!
This is not about woman and children being killed in broad daylight dumb fuck. This is about a woman and her reproduction System get the fuck out of her life and let her and her quack decide control freak , mother fucker

The child is just as dead when it is ripped out of its mother's womb and thrown into the dumpster as if the mother had thrown it off a bridge, you dumb fuck.

A woman does not have the moral right to kill another person for the sake of convenience. She is the one that is trying to be a control freak by killing her child, you stupid mutherfvcker. It is not her body that she is controlling. It is putting another human being to death and that is wrong.

It is better to chose life over convenience and if you don't understand that then you are no better than the Nazis with their program of mass killings.
You need to understand that those that support abortion do not consider a first trimester fetus a human being. I do not agree with it....but I understand why they think that.
I'm sorry, but that makes absolutely no sense. one week not pregnant, five weeks a heartbeat in a body, the fetus has a body, no matter what any of the fools on here think, it is a body. When the child is aborted and removed is not a body? I'm just saying. and is that heart beating? nope, blowed up sir!!!
I get it and I agree with you.

But many people do not believe the heartbeat makes it a human being. I disagree with them, but I understand them....so whereas I think they are wrong to think that, I understand that they do not see it as murder.
Your just mad because I am against abortion when my four kids were in the womb but don't give a damn if it is someone else kids, I don't it's between them and there God, if they want to deal with it the rest of there lives there choice not mine
fine then, why not keep that opinion to yourself and move on? Why is it you're so interested in everyone else then? hmmmmmmm more @stupid.com
That's not what I said at all. I didn't even mention court decisions. I said "you have to completely destroy the 4th Amendment, for example, in order to enforce a ban".

The court used the 4th as one of the reasons to allow abortions in this country so maybe you can explain to me how the right against the government to do searches and seizures without due process gives a woman the right to kill her child.

If anything (even in the convoluted legal world) that should be used as a protection of the child's life, especially about the part of being secure in their person.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Well, actually, putting aside rape, it is about a woman who used her reproductive system and deciding she didn't want to after the fact. Sort of like buyers remorse.
Like I said earlier....you need to understand the other position. You don't need to agree with it. You need to understand it.
There would be a lot less hate.

I do understand the "other position". My wife participated for three years in a mission to council women that were considering abortion. I have heard it all. There are some valid medical reasons for abortion but for the sake of convenience doesn't meet the threshold of justification to kill another human being.

Once the child is conceived it is just not about a woman using her reproductive system and then being able to undo the act through murder. Another human life is in the equation and that is a game changer. The time for a woman (and the father) to think about birth control is before she gets pregnant.

If being against the killing of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience is considered "hate" by you Liberals then I can live with that.
That is becusae YOU see it as murder....as I do.

But you need to understand the other side. They do not see it as murder. They do not see the fetus as a human being. You and I disagree with them....but that does not mean they are to be considered wrong in their thinking.

And if it is not murder (in their minds), then why cant the law allow for it for convenience purposes?

Again, I agree with you. I see it as the killing of a human being, But that is me.
nope, they're wrong! I don't even have to think twice or three times about it. They are wrong. There is no valid position that a fetus is not alive and to stop it's growth with death is killing. No other way to look at it.

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

It's not just conservatives. It is after all ending a life. Everyone should be uncomfortable with that. With all the forms of birth control why does it so often come to an abortion?

I don't know anyone who likes abortion. In a perfect world, there would be no need for it. We don't live in a perfect world.

We now live in a world where some states teach abstinence only. Which works great up until the person has sex. Studies show that kids who are taught abstinence only are more likely to have sex without any sort of birth control.

These same states have waged a war on Planned Parenthood and women's health clinics. Using abortion as an excuse to hate them and close them down. They're managed to close down a lot of those clinics to the point that there's only one in some states and very few in others.

Those same states didn't expand medicare and join the exchange. So many women who would qualify for help to pay for insurance don't and remain without it.

When you close down the clinic that makes birth control available and cheap or free, women will get pregnant and some of those women will have abortions. In too many cases those clinics are the only option for women because they don't have insurance. Since they don't have insurance, they can't go to a doctor's office for a prescription for birth control.

It's well documented that abortion is 3% of Planned Parenthood's business. It's also well documented that most of what they do is PREVENT abortion by making reliable birth control available to women who can't afford it or even to go to a doctor's office. So since abortion is only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does, the real reason I can see for the anti freedom people to close the clinics is to prevent women from having reliable birth control.

We see it in their personhood legislation. It makes some forms of birth control illegal. We see conservatives having a total conniption fit that the ACA covers birth control. One conservative business went to court to have the right to deny their employees some forms of birth control.

If a person was honestly against abortion they would want to do anything and everything to prevent unplanned pregnancies. They should be applauding the ACA for making birth control free to women. They should be arguing for the pill to be without a required prescription and available over the counter. They should be on the front lines of making sure all women and men had reliable birth control.

Yet they do the exact opposite.

I can't speak for the people who do and think what you describe here. I can only speak for myself. And as for myself I believe that if a form of birth control terminates the life of a human being - that's not "birth control" it is taking a life. If that life is not threatening the life of another, then I feel that it should not be legal.

2) Condoms are very cheap and available all over the place. Saying that a person is absolved from mistakes because their preferred method of birth control is not available is just a cop out from accepting responsibility for one's choices and actions.

3) I agree that the real battle is against unwanted pregnancies. But I can't condone ANY method used in that battle.
It's well documented that abortion is 3% of Planned Parenthood's business.

8 Outrageous Things Planned Parenthood Was Caught Doing Personhood USA

Covering Up Child Sex Trafficking

Illegally Not Reporting Child Rape

Taking Money To Abort African-American Babies [After all their founder advocated genocide against the Negro race and called blacks "Human Weeds - reckless breeders who never should have been born. "]

Offering Sex-Selective Abortion

Misinforming Women About Scientific Facts of Pregnancy

Lying About Abortion-Related Deaths

Lying About Offering Mammograms

Lobbying Against Protections For Babies Born Alive After Failed Abortions

Yes - I can see where Planned Parenthood has been very busy indeed

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