why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

It has to come from the home....sadly, in many cases it doesn't. And to be frank, I am not saying it is because the parents don't care. Its just so many parents feel "my kid wouldn't be involved in that"....like..."my kid would never do drugs"....Heck, my parents were shocked when I told them a few years back that I used to raid their liquor cabinet when I was 14 years old.....and they were excellent caring parents.

See this is another form of YOUR bias based on perception.

A loving and caring Christian parent would not have a "liquor cabinet" .............. JUST SAYING!!
Why do Liberals ignore the mass murder of our innocent children yet have a hissy fit when we put a criminal out of our misery?

There isn't any mass murder of children happening in America.

You can't kill something that's not alive.

Abortion isn't murder. It's a legal medical procedure here in America. Some abortions save the lives of women.

If an embryo is a living person then tell me what life is in an ectopic pregnancy.

Even before Roe vs Wade it was legal to have one in a medical emergency where the life of the mother is in danger.
Still the embryo is a living person but both can die if not treated.
Totally different than taking one that is developing normally just because you don't want to be pregnant and or it's an inconvenient
The only concern I have about anything you posted here is that I wonder if providing condoms is condoning inappropriate sexual activity.

Saying, "they are gonna do it anyway" - to me - is just throwing in the towel. Do we no longer expect anyone to show any mastery of their urges at all? Is our expectation that people are going to behave like sharks with legs or do we hold people to a higher standard?

I'm a Democrat, but first and foremost I'm a pragmatic. Which is better "inappropriate" sexual intercourse (in my mind that's rape, incest and the use of power and control) or an unwanted pregnancy ending in abortion?

They are going to do it anyway. That is a fact not easily dismissed. The condom protects against pregnancy and disease, and in educating women & men its use is something they can control especially if they are free and easily available.

IMHO - inappropriate sex is sex without consent. And a minor cannot give consent. So any sex among minors is sex without consent. I don't think we should just poo - poo that away. You are right - condoms can help minimize the risk of pregnancy and disease and if minors are going to have non-consensual sex, then yeah, better WITH a condom. But when a kid can go to the school bookstore, PAY for a pencil and pick up free condoms, what message does that send? Honestly, what do you think that kid picks up from that? Don't you think that makes that kid think it's OK?

Is that a beneficial message to send?
sometimes a message like that is better than no message at all.

You are right I guess. I just wish we could do better.
It has to come from the home....sadly, in many cases it doesn't. And to be frank, I am not saying it is because the parents don't care. Its just so many parents feel "my kid wouldn't be involved in that"....like..."my kid would never do drugs"....Heck, my parents were shocked when I told them a few years back that I used to raid their liquor cabinet when I was 14 years old.....and they were excellent caring parents.

You know what - you are right. It does have to come from the home. Schools may do and teach and "send messages" that I don't approve of all the time. It IS my job to make sure my son gets the other side of the story. Dang - someone actually changed my mind on these boards - now THAT is pretty rare.

Good work. (not condescending in any way - you really are making some good posts here.)
It has to come from the home....sadly, in many cases it doesn't. And to be frank, I am not saying it is because the parents don't care. Its just so many parents feel "my kid wouldn't be involved in that"....like..."my kid would never do drugs"....Heck, my parents were shocked when I told them a few years back that I used to raid their liquor cabinet when I was 14 years old.....and they were excellent caring parents.

See this is another form of YOUR bias based on perception.

A loving and caring Christian parent would not have a "liquor cabinet" .............. JUST SAYING!!
Im Jewish...albeit, not overly religious.
And us Jews loves our Manischevitz.
Have you read Stephanie's 'work'? Shit, indelicate as your phrase may be, does come out of my ass. In the case of those with double Digit IQ's below room temperature, and that may be you considering your post, shit comes out of their mouth or from their keyboard.

Have a great evening.

speaking of shit coming out of ones mouth. Personal attacks and hate are what you do best.

Only to people like you, people who attack others for their beliefs and opinions. If you can, think about it. Stop using words like libtard and other nonsensical attacks on others, and some day post something more than an echo of right wing propaganda.
You realize that the left in this thread are the ones attacking the right for their belief that abortion is murder.....have you read any of Bears posts?

I'm not my brother's keeper. Respond to my post on this issue, in re sex ed, free contraceptives and abortion in the case of rape, incest, or at the cost of the life of the mother.

The only way to reduce abortions is a rational effort to make unwanted pregnancy rare.

The methods used by the right to life people, the murder of Dr. Tiller, the bombing by Rudolph, picketing outside of family planning offices who also provide abortion and the callous disregard for those pregnant, alone or in fear of a violent husband/SO seems to me both non productive in preventing abortions.

Supporting funding to prevent abortions by providing more education, more family planning and shelters for women stuck in a violent relationship - many stay to protect their kids, pets and have no job and no skills deserve empathy and a path to follow, not scorn.

Wry, I agree with just about everything you say here. I deplore the methods of so many "pro-lifers" (bombing a clinic or murdering a doctor is certainly NOT "pro-life.")

And I agree that the real meaningful reduction in abortions will come from (duh) a reduction in unwanted pregnancy.

But none of that changes the fact that I STILL believe that when a fetus begins demonstrating traits that are uniquely human, he or she is entitle to protection under our legal system.

If the ONLY enforcement we have if for doctors to sign a statement saying they have not terminated a pregnancy that posed no threat to the life of the mother every year, then that's a start. It may be a loophole big enough for Jupiter to fit through, but it's still a big difference (imho) than our society saying there is nothing wrong with it.

The issue is not a simple one. For background, I ran our agencies domestic violence unit and I managed, wrote (1) and co-wrote (1) DOJ grants funded by the Violence Against Women Act. My opinions on the issue of abortion - and other family violence issues - developed from my conversations with surveyors of DV.
I'm a Democrat, but first and foremost I'm a pragmatic. Which is better "inappropriate" sexual intercourse (in my mind that's rape, incest and the use of power and control) or an unwanted pregnancy ending in abortion?

They are going to do it anyway. That is a fact not easily dismissed. The condom protects against pregnancy and disease, and in educating women & men its use is something they can control especially if they are free and easily available.

IMHO - inappropriate sex is sex without consent. And a minor cannot give consent. So any sex among minors is sex without consent. I don't think we should just poo - poo that away. You are right - condoms can help minimize the risk of pregnancy and disease and if minors are going to have non-consensual sex, then yeah, better WITH a condom. But when a kid can go to the school bookstore, PAY for a pencil and pick up free condoms, what message does that send? Honestly, what do you think that kid picks up from that? Don't you think that makes that kid think it's OK?

Is that a beneficial message to send?
sometimes a message like that is better than no message at all.

You are right I guess. I just wish we could do better.
It has to come from the home....sadly, in many cases it doesn't. And to be frank, I am not saying it is because the parents don't care. Its just so many parents feel "my kid wouldn't be involved in that"....like..."my kid would never do drugs"....Heck, my parents were shocked when I told them a few years back that I used to raid their liquor cabinet when I was 14 years old.....and they were excellent caring parents.

You know what - you are right. It does have to come from the home. Schools may do and teach and "send messages" that I don't approve of all the time. It IS my job to make sure my son gets the other side of the story. Dang - someone actually changed my mind on these boards - now THAT is pretty rare.

Good work. (not condescending in any way - you really are making some good posts here.)
lol. So I am not one of those posters that is dumb as a box of rocks?
You said (in effect) that the court used a convoluted interpretation of the 4th amendment (along with the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th and 14th) to justify abortion because at the end of the day they didn't want to stop it.
That's not what I said at all. I didn't even mention court decisions. I said "you have to completely destroy the 4th Amendment, for example, in order to enforce a ban".
In response to the title of this thread, the conservative base opposes abortion because the greater the number of people in our population, the more competition among them to secure employment, and thus wages and benefits will remain low. And as a bonus, if they can prevent any raises in the minimum wage, the profits will continue to soar.

In a few words, it's all about greed and a callous disregard for others.


So what is the left's rationale for murdering the unborn? Less people means a decrease in carbon output? Kill the helpless ...clean the planet?
speaking of shit coming out of ones mouth. Personal attacks and hate are what you do best.

Only to people like you, people who attack others for their beliefs and opinions. If you can, think about it. Stop using words like libtard and other nonsensical attacks on others, and some day post something more than an echo of right wing propaganda.
You realize that the left in this thread are the ones attacking the right for their belief that abortion is murder.....have you read any of Bears posts?

I'm not my brother's keeper. Respond to my post on this issue, in re sex ed, free contraceptives and abortion in the case of rape, incest, or at the cost of the life of the mother.

The only way to reduce abortions is a rational effort to make unwanted pregnancy rare.

The methods used by the right to life people, the murder of Dr. Tiller, the bombing by Rudolph, picketing outside of family planning offices who also provide abortion and the callous disregard for those pregnant, alone or in fear of a violent husband/SO seems to me both non productive in preventing abortions.

Supporting funding to prevent abortions by providing more education, more family planning and shelters for women stuck in a violent relationship - many stay to protect their kids, pets and have no job and no skills deserve empathy and a path to follow, not scorn.

Wry, I agree with just about everything you say here. I deplore the methods of so many "pro-lifers" (bombing a clinic or murdering a doctor is certainly NOT "pro-life.")

And I agree that the real meaningful reduction in abortions will come from (duh) a reduction in unwanted pregnancy.

But none of that changes the fact that I STILL believe that when a fetus begins demonstrating traits that are uniquely human, he or she is entitle to protection under our legal system.

If the ONLY enforcement we have if for doctors to sign a statement saying they have not terminated a pregnancy that posed no threat to the life of the mother every year, then that's a start. It may be a loophole big enough for Jupiter to fit through, but it's still a big difference (imho) than our society saying there is nothing wrong with it.

The issue is not a simple one. For background, I ran our agencies domestic violence unit and I managed, wrote (1) and co-wrote (1) DOJ grants funded by the Violence Against Women Act. My opinions on the issue of abortion - and other family violence issues - developed from my conversations with surveyors of DV.
You had the advantage of educating yourself with actual data...and not the spin that most hear from the pundits and politicians.
I do not approve of abortion, but I will never frown on someone who has one for I am not aware of their situation and I respect their belief that a fetus is not a human being...I do not see one who aborts as one who believes they are committing murder.
IMHO - inappropriate sex is sex without consent. And a minor cannot give consent. So any sex among minors is sex without consent. I don't think we should just poo - poo that away. You are right - condoms can help minimize the risk of pregnancy and disease and if minors are going to have non-consensual sex, then yeah, better WITH a condom. But when a kid can go to the school bookstore, PAY for a pencil and pick up free condoms, what message does that send? Honestly, what do you think that kid picks up from that? Don't you think that makes that kid think it's OK?

Is that a beneficial message to send?
sometimes a message like that is better than no message at all.

You are right I guess. I just wish we could do better.
It has to come from the home....sadly, in many cases it doesn't. And to be frank, I am not saying it is because the parents don't care. Its just so many parents feel "my kid wouldn't be involved in that"....like..."my kid would never do drugs"....Heck, my parents were shocked when I told them a few years back that I used to raid their liquor cabinet when I was 14 years old.....and they were excellent caring parents.

You know what - you are right. It does have to come from the home. Schools may do and teach and "send messages" that I don't approve of all the time. It IS my job to make sure my son gets the other side of the story. Dang - someone actually changed my mind on these boards - now THAT is pretty rare.

Good work. (not condescending in any way - you really are making some good posts here.)
lol. So I am not one of those posters that is dumb as a box of rocks?

LOL - not today for sure. (But, I reserve the right to tear into you like you were made out of ham tomorrow).
but it's ok for liberals to care (poke their noses) into our Second amendment rights.

believe me, I don't think many care if you liberals abort your offspring. you're the ones who has to live it....best of luck with that

what 2nd amendment rights were taken away from you

She didn't pass the IQ test, no one under 65 is or should have the right to carry a gun.
65? pulling shit out your ass again?

Have you read Stephanie's 'work'? Shit, indelicate as your phrase may be, does come out of my ass. In the case of those with double Digit IQ's below room temperature, and that may be you considering your post, shit comes out of their mouth or from their keyboard.

Have a great evening.
@stupid.com for any replies.
Tell me what the message is and I'll tell you if I support it.

Basically, the KKK's message is: black people are inferior.


The democrats obviously still feel that way. But I don't support that notion.

So you think black people are equal to white people?


Depending on the definition of equal, I don't think all people are equal. I think as Americans we all have equal opportunities to succeed or fail as well as equal rights.

You really believe that we all have equal opportunities and equal rights? No way Jose I say. But you at least said depending on the definition of equal.
I'm pro choice, but it's not terribly difficult for me to recognize that the pro-lifers are against abortion because they perceive it to be the wanton, cynical, heartless, wholesale slaughter of innocent human life.

Is it really that complicated to understand?

I would be more impressed with these pro-lifers commitment to pro-life if they didn't support wars and executions, and weren't trying to snatch food out of the mouths of hungry poor children.
[email protected]
sometimes a message like that is better than no message at all.

You are right I guess. I just wish we could do better.
It has to come from the home....sadly, in many cases it doesn't. And to be frank, I am not saying it is because the parents don't care. Its just so many parents feel "my kid wouldn't be involved in that"....like..."my kid would never do drugs"....Heck, my parents were shocked when I told them a few years back that I used to raid their liquor cabinet when I was 14 years old.....and they were excellent caring parents.

You know what - you are right. It does have to come from the home. Schools may do and teach and "send messages" that I don't approve of all the time. It IS my job to make sure my son gets the other side of the story. Dang - someone actually changed my mind on these boards - now THAT is pretty rare.

Good work. (not condescending in any way - you really are making some good posts here.)
lol. So I am not one of those posters that is dumb as a box of rocks?

LOL - not today for sure. (But, I reserve the right to tear into you like you were made out of ham tomorrow).
Made of Ham???? Is that a dig because I mentioned I am Jewish? So you are antiemetic? Ahhh....so now the true colors come out. Go ahead....tear into me...lets see who wins...(I think I am winning right now)

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