why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?


I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

Why the need to frame the issue according to liberal and conservative? Why not think about what occurs, ask some basic questions by way of implications and think it through without restricting yourself to some artificial paradigms?

It shouldn't be a matter of "I am a liberal or a conservative, so I think this". It should be, "I have arrived at this conclusion based upon my own value system".

If I were to ask any question as it relates to ideology, though, I would offer that if protecting the weak and powerless from the tyranny of a majority has long been a liberal principle, why can't liberals approached the issue as a matter of protecting the developing human until such a time he or she can make an informed decision?

I would imagine most of us would answer "yes" to the question "Do you wish to go on living now", so extending our attitudes towards our own life might answer the question in regards to another's.

You didn't understand what I said at all.

I did. You said (in effect) that the court used a convoluted interpretation of the 4th amendment (along with the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th and 14th) to justify abortion because at the end of the day they didn't want to stop it. It was one of the worse decisions ever to come out of the court.

Courts do that all the time. They make up their mind on something and then issue a dumbass reason to justify it. Like I said, we saw that with Obamacare.

It doesn't make it right.

The constitutional prohibition against search and seizure has absolutely nothing to do with protecting a child from being murdered for the sake of convenience at the pleasure of the mother.

Had the court decided to forbid abortion the 4th would have still been intact and millions of children's lives would have been saved.
Is a FORMER MURDERER still a murderer?

Do you support what the KKK does? Do you want to live seperate from black people? I tell you what, stop being racist and I'll stop being skeptical that you sincerely denounce the KKK.

So you won't answer the question, it figures you'd try to divert from that! BUt to answer your question, the Democratic KKK is a racist and horrible organization, BUT under our Constitution, is unfortunately legally acceptable! Now dumbass, is that murderer still a murderer?

Did he murder somebody? Who? When was he convicted?

That's beside the point. The KKK may have been formed by the Democratic party 150 years ago, and used by them up to 50 years ago, but many Republicans agree with the KKK now.

So you refuse AHAIN to state about murder, which has nothing to do with Byrd, except to show, once you ARE SOMETHING, you are what you were, and now supposition about Republican's and the KKK... want to become a little more dishonest in your replies?

If a murderer never murders again, wouldn't that mean they aren't a murderer? Doesn't Christ forgive?

People can change, Vigilante. What someone once was does not mean they are that now.

Are you suggesting that members of the KKK voted for Obama, think that black people aren't inferior, think that institutional racial bias is a problem that needs reform, and think that diversity is important?l to our society?
what aboout a sex offender? Why is it they have to live to a differenrt future then? Your wrong and trying to justify it is sad. Losing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a true story jar head , thats a lame story what happened to me in my life you do know I am 49 years.old , the good stuff would blow your mind away

You do know the good writers only tell what they know right?

Did I ever tell you The story where I got 3rd place at the world championship in 350 cc hydro in Berlin Germany in 1988?

I am the real deal

you post what you know and experienced
the 350 cc hydro....true story?


I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

It's not just conservatives. It is after all ending a life. Everyone should be uncomfortable with that. With all the forms of birth control why does it so often come to an abortion?

Now there is a question begging for an answer. Why indeed is there opposition to age appropriate sex education as part of health education, easy and free access to contraception, and empathy for the women, sometimes a minor, with the issue of ending a pregnancy in cases of incest, rape and domestic violence?

The only concern I have about anything you posted here is that I wonder if providing condoms is condoning inappropriate sexual activity.

Saying, "they are gonna do it anyway" - to me - is just throwing in the towel. Do we no longer expect anyone to show any mastery of their urges at all? Are our expectation just that people are going to behave like sharks with legs or do we hold people to a higher standard?
Sadly, it seems to be going the wrong way. It is the way of the future. People need to be protected from themselves....protected from the consequences of their own actions.

It became quite evident with the housing meltdown....people took mortgages they couldn't afford, so adjustments had to be made so they could no longer do that. People overextended themselves with their credit cards, so adjustments had to be made to prevent them from doing that.

Heck...it started decades ago.....people would not save for their retirement, so the government had to do it for them in the form of FICA.

But now it is becoming evident in all we do.

Well, you ran with that a little farther than I'm completely comfortable with, (there really ARE predatory lenders out there and banks USED to not qualify you for a loan you could not afford - so maybe people began to rely on that too much and then the banks changed their approach without really telling anyone that) but I agree that allowing someone to suffer the consequences of their actions and their choices is not always a bad thing. We SHOULD do it more imho.

How do they learn if we don't?

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

Do you care if children are killed? would it bother you if the kid down the street was killed?

False. They end the development of a human being.

I already reminded her that by the time a woman knows she is pregnant the child has human DNA, a brain, lungs, toes, beating heart and everything else a human has. However she ignored me because she doesn't want to accept that fact.

These Libards have to deny the humanity of the child so they have invented this false narrative that the child is not somehow human. It is the same thing the Nazis did with their victims.

Libtards never get it right on anything and this is a great example.
She didn't pass the IQ test, no one under 65 is or should have the right to carry a gun.
65? pulling shit out your ass again?

Have you read Stephanie's 'work'? Shit, indelicate as your phrase may be, does come out of my ass. In the case of those with double Digit IQ's below room temperature, and that may be you considering your post, shit comes out of their mouth or from their keyboard.

Have a great evening.

speaking of shit coming out of ones mouth. Personal attacks and hate are what you do best.

Only to people like you, people who attack others for their beliefs and opinions. If you can, think about it. Stop using words like libtard and other nonsensical attacks on others, and some day post something more than an echo of right wing propaganda.
You realize that the left in this thread are the ones attacking the right for their belief that abortion is murder.....have you read any of Bears posts?

I'm not my brother's keeper. Respond to my post on this issue, in re sex ed, free contraceptives and abortion in the case of rape, incest, or at the cost of the life of the mother.

The only way to reduce abortions is a rational effort to make unwanted pregnancy rare.

The methods used by the right to life people, the murder of Dr. Tiller, the bombing by Rudolph, picketing outside of family planning offices who also provide abortion and the callous disregard for those pregnant, alone or in fear of a violent husband/SO seems to me both non productive in preventing abortions.

Supporting funding to prevent abortions by providing more education, more family planning and shelters for women stuck in a violent relationship - many stay to protect their kids, pets and have no job and no skills deserve empathy and a path to follow, not scorn.
They are not children

Women should have the right to control their bodies and plan their families

Yes they are children. You were one once and if your mother had aborted you would be just as dead now as if you had been murdered later.

When you Libtards say an unborn child is not a child then you are attempting to dehumanize the victims you are killing in order to have some moral justification and that is despicable. it is like the Nazis saying that the people they sent to the gas chamber were subhuman so therefore is was OK to kill them.

When a woman gets pregnant there is not one human bodies but two. Two distinct human beings Each with their own separate DNA, brains, toes, fingers eyes etc, the whole enchilada. Just because the woman is serving as a host to feed the child as it develops does not give her the right to kill the child. It is not like we are talking about her removing a part of her body that will only affect herself. Abortion kills another human being and that is not right.

The time for a woman to "make a choice" is when she spreads out her legs. With birth control consisting of either the word "no" or a ten cent condom there is no reason for a woman to get knocked up if she doesn't want to. If she does then she (and the guy who screwed her) needs to accept responsibility for the life they created. Killing a child for convenience should not be a birth control option. Only a despicable immoral society would allow it.

Unfortunately, life is not so simple

She is already pregnant......Women have a choice to make. A single woman will have to decide if she can support a child, what impact it will have on her ability to keep her job. How will she work and care for a child? What support system does she have?

Married women will have to decide whether the family can support another child.

You use the term "convenience" and it is a good word. A new child will impact both the woman and the family unit. As a society, the more we do to make that child less of an inconvenience on the family unit the more likely the woman will keep it. That includes low cost child care, job protection, liberal time off to take care of her child
Those are considerations any THINKING woman(or man) should have before having unprotected sex.

But you can still get pregnant even if you use protection.
Can it happen? Yes. Likely in a vast majority of cases? No
The only way to reduce abortions is a rational effort to make unwanted pregnancy rare.


In a country that sells condoms for 25 cents a piece and there are many places where you can get birth control for free unwanted pregnancies are the result of irresponsibility. A girl always has the responsibility and legal right to say no and if the guys don't accept that then he has committed a crime.

It is sad that we allow the murder of innocent children in order to cover up irresponsibility.

Libtards hate the concept of responsibility, don't they?
It's a true story jar head , thats a lame story what happened to me in my life you do know I am 49 years.old , the good stuff would blow your mind away

You do know the good writers only tell what they know right?

Did I ever tell you The story where I got 3rd place at the world championship in 350 cc hydro in Berlin Germany in 1988?

I am the real deal

you post what you know and experienced

Weren't the worlds in Milan in 1988?

Actually, they were.

Berlin was the week before....not worlds though....just another day on the water for all intents and purposes.

Just sayin'

Did I tell you I live on the water? My whole life revolves around boating from fishing to cruising to speed to hydro.
The Real Deal, come's in many forms ...........

I see a conversation that refuses to acknowledge when conception occurs and life begins ................

The oooo sooooo smart that would participate in this delusional discussion would be some of the same arguing life crawled out of the sea or that man evolved from apes ...............

So for the intellectual self proclaimed genius's, state the ground you stand own and give some form of definition of "life" ...................
Do you want me to explain to you what a 350 cc hydro is like?

Well back then my top 3 blade prop And set up could only do 105 mph on water, it was a late down hydro

But it was good enough to win a few national championshipchampionships, i used to buy koniq engines made in germany, at one nationals in illionois dieter koniq was there saw my driving skills and paid for me to drive for him at the worlds in berlin 1988 long story short i got 3rd out of around 65 drivers from as far away as japan :)

Yes jar head i am the real deal

Got to go to sleep now and go to work at 11 pm

You wish i was a fake :) nope

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

It's not just conservatives. It is after all ending a life. Everyone should be uncomfortable with that. With all the forms of birth control why does it so often come to an abortion?

Now there is a question begging for an answer. Why indeed is there opposition to age appropriate sex education as part of health education, easy and free access to contraception, and empathy for the women, sometimes a minor, with the issue of ending a pregnancy in cases of incest, rape and domestic violence?

The only concern I have about anything you posted here is that I wonder if providing condoms is condoning inappropriate sexual activity.

Saying, "they are gonna do it anyway" - to me - is just throwing in the towel. Do we no longer expect anyone to show any mastery of their urges at all? Is our expectation that people are going to behave like sharks with legs or do we hold people to a higher standard?

I'm a Democrat, but first and foremost I'm a pragmatic. Which is better "inappropriate" sexual intercourse (in my mind that's rape, incest and the use of power and control) or an unwanted pregnancy ending in abortion?

They are going to do it anyway. That is a fact not easily dismissed. The condom protects against pregnancy and disease, and in educating women & men its use is something they can control especially if they are free and easily available.
If Liberals can argue that child can be put to death before it is born because it is a bother to a mother then why not after it is born? What has really changes except for a few more weeks of life?
65? pulling shit out your ass again?

Have you read Stephanie's 'work'? Shit, indelicate as your phrase may be, does come out of my ass. In the case of those with double Digit IQ's below room temperature, and that may be you considering your post, shit comes out of their mouth or from their keyboard.

Have a great evening.

speaking of shit coming out of ones mouth. Personal attacks and hate are what you do best.

Only to people like you, people who attack others for their beliefs and opinions. If you can, think about it. Stop using words like libtard and other nonsensical attacks on others, and some day post something more than an echo of right wing propaganda.
You realize that the left in this thread are the ones attacking the right for their belief that abortion is murder.....have you read any of Bears posts?

I'm not my brother's keeper. Respond to my post on this issue, in re sex ed, free contraceptives and abortion in the case of rape, incest, or at the cost of the life of the mother.

The only way to reduce abortions is a rational effort to make unwanted pregnancy rare.

The methods used by the right to life people, the murder of Dr. Tiller, the bombing by Rudolph, picketing outside of family planning offices who also provide abortion and the callous disregard for those pregnant, alone or in fear of a violent husband/SO seems to me both non productive in preventing abortions.

Supporting funding to prevent abortions by providing more education, more family planning and shelters for women stuck in a violent relationship - many stay to protect their kids, pets and have no job and no skills deserve empathy and a path to follow, not scorn.
I have no issue with free contraceptives. I like the idea as it pertains to anything that is not ingested or inserted...but once a pill or insertion into the body is involved, a minor must have permission from a parent.

Sex ed is fine once they hit junior high. I prefer they hear about it from an adult because by then they have already heard a screwed up version from other children.

Abortion due to rape is 100% appropriate

Abortion due to risk of the life of the mother is 100% appropriate

Abortion out of convenience, in my eyes, is inappropriate.....but I respect those who see it otherwise.
noun: murder; plural noun: murders
  1. 1.
    the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
    "the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer"
    synonyms: killing, homicide, assassination, liquidation, extermination, execution, slaughter, butchery, massacre;More
    "a brutal murder"
    • informal
      a very difficult or unpleasant task or experience.
      "my first job at the steel mill was murder"
      synonyms: hell, hell on earth, a nightmare, an ordeal, a trial, misery, torture, agony
      "driving there was murder"
verb: murder; 3rd person present: murders; past tense: murdered; past participle: murdered; gerund or present participle: murdering
  1. 1.
    kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation.
    "somebody tried to murder Joe"
    synonyms: kill, put to death, assassinate, execute, liquidate, eliminate, dispatch, butcher, slaughter, massacre, wipe out;More
    informalbump off, do in, do away with, knock off, blow away, blow someone's brains out, take out, dispose of, ice, rub out, smoke, waste;
    "someone tried to murder him"
    • informal
      punish severely or be very angry with.
      "my father will murder me if I'm home late"
    • informal
      conclusively defeat (an opponent) in a game or sport.
    • spoil by lack of skill or knowledge.
      "the only thing he had murdered was the English language"

hu·man be·ing
noun: human being; plural noun: human beings; noun: humanbeing; plural noun: humanbeings
  1. a man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and upright stance.

noun: life; noun: one's life; plural noun: one's lifes
  1. 1.
    the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
    "the origins of life"
    synonyms: existence, being, living, animation;More
    sentience, creation, viability
    "the joy of giving life to a child"
    dedicate oneself, devote oneself, give oneself, surrender oneself
    "he gave his life to the company"
    antonyms: death, nonexistence
  2. 2.
    the existence of an individual human being or animal.
    "a disaster that claimed the lives of 266 Americans"
    synonyms: person, human being, individual, soul
    "more than 1,500 lives were lost in the accident"
    • a biography.
      "a life of Shelley"
    • either of the two states of a person's existence separated by death (as in Christianity and some other religious traditions).
      "too much happiness in this life could reduce the chances of salvation in the next"
    • any of a number of successive existences in which a soul is held to be reincarnated (as in Hinduism and some other religious traditions).
    • a chance to live after narrowly escaping death (especially with reference to the nine lives traditionally attributed to cats).
  3. 3.
    the period between the birth and death of a living thing, especially a human being.
    "she has lived all her life in the country"
    synonyms: lifetime, life span, days, time on earth, existence
    "the last nine months of his life"
    • the period during which something inanimate or abstract continues to exist, function, or be valid.
      "underlay helps to prolong the life of a carpet"
    • informal
      a sentence of imprisonment for life.
  4. 4.
    (in art) the depiction of a subject from a real model, rather than from an artist's imagination.
    "the pose and clothing were sketched from life"
If Liberals can argue that child can be put to death before it is born because it is a bother to a mother then why not after it is born? What has really changes except for a few more weeks of life?

So being "a bother" now negates murder in the liberal world, interesting ................

Please some one show their ass and defend that moronic stance ............................
65? pulling shit out your ass again?

Have you read Stephanie's 'work'? Shit, indelicate as your phrase may be, does come out of my ass. In the case of those with double Digit IQ's below room temperature, and that may be you considering your post, shit comes out of their mouth or from their keyboard.

Have a great evening.

speaking of shit coming out of ones mouth. Personal attacks and hate are what you do best.

Only to people like you, people who attack others for their beliefs and opinions. If you can, think about it. Stop using words like libtard and other nonsensical attacks on others, and some day post something more than an echo of right wing propaganda.
You realize that the left in this thread are the ones attacking the right for their belief that abortion is murder.....have you read any of Bears posts?

I'm not my brother's keeper. Respond to my post on this issue, in re sex ed, free contraceptives and abortion in the case of rape, incest, or at the cost of the life of the mother.

The only way to reduce abortions is a rational effort to make unwanted pregnancy rare.

The methods used by the right to life people, the murder of Dr. Tiller, the bombing by Rudolph, picketing outside of family planning offices who also provide abortion and the callous disregard for those pregnant, alone or in fear of a violent husband/SO seems to me both non productive in preventing abortions.

Supporting funding to prevent abortions by providing more education, more family planning and shelters for women stuck in a violent relationship - many stay to protect their kids, pets and have no job and no skills deserve empathy and a path to follow, not scorn.

Wry, I agree with just about everything you say here. I deplore the methods of so many "pro-lifers" (bombing a clinic or murdering a doctor is certainly NOT "pro-life.")

And I agree that the real meaningful reduction in abortions will come from (duh) a reduction in unwanted pregnancy.

But none of that changes the fact that I STILL believe that when a fetus begins demonstrating traits that are uniquely human, he or she is entitle to protection under our legal system.

If the ONLY enforcement we have if for doctors to sign a statement saying they have not terminated a pregnancy that posed no threat to the life of the mother every year, then that's a start. It may be a loophole big enough for Jupiter to fit through, but it's still a big difference (imho) than our society saying there is nothing wrong with it.

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