why do conservatives care about other peoples abortions?

what 2nd amendment rights were taken away from you

She didn't pass the IQ test, no one under 65 is or should have the right to carry a gun.
65? pulling shit out your ass again?

Have you read Stephanie's 'work'? Shit, indelicate as your phrase may be, does come out of my ass. In the case of those with double Digit IQ's below room temperature, and that may be you considering your post, shit comes out of their mouth or from their keyboard.

Have a great evening.

speaking of shit coming out of ones mouth. Personal attacks and hate are what you do best.

Only to people like you, people who attack others for their beliefs and opinions. If you can, think about it. Stop using words like libtard and other nonsensical attacks on others, and some day post something more than an echo of right wing propaganda.
You realize that the left in this thread are the ones attacking the right for their belief that abortion is murder.....have you read any of Bears posts?

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.
I dont, if blacks, the majority that abort babies, want to keep thier population down, that's fine by me.

Conservatives aren't racist, right?

Who formed the KKK?..... Who was a member of Congress for 50years?



He did not "form the kkk" but he DID denounce them.

from the daily caller....link Robert Byrd I wish you liberals would learn to read!!!
Oh my God I am talking to another child in jc456?

Listen slugger I can teach a lot of things like hydraulics, programming robotics, electrical , electronics, carpentry, pneumatics , how to weld, how to use a mill , surfaces grinder it a lath I can teach you a lot

But one thing I can't teach you in kid is in:

So how is that woman and her children doing?

Or don't you care.

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

It's not just conservatives. It is after all ending a life. Everyone should be uncomfortable with that. With all the forms of birth control why does it so often come to an abortion?

Now there is a question begging for an answer. Why indeed is there opposition to age appropriate sex education as part of health education, easy and free access to contraception, and empathy for the women, sometimes a minor, with the issue of ending a pregnancy in cases of incest, rape and domestic violence?
All you are posting jar is your own fantasys I own you bitch

I see you are not the sharpest knife in the draw.

Your grammar is that of one who did not pay attention in high school, and likely quit, and your attitude is that of one who spent more time bullying the smaller kids than he spent in biology class.

I don't know who I pity more....you or the made up woman in a car at 7-11.
what 2nd amendment rights were taken away from you

She didn't pass the IQ test, no one under 65 is or should have the right to carry a gun.
65? pulling shit out your ass again?

Have you read Stephanie's 'work'? Shit, indelicate as your phrase may be, does come out of my ass. In the case of those with double Digit IQ's below room temperature, and that may be you considering your post, shit comes out of their mouth or from their keyboard.

Have a great evening.

speaking of shit coming out of ones mouth. Personal attacks and hate are what you do best.

Only to people like you, people who attack others for their beliefs and opinions. If you can, think about it. Stop using words like libtard and other nonsensical attacks on others, and some day post something more than an echo of right wing propaganda.
I love it when someone writes something like this and the words used in the write up are exactly what the poster doesn't like done to them. Hypocrits I think that is called. Nice job, way to show off your stupid!!!!!
All you are posting jar is your own fantasys I own you bitch

I see you are not the sharpest knife in the draw.

Your grammar is that of one who did not pay attention in high school, and likely quit, and your attitude is that of one who spent more time bullying the smaller kids than he spent in biology class.

I don't know who I pity more....you or the made up woman in a car at 7-11.
he shoud probably go get another six pack!!!
Because you don't even have a dime to your name kids, This is getting way to funny to me poor liberals who want to be like me and cons hate the fact I don't give a shit about abortion as long as it is not my child

I am the real deal and both sides can not handle it
Billy is Billy
That's what my friends always say
When you bring a child into a life of misery, what do you call it?

Look, I'm not going to continue to argue with you people. You base your whole position on a false premise. A fetus is not a child. Abortions are not killing children, they are ending the development before it becomes a child.

And, btw, all over the world, most countries allow abortion. It is only the extreme right wing in Ameria that has such fits about it. You make America look foolish. Sad. You people would believe the Sun circled the Earth and that the Earth was flat if your religious leaders told you so.

False. They end the development of a human being.
In that time, they've appointed no less than 8 justices to the Supreme Court, yet Roe v. Wade has stood every challenge. And guys like TakeAStep get all so upset about the poor little babies (although they can fucking starve to death, he'd be fine with that, before giving them a food stamp) and they vote Republican.

Is that so, Job? Can you prove I vote republican or are you just throwing out thoughtless statements as usual?

All of your posts are evidence you don't vote for Democrats - you're not smart enough - and you may vote for very conservative candidates (crazy right wingers, like yourself) who are Republicans, but never for RINO's.
All you are posting jar is your own fantasys I own you bitch

I see you are not the sharpest knife in the draw.

Your grammar is that of one who did not pay attention in high school, and likely quit, and your attitude is that of one who spent more time bullying the smaller kids than he spent in biology class.

I don't know who I pity more....you or the made up woman in a car at 7-11.
he shoud probably go get another six pack!!!
I just had to laugh...

1) She was at a 7-11
2) She had 2 kids in PJ's
3) It was Christmas Eve
4) She was waiting for a check

I mean.....my God.....I feel like her sons name was Tiny Tim.

Bear, when you make up a story to make yourself feel good, I have a suggestion....don't OVER exaggerate.
She didn't pass the IQ test, no one under 65 is or should have the right to carry a gun.
65? pulling shit out your ass again?

Have you read Stephanie's 'work'? Shit, indelicate as your phrase may be, does come out of my ass. In the case of those with double Digit IQ's below room temperature, and that may be you considering your post, shit comes out of their mouth or from their keyboard.

Have a great evening.

speaking of shit coming out of ones mouth. Personal attacks and hate are what you do best.

Only to people like you, people who attack others for their beliefs and opinions. If you can, think about it. Stop using words like libtard and other nonsensical attacks on others, and some day post something more than an echo of right wing propaganda.
You realize that the left in this thread are the ones attacking the right for their belief that abortion is murder.....have you read any of Bears posts?

The "left"? How do you define the left?
I dont, if blacks, the majority that abort babies, want to keep thier population down, that's fine by me.

Conservatives aren't racist, right?

Who formed the KKK?..... Who was a member of Congress for 50years?



He did not "form the kkk" but he DID denounce them.


I should realize that you with a LOW 2 digit IQ didn't underdstand that DEMOCRATS formed the KKK, I only use KKK BYRD as a current history of the Democrats imvolvement! .... Obuma denounces TERRORISTS but REFUSES toi call them ISLAMIC, shall we continue your lessons? Pond Scum!

The pond scum are those who live in the past instead of taking responsibility for what they are NOW.

YOU are pond scum, a racist and an

so the past didn't shape the today in your world?
65? pulling shit out your ass again?

Have you read Stephanie's 'work'? Shit, indelicate as your phrase may be, does come out of my ass. In the case of those with double Digit IQ's below room temperature, and that may be you considering your post, shit comes out of their mouth or from their keyboard.

Have a great evening.

speaking of shit coming out of ones mouth. Personal attacks and hate are what you do best.

Only to people like you, people who attack others for their beliefs and opinions. If you can, think about it. Stop using words like libtard and other nonsensical attacks on others, and some day post something more than an echo of right wing propaganda.
You realize that the left in this thread are the ones attacking the right for their belief that abortion is murder.....have you read any of Bears posts?

The "left"? How do you define the left?
Bear, rdean and Esmerelda.....but whatever. I have no issue with you. I simply tried to show Bear that whereas I disagree with his sentiments as it pertains to abortion, I understand why he feels as he does and I respect it...thus why I do not frown on those that are in favor of abortion.

I have post after post after post trying to explain it to him.

All I got in return were insults for my sentiments, insults to my ideology, insults to anything I believed that he disagreed with.

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

It's not just conservatives. It is after all ending a life. Everyone should be uncomfortable with that. With all the forms of birth control why does it so often come to an abortion?

Now there is a question begging for an answer. Why indeed is there opposition to age appropriate sex education as part of health education, easy and free access to contraception, and empathy for the women, sometimes a minor, with the issue of ending a pregnancy in cases of incest, rape and domestic violence?

The only concern I have about anything you posted here is that I wonder if providing condoms is condoning inappropriate sexual activity.

Saying, "they are gonna do it anyway" - to me - is just throwing in the towel. Do we no longer expect anyone to show any mastery of their urges at all? Is our expectation that people are going to behave like sharks with legs or do we hold people to a higher standard?
Because you don't even have a dime to your name kids, This is getting way to funny to me poor liberals who want to be like me and cons hate the fact I don't give a shit about abortion as long as it is not my child

I am the real deal and both sides can not handle it
Billy is Billy
That's what my friends always say
you are aware, I am sure, that when Joe Biden makes a gaff and left leaning pundits say "That's Joe being Joe"......it is not really a compliment. It is more of an explanation.

I really wouldn't brag about those who know you saying "Billy is Billy.

In that time, they've appointed no less than 8 justices to the Supreme Court, yet Roe v. Wade has stood every challenge. And guys like TakeAStep get all so upset about the poor little babies (although they can fucking starve to death, he'd be fine with that, before giving them a food stamp) and they vote Republican.

Is that so, Job? Can you prove I vote republican or are you just throwing out thoughtless statements as usual?

All of your posts are evidence you don't vote for Democrats - you're not smart enough - and you may vote for very conservative candidates (crazy right wingers, like yourself) who are Republicans, but never for RINO's.


I would never vote for policies people like you advocate, Wry. Because I despise authoritarian progressives. Especially arrogant ones who constantly display their hypocrisy on every issue. You think I'm dumb, I think you're beyond hope. You might as well have had a lobotomy.
It's a true story jar head , thats a lame story what happened to me in my life you do know I am 49 years.old , the good stuff would blow your mind away

You do know the good writers only tell what they know right?

Did I ever tell you The story where I got 3rd place at the world championship in 350 cc hydro in Berlin Germany in 1988?

I am the real deal

you post what you know and experienced

I could make the smart ass comment all you are doing is killing off 300,000 potential democrats a year, but I won't.

Why do you care? A right leaning supreme court said it was legal, so why care?

I don't.

It's not just conservatives. It is after all ending a life. Everyone should be uncomfortable with that. With all the forms of birth control why does it so often come to an abortion?

Now there is a question begging for an answer. Why indeed is there opposition to age appropriate sex education as part of health education, easy and free access to contraception, and empathy for the women, sometimes a minor, with the issue of ending a pregnancy in cases of incest, rape and domestic violence?

The only concern I have about anything you posted here is that I wonder if providing condoms is condoning inappropriate sexual activity.

Saying, "they are gonna do it anyway" - to me - is just throwing in the towel. Do we no longer expect anyone to show any mastery of their urges at all? Are our expectation just that people are going to behave like sharks with legs or do we hold people to a higher standard?
Sadly, it seems to be going the wrong way. It is the way of the future. People need to be protected from themselves....protected from the consequences of their own actions.

It became quite evident with the housing meltdown....people took mortgages they couldn't afford, so adjustments had to be made so they could no longer do that. People overextended themselves with their credit cards, so adjustments had to be made to prevent them from doing that.

Heck...it started decades ago.....people would not save for their retirement, so the government had to do it for them in the form of FICA.

But now it is becoming evident in all we do.

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