Why Do Democrats Feel They Are Above The Law?

Glad you’ve heard about it. Do you think Republicans are going to investigate Trump’s DoJ putting pressure on Geoffrey Berman?
We've had six years now of partisan investigations by democrats. When do Republicans get their turn?
For starters, the House members seeking to lead this Committee are January 6th insurrectionists under investigation by the FBI. This is like putting the arsonists on a Committee to investigate the Fire Department.

How be we put Hunter Biden on this Committee.
Democrats have abused their power long enough. It is going to be put to a stop. Voters voted for it to stop, turning the House red.
Not one House Democrat voted to investigate the possible weaponization of the federal government. What's wrong with a fact finding investigation? If nothing is found then nothing is found. But, if the federal government has been weaponized for political purposes, don't Americans deserve to know? Don't those on the left believe that the House should use it's oversight powers? Don't those on the left believe in keeping our democracy and not taking it away through the weaponization of the DOJ, the FBI, and the CIA? Don't those on the left believe that no one should be above the law, not even those in the federal government? Shouldn't those abusing their power for political gain be held accountable?

Because the Democrats are in their right minds. This is about getting revenge on people who are holding you accountable. There is no weaponization of the federal government. This is about right wing conspiracy fantasies. In addition, Republicans are conspiring to obstruct justice. The DOJ should tell them nothing about ongoing criminal investigations.
It's one of those open secrets, the DNC Is lawless...............so now what?

Their supporters can take refuge in the notion that Orange man is bad.

That's about it.

It is Republicans who are lawless and tolerate violence by right wing terrorists.
Ummmmmmmmmmm, democrats refused to even vote for an investigation on weaponizing the federal government for political purposes. What's wrong with an investigation? The investigation could prove that the federal government has not been weaponized. Wouldn't you want that to come out in an investigation?

We know Republicans will make it up even if the evidence is not there. A lack of evidence will not get in their way.
The Republicans should be like the Democrats and investigate everyone associated with Biden.
The Democrats and Republican are both corrupt, but it's like BBs and Beachballs, they are both round.
The Democrats are more corrupt, and they get away with it.
Obama illegally used the DOJ and the FBI as his political weapons against Trump, and he got away with doing it, it was much worse than Watergate.

That is harassment. The Republican Party should be investigated for abuse of power. The Republicans should be sued under the RICO statutes
The Republicans are corrupt and represent a threat to this country. They are trying to take overt this country and turn it into a dictatorship. They attack and want to jail anyone who is different from them.
Obama did nothing illegal. The DOJ and FBI did not act against Trump. It was Trump who wanted to weaponize the DOJ and FBI. He wanted them to arrest his political enemies.
Get that horse that kicked you in the face to do it again. Maybe it will knock the sense back into your head.
Weaponization of Democrat Govt Agencies to impose control, deny 1st Amendment Rights, spread disinformation...

Power, Money, and Control - The 3 things Democrats seek most

They are miserable, unhappy beings who are not sayisfied with running their own lives and are driven toco trol.every aspect of everyone else's lives, making everyone else as miserable as they are.

It is a sickness.

In tbe process of doing this they demand to be judged on their INTENTIONS, never on their RESULTS.

The Constitution, the Rule of Law, regulations, guiidelines, directives, morals, ethics, princies, conscience ... these are all to be ignored / bypassed / trampled / broken when they impede carrying out / imposing the liberal agendas and primary goal of obtaining POWER, .MONEY, AND CONTROL.

Everyone, everything that opposes the Democrat Collective's common views, opinions, agendas, vision must be subjugated, re-educated, reprogrammed, or destroyed.

And 'the ends justify the means' is a guiding princle for them.

These truths are proven over and over again, but you have been taught to not believe your lying eyes and ears - only what Democrats and their surrogate fake news media tells you.

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You have just described Republicans like you.
Congress can do absolutely anything they want with a simple vote of 218-217. They are the very top of the food chain and are above the law. Where have you been?

No they are not. The DOJ should not release any information or discuss any investigations. They should neither confirm nor deny.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, please feel free to start your own thread. This thread is about Democrats feeling they are above the law. Are you trying to say that it is OK for Democrats to be above the law?

Shove your thread. The Republicans believe that they are above the law. They want to jail their political enemies or anyone they disagree with.
Democrats have proven either they don't or don't care.

Barry declared he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect US Immigration Law....right before he did so.

The President has extensive powers to prioritize deportations.
LOL. The insane who look in the mirror have no concept of others. They believe they are the reasonable ones because they lack the ability to think otherwise. To them everything makes perfect sense, especially when they get their marching orders from the Borg Collective. If someone else thinks differently, then those people must be the unreasonable ones.

That describes you to a tea.
I'm very appreciative that you care so deeply about my feelz. I don't, though, know why you would think your post was so important that it could hurt them. But don't worry, I was laughing at your obvious deflection attempt.
Fun and games. All good in the hood, hadit.

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