Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

This is the argument: Simply circulating capital is what creates a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Having nothing but fallacy for rebuttal instead of a better argument at lower cost, really is worthless in the non-porn sector.

This is the argument: Simply circulating capital is what creates a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Yes, the handouts to layabouts argument lost decades ago.
Just Red Herrings for learning how to fish, right winger? Why not get a real argument; too much of a hard work ethic.

I guess I could ask you why paying people to not produce would increase production.
It'll be fun to read your continued ignorance.
dear, capital must circulate to create a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

I guess I could ask you why paying people to not produce would increase production.

So for once, be productive and explain. DERP!
the laws of demand and supply don't stop working, just for right wing fantasy.
This is the argument: Simply circulating capital is what creates a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Yes, the handouts to layabouts argument lost decades ago.
Just Red Herrings for learning how to fish, right winger? Why not get a real argument; too much of a hard work ethic.

I guess I could ask you why paying people to not produce would increase production.
It'll be fun to read your continued ignorance.
dear, capital must circulate to create a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

I guess I could ask you why paying people to not produce would increase production.

So for once, be productive and explain. DERP!
the laws of demand and supply don't stop working, just for right wing fantasy.

Yes, your ignorance of economics is both wide and deep.
Every question he avoids, lol! Daniel is an idiot who has no answers just hate, diversion and avoidance. He is a load of laughs. I mean read his tripe, no substance to his posts, just a lot of Neanderthal statements that a six year old could make, except a six year old is a lot smarter and will grow up into responsible adult, Daniel has no chance.
Just Red Herrings for learning how to fish, right winger? Why not get a real argument; too much of a hard work ethic.

I guess I could ask you why paying people to not produce would increase production.
It'll be fun to read your continued ignorance.
dear, capital must circulate to create a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

I guess I could ask you why paying people to not produce would increase production.

So for once, be productive and explain. DERP!
the laws of demand and supply don't stop working, just for right wing fantasy.

Yes, your ignorance of economics is both wide and deep.
Not as wide and deep as yours. People spending more money creates more demand. Capitalists usually need more labor to meed more demand.
Every question he avoids, lol! Daniel is an idiot who has no answers just hate, diversion and avoidance. He is a load of laughs. I mean read his tripe, no substance to his posts, just a lot of Neanderthal statements that a six year old could make, except a six year old is a lot smarter and will grow up into responsible adult, Daniel has no chance.
I haven't avoided anything. All y'all have, is just plain fallacy and the resulting fantasy.
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment; it is a natural rate of inefficiency from a social perspective of full employment of human capital resources. Unemployment compensation can correct for that capitalism based inefficiency, via the socialism of equal protection of the law, for Labor, as the least wealthy in our Republic.

correct, there will always be a small % of unemployed under any system. Most of them will be those who are mentally or physically unable to work----and the system should take care of those people.

But, unfortunately, what we have today in the US is a group of unemployable people, either by their personal choice or because they have not gained the skills needed to do any kind of work. We have generations of unemployed in our central cities and in some rural areas. Our system does nothing to solve this problem, continuing the giveaways, as you libs want to do, does not solve the problem, it perpetuates it.

Now, if those chronically unemployed were required to clean the streets and public buildings in exchange for their UE checks, you would see many of them finding jobs.

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent
Is Maine an at-will employment State or not?

Select a Section 1/0

In 2015, the U.S. government spent over $1 trillion on means-tested welfare aid, providing cash, food, housing, medical care, and social services to poor and low-income individuals. The food stamp program is the nation’s second largest means-tested welfare program.[1] The number of food stamp recipients has risen dramatically from about 17.2 million in 2000 to 45.8 million in 2015.[2] Costs have risen from $20.7 billion in fiscal year (FY) 2000 to $83.1 billion in FY 2014.[3]

Growth in the food stamp caseload occurred particularly rapidly among able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs). These are work-capable adults between the ages of 18 and 49 who do not have children or other dependents to support. The ABAWD food stamp caseload grew by nearly 150 percent between 2008 and 2014 and has risen from nearly 2 million recipients in 2008 to around 5 million today.[4]

While relying on taxpayers to pay for their food, government data sources show that many ABAWDs use their own funds counterproductively. Over half of ABAWDs regularly smoke tobacco; those who smoke consume on average 19 packs of cigarettes per month at an estimated monthly cost of $111.

In response to the growth in food stamp dependence, Maine’s Governor, Paul LePage, recently established work requirements on ABAWD recipients. In Maine, all ABAWDs in the food stamp program are now required to take a job, participate in training, or perform community service.

Is Maine an at will? Why don't you go look it up since you can't seem to carry a rational thought.
Yes, the State of Maine alleges to be an, at-will employment State.
so if you knew the answer, why did you post the question?
All he has is canned responses, that way he doesn't need to think, just do what he is told.
I have no fking clue what he is even discussing. I don't talk stupid. It would be nice if he was writing coherently so a normal person would understand his position. right now, he is but a fish flopping out of water.

He doesn't discuss anything and nothing more than a line two of some silly childish saying that means absolutely nothing and is way off topic. That is how clueless the left is.
nothing but repeal; how, full of worth is that, in the non-porn sector?

Repeal of a bad law is a better choice, that how it works in the non-porn sector.
only in right wing fantasy. even women make more in the porn sector.
Wow! you calling someone else incompetent. If that isn't irony, I find it amazing that you have the IQ to breathe.
This is the argument: Unemployment compensation can correct for that capitalism based inefficiency, via the socialism of equal protection of the law, for Labor, as the least wealthy in our Republic.

No, the argument is, why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently want them on welfare?

So far, al you have is diversion because you can't refute the claim. It's ok, we all know why the claim cannot be refuted, it is because it is true.
That is your argument. The right still has nothing but repeal.

Unemployment compensation can correct for that capitalism based inefficiency, via the socialism of equal protection of the law, for Labor, as the least wealthy in our Republic.

You have the wrong argument, you just want to divert because you hate poor blacks and need them to be subjugated to you. The power hungry Democrats can't get enough power, look at the way they flail when they lose, they have all lost their minds and have nothing but violence.
dear, You have nothing but Diversion and Red Herrings. That is all we got from "teaching the right wing, how to fish."
off topic......what year did that happen?
well if he wrote in fking English, you'd know what he's asking.
you are merely, too incompetent to discuss politics.

Wow! you calling someone else incompetent. If that isn't irony, I find it amazing that you have the IQ to breathe.
This is the argument: Unemployment compensation can correct for that capitalism based inefficiency, via the socialism of equal protection of the law, for Labor, as the least wealthy in our Republic.

This is the argument: Unemployment compensation can correct for that capitalism based inefficiency

Creating a new class of unemployed, unemployables does not reduce inefficiency.
That is Your Red Herring, fishmonger.

Capital circulating is what causes a multiplier effect. the more people circulating money, the better it is for our economy.
perhaps you could explain your philosophy here.
I'm sorry that your mental illness makes it more difficult for you to find employment.
This is the argument: Simply circulating capital is what creates a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Having nothing but fallacy for rebuttal instead of a better argument at lower cost, really is worthless in the non-porn sector.

This is the argument: Simply circulating capital is what creates a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Yes, the handouts to layabouts argument lost decades ago.
Just Red Herrings for learning how to fish, right winger? Why not get a real argument; too much of a hard work ethic.

I guess I could ask you why paying people to not produce would increase production.
It'll be fun to read your continued ignorance.
dear, capital must circulate to create a positive multiplier effect on our economy.
that's a different statement then what you've been making. but glad you finally got something right. wow, blind squirrel
you are merely, too incompetent to discuss politics.

Wow! you calling someone else incompetent. If that isn't irony, I find it amazing that you have the IQ to breathe.
This is the argument: Unemployment compensation can correct for that capitalism based inefficiency, via the socialism of equal protection of the law, for Labor, as the least wealthy in our Republic.

This is the argument: Unemployment compensation can correct for that capitalism based inefficiency

Creating a new class of unemployed, unemployables does not reduce inefficiency.
That is Your Red Herring, fishmonger.

Capital circulating is what causes a multiplier effect. the more people circulating money, the better it is for our economy.
perhaps you could explain your philosophy here.
A fiscal multiplier effect is what I am referring to.
This is the argument: Simply circulating capital is what creates a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Having nothing but fallacy for rebuttal instead of a better argument at lower cost, really is worthless in the non-porn sector.

This is the argument: Simply circulating capital is what creates a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Yes, the handouts to layabouts argument lost decades ago.
Just Red Herrings for learning how to fish, right winger? Why not get a real argument; too much of a hard work ethic.

I guess I could ask you why paying people to not produce would increase production.
It'll be fun to read your continued ignorance.
dear, capital must circulate to create a positive multiplier effect on our economy.
that's a different statement then what you've been making. but glad you finally got something right. wow, blind squirrel
i have been saying the same thing, the whole and entire time; y'all are just clueless and Causeless.
Every question he avoids, lol! Daniel is an idiot who has no answers just hate, diversion and avoidance. He is a load of laughs. I mean read his tripe, no substance to his posts, just a lot of Neanderthal statements that a six year old could make, except a six year old is a lot smarter and will grow up into responsible adult, Daniel has no chance.
and still not in English.
Wow! you calling someone else incompetent. If that isn't irony, I find it amazing that you have the IQ to breathe.
This is the argument: Unemployment compensation can correct for that capitalism based inefficiency, via the socialism of equal protection of the law, for Labor, as the least wealthy in our Republic.

This is the argument: Unemployment compensation can correct for that capitalism based inefficiency

Creating a new class of unemployed, unemployables does not reduce inefficiency.
That is Your Red Herring, fishmonger.

Capital circulating is what causes a multiplier effect. the more people circulating money, the better it is for our economy.
perhaps you could explain your philosophy here.
A fiscal multiplier effect is what I am referring to.
explain it. let's see some links that back your argument son! can you participate in a thread the way it was intended, rather than just write the same post fifty times?
This is the argument: Simply circulating capital is what creates a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Yes, the handouts to layabouts argument lost decades ago.
Just Red Herrings for learning how to fish, right winger? Why not get a real argument; too much of a hard work ethic.

I guess I could ask you why paying people to not produce would increase production.
It'll be fun to read your continued ignorance.
dear, capital must circulate to create a positive multiplier effect on our economy.
that's a different statement then what you've been making. but glad you finally got something right. wow, blind squirrel
i have been saying the same thing, the whole and entire time; y'all are just clueless and Causeless.
no, no you haven't.
Unemployment compensation can correct for that capitalism based inefficiency, via the socialism of equal protection of the law, for Labor, as the least wealthy in our Republic.

are you saying that "equal protection under the law" means that everyone gets the same pay no matter what job they do?
well if he wrote in fking English, you'd know what he's asking.
you are merely, too incompetent to discuss politics.

Wow! you calling someone else incompetent. If that isn't irony, I find it amazing that you have the IQ to breathe.
This is the argument: Unemployment compensation can correct for that capitalism based inefficiency, via the socialism of equal protection of the law, for Labor, as the least wealthy in our Republic.

is English your second or third language? that last post is jibberish.
are you saying that "equal protection under the law" means that everyone gets the same pay no matter what job they do?
well if he wrote in fking English, you'd know what he's asking.
you are merely, too incompetent to discuss politics.

Wow! you calling someone else incompetent. If that isn't irony, I find it amazing that you have the IQ to breathe.
This is the argument: Unemployment compensation can correct for that capitalism based inefficiency, via the socialism of equal protection of the law, for Labor, as the least wealthy in our Republic.

is English your second or third language? that last post is jibberish.
that's all that dude has. I have been asking for about ten posts for him to speak in a tongue the rest of use, like English.
This is the argument: Unemployment compensation can correct for that capitalism based inefficiency, via the socialism of equal protection of the law, for Labor, as the least wealthy in our Republic.

This is the argument: Unemployment compensation can correct for that capitalism based inefficiency

Creating a new class of unemployed, unemployables does not reduce inefficiency.
That is Your Red Herring, fishmonger.

Capital circulating is what causes a multiplier effect. the more people circulating money, the better it is for our economy.
perhaps you could explain your philosophy here.
A fiscal multiplier effect is what I am referring to.
explain it. let's see some links that back your argument son! can you participate in a thread the way it was intended, rather than just write the same post fifty times?
Is it not a self-evident truth, that money circulating, "multiplies" transactions?
Just Red Herrings for learning how to fish, right winger? Why not get a real argument; too much of a hard work ethic.

I guess I could ask you why paying people to not produce would increase production.
It'll be fun to read your continued ignorance.
dear, capital must circulate to create a positive multiplier effect on our economy.
that's a different statement then what you've been making. but glad you finally got something right. wow, blind squirrel
i have been saying the same thing, the whole and entire time; y'all are just clueless and Causeless.
no, no you haven't.
Yes, I have. I even got banned from USPoliticsOnline, as proof.

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