Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Maybe instead of telling us to leave for another country we can take positive elements from another country and apply them here to make this country better.

Like it or not, there are aspects of socialism in this country.

Yes there are, and every one of them is failing or soon to fail.

As Margret Thatcher once said, Socialism is a great government until you run out of other people's money to spend.

Unlike other Americans who constantly bash our system and point to other countries that have it sooooo great, real Americans like our country just the way it is.......I take that back.....we like our country just the way it is, but we'd like it better with much less government.

Except these socialist programs have benefitted the American people and have helped them. You're saying you basically want to do away with Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, yet they are vital to who we are as a country. I would say that having a mixed system is a good thing. Having more government isn't always a bad thing, and when it comes to programs to help those, people benefit.
Yet alcohol still causes more damage to people and still influences more violence than pot does.

This is true. So that's the reason we should legalize something that's much worse and have more people partake in that addiction?

It seems alcohol is what's worse than pot and that is already legal. Absolutely pot should be off limits to children. Adults? I don't see why not.

Quit hiding behind pot already. You stated all drugs should be legal, not just pot. If you want all drugs legal, then you want more people hooked, more people living in the streets, more people on social programs, more people stealing and dying. If that's what you want, then just say so. But don't hide behind pot to make your argument.

Legalizing all drugs takes away the killing over drugs and breaks up the power of the cartels.

Utter bull.

Do you think that states that have legalized pot ended the illegal pot sellers? Do you think that lotteries and casinos ended mob bets? Do you think all prostitution in Vegas is legal, and there are no prostitutes working outside of the government?

Better think again. States that have legalized pot have a larger problem with illegal sellers undercutting the taxes and fees that the state charges. The mob uses lottery numbers to run their own game; they just have a better payout. Illegal prostitution is all over Vegas, and yes, they undercut the prices of legalized prostitutes.

If all drugs were legal, you would never end the illegal sales of drugs, in fact, you might make it worse.
Yet alcohol still causes more damage to people and still influences more violence than pot does.

This is true. So that's the reason we should legalize something that's much worse and have more people partake in that addiction?

It seems alcohol is what's worse than pot and that is already legal. Absolutely pot should be off limits to children. Adults? I don't see why not.

Quit hiding behind pot already. You stated all drugs should be legal, not just pot. If you want all drugs legal, then you want more people hooked, more people living in the streets, more people on social programs, more people stealing and dying. If that's what you want, then just say so. But don't hide behind pot to make your argument.

Legalizing all drugs takes away the killing over drugs and breaks up the power of the cartels.

Utter bull.

Do you think that states that have legalized pot ended the illegal pot sellers? Do you think that lotteries and casinos ended mob bets? Do you think all prostitution in Vegas is legal, and there are no prostitutes working outside of the government?

Better think again. States that have legalized pot have a larger problem with illegal sellers undercutting the taxes and fees that the state charges. The mob uses lottery numbers to run their own game; they just have a better payout. Illegal prostitution is all over Vegas, and yes, they undercut the prices of legalized prostitutes.

If all drugs were legal, you would never end the illegal sales of drugs, in fact, you might make it worse.

Maybe that's because pot isn't legal in every state. Maybe that's because prostitution isn't legal everywhere. It's a matter of cutting corners. Legalizing and taxing all drugs would be beneficial for our country.
Maybe instead of telling us to leave for another country we can take positive elements from another country and apply them here to make this country better.

Like it or not, there are aspects of socialism in this country.

Yes there are, and every one of them is failing or soon to fail.

As Margret Thatcher once said, Socialism is a great government until you run out of other people's money to spend.

Unlike other Americans who constantly bash our system and point to other countries that have it sooooo great, real Americans like our country just the way it is.......I take that back.....we like our country just the way it is, but we'd like it better with much less government.

Except these socialist programs have benefitted the American people and have helped them. You're saying you basically want to do away with Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, yet they are vital to who we are as a country. I would say that having a mixed system is a good thing. Having more government isn't always a bad thing, and when it comes to programs to help those, people benefit.

So is Medicare stable and not contributing to our debt? How about Social Security? Medicaid is one of the largest expenditures in most states. The VA gives less than standard care as does Medicaid.

Our socialist segments of our country is a large part of our 20 trillion in debt and growing. Commie Care added one trillion of those dollars.

Our founders never imagined a country where everybody was dependent on the federal government from food to water, from utilities to healthcare, from birth to death. That was not their plan.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Maybe instead of telling us to leave for another country we can take positive elements from another country and apply them here to make this country better.

Like it or not, there are aspects of socialism in this country.

Yes there are, and every one of them is failing or soon to fail.

As Margret Thatcher once said, Socialism is a great government until you run out of other people's money to spend.

Unlike other Americans who constantly bash our system and point to other countries that have it sooooo great, real Americans like our country just the way it is.......I take that back.....we like our country just the way it is, but we'd like it better with much less government.

Except these socialist programs have benefitted the American people and have helped them. You're saying you basically want to do away with Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, yet they are vital to who we are as a country. I would say that having a mixed system is a good thing. Having more government isn't always a bad thing, and when it comes to programs to help those, people benefit.

So is Medicare stable and not contributing to our debt? How about Social Security? Medicaid is one of the largest expenditures in most states. The VA gives less than standard care as does Medicaid.

Our socialist segments of our country is a large part of our 20 trillion in debt and growing. Commie Care added one trillion of those dollars.

Our founders never imagined a country where everybody was dependent on the federal government from food to water, from utilities to healthcare, from birth to death. That was not their plan.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

I would say wasteful defense spending, going to wars while giving enormous tax cuts and deregulation also adds on.

These socialist programs are national treasures and must be protected at all costs.

Furthermore, I don't think it is best to apply the philosophy of the Founding Fathers of the 18th Century to the America of the 21st Century. America has evolved in many forms since then.
This is true. So that's the reason we should legalize something that's much worse and have more people partake in that addiction?

It seems alcohol is what's worse than pot and that is already legal. Absolutely pot should be off limits to children. Adults? I don't see why not.

Quit hiding behind pot already. You stated all drugs should be legal, not just pot. If you want all drugs legal, then you want more people hooked, more people living in the streets, more people on social programs, more people stealing and dying. If that's what you want, then just say so. But don't hide behind pot to make your argument.

Legalizing all drugs takes away the killing over drugs and breaks up the power of the cartels.

Utter bull.

Do you think that states that have legalized pot ended the illegal pot sellers? Do you think that lotteries and casinos ended mob bets? Do you think all prostitution in Vegas is legal, and there are no prostitutes working outside of the government?

Better think again. States that have legalized pot have a larger problem with illegal sellers undercutting the taxes and fees that the state charges. The mob uses lottery numbers to run their own game; they just have a better payout. Illegal prostitution is all over Vegas, and yes, they undercut the prices of legalized prostitutes.

If all drugs were legal, you would never end the illegal sales of drugs, in fact, you might make it worse.

Maybe that's because pot isn't legal in every state. Maybe that's because prostitution isn't legal everywhere. It's a matter of cutting corners. Legalizing and taxing all drugs would be beneficial for our country.

That's the poorest excuse I've seen in a while.

It has nothing to do with what other states are doing. Riddle me this: Prostitution is illegal in Arizona, it's illegal in California, HTF does that contribute to illegal prostitution in Nevada?

It's the fallacy that making something legal (that was illegal) will wipe out the illegality. It hasn't worked in the past and it doesn't work now. Nearly every state has lotteries, nearly every state has gambling. Yet the mob is doing just fine.
Maybe instead of telling us to leave for another country we can take positive elements from another country and apply them here to make this country better.

Like it or not, there are aspects of socialism in this country.

Yes there are, and every one of them is failing or soon to fail.

As Margret Thatcher once said, Socialism is a great government until you run out of other people's money to spend.

Unlike other Americans who constantly bash our system and point to other countries that have it sooooo great, real Americans like our country just the way it is.......I take that back.....we like our country just the way it is, but we'd like it better with much less government.

Except these socialist programs have benefitted the American people and have helped them. You're saying you basically want to do away with Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, yet they are vital to who we are as a country. I would say that having a mixed system is a good thing. Having more government isn't always a bad thing, and when it comes to programs to help those, people benefit.

So is Medicare stable and not contributing to our debt? How about Social Security? Medicaid is one of the largest expenditures in most states. The VA gives less than standard care as does Medicaid.

Our socialist segments of our country is a large part of our 20 trillion in debt and growing. Commie Care added one trillion of those dollars.

Our founders never imagined a country where everybody was dependent on the federal government from food to water, from utilities to healthcare, from birth to death. That was not their plan.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

I would say wasteful defense spending, going to wars while giving enormous tax cuts and deregulation also adds on.

These socialist programs are national treasures and must be protected at all costs.

Furthermore, I don't think it is best to apply the philosophy of the Founding Fathers of the 18th Century to the America of the 21st Century. America has evolved in many forms since then.

Yet if we only listened to Madison back in the 18th century, we would have many less poor, many less slackers, no debt, and perhaps a surplus that would lead to lower taxes.

The Defense of the United States is outlined in the US Constitution--Cash for Clunkers is not.
It seems alcohol is what's worse than pot and that is already legal. Absolutely pot should be off limits to children. Adults? I don't see why not.

Quit hiding behind pot already. You stated all drugs should be legal, not just pot. If you want all drugs legal, then you want more people hooked, more people living in the streets, more people on social programs, more people stealing and dying. If that's what you want, then just say so. But don't hide behind pot to make your argument.

Legalizing all drugs takes away the killing over drugs and breaks up the power of the cartels.

Utter bull.

Do you think that states that have legalized pot ended the illegal pot sellers? Do you think that lotteries and casinos ended mob bets? Do you think all prostitution in Vegas is legal, and there are no prostitutes working outside of the government?

Better think again. States that have legalized pot have a larger problem with illegal sellers undercutting the taxes and fees that the state charges. The mob uses lottery numbers to run their own game; they just have a better payout. Illegal prostitution is all over Vegas, and yes, they undercut the prices of legalized prostitutes.

If all drugs were legal, you would never end the illegal sales of drugs, in fact, you might make it worse.

Maybe that's because pot isn't legal in every state. Maybe that's because prostitution isn't legal everywhere. It's a matter of cutting corners. Legalizing and taxing all drugs would be beneficial for our country.

That's the poorest excuse I've seen in a while.

It has nothing to do with what other states are doing. Riddle me this: Prostitution is illegal in Arizona, it's illegal in California, HTF does that contribute to illegal prostitution in Nevada?

It's the fallacy that making something legal (that was illegal) will wipe out the illegality. It hasn't worked in the past and it doesn't work now. Nearly every state has lotteries, nearly every state has gambling. Yet the mob is doing just fine.

If people have services legally, they may set up shop illegally and thus have lower cost, thus incentivizing the consumer. Legalizing all drug use won't lead to illegal drug use.
Democrats are about power. And keeping people poor and dependent is a way to stay in power. it is that simple. They can't threaten me over health care...I pay for my own. I dont care if government cuts food stamps, section 8, welfare or head start. That makes me an obstacle for them to overcome and they do it with their dependent class.
Government handouts create serfs.
I'm sure there are also those who use it for just a time being.
great, any nobody objects to that at all, we object to growing welfare entitlements for more and more people[ to subversively buy votes] buy encouraging us to become a nation of leeches rather than a nation or contributors and workers. Do you understand a liberal is a pusher always subverting our country by buying more and more votes.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:


Well Fn move already. I get so sick of Americans telling us how great other countries are, yet never pack a suitcase and leave for those countries.

If you don't like this country, then GTF out of it. Go to one of these paradises you commies post all the time and leave the rest of us alone; nobody will miss you. You think it's so great in other places, then WTF are you doing here?

We like our capitalist country the way it is. We don't want socialism or communism here. There are plenty of places like that such as Cuba. The government takes care of you, nobody has money except the government, everybody is equal--equally poor, only the government has guns, and you get your socialized healthcare. Move already if you think it's so great.

Then come back (if they let you) and tell us how wonderful your experience was. You'll kiss the ground of this country you despise so much now.
You can't move there, a-hole. They don't want Americans. I'm AMERICAN, ASSHOLE. WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT is greedy idiot GOP billionaire lying brainwashers and silly probably racist dupes like you. I've been, in fact I owned a bar in Spain but you have to marry a European to live there and I missed the US and Americans, dumbass loudmouth fools like you included. Fuck your stupid love it or leave it bs. I do love it and am trying to point out YOU'RE WRONG, BRAINWASHED FUNCTIONAL ASSHOLE. You're lying cheating heroes are turning us into a banana republic.
Maybe instead of telling us to leave for another country we can take positive elements from another country and apply them here to make this country better.

Like it or not, there are aspects of socialism in this country.

Yes there are, and every one of them is failing or soon to fail.

As Margret Thatcher once said, Socialism is a great government until you run out of other people's money to spend.

Unlike other Americans who constantly bash our system and point to other countries that have it sooooo great, real Americans like our country just the way it is.......I take that back.....we like our country just the way it is, but we'd like it better with much less government.

Except these socialist programs have benefitted the American people and have helped them. You're saying you basically want to do away with Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, yet they are vital to who we are as a country. I would say that having a mixed system is a good thing. Having more government isn't always a bad thing, and when it comes to programs to help those, people benefit.

So is Medicare stable and not contributing to our debt? How about Social Security? Medicaid is one of the largest expenditures in most states. The VA gives less than standard care as does Medicaid.

Our socialist segments of our country is a large part of our 20 trillion in debt and growing. Commie Care added one trillion of those dollars.

Our founders never imagined a country where everybody was dependent on the federal government from food to water, from utilities to healthcare, from birth to death. That was not their plan.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

I would say wasteful defense spending, going to wars while giving enormous tax cuts and deregulation also adds on.

These socialist programs are national treasures and must be protected at all costs.

Furthermore, I don't think it is best to apply the philosophy of the Founding Fathers of the 18th Century to the America of the 21st Century. America has evolved in many forms since then.

Yet if we only listened to Madison back in the 18th century, we would have many less poor, many less slackers, no debt, and perhaps a surplus that would lead to lower taxes.

The Defense of the United States is outlined in the US Constitution--Cash for Clunkers is not.

There has always been a growing debt. The last time the country had no debt at all was during the Jackson administration. Regulations and government action is necessary.

I also would point to you Helvering vs. Davis, which declared Social Security Constitutional. Federal programs promote the general welfare and are allowed to proceed. While I do want a strong military, we can afford to cut back on some defense that we don't need and put it into domestic programs.
I'm sure there are also those who use it for just a time being.
great, any nobody objects to that at all, we object to growing welfare entitlements for more and more people[ to subversively buy votes] buy encouraging us to become a nation of leeches rather than a nation or contributors and workers. Do you understand a liberal is a pusher always subverting our country by buying more and more votes.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:


Well Fn move already. I get so sick of Americans telling us how great other countries are, yet never pack a suitcase and leave for those countries.

If you don't like this country, then GTF out of it. Go to one of these paradises you commies post all the time and leave the rest of us alone; nobody will miss you. You think it's so great in other places, then WTF are you doing here?

We like our capitalist country the way it is. We don't want socialism or communism here. There are plenty of places like that such as Cuba. The government takes care of you, nobody has money except the government, everybody is equal--equally poor, only the government has guns, and you get your socialized healthcare. Move already if you think it's so great.

Then come back (if they let you) and tell us how wonderful your experience was. You'll kiss the ground of this country you despise so much now.
You can't move there, a-hole. They don't want Americans. I'm AMERICAN, ASSHOLE. WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT is greedy idiot GOP billionaire lying brainwashers and silly probably racist dupes like you. I've been, in fact I owned a bar in Spain but you have to marry a European to live there and I missed the US and Americans, dumbass loudmouth fools like you included. Fuck your stupid love it or leave it bs. I do love it and am trying to point out YOU'RE WRONG, BRAINWASHED FUNCTIONAL ASSHOLE. You're lying cheating heroes are turning us into a banana republic.
Sweden IS a bit much- I prefer Australia, Canada, France as an ECONOMIC model- I didn't say I want stupid jackasses like you to leave, not being an ugly American dupe. LOL. Change the gd channel.
The conservative policies always result in recessions. Every recession we ever had was presided over by a
Republican President starting with Herbert Hoover in 1929. The only one that did not have a recession was
Reagan, but, if you are old enough you might remember that interest rates were over 18% trying to hold back
an overheated economy. Only when Clinton became President were the reigns held back sufficiently. Still, Reagan
was a successful President mostly because he compromised his policies with Tip O'Neill. However, if Trump
continues with all the stops removed, the economy will again take off and then crash again so be careful what
you wish for.
The conservative policies always result in recessions. Every recession we ever had was presided over by a
Republican President starting with Herbert Hoover in 1929. The only one that did not have a recession was
Reagan, but, if you are old enough you might remember that interest rates were over 18% trying to hold back
an overheated economy. Only when Clinton became President were the reigns held back sufficiently. Still, Reagan
was a successful President mostly because he compromised his policies with Tip O'Neill. However, if Trump
continues with all the stops removed, the economy will again take off and then crash again so be careful what
you wish for.

It seems the American Dream Downpayment Act of 2003 also contributed to the recession of 2008.
I'm sure there are also those who use it for just a time being.
great, any nobody objects to that at all, we object to growing welfare entitlements for more and more people[ to subversively buy votes] buy encouraging us to become a nation of leeches rather than a nation or contributors and workers. Do you understand a liberal is a pusher always subverting our country by buying more and more votes.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:


Well Fn move already. I get so sick of Americans telling us how great other countries are, yet never pack a suitcase and leave for those countries.

If you don't like this country, then GTF out of it. Go to one of these paradises you commies post all the time and leave the rest of us alone; nobody will miss you. You think it's so great in other places, then WTF are you doing here?

We like our capitalist country the way it is. We don't want socialism or communism here. There are plenty of places like that such as Cuba. The government takes care of you, nobody has money except the government, everybody is equal--equally poor, only the government has guns, and you get your socialized healthcare. Move already if you think it's so great.

Then come back (if they let you) and tell us how wonderful your experience was. You'll kiss the ground of this country you despise so much now.
We already HAVE socialism here, with ACA, just a feqing GOP pander to the rich mess, dupe. "Now we're all socialists!" -Finland PM when ACA passed.

You know what the min wage is every modern country BUT us? LIVING! With universal health care? Thanks to dupess like you and the GOP, not here.
I'm sure there are also those who use it for just a time being.
great, any nobody objects to that at all, we object to growing welfare entitlements for more and more people[ to subversively buy votes] buy encouraging us to become a nation of leeches rather than a nation or contributors and workers. Do you understand a liberal is a pusher always subverting our country by buying more and more votes.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:


Well Fn move already. I get so sick of Americans telling us how great other countries are, yet never pack a suitcase and leave for those countries.

If you don't like this country, then GTF out of it. Go to one of these paradises you commies post all the time and leave the rest of us alone; nobody will miss you. You think it's so great in other places, then WTF are you doing here?

We like our capitalist country the way it is. We don't want socialism or communism here. There are plenty of places like that such as Cuba. The government takes care of you, nobody has money except the government, everybody is equal--equally poor, only the government has guns, and you get your socialized healthcare. Move already if you think it's so great.

Then come back (if they let you) and tell us how wonderful your experience was. You'll kiss the ground of this country you despise so much now.
You can't move there, a-hole. They don't want Americans. I'm AMERICAN, ASSHOLE. WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT is greedy idiot GOP billionaire lying brainwashers and silly probably racist dupes like you. I've been, in fact I owned a bar in Spain but you have to marry a European to live there and I missed the US and Americans, dumbass loudmouth fools like you included. Fuck your stupid love it or leave it bs. I do love it and am trying to point out YOU'RE WRONG, BRAINWASHED FUNCTIONAL ASSHOLE. You're lying cheating heroes are turning us into a banana republic.

Utter bullshit. Turn on HGTV sometime and look for show called House Hunters International. Look at the apartments they have. They look like projects we have here. Look at what it costs to buy a home or rent an apartment. Look at the tiny homes these people live in. Americans move there every single day with no problems.

So quit making excuses. Love this country or leave it, or at the very least, quit telling us how wonderful these other countries are to ours. You have no Fn idea how lucky you are to be born here. People try to sneak in here in makeshift rafts, in the back of tractor-trailers, in airport landing gear, and on a few occasions, boxed up and shipped here like a piece of furniture. People risk life and health just to make it past our borders to escape these so wonderful countries you speak of.

I'm sick of it already.
The conservative policies always result in recessions. Every recession we ever had was presided over by a
Republican President starting with Herbert Hoover in 1929. The only one that did not have a recession was
Reagan, but, if you are old enough you might remember that interest rates were over 18% trying to hold back
an overheated economy. Only when Clinton became President were the reigns held back sufficiently. Still, Reagan
was a successful President mostly because he compromised his policies with Tip O'Neill. However, if Trump
continues with all the stops removed, the economy will again take off and then crash again so be careful what
you wish for.
Reagan gave us the S+L scandal/bust and tripled the debt in good times...a scam except to dupes...
I'm very grateful to be here, but I know we're not perfect and can always do things better. If another country does something better than what we do, then I think we should try to be better too.
The conservative policies always result in recessions. Every recession we ever had was presided over by a
Republican President starting with Herbert Hoover in 1929. The only one that did not have a recession was
Reagan, but, if you are old enough you might remember that interest rates were over 18% trying to hold back
an overheated economy. Only when Clinton became President were the reigns held back sufficiently. Still, Reagan
was a successful President mostly because he compromised his policies with Tip O'Neill. However, if Trump
continues with all the stops removed, the economy will again take off and then crash again so be careful what
you wish for.
Reagan gave us the S+L scandal/bust and tripled the debt in good times...a scam except to dupes...

He also began the erosion of the middle class and it helped when he dramatically decreased the top tax bracket.
The drug war could be abolished in five minutes or less, by executive order.

Why do you advocate for more kids to become addicted to drugs? How is that a good thing?

Why do you advocate for more kids to damage their brains by smoking marijuana?

How does any of that benefit America except for creating far more of our population dependent on drugs and society to exist?

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