Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

The "war on drugs" (to the extent there is one) is a war based on societal ideals and an intolerance of things (like drug abuse) that erode the basis of a society.

Society has a collective right to protect itself.

I support the war on drugs on that basis. While there are clearly many economical aspects to consider, It is not and should not ever be a purely economical decision.

It is not just an economical stand point. Ending the war on drugs breaks up the drug cartels and also reduces the massive prison population. The drug war is used to control the populace and enhance the for profit prisons. The drug war has failed us, and has shown not to deter drugs or drug users.

And you think legalizing it is the answer?

Do you think we had more alcoholics in our country during prohibition or after? Prohibition never stopped those who truly wanted to get drunk either, but at the time, it reduced the amount of alcohol consumption.
dear, Prohibition was Repealed as a Bad idea in those then, modern times.

the right likes to repeat historical mistakes, and claim they are not really like that afterward, or "blame the left" if that doesn't work.

Alcohol is different because of the flavor of alcohol drinks. It's sociable and people get together for a drink without getting drunk or even a buzz.

Nobody using dope does that. Dope is for one thing and one thing only, and that is to get high.
A safety net is vital.

child- like, retarded and 1000% liberal!! There is no safety net that catches you and bounces you out. There is intergenerational crippling welfare that creates helpless dependent voters and subverts our democracy!!! You're a typical liberal bigot who thinks he's superior because he cares more!!

Welcome to your second lesson in American History:l

Ben Franklin:
"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin
The "war on drugs" (to the extent there is one) is a war based on societal ideals and an intolerance of things (like drug abuse) that erode the basis of a society.

Society has a collective right to protect itself.

I support the war on drugs on that basis. While there are clearly many economical aspects to consider, It is not and should not ever be a purely economical decision.

It is not just an economical stand point. Ending the war on drugs breaks up the drug cartels and also reduces the massive prison population. The drug war is used to control the populace and enhance the for profit prisons. The drug war has failed us, and has shown not to deter drugs or drug users.

And you think legalizing it is the answer?

Do you think we had more alcoholics in our country during prohibition or after? Prohibition never stopped those who truly wanted to get drunk either, but at the time, it reduced the amount of alcohol consumption.
dear, Prohibition was Repealed as a Bad idea in those then, modern times.

the right likes to repeat historical mistakes, and claim they are not really like that afterward, or "blame the left" if that doesn't work.

Alcohol is different because of the flavor of alcohol drinks. It's sociable and people get together for a drink without getting drunk or even a buzz.

Nobody using dope does that. Dope is for one thing and one thing only, and that is to get high.

Yet alcohol still causes more damage to people and still influences more violence than pot does. If someone commits a crime on drugs, they should only be arrested for the crime, not the drugs. That's my point.
It didn't, deductibles make the insurance worthless, dupe!
BS, my dear. And Medicaid for the poor? Saves lives, free for them. And Dems don't help the poor? SS, UE, Food Stamps, cheap loans for college, you name it, NOT GOP. Keeping them poor my ASS.

I'm not your dear asshole, Dems help the poor stay poor, thank you for acknowledging it.
Not a chance- this is just more upside down and backwards New BS GOP propaganda/big lie for dupes only. Every policy that would help people out of poverty has been from the Dems, and every cut in them from the GOP, all to save the poor megarich, and mainly in the last 35 years. See sig PP 1.
fifty fking years they've been voting for democrats and they're still there. I'd call that a big ass fail. just saying.

Charles Barkley even commented on that: funny shit.

Charles Barkley: ‘Black people have voted for Democrats their whole life, they’re still poor’

"Charles Barkley: ‘Black people have voted for Democrats their whole life, they’re still poor’"
Because of the GOP and discrimination. Great job! Charles is a selfish dupe.

You are a hater, the issue is the Dems have done absolutely nothing to get poor blacks out of the ghettos and making it even to middle class. Decades and decades, liberal cities, liberal states and they have democrats have done nothing.
A safety net is vital.

child- like, retarded and 1000% liberal!! There is no safety net that catches you and bounces you out. There is intergenerational crippling welfare that creates helpless dependent voters and subverts our democracy!!! You're a typical liberal bigot who thinks he's superior because he cares more!!

Welcome to your second lesson in American History:l

Ben Franklin:
"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin

That is a generalization. I would only go on food stamps and welfare if I have to and thankfully I never have. People use assistance, but I'm sure there are also those who use it for just a time being. Welfare is also a crutch to help those back on their feet. Do you know what it's like to be on tough times?

The second Franklin quote is out of context. Congress sure votes themselves money a lot and there was even an amendment in response to that.
I'm sure there are also those who use it for just a time being.
great, any nobody objects to that at all, we object to growing welfare entitlements for more and more people[ to subversively buy votes] buy encouraging us to become a nation of leeches rather than a nation or contributors and workers. Do you understand a liberal is a pusher always subverting our country by buying more and more votes.
BS, my dear. And Medicaid for the poor? Saves lives, free for them. And Dems don't help the poor? SS, UE, Food Stamps, cheap loans for college, you name it, NOT GOP. Keeping them poor my ASS.

I'm not your dear asshole, Dems help the poor stay poor, thank you for acknowledging it.
Not a chance- this is just more upside down and backwards New BS GOP propaganda/big lie for dupes only. Every policy that would help people out of poverty has been from the Dems, and every cut in them from the GOP, all to save the poor megarich, and mainly in the last 35 years. See sig PP 1.
fifty fking years they've been voting for democrats and they're still there. I'd call that a big ass fail. just saying.

Charles Barkley even commented on that: funny shit.

Charles Barkley: ‘Black people have voted for Democrats their whole life, they’re still poor’

"Charles Barkley: ‘Black people have voted for Democrats their whole life, they’re still poor’"
Because of the GOP and discrimination. Great job! Charles is a selfish dupe.

You are a hater, the issue is the Dems have done absolutely nothing to get poor blacks out of the ghettos and making it even to middle class. Decades and decades, liberal cities, liberal states and they have democrats have done nothing.
Blocked by the GOP the last 30 years- Carter and Teddy feuding blew that 4 years. You have to go back to LBJ....this is GOP policy the last 30-35 years. Great for the rich...After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I'm sure there are also those who use it for just a time being.
great, any nobody objects to that at all, we object to growing welfare entitlements for more and more people[ to subversively buy votes] buy encouraging us to become a nation of leeches rather than a nation or contributors and workers. Do you understand a liberal is a pusher always subverting our country by buying more and more votes.

Well, people need it for a time being. If you cut social welfare, what are the consequences of that? Have you ever thought people try to better their situation but that it isn't so easy?

Again, I am thankful I have never gone on food stamps or social welfare. I would only do so as a last resort, but I am starting a new job soon in my field for my career after working jobs that pay just above minimum wage and are laborious. I have worked very hard to better myself and dig myself out of my tough times these last couple years and I have really redeemed myself in the last 12 months. Before demonizing social welfare, just remember some may be on it because they need it.
Yet alcohol still causes more damage to people and still influences more violence than pot does.

This is true. So that's the reason we should legalize something that's much worse and have more people partake in that addiction?

It seems alcohol is what's worse than pot and that is already legal. Absolutely pot should be off limits to children. Adults? I don't see why not.
I'm sure there are also those who use it for just a time being.
great, any nobody objects to that at all, we object to growing welfare entitlements for more and more people[ to subversively buy votes] buy encouraging us to become a nation of leeches rather than a nation or contributors and workers. Do you understand a liberal is a pusher always subverting our country by buying more and more votes.
There has been no Dem change in regs that got more people on welfare, just ANOTHER corrupt GOP great bubble/recession
I'm sure there are also those who use it for just a time being.
great, any nobody objects to that at all, we object to growing welfare entitlements for more and more people[ to subversively buy votes] buy encouraging us to become a nation of leeches rather than a nation or contributors and workers. Do you understand a liberal is a pusher always subverting our country by buying more and more votes.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

BS, my dear. And Medicaid for the poor? Saves lives, free for them. And Dems don't help the poor? SS, UE, Food Stamps, cheap loans for college, you name it, NOT GOP. Keeping them poor my ASS.

I'm not your dear asshole, Dems help the poor stay poor, thank you for acknowledging it.
Not a chance- this is just more upside down and backwards New BS GOP propaganda/big lie for dupes only. Every policy that would help people out of poverty has been from the Dems, and every cut in them from the GOP, all to save the poor megarich, and mainly in the last 35 years. See sig PP 1.
fifty fking years they've been voting for democrats and they're still there. I'd call that a big ass fail. just saying.

Charles Barkley even commented on that: funny shit.

Charles Barkley: ‘Black people have voted for Democrats their whole life, they’re still poor’

"Charles Barkley: ‘Black people have voted for Democrats their whole life, they’re still poor’"
Because of the GOP and discrimination. Great job! Charles is a selfish dupe.

You are a hater, the issue is the Dems have done absolutely nothing to get poor blacks out of the ghettos and making it even to middle class. Decades and decades, liberal cities, liberal states and they have democrats have done nothing.
The Feds run things DUHHHH.
BS, my dear. And Medicaid for the poor? Saves lives, free for them. And Dems don't help the poor? SS, UE, Food Stamps, cheap loans for college, you name it, NOT GOP. Keeping them poor my ASS.

I'm not your dear asshole, Dems help the poor stay poor, thank you for acknowledging it.
Not a chance- this is just more upside down and backwards New BS GOP propaganda/big lie for dupes only. Every policy that would help people out of poverty has been from the Dems, and every cut in them from the GOP, all to save the poor megarich, and mainly in the last 35 years. See sig PP 1.
fifty fking years they've been voting for democrats and they're still there. I'd call that a big ass fail. just saying.

Charles Barkley even commented on that: funny shit.

Charles Barkley: ‘Black people have voted for Democrats their whole life, they’re still poor’

"Charles Barkley: ‘Black people have voted for Democrats their whole life, they’re still poor’"
Because of the GOP and discrimination. Great job! Charles is a selfish dupe.

You are a hater, the issue is the Dems have done absolutely nothing to get poor blacks out of the ghettos and making it even to middle class. Decades and decades, liberal cities, liberal states and they have democrats have done nothing.
Still, Dems are doing some states rights stuff these days- legal and taxed pot, free college in NY., sanctuary cities, etc....
I'm sure there are also those who use it for just a time being.
great, any nobody objects to that at all, we object to growing welfare entitlements for more and more people[ to subversively buy votes] buy encouraging us to become a nation of leeches rather than a nation or contributors and workers. Do you understand a liberal is a pusher always subverting our country by buying more and more votes.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:


Well Fn move already. I get so sick of Americans telling us how great other countries are, yet never pack a suitcase and leave for those countries.

If you don't like this country, then GTF out of it. Go to one of these paradises you commies post all the time and leave the rest of us alone; nobody will miss you. You think it's so great in other places, then WTF are you doing here?

We like our capitalist country the way it is. We don't want socialism or communism here. There are plenty of places like that such as Cuba. The government takes care of you, nobody has money except the government, everybody is equal--equally poor, only the government has guns, and you get your socialized healthcare. Move already if you think it's so great.

Then come back (if they let you) and tell us how wonderful your experience was. You'll kiss the ground of this country you despise so much now.
Maybe instead of telling us to leave for another country we can take positive elements from another country and apply them here to make this country better.

Like it or not, there are aspects of socialism in this country.
Yet alcohol still causes more damage to people and still influences more violence than pot does.

This is true. So that's the reason we should legalize something that's much worse and have more people partake in that addiction?

It seems alcohol is what's worse than pot and that is already legal. Absolutely pot should be off limits to children. Adults? I don't see why not.

Quit hiding behind pot already. You stated all drugs should be legal, not just pot. If you want all drugs legal, then you want more people hooked, more people living in the streets, more people on social programs, more people stealing and dying. If that's what you want, then just say so. But don't hide behind pot to make your argument.
Yet alcohol still causes more damage to people and still influences more violence than pot does.

This is true. So that's the reason we should legalize something that's much worse and have more people partake in that addiction?

It seems alcohol is what's worse than pot and that is already legal. Absolutely pot should be off limits to children. Adults? I don't see why not.

Quit hiding behind pot already. You stated all drugs should be legal, not just pot. If you want all drugs legal, then you want more people hooked, more people living in the streets, more people on social programs, more people stealing and dying. If that's what you want, then just say so. But don't hide behind pot to make your argument.

Legalizing all drugs takes away the killing over drugs and breaks up the power of the cartels.
Maybe instead of telling us to leave for another country we can take positive elements from another country and apply them here to make this country better.

Like it or not, there are aspects of socialism in this country.

Yes there are, and every one of them is failing or soon to fail.

As Margret Thatcher once said, Socialism is a great government until you run out of other people's money to spend.

Unlike other Americans who constantly bash our system and point to other countries that have it sooooo great, real Americans like our country just the way it is.......I take that back.....we like our country just the way it is, but we'd like it better with much less government.
The "war on drugs" (to the extent there is one) is a war based on societal ideals and an intolerance of things (like drug abuse) that erode the basis of a society.

Society has a collective right to protect itself.

I support the war on drugs on that basis. While there are clearly many economical aspects to consider, It is not and should not ever be a purely economical decision.

It is not just an economical stand point. Ending the war on drugs breaks up the drug cartels and also reduces the massive prison population. The drug war is used to control the populace and enhance the for profit prisons. The drug war has failed us, and has shown not to deter drugs or drug users.

And you think legalizing it is the answer?

Do you think we had more alcoholics in our country during prohibition or after? Prohibition never stopped those who truly wanted to get drunk either, but at the time, it reduced the amount of alcohol consumption.
dear, Prohibition was Repealed as a Bad idea in those then, modern times.

the right likes to repeat historical mistakes, and claim they are not really like that afterward, or "blame the left" if that doesn't work.

Alcohol is different because of the flavor of alcohol drinks. It's sociable and people get together for a drink without getting drunk or even a buzz.

Nobody using dope does that. Dope is for one thing and one thing only, and that is to get high.
A pot "high" is not toxic. It is euphoric; you are more likely to get more accomplished, if you are more euphoric, than not.

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