Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

The "war on drugs" (to the extent there is one) is a war based on societal ideals and an intolerance of things (like drug abuse) that erode the basis of a society.

Society has a collective right to protect itself.

I support the war on drugs on that basis. While there are clearly many economical aspects to consider, It is not and should not ever be a purely economical decision.

It is not just an economical stand point. Ending the war on drugs breaks up the drug cartels and also reduces the massive prison population. The drug war is used to control the populace and enhance the for profit prisons. The drug war has failed us, and has shown not to deter drugs or drug users.

And you think legalizing it is the answer?

Do you think we had more alcoholics in our country during prohibition or after? Prohibition never stopped those who truly wanted to get drunk either, but at the time, it reduced the amount of alcohol consumption.

Yet Prohibition is the only Amendment to be repealed.

I am for full legalization. Period. It's also a good way to fix our prison problem.

Good, make it legal where you live. Let those meth heads harass your daughter on the sidewalk, or let them rob your house for drug money. I don't need it. You can support those people on welfare with your paycheck. My political stance is to get more people off of government assistance--not put more people on.

For one I don't have any kids. Also, I don't know of any drug addicts whom I have ever dealt with. As I said, I am against abuse, but I support genuine help for people on it to help them get through struggles. I'd love it if everyone had a job and wouldn't have to use government assistance. Unfortunately that isn't the case and rather than hurt those who need it, I wish for my tax dollars to help those who are struggling.
The "war on drugs" (to the extent there is one) is a war based on societal ideals and an intolerance of things (like drug abuse) that erode the basis of a society.

Society has a collective right to protect itself.

I support the war on drugs on that basis. While there are clearly many economical aspects to consider, It is not and should not ever be a purely economical decision.

It is not just an economical stand point. Ending the war on drugs breaks up the drug cartels and also reduces the massive prison population. The drug war is used to control the populace and enhance the for profit prisons. The drug war has failed us, and has shown not to deter drugs or drug users.

And you think legalizing it is the answer?

Do you think we had more alcoholics in our country during prohibition or after? Prohibition never stopped those who truly wanted to get drunk either, but at the time, it reduced the amount of alcohol consumption.

Yet Prohibition is the only Amendment to be repealed.

I am for full legalization. Period. It's also a good way to fix our prison problem.

Good, make it legal where you live. Let those meth heads harass your daughter on the sidewalk, or let them rob your house for drug money. I don't need it. You can support those people on welfare with your paycheck. My political stance is to get more people off of government assistance--not put more people on.

For one I don't have any kids. Also, I don't know of any drug addicts whom I have ever dealt with. As I said, I am against abuse, but I support genuine help for people on it to help them get through struggles. I'd love it if everyone had a job and wouldn't have to use government assistance. Unfortunately that isn't the case and rather than hurt those who need it, I wish for my tax dollars to help those who are struggling.

If you want to see more people working and off of government assistance, why would you support doing something that will result in less people working and more on government assistance?

When you make something legal, more people are going to use it. Just check out the stats in states that legalized pot. They have more teenagers using pot, more DWI arrests, more problems that Im sure they can do without, and they've only had legal pot for a couple of years now.

Maybe your problem is you didn't ever deal with drug addicts. I have. My house almost burned down to the ground because of drug addicts. My apartment has been robbed by drug addicts. I've had apartments torn to pieces by drug addicts. My cousin lost her 28 year old son to drugs about a year and a half ago. He was fighting the addiction since he was 15. All the so-called therapy didn't do squat.
The "war on drugs" (to the extent there is one) is a war based on societal ideals and an intolerance of things (like drug abuse) that erode the basis of a society.

Society has a collective right to protect itself.

I support the war on drugs on that basis. While there are clearly many economical aspects to consider, It is not and should not ever be a purely economical decision.

It is not just an economical stand point. Ending the war on drugs breaks up the drug cartels and also reduces the massive prison population. The drug war is used to control the populace and enhance the for profit prisons. The drug war has failed us, and has shown not to deter drugs or drug users.

And you think legalizing it is the answer?

Do you think we had more alcoholics in our country during prohibition or after? Prohibition never stopped those who truly wanted to get drunk either, but at the time, it reduced the amount of alcohol consumption.

I actually agree that drugs should be legalized. Pharmacies can then sell them, you get a less dangerous mixture for the user, you can tax it and use the money to fund rehab. The other side is it would eliminate drug dealers that use others problems to make money. Also then we would have a database full of those that use and need help. What we have been doing is not working.
, I wish for my tax dollars to help those who are struggling.
how child-like!!! If govt could help even with trillions of dollars( what it has already spent) we'd have heaven on earth right now!!! Why not read: "Please Stop Helping Us" if you'd like to grow up a little!!!
Or actual helping the poor and the lower middle to health care....

It didn't, deductibles make the insurance worthless, dupe!
BS, my dear. And Medicaid for the poor? Saves lives, free for them. And Dems don't help the poor? SS, UE, Food Stamps, cheap loans for college, you name it, NOT GOP. Keeping them poor my ASS.

I'm not your dear asshole, Dems help the poor stay poor, thank you for acknowledging it.
Not a chance- this is just more upside down and backwards New BS GOP propaganda/big lie for dupes only. Every policy that would help people out of poverty has been from the Dems, and every cut in them from the GOP, all to save the poor megarich, and mainly in the last 35 years. See sig PP 1.
fifty fking years they've been voting for democrats and they're still there. I'd call that a big ass fail. just saying.

Charles Barkley even commented on that: funny shit.

Charles Barkley: ‘Black people have voted for Democrats their whole life, they’re still poor’

"Charles Barkley: ‘Black people have voted for Democrats their whole life, they’re still poor’"
Because of the GOP and discrimination. Great job! Charles is a selfish dupe.
The "war on drugs" (to the extent there is one) is a war based on societal ideals and an intolerance of things (like drug abuse) that erode the basis of a society.

Society has a collective right to protect itself.

I support the war on drugs on that basis. While there are clearly many economical aspects to consider, It is not and should not ever be a purely economical decision.

It is not just an economical stand point. Ending the war on drugs breaks up the drug cartels and also reduces the massive prison population. The drug war is used to control the populace and enhance the for profit prisons. The drug war has failed us, and has shown not to deter drugs or drug users.

If you succeed in undoing all of that... drug abuse will still be a problem that society will have to deal with.

Ending the so called war on drugs without dealing with the problems of drug abuse will simply swap one set of problems for another.

Do you actually know any drug addicts?

I do.
you all are pushing a narrative that is a loser one. The drug addict does not want to be helped. If you truly know someone, then you'll know that they don't want to stop. I have a friend who is one. Believe me, he's been in a florida facility more times than I have fingers. And still today, he gets himself all fked up.

Not sure what narrative it is you think I am pushing. I agree with everything else you said.
, I wish for my tax dollars to help those who are struggling.
how child-like!!! If govt could help even with trillions of dollars( what it has already spent) we'd have heaven on earth right now!!! Why not read: "Please Stop Helping Us" if you'd like to grow up a little!!!


And most people don't care or realize how inefficient the government really is.

For the government to give one dollar to someone who genuinely needs it... it has to take two or three dollars from somebody else who EARNED it.
, I wish for my tax dollars to help those who are struggling.
how child-like!!! If govt could help even with trillions of dollars( what it has already spent) we'd have heaven on earth right now!!! Why not read: "Please Stop Helping Us" if you'd like to grow up a little!!!
Been doing the opposite under the GOP for 48 years....Especially the new bs GOP the last 30 years...
BS, my dear. And Medicaid for the poor? Saves lives, free for them. And Dems don't help the poor? SS, UE, Food Stamps, cheap loans for college, you name it, NOT GOP. Keeping them poor my ASS.

I'm not your dear asshole, Dems help the poor stay poor, thank you for acknowledging it.
Not a chance- this is just more upside down and backwards New BS GOP propaganda/big lie for dupes only. Every policy that would help people out of poverty has been from the Dems, and every cut in them from the GOP, all to save the poor megarich, and mainly in the last 35 years. See sig PP 1.
fifty fking years and they're still there. I'd call that a big ass fail. just saying.
The New BS GOP has cut every policy to help the poor out of poverty to the bone at least. The Great Society was the last time Dem policies were in place, before the Southern Cal GOP wrecked the world.
no, no, no, don't blame conservative GOP, no sir. fifty fking years the poor blacks have voted for democrats. maybe it's time for a change.
RW idiocy...

works for the richest ONLY, blacks least of all...they know duh...
Or actual helping the poor and the lower middle to health care....

It didn't, deductibles make the insurance worthless, dupe!
BS, my dear. And Medicaid for the poor? Saves lives, free for them. And Dems don't help the poor? SS, UE, Food Stamps, cheap loans for college, you name it, NOT GOP. Keeping them poor my ASS.

I'm not your dear asshole, Dems help the poor stay poor, thank you for acknowledging it.
Not a chance- this is just more upside down and backwards New BS GOP propaganda/big lie for dupes only. Every policy that would help people out of poverty has been from the Dems, and every cut in them from the GOP, all to save the poor megarich, and mainly in the last 35 years. See sig PP 1.

For the millionth time I don't read sigs., I block them, they are pure propaganda.

What policies have helped the poor blacks get off the government dole? Medicare, Welfare, Medicaid, Obamacare, food stamps, and on and on do nothing to promote people in society, it is all to help them stay under government control.
Duh, no. Cheap college and training programs, infrastructure spending, enterprise zones (where is Jack Kemp, the last
good GOPer?
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
BS, my dear. And Medicaid for the poor? Saves lives, free for them. And Dems don't help the poor? SS, UE, Food Stamps, cheap loans for college, you name it, NOT GOP. Keeping them poor my ASS.

I'm not your dear asshole, Dems help the poor stay poor, thank you for acknowledging it.
Not a chance- this is just more upside down and backwards New BS GOP propaganda/big lie for dupes only. Every policy that would help people out of poverty has been from the Dems, and every cut in them from the GOP, all to save the poor megarich, and mainly in the last 35 years. See sig PP 1.
fifty fking years and they're still there. I'd call that a big ass fail. just saying.
The New BS GOP has cut every policy to help the poor out of poverty to the bone at least. The Great Society was the last time Dem policies were in place, before the Southern Cal GOP wrecked the world.
no, no, no, don't blame conservative GOP, no sir. fifty fking years the poor blacks have voted for democrats. maybe it's time for a change.
In GOP policies yup. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
It is not just an economical stand point. Ending the war on drugs breaks up the drug cartels and also reduces the massive prison population. The drug war is used to control the populace and enhance the for profit prisons. The drug war has failed us, and has shown not to deter drugs or drug users.

And you think legalizing it is the answer?

Do you think we had more alcoholics in our country during prohibition or after? Prohibition never stopped those who truly wanted to get drunk either, but at the time, it reduced the amount of alcohol consumption.

Yet Prohibition is the only Amendment to be repealed.

I am for full legalization. Period. It's also a good way to fix our prison problem.

Good, make it legal where you live. Let those meth heads harass your daughter on the sidewalk, or let them rob your house for drug money. I don't need it. You can support those people on welfare with your paycheck. My political stance is to get more people off of government assistance--not put more people on.

For one I don't have any kids. Also, I don't know of any drug addicts whom I have ever dealt with. As I said, I am against abuse, but I support genuine help for people on it to help them get through struggles. I'd love it if everyone had a job and wouldn't have to use government assistance. Unfortunately that isn't the case and rather than hurt those who need it, I wish for my tax dollars to help those who are struggling.

If you want to see more people working and off of government assistance, why would you support doing something that will result in less people working and more on government assistance?

When you make something legal, more people are going to use it. Just check out the stats in states that legalized pot. They have more teenagers using pot, more DWI arrests, more problems that Im sure they can do without, and they've only had legal pot for a couple of years now.

Maybe your problem is you didn't ever deal with drug addicts. I have. My house almost burned down to the ground because of drug addicts. My apartment has been robbed by drug addicts. I've had apartments torn to pieces by drug addicts. My cousin lost her 28 year old son to drugs about a year and a half ago. He was fighting the addiction since he was 15. All the so-called therapy didn't do squat.

Pot does not make people violent or commit crimes.

I propose just legalizing all drugs and ending this stupid war.
, I wish for my tax dollars to help those who are struggling.
how child-like!!! If govt could help even with trillions of dollars( what it has already spent) we'd have heaven on earth right now!!! Why not read: "Please Stop Helping Us" if you'd like to grow up a little!!!

It isn't childlike. Your tax dollars are going to go somewhere. A safety net is vital.
, I wish for my tax dollars to help those who are struggling.
how child-like!!! If govt could help even with trillions of dollars( what it has already spent) we'd have heaven on earth right now!!! Why not read: "Please Stop Helping Us" if you'd like to grow up a little!!!


And most people don't care or realize how inefficient the government really is.

For the government to give one dollar to someone who genuinely needs it... it has to take two or three dollars from somebody else who EARNED it.

Except people that use social programs have also benefited positively from it.

Like I said, tax dollars will go somewhere. I'd rather they go to help assist someone than for other things.
It is the People's money.

Yes, working peoples money. We are forced to give it to the non-working people. But that doesn't mean it's their money.
Irrelevant. Congress is delegated the Social Power to Tax, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.
ohhh, very relevant. without the working people's money, you got chaos. Seems that is what you want. Are you a chaos organizer?
The Power to Tax is clearly delegated to our federal Congress, to Provide for the General welfare, not the Common welfare.
what's the difference? explain your point.
There is no, general warfare clause, common offense clause, nor even a General defense clause.
The "war on drugs" (to the extent there is one) is a war based on societal ideals and an intolerance of things (like drug abuse) that erode the basis of a society.

Society has a collective right to protect itself.

I support the war on drugs on that basis. While there are clearly many economical aspects to consider, It is not and should not ever be a purely economical decision.

It is not just an economical stand point. Ending the war on drugs breaks up the drug cartels and also reduces the massive prison population. The drug war is used to control the populace and enhance the for profit prisons. The drug war has failed us, and has shown not to deter drugs or drug users.

And you think legalizing it is the answer?

Do you think we had more alcoholics in our country during prohibition or after? Prohibition never stopped those who truly wanted to get drunk either, but at the time, it reduced the amount of alcohol consumption.
dear, Prohibition was Repealed as a Bad idea in those then, modern times.

the right likes to repeat historical mistakes, and claim they are not really like that afterward, or "blame the left" if that doesn't work.
The "war on drugs" (to the extent there is one) is a war based on societal ideals and an intolerance of things (like drug abuse) that erode the basis of a society.

Society has a collective right to protect itself.

I support the war on drugs on that basis. While there are clearly many economical aspects to consider, It is not and should not ever be a purely economical decision.

It is not just an economical stand point. Ending the war on drugs breaks up the drug cartels and also reduces the massive prison population. The drug war is used to control the populace and enhance the for profit prisons. The drug war has failed us, and has shown not to deter drugs or drug users.

And you think legalizing it is the answer?

Do you think we had more alcoholics in our country during prohibition or after? Prohibition never stopped those who truly wanted to get drunk either, but at the time, it reduced the amount of alcohol consumption.

Yet Prohibition is the only Amendment to be repealed.

I am for full legalization. Period. It's also a good way to fix our prison problem.

Good, make it legal where you live. Let those meth heads harass your daughter on the sidewalk, or let them rob your house for drug money. I don't need it. You can support those people on welfare with your paycheck. My political stance is to get more people off of government assistance--not put more people on.
How much does that happen for alcohol and tobacco, already?
And you think legalizing it is the answer?

Do you think we had more alcoholics in our country during prohibition or after? Prohibition never stopped those who truly wanted to get drunk either, but at the time, it reduced the amount of alcohol consumption.

Yet Prohibition is the only Amendment to be repealed.

I am for full legalization. Period. It's also a good way to fix our prison problem.

Good, make it legal where you live. Let those meth heads harass your daughter on the sidewalk, or let them rob your house for drug money. I don't need it. You can support those people on welfare with your paycheck. My political stance is to get more people off of government assistance--not put more people on.

For one I don't have any kids. Also, I don't know of any drug addicts whom I have ever dealt with. As I said, I am against abuse, but I support genuine help for people on it to help them get through struggles. I'd love it if everyone had a job and wouldn't have to use government assistance. Unfortunately that isn't the case and rather than hurt those who need it, I wish for my tax dollars to help those who are struggling.

If you want to see more people working and off of government assistance, why would you support doing something that will result in less people working and more on government assistance?

When you make something legal, more people are going to use it. Just check out the stats in states that legalized pot. They have more teenagers using pot, more DWI arrests, more problems that Im sure they can do without, and they've only had legal pot for a couple of years now.

Maybe your problem is you didn't ever deal with drug addicts. I have. My house almost burned down to the ground because of drug addicts. My apartment has been robbed by drug addicts. I've had apartments torn to pieces by drug addicts. My cousin lost her 28 year old son to drugs about a year and a half ago. He was fighting the addiction since he was 15. All the so-called therapy didn't do squat.

Pot does not make people violent or commit crimes.

I propose just legalizing all drugs and ending this stupid war.

Pot doesn't in most cases. But opiate drugs do. Once these people get hooked, they can't work. They sit there and stare at the wall. They use more and more until they kill themselves.

It's like anything else. Some people can take a snort and never touch it again for another five years, and it won't bother them. Others take one snort, and that's the end of their life.

One guy I met was a friend of a friend hooked on dope. From what I understand, he was a hell of a diesel mechanic, and they make pretty good money. But he got fired from every job because he stole tools and parts for drugs. He used to steal from his friends; break into their house when he knew they would not be home.

We had a string of church robberies in the area. One of the veteran police officers was aware enough to remember the same kind of crime that took place many years earlier. So he looked up the name, and it was this guy I knew. So they tailed him.

Sure enough, he broke into another church and was busted red handed. The judge must have been very religious, because she gave him five years in prison. A few weeks into his sentence, he went into a bathroom stall, shoved toilet paper up his nose and down his throat and he killed himself.

I don't think it was jail that caused him to kill himself, he's been in jails before for short periods of time. But five years without his dope? Death was better.

Why you would want to see more of that I'll never understand.
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The "war on drugs" (to the extent there is one) is a war based on societal ideals and an intolerance of things (like drug abuse) that erode the basis of a society.

Society has a collective right to protect itself.

I support the war on drugs on that basis. While there are clearly many economical aspects to consider, It is not and should not ever be a purely economical decision.

It is not just an economical stand point. Ending the war on drugs breaks up the drug cartels and also reduces the massive prison population. The drug war is used to control the populace and enhance the for profit prisons. The drug war has failed us, and has shown not to deter drugs or drug users.

And you think legalizing it is the answer?

Do you think we had more alcoholics in our country during prohibition or after? Prohibition never stopped those who truly wanted to get drunk either, but at the time, it reduced the amount of alcohol consumption.

Yet Prohibition is the only Amendment to be repealed.

I am for full legalization. Period. It's also a good way to fix our prison problem.

Good, make it legal where you live. Let those meth heads harass your daughter on the sidewalk, or let them rob your house for drug money. I don't need it. You can support those people on welfare with your paycheck. My political stance is to get more people off of government assistance--not put more people on.
How much does that happen for alcohol and tobacco, already?

I don't know anybody that lost their job, lost their house, lost their family, or robbed people for tobacco money. Alcohol? Probably to a much lesser degree than drugs, but it does happen.

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