Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

I am talking about taking home less profit which means the company is making money after labor costs and all other casts..
Yes...and if they took home less profit, then they ate the increased labor costs. No business is going to do that. And a corporation can't do that. A decrease in profits means a decrease in stock value. Which means the shareholders instruct the board of directors to fire the CEO.

This proves once again that the left is completely ignorant of basic business and basic economics.
IM2 - appropriate screen name. You post like you are 2. You understand economics like you are 2.

I understand that if I take home 100,000 in profits each month then I will be a millionaire for the year. If I take home 20.000 less per month because I pay employees 15.00 per hour then I still make 980,000 for that year and I am not hurting.
The business owner can decide to take home less of the profits also.
I have run a business, I know that I can pay my employees more and take less of the profit home
I understand that if I take home 100,000 in profits each month then I will be a millionaire for the year.
Clearly you don't understand shit. If you bring home $100,000 per month, you'll make roughly $420,000 for the year after the government takes 65% of what you brought home in the form of federal income tax, state income tax, local income tax, property tax, sales tax, gas tax, and more.

It's just one of many things high school kids don't realize.
IM2 - appropriate screen name. You post like you are 2. You understand economics like you are 2.

I understand that if I take home 100,000 in profits each month then I will be a millionaire for the year. If I take home 20.000 less per month because I pay employees 15.00 per hour then I still make 980,000 for that year and I am not hurting.

Nor do you realize that if you pay an employee $15 an hour, they actually cost approx. $21.50 per hour out-of-pocket. And of course there are several other employee cost above that. The $21.50 is just OOP cost.
I understand that if I take home 100,000 in profits each month then I will be a millionaire for the year. If I take home 20.000 less per month because I pay employees 15.00 per hour then I still make 980,000 for that year and I am not hurting.
By the way snowflake, please explain to the class what small business owner is bringing home $100,000 per month (or $1.2 million per year).

I know you don't understand this because you're in high school - but each McDonald's restaurant is not run by the corporation. They are run by small businesses owners who purchased a franchise from the corporation. Do you know what the average franchise owner brings home? Of course you don't - you're still in high school. The answer is between $100,000 - $200,000 per year. Not per month, dimwit. Per year. Do you know what a measly $100,000 is after all taxes? You're walking away with roughly $40,000 - $45,000 a year to live off of. No remind me again why I'm going to take a $20,000 cut on my $40,000 so my burger flipper can double their salary? Idiot.
IM2 - appropriate screen name. You post like you are 2. You understand economics like you are 2.

I understand that if I take home 100,000 in profits each month then I will be a millionaire for the year. If I take home 20.000 less per month because I pay employees 15.00 per hour then I still make 980,000 for that year and I am not hurting.

Check your numbers, they don't add up. $100,000 a month for a year is $1,200,000 a year. $20,000 a month for a year is $240,000 your net is $960,000.

It is a business you own? And you have the business "take home pay?" Businesses have a profit, if you are paying yourself that is an expense of the business, hence no profit for the business. Your wages counter acted the "profit".

To me, It sounds like you own a job. Most small businesses operate this way.
In post #4029, I said:
Businesses do not eat cost. Like all left-wing nitwits, you think they will be stuck with the bill when you increase minimum wage. But that's not how it works.
Dimwit here proved me right not once, but twice:
In post #4032
The business owner can decide to take home less of the profits also.
And again in post #4035
I have run a business, I know that I can pay my employees more and take less of the profit home
The left actually believes that a business will eat labor costs. :lmao:

While I do laugh my ass off at such stupidity, it is tragic in that they keep making detrimental policy based on that absurd and idiotic belief.

No it means the business owner will take home less of the profits.
And if the business owner takes home less of the profits, that means they ate the labor costs.

How stupid are you exactly? I feel like I'm talking to a 7th grader right now.

No it means they made money after all the costs incurred idiot.
Yeah...and it means they made less money because they ate the labor costs. Something they are not going to do. Ever.

You are just too young to be discussing this stuff, son. Go play some video games or something and come back in about 10 years. Ok?

.Thus beginneth the lesson.

Last year Walt Mart made 123 billion dollars after all costs .Could the Walton family live on 50 billion after paying workers 15 dollars per hour? Would they really need to raise their prices if they are making 400 plus billion dollars in total sales?


At they eating any costs if they go home with a 50 billion dollar profit instead of 123 billion?


Thus endeth the lesson.
Thus beginneth the lesson.

Last year Walt Mart made 123 billion dollars after all costs .Could the Walton family live on 50 billion after paying workers 15 dollars per hour? Would they really need to raise their prices if they are making 400 plus billion dollars in total sales?


At they eating any costs if they go home with a 50 billion dollar profit instead of 123 billion?


Thus endeth the lesson.
Walmart is a publicly traded company, you moron. If they they eat a 100% increase in their labor costs, their stock prices will plummet. Their shareholders will insist that the board of directors fire the CEO.

Thus you are a moron. Thus endeth the lesson.
At they eating any costs if they go home with a 50 billion dollar profit instead of 123 billion?
Yes, dumb ass! In that scenario, they are eating $73 billion in labor costs. We all knew that basic business and basic economics escaped you. Apparently basic math does as well. :laugh:
Last year Walt Mart made 123 billion dollars after all costs .Could the Walton family live on 50 billion after paying workers 15 dollars per hour? Would they really need to raise their prices if they are making 400 plus billion dollars in total sales?
This poor dimwit thinks that the Walton family owns Walmart... :lmao:
So, Wal-Mart is not family owned, but rather owned by its stockholders
Just how wealthy is the Wal-Mart Walton family?
Where are all their initiatives to help struggling black families?
Wait...why are black families struggling? I thought Barack Insane Obama was going to solve that? I thought all of his unconstitutional orders and legislation from the Dumbocrats was going to solve all of the struggles?

I thought Obamacare would cover the cost of healthcare so those families wouldn't struggle anymore? Oops... Looks like someone's hate for the Republicans caused them to accidentally admit what a monumental failure Barack Insane Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Ried were.
He had to bailout the rich, not blacks.
Interesting spin; when it is the right wing that has, nothing but repeal.
What is the right-wing repealing? Oh yeah...just things that the federal government has absolutely no constitutional powers over.

Just a suggestion - you might want to actually think before posting in the future.
End our drug war, right wingers; or, national thong day for right wing women!
.Thus beginneth the lesson.

Last year Walt Mart made 123 billion dollars after all costs .Could the Walton family live on 50 billion after paying workers 15 dollars per hour? Would they really need to raise their prices if they are making 400 plus billion dollars in total sales?


At they eating any costs if they go home with a 50 billion dollar profit instead of 123 billion?


Thus endeth the lesson.

Lesson...Walmart is a terrible example for your purposes. You should have used Apple.
I understand that if I take home 100,000 in profits each month then I will be a millionaire for the year. If I take home 20.000 less per month because I pay employees 15.00 per hour then I still make 980,000 for that year and I am not hurting.
By the way snowflake, please explain to the class what small business owner is bringing home $100,000 per month (or $1.2 million per year).

I know you don't understand this because you're in high school - but each McDonald's restaurant is not run by the corporation. They are run by small businesses owners who purchased a franchise from the corporation. Do you know what the average franchise owner brings home? Of course you don't - you're still in high school. The answer is between $100,000 - $200,000 per year. Not per month, dimwit. Per year. Do you know what a measly $100,000 is after all taxes? You're walking away with roughly $40,000 - $45,000 a year to live off of. No remind me again why I'm going to take a $20,000 cut on my $40,000 so my burger flipper can double their salary? Idiot.

A business has to make 500,000 per year to pay the minimum wage.

Aside for the fact I know franchise owners, I am going to ignore your ignorance and tries to make personal attacks..A 15 dollar per hour wage is what we need to live here. This wage can be established and implemented without hurting anyone. Your ignorance in this matter is shown when you don't understand that this cab be done by raising the amount of money a business must make before they pay this wage and they can also provide age requirements for paying this wage.

.Thus beginneth the lesson.

Last year Walt Mart made 123 billion dollars after all costs .Could the Walton family live on 50 billion after paying workers 15 dollars per hour? Would they really need to raise their prices if they are making 400 plus billion dollars in total sales?


At they eating any costs if they go home with a 50 billion dollar profit instead of 123 billion?


Thus endeth the lesson.

Lesson...Walmart is a terrible example for your purposes. You should have used Apple.

Wal Mart was good enough.
Your ignorance in this matter is shown when you don't understand that this cab be done by raising the amount of money a business must make before they pay this wage
Bwahahaha! Yeah - they tried that with Obamacare snowflake. How did that work out?

Businesses eliminated jobs to stay below the threshold. Proving once again that idiotic left-wing policy is a job killer. Only the left incentivizes being less successful and punishes being more successful.
and they can also provide age requirements for paying this wage.
Yeah...that's called discrimination, genius. Why should a failure in life get paid more for doing the exact same job just because they are older?!?
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation, right wingers; don't "hate on the poor but blame the left", right wingers.

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