Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

no need to worry, Obama saved the UAW with the GM bailout.

We need to expand unions again. Their decline had been disasterous for the middle class. More unions will make it harder for immigrants to find work, fixing that problem too.

We now have laws to protect workers from the abuses that the unions were started to deal with. The only things unions do today is make the union bosses rich and funnel money to the democrat party. How much do you think your oranges would cost if there was an orange pickers union?

Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.

do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.

Are you for kicking out immigrants? Tariffs?

I am for enforcing the immigration laws already on our books. I am for making American businesses successful and creating jobs for American citizens. Are you opposed to either of those concepts? if so, why?
We need to expand unions again. Their decline had been disasterous for the middle class. More unions will make it harder for immigrants to find work, fixing that problem too.

We now have laws to protect workers from the abuses that the unions were started to deal with. The only things unions do today is make the union bosses rich and funnel money to the democrat party. How much do you think your oranges would cost if there was an orange pickers union?

Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.

do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.

Unless it is executive pay right? Then it can go up with no negative effects right?

I agree that many CEOs are overpaid. They are paid to make their stock price go up and thereby make money for their shareholders. Do you have a 401K? do you want its value to increase?

Why do all you libs hate rich people? unless they are Hollywood types or congressmen.

Do you have any idea what the Clinton crime family is worth? Do you hate them for getting rich at the expense or US taxpayers?

Highest-Paid CEOs Run Some of the Worst-Performing Companies
We need to expand unions again. Their decline had been disasterous for the middle class. More unions will make it harder for immigrants to find work, fixing that problem too.

We now have laws to protect workers from the abuses that the unions were started to deal with. The only things unions do today is make the union bosses rich and funnel money to the democrat party. How much do you think your oranges would cost if there was an orange pickers union?

Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.

do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.

Are you for kicking out immigrants? Tariffs?

I am for enforcing the immigration laws already on our books. I am for making American businesses successful and creating jobs for American citizens. Are you opposed to either of those concepts? if so, why?

So what will happen when all the cheap labor is gone?
We now have laws to protect workers from the abuses that the unions were started to deal with. The only things unions do today is make the union bosses rich and funnel money to the democrat party. How much do you think your oranges would cost if there was an orange pickers union?

Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.

do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.

Unless it is executive pay right? Then it can go up with no negative effects right?

I agree that many CEOs are overpaid. They are paid to make their stock price go up and thereby make money for their shareholders. Do you have a 401K? do you want its value to increase?

Why do all you libs hate rich people? unless they are Hollywood types or congressmen.

Do you have any idea what the Clinton crime family is worth? Do you hate them for getting rich at the expense or US taxpayers?

Highest-Paid CEOs Run Some of the Worst-Performing Companies

they wont be there long then. CEOs are paid to produce, if they don't, they are kicked out.

So you don't find fault with the Clintons getting insanely rich by taking bribes from foreign interests and countries and selling influence to special interests in and out of this country? and then lying about it.
". . . . . . Furthermore, approximately 8.9% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state. Despite this, the number of people immigrating to California increases exponentially each year."

US Poverty Level By State

Louisiana has a poverty rate of 23%, Mississippi - 22%

California isn't even in the top 10 of the highest poverty rate in the US.

Given that the National poverty rate in 2014 was 14.8% of the population, how could 8.9% be the highest poverty rate of any State?

Your study from an anti-immigrant website is a piece of shit. If it's basic premises is based on false or misleading information, how good can it's conclusions be.

You kooks are amazing...you're hands-down the best at misleading the shit out of yourselves...haha
Anyone who's been to Southern California in the last ten years knows it has been overrun by illegals...they have essentially turned SoCal into the same third world shithole from which they came. Southern California is North Mexico.
TRUE: California has the nation’s highest poverty rate

Why Does California Have The Nation's Highest Poverty Rate?
We now have laws to protect workers from the abuses that the unions were started to deal with. The only things unions do today is make the union bosses rich and funnel money to the democrat party. How much do you think your oranges would cost if there was an orange pickers union?

Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.

do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.

Are you for kicking out immigrants? Tariffs?

I am for enforcing the immigration laws already on our books. I am for making American businesses successful and creating jobs for American citizens. Are you opposed to either of those concepts? if so, why?

So what will happen when all the cheap labor is gone?

supply and demand will set the price of labor---------as it should. If an orange farmer can only get his fruit picked for $10/hour that's what he will have to pay. Econ 101, try it.
Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.

do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.

Unless it is executive pay right? Then it can go up with no negative effects right?

I agree that many CEOs are overpaid. They are paid to make their stock price go up and thereby make money for their shareholders. Do you have a 401K? do you want its value to increase?

Why do all you libs hate rich people? unless they are Hollywood types or congressmen.

Do you have any idea what the Clinton crime family is worth? Do you hate them for getting rich at the expense or US taxpayers?

Highest-Paid CEOs Run Some of the Worst-Performing Companies

they wont be there long then. CEOs are paid to produce, if they don't, they are kicked out.

So you don't find fault with the Clintons getting insanely rich by taking bribes from foreign interests and countries and selling influence to special interests in and out of this country? and then lying about it.

They stay far too long and leave on a golden parachute. But that's ok, we can't pay the workers more.
The majority of people on government assistance are working poor. These assistance programs benefit their employers more than the recipients.

If you want to reduce welfare pay outs, insist that employers pay a living wage.

define "living wage". How much per hour is a living wage? Is it the same in manhattan as in cow crossing Texas? Is it the same for a single person as for a father of 4? Who decides?

Most large corporations vary their salaries based on the cost of living in the area, so minimum wage should be indexed by the cost of living in an area.

Minimum wage should pay enough for the employee to pay for the basics plus enough to support 2 children.

That would be housing, food, clothing, transportation and medical insurance, plus a small amount for other things like books.

The fact is that as long as employers do not pay enough for these things, we the tax payers have to pay for them.
Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.

do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.

Are you for kicking out immigrants? Tariffs?

I am for enforcing the immigration laws already on our books. I am for making American businesses successful and creating jobs for American citizens. Are you opposed to either of those concepts? if so, why?

So what will happen when all the cheap labor is gone?

supply and demand will set the price of labor---------as it should. If an orange farmer can only get his fruit picked for $10/hour that's what he will have to pay. Econ 101, try it.
So as you said:
when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.
The majority of people on government assistance are working poor. These assistance programs benefit their employers more than the recipients.

If you want to reduce welfare pay outs, insist that employers pay a living wage.

define "living wage". How much per hour is a living wage? Is it the same in manhattan as in cow crossing Texas? Is it the same for a single person as for a father of 4? Who decides?

Most large corporations vary their salaries based on the cost of living in the area, so minimum wage should be indexed by the cost of living in an area.

Minimum wage should pay enough for the employee to pay for the basics plus enough to support 2 children.

That would be housing, food, clothing, transportation and medical insurance, plus a small amount for other things like books.

The fact is that as long as employers do not pay enough for these things, we the tax payers have to pay for them.

move to north korea or Venezuela. they have the system that you admire so much.

but you dodged the question. Who decides what is a living wage for any individual? Does a female get more if she keeps having kids? what kind of housing? what kind of food? what kind of medical insurance? minimal or what the person "wants" ?

none of this shit is as easy as you libs want to make it.

Why not just guarantee every American an annual income of 100K whether they work or not? Sound "fair"? CEOs and orange pickers get the same pay, the ultimate socialist utopia, right? Now, would anyone work hard in such a system? would anyone even work?
do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.

Are you for kicking out immigrants? Tariffs?

I am for enforcing the immigration laws already on our books. I am for making American businesses successful and creating jobs for American citizens. Are you opposed to either of those concepts? if so, why?

So what will happen when all the cheap labor is gone?

supply and demand will set the price of labor---------as it should. If an orange farmer can only get his fruit picked for $10/hour that's what he will have to pay. Econ 101, try it.
So as you said:
when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

I think you get it. forcing wages up destroys the economy. there may be hope for you.
Are you for kicking out immigrants? Tariffs?

I am for enforcing the immigration laws already on our books. I am for making American businesses successful and creating jobs for American citizens. Are you opposed to either of those concepts? if so, why?

So what will happen when all the cheap labor is gone?

supply and demand will set the price of labor---------as it should. If an orange farmer can only get his fruit picked for $10/hour that's what he will have to pay. Econ 101, try it.
So as you said:
when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

I think you get it. forcing wages up destroys the economy. there may be hope for you.

Based on your arguments kicking out immigrants will destroy our economy. You are for that?
People entering this country are working not attacking us

some are. Do you make any distinction between legal and illegal entry?
Make them legal

everyone that wants to come in? no limits? Are you serious? How much immigration is too much? or should we just completely do away with our borders?

are you as dumb as you appear to be?

not as dumb as building The Great Wall of Trump

should a country have borders and control who comes in? yes or no
Sure......worker permits for all
Criminals go to jail
We need to expand unions again. Their decline had been disasterous for the middle class. More unions will make it harder for immigrants to find work, fixing that problem too.

We now have laws to protect workers from the abuses that the unions were started to deal with. The only things unions do today is make the union bosses rich and funnel money to the democrat party. How much do you think your oranges would cost if there was an orange pickers union?

Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.

do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.

Are you for kicking out immigrants? Tariffs?

I am for enforcing the immigration laws already on our books. I am for making American businesses successful and creating jobs for American citizens. Are you opposed to either of those concepts? if so, why?

Do you realize that a lot of Americans make a lot of money because of the low cost of labor by illegal immigrants?

In fact, anyone who believes in 'Free Market' would believe that government should not interfere with immigration at all. If there's a market demand for immigrant labor, the government should not stand in the way.

I do not ascribe to this idea, but I'm just pointing out the inconsistency in 'Conservative' thinking. They say they are for 'free market' yet they are against NAFTA and free trade with China as well as immigration.

So is you're comment about 'making American business successful AND cerating jobs for Americans". that is contrsdictory. I know it makes for a good sound bite, but in fact removing illegal immigrants and forcing employers to only hire legal Americans means that many employers will go out of business. Many more will see a reduction in profits.

I have a guitar, manufactured in San Diego, that says "Made in U.S.A". It should say "Made in the U.S.A. by Mexican Immigrants"
". . . . . . Furthermore, approximately 8.9% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state. Despite this, the number of people immigrating to California increases exponentially each year."

US Poverty Level By State

Louisiana has a poverty rate of 23%, Mississippi - 22%

California isn't even in the top 10 of the highest poverty rate in the US.

Given that the National poverty rate in 2014 was 14.8% of the population, how could 8.9% be the highest poverty rate of any State?

Your study from an anti-immigrant website is a piece of shit. If it's basic premises is based on false or misleading information, how good can it's conclusions be.

do you understand the difference between legal immigrant and illegal alien? If you don't, then you have no place in this discussion. No one opposes controlled legal immigration.

only idiots like you want unlimited illegal immigration.

Easy enough fix
Really? you must be a moonbat.

Hmm...so you're simply talking out of your ass then. Nothing new.

Dumb thread. Especially when the largest recipients of federal assistance are the red states.

if you do a little checking you will find that a lot more federal money goes to California and New York than all the red states combined.

And if that's true then California and New York pay more in federal taxes than all the red states combined,

and then some.

Haha...thank God for "big corp" setting up camp in CA and NY because the contributors sure the fuck aren't their trashy, low-life citizens.

English please. That makes no sense.

I usually pretend to be confused when I'm stumped as well. It's okay, let me spell it out for you.
Just as Bill Gates makes Medina, WA look good on paper (think average income) so do the mega corporations and the extremely wealthy in CA and NY. Thanks to old money and the mega rich California and New York can still look good on a "framed" spreadsheet and you suckers eat it up....meanwhile the majority of residents live in filth on Top Ramen diets.
The majority of people on government assistance are working poor. These assistance programs benefit their employers more than the recipients.

If you want to reduce welfare pay outs, insist that employers pay a living wage.

define "living wage". How much per hour is a living wage? Is it the same in manhattan as in cow crossing Texas? Is it the same for a single person as for a father of 4? Who decides?

Most large corporations vary their salaries based on the cost of living in the area, so minimum wage should be indexed by the cost of living in an area.

Minimum wage should pay enough for the employee to pay for the basics plus enough to support 2 children.

That would be housing, food, clothing, transportation and medical insurance, plus a small amount for other things like books.

The fact is that as long as employers do not pay enough for these things, we the tax payers have to pay for them.

move to north korea or Venezuela. they have the system that you admire so much.

but you dodged the question. Who decides what is a living wage for any individual? Does a female get more if she keeps having kids? what kind of housing? what kind of food? what kind of medical insurance? minimal or what the person "wants" ?

none of this shit is as easy as you libs want to make it.

Why not just guarantee every American an annual income of 100K whether they work or not? Sound "fair"? CEOs and orange pickers get the same pay, the ultimate socialist utopia, right? Now, would anyone work hard in such a system? would anyone even work?

Once again another gross exaggeration by a wing nut.

I only have to look to Canada or Australia for the system I described.

No, I didn't dodge your question. Please reread my message and try to comprehend it this time.
The majority of people on government assistance are working poor. These assistance programs benefit their employers more than the recipients.

If you want to reduce welfare pay outs, insist that employers pay a living wage.

Insisting that companies pay more than a worker generates will reduce employment and increase welfare spending.
I am for enforcing the immigration laws already on our books. I am for making American businesses successful and creating jobs for American citizens. Are you opposed to either of those concepts? if so, why?

So what will happen when all the cheap labor is gone?

supply and demand will set the price of labor---------as it should. If an orange farmer can only get his fruit picked for $10/hour that's what he will have to pay. Econ 101, try it.
So as you said:
when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

I think you get it. forcing wages up destroys the economy. there may be hope for you.

Based on your arguments kicking out immigrants will destroy our economy. You are for that?

totally wrong. Kicking out illegal immigrants will strengthen our economy by putting americans in those jobs. maybe at slightly higher hourly rates and that may drive some prices up. But we will no longer be spending billions providing welfare, medical care, and schooling for those here illegally.

I just do not understand why you libs condone people being in OUR country illegally. No other country in the world allows that, and the ones that have allowed massive legal immigration are being torn apart, look at what is happening in Germany.
We now have laws to protect workers from the abuses that the unions were started to deal with. The only things unions do today is make the union bosses rich and funnel money to the democrat party. How much do you think your oranges would cost if there was an orange pickers union?

Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.

do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.

Are you for kicking out immigrants? Tariffs?

I am for enforcing the immigration laws already on our books. I am for making American businesses successful and creating jobs for American citizens. Are you opposed to either of those concepts? if so, why?

So what will happen when all the cheap labor is gone?

Employers will have to increase wages of American workers.

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