Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

dear brain-2, corporate taxes are highest in world. All we need is to eliminate them to bring back 10 million jobs.

The largest corporations pay 0 in taxes.

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes

Take United Continental, which reported a $3.2 billion income tax credit in 2015 despite reporting earnings before taxes of $4.2 billion. Accounting rules allow the airline to offset taxes due with valuation allowances resulting from losses in past years. During 2015, these allowances amounted to $4.7 billion which erased the company's $1.5 billion tax bill based on its normal corporate tax rate.

That's so weird, a company is allowed to offset income with losses.
So if you lose $1 million this year and make $1 million next year, you won't pay taxes.

Only a moron thinks that means big companies pay no taxes.
What it means is companies pay taxes when they're profitable and don't when they're not.
How US Tax Policy Encourages Outrageous CEO Compensation

so tell me why do you think what a CEO makes has any effect on what you make?

Take United Continental, which reported a $3.2 billion income tax credit in 2015 despite reporting earnings before taxes of $4.2 billion. Accounting rules allow the airline to offset taxes due with valuation allowances resulting from losses in past years. During 2015, these allowances amounted to $4.7 billion which erased the company's $1.5 billion tax bill based on its normal corporate tax rate.

That's so weird, a company is allowed to offset income with losses.
So if you lose $1 million this year and make $1 million next year, you won't pay taxes.

Only a moron thinks that means big companies pay no taxes.
What it means is companies pay taxes when they're profitable and don't when they're not.

So they didn't pay tax on a profitable year.

So they didn't pay tax on a profitable year.

The carried forward loss eliminated the current profit.

And if they ever come close to having to pay they throw more money at the execs.
dear brain-2, corporate taxes are highest in world. All we need is to eliminate them to bring back 10 million jobs.

The largest corporations pay 0 in taxes.

27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes

Take United Continental, which reported a $3.2 billion income tax credit in 2015 despite reporting earnings before taxes of $4.2 billion. Accounting rules allow the airline to offset taxes due with valuation allowances resulting from losses in past years. During 2015, these allowances amounted to $4.7 billion which erased the company's $1.5 billion tax bill based on its normal corporate tax rate.

That's so weird, a company is allowed to offset income with losses.
So if you lose $1 million this year and make $1 million next year, you won't pay taxes.

Only a moron thinks that means big companies pay no taxes.
What it means is companies pay taxes when they're profitable and don't when they're not.
How US Tax Policy Encourages Outrageous CEO Compensation

Yeah, Clinton really fucked that one up, didn't he?

Executive pay over $1 million doesn’t constitute a “legitimate business expense”—meaning that corporations can’t deduct any pay over $1 million from their income. But corporations can deduct any pay that represents a reward for “performance.” Not surprisingly, corporations simply define the vast bulk of executive compensation as “performance-based pay.”


Take United Continental, which reported a $3.2 billion income tax credit in 2015 despite reporting earnings before taxes of $4.2 billion. Accounting rules allow the airline to offset taxes due with valuation allowances resulting from losses in past years. During 2015, these allowances amounted to $4.7 billion which erased the company's $1.5 billion tax bill based on its normal corporate tax rate.

That's so weird, a company is allowed to offset income with losses.
So if you lose $1 million this year and make $1 million next year, you won't pay taxes.

Only a moron thinks that means big companies pay no taxes.
What it means is companies pay taxes when they're profitable and don't when they're not.

So they didn't pay tax on a profitable year.

So they didn't pay tax on a profitable year.

The carried forward loss eliminated the current profit.

And if they ever come close to having to pay they throw more money at the execs.

Right, because shareholders love companies with no income. DERP!

Take United Continental, which reported a $3.2 billion income tax credit in 2015 despite reporting earnings before taxes of $4.2 billion. Accounting rules allow the airline to offset taxes due with valuation allowances resulting from losses in past years. During 2015, these allowances amounted to $4.7 billion which erased the company's $1.5 billion tax bill based on its normal corporate tax rate.

That's so weird, a company is allowed to offset income with losses.
So if you lose $1 million this year and make $1 million next year, you won't pay taxes.

Only a moron thinks that means big companies pay no taxes.
What it means is companies pay taxes when they're profitable and don't when they're not.
How US Tax Policy Encourages Outrageous CEO Compensation

so tell me why do you think what a CEO makes has any effect on what you make?

When did I say that?

Take United Continental, which reported a $3.2 billion income tax credit in 2015 despite reporting earnings before taxes of $4.2 billion. Accounting rules allow the airline to offset taxes due with valuation allowances resulting from losses in past years. During 2015, these allowances amounted to $4.7 billion which erased the company's $1.5 billion tax bill based on its normal corporate tax rate.

That's so weird, a company is allowed to offset income with losses.
So if you lose $1 million this year and make $1 million next year, you won't pay taxes.

Only a moron thinks that means big companies pay no taxes.
What it means is companies pay taxes when they're profitable and don't when they're not.
How US Tax Policy Encourages Outrageous CEO Compensation

so tell me why do you think what a CEO makes has any effect on what you make?

When did I say that?

then why else whine about what Ceos make?
They helped the whole country by creating the middle class. As they have declined so has the middle class.

IF that is true, why is it that the very industries where they were the strongest, they, the unions, DESTROYED?



You mean the execs destroyed those companies. Unions just built the cars. The execs chose to sell some ugly cars and hired the designers and engineers.

no need to worry, Obama saved the UAW with the GM bailout.

We need to expand unions again. Their decline had been disasterous for the middle class. More unions will make it harder for immigrants to find work, fixing that problem too.

We now have laws to protect workers from the abuses that the unions were started to deal with. The only things unions do today is make the union bosses rich and funnel money to the democrat party. How much do you think your oranges would cost if there was an orange pickers union?
Its not enforced. Do you comprehend that? Generational welfare is real.


You need to post that up.

Really? you must be a moonbat.

Hmm...so you're simply talking out of your ass then. Nothing new.

Dumb thread. Especially when the largest recipients of federal assistance are the red states.

if you do a little checking you will find that a lot more federal money goes to California and New York than all the red states combined.

And if that's true then California and New York pay more in federal taxes than all the red states combined,

and then some.

great, then there is balance, why is that a problem?

Take United Continental, which reported a $3.2 billion income tax credit in 2015 despite reporting earnings before taxes of $4.2 billion. Accounting rules allow the airline to offset taxes due with valuation allowances resulting from losses in past years. During 2015, these allowances amounted to $4.7 billion which erased the company's $1.5 billion tax bill based on its normal corporate tax rate.

That's so weird, a company is allowed to offset income with losses.
So if you lose $1 million this year and make $1 million next year, you won't pay taxes.

Only a moron thinks that means big companies pay no taxes.
What it means is companies pay taxes when they're profitable and don't when they're not.
How US Tax Policy Encourages Outrageous CEO Compensation

so tell me why do you think what a CEO makes has any effect on what you make?

When did I say that?

then why else whine about what Ceos make?

You didn't read the link obviously.
an attack is phase 1 of an invasion. phase 2 is millions entering the country illegally and attacking from within, phase 1 is history, phase 2 is happening today. Do you understand that DOD stands for Department of Defense?

People entering this country are working not attacking us

some are. Do you make any distinction between legal and illegal entry?
Make them legal

everyone that wants to come in? no limits? Are you serious? How much immigration is too much? or should we just completely do away with our borders?

are you as dumb as you appear to be?

not as dumb as building The Great Wall of Trump

should a country have borders and control who comes in? yes or no
They helped the whole country by creating the middle class. As they have declined so has the middle class.

IF that is true, why is it that the very industries where they were the strongest, they, the unions, DESTROYED?



You mean the execs destroyed those companies. Unions just built the cars. The execs chose to sell some ugly cars and hired the designers and engineers.

no need to worry, Obama saved the UAW with the GM bailout.

We need to expand unions again. Their decline had been disasterous for the middle class. More unions will make it harder for immigrants to find work, fixing that problem too.

We now have laws to protect workers from the abuses that the unions were started to deal with. The only things unions do today is make the union bosses rich and funnel money to the democrat party. How much do you think your oranges would cost if there was an orange pickers union?

Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.
Take United Continental, which reported a $3.2 billion income tax credit in 2015 despite reporting earnings before taxes of $4.2 billion. Accounting rules allow the airline to offset taxes due with valuation allowances resulting from losses in past years. During 2015, these allowances amounted to $4.7 billion which erased the company's $1.5 billion tax bill based on its normal corporate tax rate.

That's so weird, a company is allowed to offset income with losses.
So if you lose $1 million this year and make $1 million next year, you won't pay taxes.

Only a moron thinks that means big companies pay no taxes.
What it means is companies pay taxes when they're profitable and don't when they're not.
How US Tax Policy Encourages Outrageous CEO Compensation

so tell me why do you think what a CEO makes has any effect on what you make?

When did I say that?

then why else whine about what Ceos make?

You didn't read the link obviously.
don't have to

because what any CEO gets paid doesn't matter
". . . . . . Furthermore, approximately 8.9% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state. Despite this, the number of people immigrating to California increases exponentially each year."

US Poverty Level By State

Louisiana has a poverty rate of 23%, Mississippi - 22%

California isn't even in the top 10 of the highest poverty rate in the US.

Given that the National poverty rate in 2014 was 14.8% of the population, how could 8.9% be the highest poverty rate of any State?

Your study from an anti-immigrant website is a piece of shit. If it's basic premises is based on false or misleading information, how good can it's conclusions be.

do you understand the difference between legal immigrant and illegal alien? If you don't, then you have no place in this discussion. No one opposes controlled legal immigration.

only idiots like you want unlimited illegal immigration.
The majority of people on government assistance are working poor. These assistance programs benefit their employers more than the recipients.

If you want to reduce welfare pay outs, insist that employers pay a living wage.
IF that is true, why is it that the very industries where they were the strongest, they, the unions, DESTROYED?



You mean the execs destroyed those companies. Unions just built the cars. The execs chose to sell some ugly cars and hired the designers and engineers.

no need to worry, Obama saved the UAW with the GM bailout.

We need to expand unions again. Their decline had been disasterous for the middle class. More unions will make it harder for immigrants to find work, fixing that problem too.

We now have laws to protect workers from the abuses that the unions were started to deal with. The only things unions do today is make the union bosses rich and funnel money to the democrat party. How much do you think your oranges would cost if there was an orange pickers union?

Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.

do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.
The majority of people on government assistance are working poor. These assistance programs benefit their employers more than the recipients.

If you want to reduce welfare pay outs, insist that employers pay a living wage.

define "living wage". How much per hour is a living wage? Is it the same in manhattan as in cow crossing Texas? Is it the same for a single person as for a father of 4? Who decides?

so tell me why do you think what a CEO makes has any effect on what you make?

When did I say that?

then why else whine about what Ceos make?

You didn't read the link obviously.
don't have to

because what any CEO gets paid doesn't matter
It might help since you missed my point completely.
You mean the execs destroyed those companies. Unions just built the cars. The execs chose to sell some ugly cars and hired the designers and engineers.

no need to worry, Obama saved the UAW with the GM bailout.

We need to expand unions again. Their decline had been disasterous for the middle class. More unions will make it harder for immigrants to find work, fixing that problem too.

We now have laws to protect workers from the abuses that the unions were started to deal with. The only things unions do today is make the union bosses rich and funnel money to the democrat party. How much do you think your oranges would cost if there was an orange pickers union?

Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.

do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.

Unless it is executive pay right? Then it can go up with no negative effects right?
You mean the execs destroyed those companies. Unions just built the cars. The execs chose to sell some ugly cars and hired the designers and engineers.

no need to worry, Obama saved the UAW with the GM bailout.

We need to expand unions again. Their decline had been disasterous for the middle class. More unions will make it harder for immigrants to find work, fixing that problem too.

We now have laws to protect workers from the abuses that the unions were started to deal with. The only things unions do today is make the union bosses rich and funnel money to the democrat party. How much do you think your oranges would cost if there was an orange pickers union?

Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.

do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.

Are you for kicking out immigrants? Tariffs?
no need to worry, Obama saved the UAW with the GM bailout.

We need to expand unions again. Their decline had been disasterous for the middle class. More unions will make it harder for immigrants to find work, fixing that problem too.

We now have laws to protect workers from the abuses that the unions were started to deal with. The only things unions do today is make the union bosses rich and funnel money to the democrat party. How much do you think your oranges would cost if there was an orange pickers union?

Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.

do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.

Unless it is executive pay right? Then it can go up with no negative effects right?

I agree that many CEOs are overpaid. They are paid to make their stock price go up and thereby make money for their shareholders. Do you have a 401K? do you want its value to increase?

Why do all you libs hate rich people? unless they are Hollywood types or congressmen.

Do you have any idea what the Clinton crime family is worth? Do you hate them for getting rich at the expense of US taxpayers?

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