Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

I am for enforcing the immigration laws already on our books. I am for making American businesses successful and creating jobs for American citizens. Are you opposed to either of those concepts? if so, why?

So what will happen when all the cheap labor is gone?

Employers will have to increase wages of American workers.

So prices will go up, sales down. And then fewer workers needed?

Some prices will go up, some will go down.
Some industries will employ more workers, some will employ fewer.
America wages will rise, illegal aliens will see their wages fall.

We will import more goods.

So what will happen when all the cheap labor is gone?

Employers will have to increase wages of American workers.

So prices will go up, sales down. And then fewer workers needed?

Some prices will go up, some will go down.
Some industries will employ more workers, some will employ fewer.
America wages will rise, illegal aliens will see their wages fall.

We will import more goods.


Prices of domestic will go up.

Will hurt exports too.
Employers will have to increase wages of American workers.

So prices will go up, sales down. And then fewer workers needed?

Some prices will go up, some will go down.
Some industries will employ more workers, some will employ fewer.
America wages will rise, illegal aliens will see their wages fall.

We will import more goods.


Prices of domestic will go up.

Will hurt exports too.

We can't boot illegal aliens because that would hurt exports?
So prices will go up, sales down. And then fewer workers needed?

Some prices will go up, some will go down.
Some industries will employ more workers, some will employ fewer.
America wages will rise, illegal aliens will see their wages fall.

We will import more goods.


Prices of domestic will go up.

Will hurt exports too.

We can't boot illegal aliens because that would hurt exports?

We export lots of food which would increase in price, decreasing demand.
". . . . . . Furthermore, approximately 8.9% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state. Despite this, the number of people immigrating to California increases exponentially each year."

US Poverty Level By State

Louisiana has a poverty rate of 23%, Mississippi - 22%

California isn't even in the top 10 of the highest poverty rate in the US.

Given that the National poverty rate in 2014 was 14.8% of the population, how could 8.9% be the highest poverty rate of any State?

Your study from an anti-immigrant website is a piece of shit. If it's basic premises is based on false or misleading information, how good can it's conclusions be.

do you understand the difference between legal immigrant and illegal alien? If you don't, then you have no place in this discussion. No one opposes controlled legal immigration.

only idiots like you want unlimited illegal immigration.

Easy enough fix

so your plan is to ignore violations of your laws and make everyone legal. unlimited? do we let everyone in? are there any limits?

how about if we ignore all laws that we don't like. I don't like having to drive 65 on the interstate, why cant I drive 85 if I think that law is stupid?

but seriously, how much immigration is too much? would you put any limits on it?

The solution to the immigration problem is called 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform'. That means studying the immigration system and policies and changing them so that they work better for everyone.

republicans are against 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform' because they need an immigration crisis as a political football.

Changing our laws because of political pressure from foreigners is like letting rapists change the penalty for rape or a murderer the penalty for murder. Do you know what "Reform" means? It means illegals don't like the way we do things so change it for them.

There is nothing wrong with our immigration system. It's tough to get in, it's tough to become a citizen, but it's worth it in the end. Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy.
The largest corporations pay 0 in taxes.

dear brain-2,
you mean some of them pay 0%, and one way they do it legally is to move off shore where taxes are far lower. If we reduce or eliminate the tax 10 million jobs will come back and corps won't have to move off shore and take their jobs with them. Do you understand?
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US Poverty Level By State

Louisiana has a poverty rate of 23%, Mississippi - 22%

California isn't even in the top 10 of the highest poverty rate in the US.

Given that the National poverty rate in 2014 was 14.8% of the population, how could 8.9% be the highest poverty rate of any State?

Your study from an anti-immigrant website is a piece of shit. If it's basic premises is based on false or misleading information, how good can it's conclusions be.

do you understand the difference between legal immigrant and illegal alien? If you don't, then you have no place in this discussion. No one opposes controlled legal immigration.

only idiots like you want unlimited illegal immigration.

Easy enough fix

so your plan is to ignore violations of your laws and make everyone legal. unlimited? do we let everyone in? are there any limits?

how about if we ignore all laws that we don't like. I don't like having to drive 65 on the interstate, why cant I drive 85 if I think that law is stupid?

but seriously, how much immigration is too much? would you put any limits on it?

The solution to the immigration problem is called 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform'. That means studying the immigration system and policies and changing them so that they work better for everyone.

republicans are against 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform' because they need an immigration crisis as a political football.

Changing our laws because of political pressure from foreigners is like letting rapists change the penalty for rape or a murderer the penalty for murder. Do you know what "Reform" means? It means illegals don't like the way we do things so change it for them.

There is nothing wrong with our immigration system. It's tough to get in, it's tough to become a citizen, but it's worth it in the end. Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy.

Democrats/Liberals have made clear that they wish to overturn the Constitution and replace it with foreign law.

1. In a blistering dissent, Scalia, Rehnquist and Thomas wrote: “I do not believe that approval by ‘other nations and peoples’ should buttress our commitment to American principles any more than…disapproval by other ‘nations and peoples’ should weaken our commitment. More importantly,” foreign sources were being cited “not to underscore our fidelity to the Constitution” or to the American heritage, but rather “to set aside the centuries-old America practice- a practice still engaged in by a large majority of the relevant states- of letting a jury of 12 citizens decide whether, in a particular case, youth should be the basis of withholding the death penalty.” ROPER V. SIMMONS

2. Scalia pointed out that Supreme Court Justices who cite international opinion do so only when it conforms to their own, liberal, preferences. Further, he point out that American law in the areas of the exclusionary rule, abortion law, church-state relationships law, our law is more liberal than European laws….and that the Justices do not refer to alien law in those cases.

3. In the last few years, Kennedy, Breyer, Ginsburg, O’Connor and Stevens have all invoked foreign law in making decisions and filing dissents.
Fonte, “Sovereignty or Submission,” p. 110.

a. In 2003, Breyer, Ginsburg, and O’Connor met with French president Chirac to discuss French views on the death penalty. This, as the French were a prime mover on the Council of Europe with the announced intention of “abolishing capital punishment in the United States.” Multilateralism comes to the courts > Public Interest > National Affairs

b. “ In Grutter, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (joined by Justice Stephen Breyer) cited both the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (which the United States has ratified) and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (which it has not) as evidence of an “international understanding of the office of affirmative action.” In Justice Ginsburg’s view, these international conventions provide the grounds for “temporary special measures aimed at accelerating de facto equality.” Ibid.

c. “In Lawrence, Justice Anthony Kennedy prominently recurred to a friend-of-the-Court brief on foreign law and court decisions filed by Mary Robinson, the former U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, and to a key decision of the European Court of Human Rights.” Ibid.
Some prices will go up, some will go down.
Some industries will employ more workers, some will employ fewer.
America wages will rise, illegal aliens will see their wages fall.

We will import more goods.


Prices of domestic will go up.

Will hurt exports too.

We can't boot illegal aliens because that would hurt exports?

We export lots of food which would increase in price, decreasing demand.

Why would food increase in price?
The majority of people on government assistance are working poor. These assistance programs benefit their employers more than the recipients.

If you want to reduce welfare pay outs, insist that employers pay a living wage.

define "living wage". How much per hour is a living wage? Is it the same in manhattan as in cow crossing Texas? Is it the same for a single person as for a father of 4? Who decides?

Most large corporations vary their salaries based on the cost of living in the area, so minimum wage should be indexed by the cost of living in an area.

Minimum wage should pay enough for the employee to pay for the basics plus enough to support 2 children.

That would be housing, food, clothing, transportation and medical insurance, plus a small amount for other things like books.

The fact is that as long as employers do not pay enough for these things, we the tax payers have to pay for them.

No, we the taxpayers don't have to pay for them, it's just liberals force us to pay for them. The solution to that problem is vote conservative.

If minimum wage should be enough to support a house, two children, a dog, a nice car and whatever you dream up, do you realize what kind of domino effect that would have on the economy?

So let's say on average it takes $35,000 for a person with a monkey job to have these things you believe they should have. What about the people that earn $35,000 today doing more complicated or dangerous work? You would have to pay them $50,000 a year, wouldn't you? And what about the person currently making 50K a year that has more training, experience and time in with the company than that guy who was making 35K a year? His wage would have to go from 50K a year to 75k. And the list goes on and on.

By the time it makes a full circle, the guy now making 35K a year can no longer afford that house or those kids because his costs went up dramatically. He finds himself right back where he started.
You make a false assumption unsupported by any facts, and you fail to provide any specifics.

You lose.

Seriously NY?

.View attachment 120010

I've been on unemployment. You're required to look for work. You're required in most cases to take work.

I was on unemployment 25 years ago. I had to look for work and get signed statements of the places I'd been. I ended up getting a job that I worked for 22 years.

Congrats, you do remember the 99 weekers? The democrats almost had a heartache when the program ended

They were afraid to lose votes.


They had to look for work too. Quit being a retard. You're giving retards a bad name.

Quit the spin, they milked the 99 weeks and you know it.

Capitalists are "milking" their capital gains preference; where is the Jobs Boom?
However this is not the story everywhere. Other wealthy countries have considerably lower poverty rates than the United States. There are a variety of factors that affect poverty rates but one that stands out is the power of unions. There is a very strong inverse relationship between the percentage of workers who are covered by a union contract and the poverty rate as measured by the OECD.[1]

Unions: The Best Fix to Poverty
Astonishing Numbers: America's Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity

That would be proof the war on poverty works.

No it's proof that giving people free shit makes them forget democrat's held them as slaves forever.
Means testing does that; unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, is much simpler and more cost effective.
You make a false assumption unsupported by any facts, and you fail to provide any specifics.

You lose.

Seriously NY?

.View attachment 120010

I've been on unemployment. You're required to look for work. You're required in most cases to take work.

I was on unemployment 25 years ago. I had to look for work and get signed statements of the places I'd been. I ended up getting a job that I worked for 22 years.

Congrats, you do remember the 99 weekers? The democrats almost had a heartache when the program ended

They were afraid to lose votes.


They had to look for work too. Quit being a retard. You're giving retards a bad name.

Unemployment was 8.0 in 2013, when they got rid of the 99 weeks of benefits in Jan 2014 it dropped like a rock to 5.9

So you tell us they were not milking it.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Social service rolls also expanded.
Do you know what an invasion is?

The strongest military in history couldn't stop an attack

an attack is phase 1 of an invasion. phase 2 is millions entering the country illegally and attacking from within, phase 1 is history, phase 2 is happening today. Do you understand that DOD stands for Department of Defense?

People entering this country are working not attacking us

some are. Do you make any distinction between legal and illegal entry?
Make them legal

everyone that wants to come in? no limits? Are you serious? How much immigration is too much? or should we just completely do away with our borders?

are you as dumb as you appear to be?
You are confusing immigration with tourism with work authorization. Not everyone wants to stay, just work, make some money and practice the, Art of the Deal, back home.
The majority of people on government assistance are working poor. These assistance programs benefit their employers more than the recipients.

If you want to reduce welfare pay outs, insist that employers pay a living wage.

Insist it yourself. Don't buy products from companies that pay lower wages. Research every company you wish to buy a product from; see how they treat their employees, see what kind of wages they make, see what kind of benefits they have. If you don't like what you see, buy your product from somebody else. If nobody has a similar product, then do without the product.
The majority of people on government assistance are working poor. These assistance programs benefit their employers more than the recipients.

If you want to reduce welfare pay outs, insist that employers pay a living wage.

Insist it yourself. Don't buy products from companies that pay lower wages. Research every company you wish to buy a product from; see how they treat their employees, see what kind of wages they make, see what kind of benefits they have. If you don't like what you see, buy your product from somebody else. If nobody has a similar product, then do without the product.

Why would a good conservative, who believes that the market should prevail over all,

base his buying habits on something like the compensation of labor?
The majority of people on government assistance are working poor. These assistance programs benefit their employers more than the recipients.

If you want to reduce welfare pay outs, insist that employers pay a living wage.

Insist it yourself. Don't buy products from companies that pay lower wages. Research every company you wish to buy a product from; see how they treat their employees, see what kind of wages they make, see what kind of benefits they have. If you don't like what you see, buy your product from somebody else. If nobody has a similar product, then do without the product.

Why would a good conservative, who believes that the market should prevail over all,

base his buying habits on something like the compensation of labor?

I don't. But if the left complains all the time about how employees are treated at any given company, don't deal with the company. That's what we do when we disagree with something.

We brought Chick-Fil-A record sales at one time. Target stores are in awful shape and they are frantically searching for ways to rebuild their business. Thanks to much help from Obama, gun manufacturers seen record firearm sales the last eight years.

The point is people on the left never pray what they preach. Bitch about wages and benefits that some people get, and go shopping at Walmart the next day. Complain about money going to the top, and then spend the rest of the week buying new computers, cell phones, fast food, gasoline and cable television. Complain that companies don't overpay their labor, but then take the lowest bids for their lawn care, their pool maintenance, their auto repairs............

There are no crystal balls in this world. Charity starts at home.
Republicans....Let em die

I made a simple request for you to answer this question. Why do you refuse? Why are you afraid?

For your convenience, I'll repeat it again.

Please show us that all the cities with the highest rates of poverty are in Republican run states.
I've been on unemployment. You're required to look for work. You're required in most cases to take work.

I was on unemployment 25 years ago. I had to look for work and get signed statements of the places I'd been. I ended up getting a job that I worked for 22 years.

Earth to NYcarbineer. Unemployment and welfare, food stamps and all the other handouts are two distinctly separate things.

Personally, I've been unemployed for maybe two weeks when I switched from one profession to another. I've never been without at least one job since I was about ten or eleven. The last 45 years being self-employed as a professional Realtor. Most of that time I also managed rental property, both my own and for others, real estate instructor, owned real estate companies, conducted professional instructional seminars for our state and national associations and was a member of a number of professional speaker bureaus. So no, I have very little sympathy for someone on unemployment.
We now have laws to protect workers from the abuses that the unions were started to deal with. The only things unions do today is make the union bosses rich and funnel money to the democrat party. How much do you think your oranges would cost if there was an orange pickers union?

Union workers make more whether we are talking auto workers or teachers. More good jobs drives an economy.

do you understand that if an employer has to pay his workers more, he has to raise his prices? when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

its pretty basic, it amazes me that you libs don't get it.

Unless it is executive pay right? Then it can go up with no negative effects right?

I agree that many CEOs are overpaid. They are paid to make their stock price go up and thereby make money for their shareholders. Do you have a 401K? do you want its value to increase?

Why do all you libs hate rich people? unless they are Hollywood types or congressmen.

Do you have any idea what the Clinton crime family is worth? Do you hate them for getting rich at the expense or US taxpayers?

Highest-Paid CEOs Run Some of the Worst-Performing Companies
again so what?

They are not your companies so what they pay is none of your business

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