Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Without meddling into the governments of other countries, you wouldn't need to defend yourself at home.

Do you realize how dumb that is?

What was the result of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama leaving a vacuum in Iraq? Precisely what we, Conservatives, said would happen. The vacuum we left was quickly filled by a rapidly growing presence of the barbaric ISIS terrorist organization.
In your rainbow, butterfly and unicorn world, no one would have to be the world's police force. Unfortunately, we don't have that luxury in the REAL WORLD. If not us, who? We see how the Middle East has turned out from the totally failed policies of President Obama.

If there were no police force in your state, none, would you need to defend yourself at home?
I am for enforcing the immigration laws already on our books. I am for making American businesses successful and creating jobs for American citizens. Are you opposed to either of those concepts? if so, why?

So what will happen when all the cheap labor is gone?

supply and demand will set the price of labor---------as it should. If an orange farmer can only get his fruit picked for $10/hour that's what he will have to pay. Econ 101, try it.
So as you said:
when prices go up, sales go down. Then he doesn't need as many workers.

I think you get it. forcing wages up destroys the economy. there may be hope for you.

Actually forcing wages up does not destroy the economy. It causing economic growth.

Even the economic theory know as 'supply side' promotes the idea that the more money workers get the more demand for product which increases profits. That gives the employers the opportuniyy to invest more which in turn means paying more money to workers.

The unfortunate thing about supply side is that even though employers get more money and have the opportunity to invest in high growth investments that create jobs, usually they do not. They'd rather invest in highly secure low growth investments that do not create jobs. So it falls apart, bu tnot becuase workers getting more money doesn't stimulate the economy.

so if we just double everyone's salary prices won't go up and we'll have what double the growth?
Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Lifetime limit of welfare is 60 months.
Retarded premise.

Varies somewhat by state but overall it is far less than the five-year limit and the lack of rigid enforcement by the past Obama administration combine to explain why we have a massive growth of those on disability. NO time limit there! Fraud rampant.k
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A terrorist attack. An "invasion" is when troops from a foreign country land on US soil, and proceed to "invade" the country. The last time it happened, was the War of 1812, when British soldiers burned down the White House.

Similarly, Pearl Harbour, while a terrible event in US history with great loss of life, was also NOT an invasion. No Japanese troops landed on US soil. Pearl Harbour was an "attack", not an invasion.

It doesn't change the horror of the events or the loss of life and devastation caused in these attacks, but they were not invasions.

What do you call all the fatal Islamic Terrorist attacks in our country? Did you forget the bombing of the World Trade Center? In 1993? When an Islamic Terrorist bomb was placed in the basement of one tower with the expectation it would cause that tower to collapse into the other?
Do you understand what lifetime limit means? The sixty-month limit was passed in 1996 with the Democrat sponsored welfare reform.

I take it that you are not aware that when petulant former President Obama signed his failed stimulus bill, it negated the 1996 Welfare Reform Act as well as vouchers for the children of low-income households to attend their choice of schools.
40% of Medicare is paid out of the genera fund above and beyond the payroll tax receipts.

For God's sake quit making shit up.

THANK YOU for helping me confirm that it is going BROKE, RAPIDLY!

40% of Medicare is paid out of the genera fund above and beyond the payroll tax receipts.

For God's sake quit making shit up.

I gave you the facts, I'm sorry if that upsets you.

Medicare is like every other Progressive program just like Obamacare. GROSSLY underestimated and ultimately unaffordable.

For example:
Health Care Reform Cost Estimates: What is the Track Record?
Conn Carroll / August 04, 2009


Medicare (entire program). In 1967, the House Ways and Means Committee predicted that the new Medicare program, launched the previous year, would cost about $12 billion in 1990. Actual Medicare spending in 1990 was $110 billion—off by nearly a factor of 10.

Medicaid DSH program. In 1987, Congress estimated that Medicaid’s disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments—which states use to provide relief to hospitals that serve especially large numbers of Medicaid and uninsured patients—would cost less than $1 billion in 1992. The actual cost that year was a staggering $17 billion. Among other things, federal lawmakers had failed to detect loopholes in the legislation that enabled states to draw significantly more money from the federal treasury than they would otherwise have been entitled to claim under the program’s traditional 50-50 funding scheme.

Medicare home care benefit. When Congress debated changes to Medicare’s home care benefit in 1988, the projected 1993 cost of the benefit was $4 billion. The actual 1993 cost was more than twice that amount, $10 billion.

Medicare catastrophic coverage benefit. In 1988, Congress added a catastrophic coverage benefit to Medicare, to take effect in 1990. In July 1989, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) doubled its cost estimate for the program, for the four-year period 1990-1993, from $5.7 billion to $11.8 billion. CBO explained that it had received newer data showing it had significantly under-estimated prescription drug cost growth, and it warned Congress that even this revised estimate might be too low. This was a principal reason Congress repealed the program before it could take effect.


Read more: Health Care Reform Cost Estimates: What is the Track Record?
Sure, but if you ever want real strong economic growth again we need a strong middle class.

And we see how well the plan of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama worked.
The largest corporations pay 0 in taxes.

Really? Did you lie so much as a child?

Companies Paying the Most (and Least) Taxes
24/7 Wall St.January 8, 2014

1. Exxon Mobil
> Income tax expense: $31.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $78.7 billion (the most)
> Revenue: $428.4 billion (2nd most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +14.5%
> Industry: Oil and gas

2. 2. Chevron
> Income tax expense: $20.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $46.3 billion (3rd most)
> Revenue: $222.6 billion (3rd most)
> 1-yr. share price change: 13.8%
> Industry: Oil and gas

3. 3. Apple
> Income tax expense: $13.1 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $50.2 billion (2nd most)
> Revenue: $170.9 billion (4th most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +3.7%
> Industry: Computer hardware

4. 4. Wells Fargo
> Income tax expense: $9.1 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $28.5 billion (5th most)
> Revenue: $79.5 billion (28th most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +31.3%
> Industry: Banking

5. 5. Walmart
> Income tax expense: $8.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $25.7 billion (7th most)
> Revenue: $469.2 billion (the most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +14.9%
> Industry: Retail

Companies Paying the Most (and Least) Taxes
How US Tax Policy Encourages Outrageous CEO Compensation

Why does your article not mention the cause of those "Outrageous CEO Compensations" being former President Bill Clinton?

Sure, but if you ever want real strong economic growth again we need a strong middle class.

And we see how well the plan of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama worked.
people ignore the fact that the mean income and upper limits of the middle quintile income boundary of the 3rd quintile of earners (the middle class) have both steadily risen

somehow they think that as the middle 20% of earners grows with the population and their income grows that it is a shrinking of the middle class
The fact is that as long as employers do not pay enough for these things, we the tax payers have to pay for them.

You just can't understand it, or is it that you refuse to admit you understand it because that makes you feel better about yourself.
In the vast majority of cases, employees are paid their exact worth. If someone cannot get along on their worth, how is it NOT THEIR responsibility to make themselves more valuable to the employer?

Why is it my responsibility, if I'm the employer, to pay them more because the employee WANTS more?

What is the typical household income where at least one worker receives the minimum wage?
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Actually forcing wages up does not destroy the economy. It causing economic growth.

By doing so, FDR was able to extend the Great Depression by SEVEN YEARS. How is that a good thing for America?
If minimum wage should be enough to support a house, two children, a dog, a nice car and whatever you dream up, do you realize what kind of domino effect that would have on the economy?

Reminds me of basic training at Fort Benning Georgia. Our pay was...$93,50 per month. One of the new recruits, like me, was grousing that it wasn't enough for him to support his wife. Sgt. Taim "gently" explained to him that if Uncle Sam wanted him to have a G.D. wife, he'd have given him one.

Aside from the additional 20 pushups we all got, I did learn something. If I wanted something, it was up to me to EARN it.
Republicans....Let em die

I made a simple request for you to answer this question. Why do you refuse? Why are you afraid?

For your convenience, I'll repeat it again.

Please show us that all the cities with the highest rates of poverty are in Republican run states.
Who said all

Show where cities have control over the decisions of manufacturers ?
The largest corporations pay 0 in taxes.

Really? Did you lie so much as a child?

Companies Paying the Most (and Least) Taxes
24/7 Wall St.January 8, 2014

1. Exxon Mobil
> Income tax expense:
$31.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $78.7 billion (the most)
> Revenue: $428.4 billion (2nd most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +14.5%
> Industry: Oil and gas

2. 2. Chevron
> Income tax expense:
$20.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $46.3 billion (3rd most)
> Revenue: $222.6 billion (3rd most)
> 1-yr. share price change: 13.8%
> Industry: Oil and gas

3. 3. Apple
> Income tax expense:
$13.1 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $50.2 billion (2nd most)
> Revenue: $170.9 billion (4th most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +3.7%
> Industry: Computer hardware

4. 4. Wells Fargo
> Income tax expense:
$9.1 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $28.5 billion (5th most)
> Revenue: $79.5 billion (28th most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +31.3%
> Industry: Banking

5. 5. Walmart
> Income tax expense:
$8.0 billion
> Earnings before taxes: $25.7 billion (7th most)
> Revenue: $469.2 billion (the most)
> 1-yr. share price change: +14.9%
> Industry: Retail

Companies Paying the Most (and Least) Taxes

20% of big companies pay zero corporate taxes

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