Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Employment is at-will. EDD should be required to show for-cause employment to deny or disparage unemployment compensation.

Employment is at-will.

Unemployment benefits are for those laid off.
Not for quitters or never workers.

You have failed to respond to who pays the workers. You send them to random businesses, do they pay for the labor? How much?
dudette, are you really this naive or are you just playing dumb?

So the argument is about working welfare. WELFARE. what part of that word confuses you?
it is a social safety net because capitalism failed in 1929, and we need socialism to bailout capitalism like usual, in modern times.

Capitalism didn't fail in 1929.
Yes, it did.
Employment is at-will. EDD should be required to show for-cause employment to deny or disparage unemployment compensation.

Employment is at-will.

Unemployment benefits are for those laid off.
Not for quitters or never workers.

too much irony for hypocrites? it is about being legal to our own laws instead of merely, "harassing" less fortunate illegals for their illegalities.

enforcing immigration laws is harassment? WTF?
this is why i don't take the right wing seriously about the law or economics.

too much irony for hypocrites? it is about being legal to our own laws instead of merely, "harassing" less fortunate illegals for their illegalities.

this is why i don't take the right wing seriously about the law or economics.

It's because you're an idiot who understands neither.
says the untermenchen, with nothing but fallacy.
That sure sounds loser. Bad jobs or no jobs is the best repubs have. Funny.

And where do you get this "Republicans" thing all the time? What does this have to do with the Republican party? You do know Bill Gates is a big lib, don't you? How about the late Steve Jobs? Both have sent American jobs overseas or made arrangements overseas to reduce their taxation.

Which one is funnier, Republicans wanting any kind of jobs or Democrats wanting no jobs?

The loser attitude is just wrong. We are the largest economy in the world, the richest nation in history. Yes we can have lots of good jobs.

What loser attitude? If we are the richest nation in history; have the largest economy in the world, would that not indicate we are doing something right that the rest of the world is not doing?

We can have lots of jobs? Okay, then open up your own business and create some of those good jobs. Let's see how you do with your business model compared to the successful ones.

You say our economy is dead in the water and the best we can do is bad jobs that people should be happy with. You can't see how that is a loser attitude? You really are lost.

There is only one solution to dealing with bad jobs, and that is get a better job.

The days of going into the workforce with no experience or training and being able to make a good living are long gone. You can accept that or continue to live in disbelief.

The real loser attitude is living in the past where you can drive around on a floor sweeper and make 50K a year plus good benefits. It's simply not there anymore than a telephone operator, a ditch digger, a ice man to deliver ice blocks for your refrigerator or a coal man to shovel coal into your basement so you can create heat for your home.

There are just some things that you can never get back such as great paying monkey jobs. And I never said our economy was dead in the water. I think our economy is doing fine.

Sorry, but I believe the jobs situation can be greatly improved. Sorry you are defeated, I'm not. Heck, even Trump knows it can improve.
Well, would you rather have jobs "not so good" or no jobs at all? That's the only two choices you have.

Your comment reminds me of something that happened to me years ago. One of our customers makes crates. They make crates the size of suitcases to crates the size of tractor-trailers. We delivered those crates to companies that were moving out of state or out of the country.

Whenever possible, I would try to learn more by starting a discussion about the move with the supervisor, the company owner, and even the workers.

In most cases, the company had to leave because of the unions. So I would ask the workers if they ever considered meeting the company demands in order to keep their jobs? They said they would never consider it. The union convinced them that the company was only trying to take advantage of them, or that the union would find them another union job so it didn't matter. Let the company close down. Who cares if they didn't play ball with the union employees?

Well, they all lost their jobs, and the union more than likely didn't find them squat. So in the end, they lost and the company still survived.

I'm sorry, but I just don't understand that logic.

That sure sounds loser. Bad jobs or no jobs is the best repubs have. Funny.

And where do you get this "Republicans" thing all the time? What does this have to do with the Republican party? You do know Bill Gates is a big lib, don't you? How about the late Steve Jobs? Both have sent American jobs overseas or made arrangements overseas to reduce their taxation.

Which one is funnier, Republicans wanting any kind of jobs or Democrats wanting no jobs?

The loser attitude is just wrong. We are the largest economy in the world, the richest nation in history. Yes we can have lots of good jobs.

And yet Obama gave us the weakest recovery in 70 years.

Which is understandable given he was handed 2 wars, a recession, housing bubble, out of control deficits...

Presidents handle recessions all the time,
but the weakness of his recovery was special.
First off, how do you justify paying lower wages to the welfare recipients than they would earn with minimum wages?

It's easy, you say "If you don't work the required numbers of hours, you get no benefits"

You can't so right away, there is the human rights problem of slave labour.

Only if you feel someone who is free to quit at any time, is a slave.
The rest of us will laugh at your error.
Employment is at-will. EDD should be required to show for-cause employment to deny or disparage unemployment compensation.

Employment is at-will.

Unemployment benefits are for those laid off.
Not for quitters or never workers.

too much irony for hypocrites? it is about being legal to our own laws instead of merely, "harassing" less fortunate illegals for their illegalities.

it is about being legal to our own laws

Our laws say, unemployment benefits are for those laid off.
Not for quitters or never workers.
can you cite a State labor code that states that?

Requirements in IL

In order to be eligible for Illinois unemployment benefits you must meet the following standards:

  • You must meet the wage requirement by having earned enough wages from an employer covered by the unemployment law in the past 18 months
  • You must be unemployed through no fault of your own.
  • You must be able and available to work
  • You must be allowed to work in the US legally and be an Illinois resident
You must meet the wage requirement. Then, the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) examiners will look at the circumstances of your dismissal and other issues to determine eligibility. When you file for benefits, you must register with the IDES’s job search website.

Eligibility Requirements Explained
Able and Available to Work
You must be physically and mentally able to work when you file your initial claim. You must be available to accept suitable employment; a job you are trained to do, capable of performing and one that pays a similar salary to your own. The longer you’re unemployed, you’ll be expected to accept jobs that pay less.

Unemployed Through No Fault of Your Own
Your actions or decisions cannot be the cause of your separation from work. If the shop moved to a new city or the employer had no work for you, you may be qualified if otherwise eligible.

Wage Requirement and the Base Period

The IDES will observe if you have any wages from “covered employers.” Covered employers are businesses required to pay unemployment insurance taxes. Some occupations and employers are not covered. If you worked for one of these employers, you will not be eligible to collect unemployment insurance.

The state will look at your wages over a 12-month period called “the base period.” Your base period will be the first four out of the last five quarters you worked prior to the date you filed your initial claim for benefits.

This chart shows the base period.


  • You must earn at least $1,600 during the base period
  • Excluding the quarter where you earned the most money, you must have earned at least $440.
The IDES may require additional information from you regarding your claim if there are separation issues and your employer protests the benefit award, or you provided information they could not confirm. You may even be called after a weekly certification. You must respond when they request to speak with you in person or face loosing benefits.

Unemployment Benefit Amount in Illinois
The IDES will use the base period wages to calculate your weekly benefit amount (WBA). The amount will equal 47% of the average of your wages in the two highest earning quarters of the base period divided by 26 (the maximum amount of weeks you may receive benefits is 26).

You may claim dependents on your claim, just as you would for taxes. However, you can only claim either a spouse as a dependent or children, not both.

The state provides a chart to allow you to estimate your Illinois WBA. This chart includes the maximum amount you can receive. As of 2017, the max WBA for an individual is $449. The max with a spousal dependent is $535. The max WBA using children as dependents is $613.

Illinois Unemployment – Know Your Rights
That sure sounds loser. Bad jobs or no jobs is the best repubs have. Funny.

And where do you get this "Republicans" thing all the time? What does this have to do with the Republican party? You do know Bill Gates is a big lib, don't you? How about the late Steve Jobs? Both have sent American jobs overseas or made arrangements overseas to reduce their taxation.

Which one is funnier, Republicans wanting any kind of jobs or Democrats wanting no jobs?

The loser attitude is just wrong. We are the largest economy in the world, the richest nation in history. Yes we can have lots of good jobs.

And yet Obama gave us the weakest recovery in 70 years.

Which is understandable given he was handed 2 wars, a recession, housing bubble, out of control deficits...

Presidents handle recessions all the time,
but the weakness of his recovery was special.

Really? What president ever handled recession while dealing with 2 wars?
And where do you get this "Republicans" thing all the time? What does this have to do with the Republican party? You do know Bill Gates is a big lib, don't you? How about the late Steve Jobs? Both have sent American jobs overseas or made arrangements overseas to reduce their taxation.

Which one is funnier, Republicans wanting any kind of jobs or Democrats wanting no jobs?

The loser attitude is just wrong. We are the largest economy in the world, the richest nation in history. Yes we can have lots of good jobs.

What loser attitude? If we are the richest nation in history; have the largest economy in the world, would that not indicate we are doing something right that the rest of the world is not doing?

We can have lots of jobs? Okay, then open up your own business and create some of those good jobs. Let's see how you do with your business model compared to the successful ones.

You say our economy is dead in the water and the best we can do is bad jobs that people should be happy with. You can't see how that is a loser attitude? You really are lost.

There is only one solution to dealing with bad jobs, and that is get a better job.

The days of going into the workforce with no experience or training and being able to make a good living are long gone. You can accept that or continue to live in disbelief.

The real loser attitude is living in the past where you can drive around on a floor sweeper and make 50K a year plus good benefits. It's simply not there anymore than a telephone operator, a ditch digger, a ice man to deliver ice blocks for your refrigerator or a coal man to shovel coal into your basement so you can create heat for your home.

There are just some things that you can never get back such as great paying monkey jobs. And I never said our economy was dead in the water. I think our economy is doing fine.

Sorry, but I believe the jobs situation can be greatly improved. Sorry you are defeated, I'm not. Heck, even Trump knows it can improve.

Okay, fair enough, how do you improve it?

How do you influence companies to overpay workers that their consumers will not support? How do you provide good paying jobs where such costs gets transferred to the product or service that will steer customers away from your company to lower priced services or goods?

Companies can provide three things to the public: good paying jobs, good investment opportunities, and low cost products or services. You can have one or two, but not all three. It's just impossible to provide.

So we as a society decided that our priorities are low cost products and services, and good investment opportunities secondary. Good paying monkey jobs are last on the list. So how does one go about changing that?
Employment is at-will.

Unemployment benefits are for those laid off.
Not for quitters or never workers.

You have failed to respond to who pays the workers. You send them to random businesses, do they pay for the labor? How much?
dudette, are you really this naive or are you just playing dumb?

So the argument is about working welfare. WELFARE. what part of that word confuses you?
it is a social safety net because capitalism failed in 1929, and we need socialism to bailout capitalism like usual, in modern times.

Capitalism didn't fail in 1929.
Yes, it did.

And where do you get this "Republicans" thing all the time? What does this have to do with the Republican party? You do know Bill Gates is a big lib, don't you? How about the late Steve Jobs? Both have sent American jobs overseas or made arrangements overseas to reduce their taxation.

Which one is funnier, Republicans wanting any kind of jobs or Democrats wanting no jobs?

The loser attitude is just wrong. We are the largest economy in the world, the richest nation in history. Yes we can have lots of good jobs.

And yet Obama gave us the weakest recovery in 70 years.

Which is understandable given he was handed 2 wars, a recession, housing bubble, out of control deficits...

Presidents handle recessions all the time,
but the weakness of his recovery was special.

Really? What president ever handled recession while dealing with 2 wars?

Didn't he end both wars?
You'd think with his addition of over $9 trillion to the debt, the economy would have soared.
The loser attitude is just wrong. We are the largest economy in the world, the richest nation in history. Yes we can have lots of good jobs.

What loser attitude? If we are the richest nation in history; have the largest economy in the world, would that not indicate we are doing something right that the rest of the world is not doing?

We can have lots of jobs? Okay, then open up your own business and create some of those good jobs. Let's see how you do with your business model compared to the successful ones.

You say our economy is dead in the water and the best we can do is bad jobs that people should be happy with. You can't see how that is a loser attitude? You really are lost.

There is only one solution to dealing with bad jobs, and that is get a better job.

The days of going into the workforce with no experience or training and being able to make a good living are long gone. You can accept that or continue to live in disbelief.

The real loser attitude is living in the past where you can drive around on a floor sweeper and make 50K a year plus good benefits. It's simply not there anymore than a telephone operator, a ditch digger, a ice man to deliver ice blocks for your refrigerator or a coal man to shovel coal into your basement so you can create heat for your home.

There are just some things that you can never get back such as great paying monkey jobs. And I never said our economy was dead in the water. I think our economy is doing fine.

Sorry, but I believe the jobs situation can be greatly improved. Sorry you are defeated, I'm not. Heck, even Trump knows it can improve.

Okay, fair enough, how do you improve it?

How do you influence companies to overpay workers that their consumers will not support? How do you provide good paying jobs where such costs gets transferred to the product or service that will steer customers away from your company to lower priced services or goods?

Companies can provide three things to the public: good paying jobs, good investment opportunities, and low cost products or services. You can have one or two, but not all three. It's just impossible to provide.

So we as a society decided that our priorities are low cost products and services, and good investment opportunities secondary. Good paying monkey jobs are last on the list. So how does one go about changing that?

Good questions. Just to begin. Do you agree there is more than enough wealth to go around. I have seen no reason to believe there isn't.
The loser attitude is just wrong. We are the largest economy in the world, the richest nation in history. Yes we can have lots of good jobs.

And yet Obama gave us the weakest recovery in 70 years.

Which is understandable given he was handed 2 wars, a recession, housing bubble, out of control deficits...

Presidents handle recessions all the time,
but the weakness of his recovery was special.

Really? What president ever handled recession while dealing with 2 wars?

Didn't he end both wars?
You'd think with his addition of over $9 trillion to the debt, the economy would have soared.

You failed to answer my question.
The loser attitude is just wrong. We are the largest economy in the world, the richest nation in history. Yes we can have lots of good jobs.

What loser attitude? If we are the richest nation in history; have the largest economy in the world, would that not indicate we are doing something right that the rest of the world is not doing?

We can have lots of jobs? Okay, then open up your own business and create some of those good jobs. Let's see how you do with your business model compared to the successful ones.

You say our economy is dead in the water and the best we can do is bad jobs that people should be happy with. You can't see how that is a loser attitude? You really are lost.

There is only one solution to dealing with bad jobs, and that is get a better job.

The days of going into the workforce with no experience or training and being able to make a good living are long gone. You can accept that or continue to live in disbelief.

The real loser attitude is living in the past where you can drive around on a floor sweeper and make 50K a year plus good benefits. It's simply not there anymore than a telephone operator, a ditch digger, a ice man to deliver ice blocks for your refrigerator or a coal man to shovel coal into your basement so you can create heat for your home.

There are just some things that you can never get back such as great paying monkey jobs. And I never said our economy was dead in the water. I think our economy is doing fine.

Sorry, but I believe the jobs situation can be greatly improved. Sorry you are defeated, I'm not. Heck, even Trump knows it can improve.

Okay, fair enough, how do you improve it?

How do you influence companies to overpay workers that their consumers will not support? How do you provide good paying jobs where such costs gets transferred to the product or service that will steer customers away from your company to lower priced services or goods?

Companies can provide three things to the public: good paying jobs, good investment opportunities, and low cost products or services. You can have one or two, but not all three. It's just impossible to provide.

So we as a society decided that our priorities are low cost products and services, and good investment opportunities secondary. Good paying monkey jobs are last on the list. So how does one go about changing that?

Doesn't Costco do what you say is impossible?

Costco Will Raise Minimum Wage as Competition for Workers Grows
What loser attitude? If we are the richest nation in history; have the largest economy in the world, would that not indicate we are doing something right that the rest of the world is not doing?

We can have lots of jobs? Okay, then open up your own business and create some of those good jobs. Let's see how you do with your business model compared to the successful ones.

You say our economy is dead in the water and the best we can do is bad jobs that people should be happy with. You can't see how that is a loser attitude? You really are lost.

There is only one solution to dealing with bad jobs, and that is get a better job.

The days of going into the workforce with no experience or training and being able to make a good living are long gone. You can accept that or continue to live in disbelief.

The real loser attitude is living in the past where you can drive around on a floor sweeper and make 50K a year plus good benefits. It's simply not there anymore than a telephone operator, a ditch digger, a ice man to deliver ice blocks for your refrigerator or a coal man to shovel coal into your basement so you can create heat for your home.

There are just some things that you can never get back such as great paying monkey jobs. And I never said our economy was dead in the water. I think our economy is doing fine.

Sorry, but I believe the jobs situation can be greatly improved. Sorry you are defeated, I'm not. Heck, even Trump knows it can improve.

Okay, fair enough, how do you improve it?

How do you influence companies to overpay workers that their consumers will not support? How do you provide good paying jobs where such costs gets transferred to the product or service that will steer customers away from your company to lower priced services or goods?

Companies can provide three things to the public: good paying jobs, good investment opportunities, and low cost products or services. You can have one or two, but not all three. It's just impossible to provide.

So we as a society decided that our priorities are low cost products and services, and good investment opportunities secondary. Good paying monkey jobs are last on the list. So how does one go about changing that?

Good questions. Just to begin. Do you agree there is more than enough wealth to go around. I have seen no reason to believe there isn't.

Wealth doesn't "go around" wealth is created.

Diseases go around, rumors go around, gossip goes around, but not wealth.

The problem we have in this country is many wait for others to create wealth and give their earnings to them. Is it not better to teach people to create wealth for themselves instead of hoping others will give them their wealth?

Who complains the most about lack of wealth? Those who have never invested their own money to create wealth.

Companies make outrageous profits! Okay, so why not buy stocks in those companies and share in those profits?

CEO"s are overpaid! Okay, then why not become a CEO yourself and get overpaid?

We can create better jobs! Okay, so start your own company and create those jobs you speak of!

Companies try to get the cheapest labor they can. Okay, but don't you do the very same? If you get three estimates for lawn care of your home, do you not choose the cheapest company? If you need the transmission rebuilt on your car, do you not choose the cheapest garage to rebuild it? If you want to put an addition on your home, don't you choose the cheapest construction company to do the job?
And yet Obama gave us the weakest recovery in 70 years.

Which is understandable given he was handed 2 wars, a recession, housing bubble, out of control deficits...

Presidents handle recessions all the time,
but the weakness of his recovery was special.

Really? What president ever handled recession while dealing with 2 wars?

Didn't he end both wars?
You'd think with his addition of over $9 trillion to the debt, the economy would have soared.

You failed to answer my question.

He gave us the weakest recovery in 70 years because he couldn't wind down 2 wars that were already over?
You'd think the smartest President ever would have sucked less.
Which is understandable given he was handed 2 wars, a recession, housing bubble, out of control deficits...

Presidents handle recessions all the time,
but the weakness of his recovery was special.

Really? What president ever handled recession while dealing with 2 wars?

Didn't he end both wars?
You'd think with his addition of over $9 trillion to the debt, the economy would have soared.

You failed to answer my question.

He gave us the weakest recovery in 70 years because he couldn't wind down 2 wars that were already over?
You'd think the smartest President ever would have sucked less.

Wars are difficult. You failed to answer again. He also had the housing bubble. Would have been easy to go backwards, look at Bush.
You say our economy is dead in the water and the best we can do is bad jobs that people should be happy with. You can't see how that is a loser attitude? You really are lost.

There is only one solution to dealing with bad jobs, and that is get a better job.

The days of going into the workforce with no experience or training and being able to make a good living are long gone. You can accept that or continue to live in disbelief.

The real loser attitude is living in the past where you can drive around on a floor sweeper and make 50K a year plus good benefits. It's simply not there anymore than a telephone operator, a ditch digger, a ice man to deliver ice blocks for your refrigerator or a coal man to shovel coal into your basement so you can create heat for your home.

There are just some things that you can never get back such as great paying monkey jobs. And I never said our economy was dead in the water. I think our economy is doing fine.

Sorry, but I believe the jobs situation can be greatly improved. Sorry you are defeated, I'm not. Heck, even Trump knows it can improve.

Okay, fair enough, how do you improve it?

How do you influence companies to overpay workers that their consumers will not support? How do you provide good paying jobs where such costs gets transferred to the product or service that will steer customers away from your company to lower priced services or goods?

Companies can provide three things to the public: good paying jobs, good investment opportunities, and low cost products or services. You can have one or two, but not all three. It's just impossible to provide.

So we as a society decided that our priorities are low cost products and services, and good investment opportunities secondary. Good paying monkey jobs are last on the list. So how does one go about changing that?

Good questions. Just to begin. Do you agree there is more than enough wealth to go around. I have seen no reason to believe there isn't.

Wealth doesn't "go around" wealth is created.

Diseases go around, rumors go around, gossip goes around, but not wealth.

The problem we have in this country is many wait for others to create wealth and give their earnings to them. Is it not better to teach people to create wealth for themselves instead of hoping others will give them their wealth?

Who complains the most about lack of wealth? Those who have never invested their own money to create wealth.

Companies make outrageous profits! Okay, so why not buy stocks in those companies and share in those profits?

CEO"s are overpaid! Okay, then why not become a CEO yourself and get overpaid?

We can create better jobs! Okay, so start your own company and create those jobs you speak of!

Companies try to get the cheapest labor they can. Okay, but don't you do the very same? If you get three estimates for lawn care of your home, do you not choose the cheapest company? If you need the transmission rebuilt on your car, do you not choose the cheapest garage to rebuild it? If you want to put an addition on your home, don't you choose the cheapest construction company to do the job?

You didn't really answer the question. Do companies still generate enough profit to pay well?
Presidents handle recessions all the time,
but the weakness of his recovery was special.

Really? What president ever handled recession while dealing with 2 wars?

Didn't he end both wars?
You'd think with his addition of over $9 trillion to the debt, the economy would have soared.

You failed to answer my question.

He gave us the weakest recovery in 70 years because he couldn't wind down 2 wars that were already over?
You'd think the smartest President ever would have sucked less.

Wars are difficult. You failed to answer again. He also had the housing bubble. Would have been easy to go backwards, look at Bush.

Wars are difficult.

You're right. His poor performance wasn't limited to the economy.

Poor Obama, if the job was going to be too difficult for him, he shouldn't have run.

He also had the housing bubble.

What do you mean he had it? It had already burst before he took office. Starting in 2006.
Really? What president ever handled recession while dealing with 2 wars?

Didn't he end both wars?
You'd think with his addition of over $9 trillion to the debt, the economy would have soared.

You failed to answer my question.

He gave us the weakest recovery in 70 years because he couldn't wind down 2 wars that were already over?
You'd think the smartest President ever would have sucked less.

Wars are difficult. You failed to answer again. He also had the housing bubble. Would have been easy to go backwards, look at Bush.

Wars are difficult.

You're right. His poor performance wasn't limited to the economy.

Poor Obama, if the job was going to be too difficult for him, he shouldn't have run.

He also had the housing bubble.

What do you mean he had it? It had already burst before he took office. Starting in 2006.

Waiting for you to give a president with as many problems to fix that did better.
There is only one solution to dealing with bad jobs, and that is get a better job.

The days of going into the workforce with no experience or training and being able to make a good living are long gone. You can accept that or continue to live in disbelief.

The real loser attitude is living in the past where you can drive around on a floor sweeper and make 50K a year plus good benefits. It's simply not there anymore than a telephone operator, a ditch digger, a ice man to deliver ice blocks for your refrigerator or a coal man to shovel coal into your basement so you can create heat for your home.

There are just some things that you can never get back such as great paying monkey jobs. And I never said our economy was dead in the water. I think our economy is doing fine.

Sorry, but I believe the jobs situation can be greatly improved. Sorry you are defeated, I'm not. Heck, even Trump knows it can improve.

Okay, fair enough, how do you improve it?

How do you influence companies to overpay workers that their consumers will not support? How do you provide good paying jobs where such costs gets transferred to the product or service that will steer customers away from your company to lower priced services or goods?

Companies can provide three things to the public: good paying jobs, good investment opportunities, and low cost products or services. You can have one or two, but not all three. It's just impossible to provide.

So we as a society decided that our priorities are low cost products and services, and good investment opportunities secondary. Good paying monkey jobs are last on the list. So how does one go about changing that?

Good questions. Just to begin. Do you agree there is more than enough wealth to go around. I have seen no reason to believe there isn't.

Wealth doesn't "go around" wealth is created.

Diseases go around, rumors go around, gossip goes around, but not wealth.

The problem we have in this country is many wait for others to create wealth and give their earnings to them. Is it not better to teach people to create wealth for themselves instead of hoping others will give them their wealth?

Who complains the most about lack of wealth? Those who have never invested their own money to create wealth.

Companies make outrageous profits! Okay, so why not buy stocks in those companies and share in those profits?

CEO"s are overpaid! Okay, then why not become a CEO yourself and get overpaid?

We can create better jobs! Okay, so start your own company and create those jobs you speak of!

Companies try to get the cheapest labor they can. Okay, but don't you do the very same? If you get three estimates for lawn care of your home, do you not choose the cheapest company? If you need the transmission rebuilt on your car, do you not choose the cheapest garage to rebuild it? If you want to put an addition on your home, don't you choose the cheapest construction company to do the job?

You didn't really answer the question. Do companies still generate enough profit to pay well?


Compensation of employees is over $10 trillion.
There is only one solution to dealing with bad jobs, and that is get a better job.

The days of going into the workforce with no experience or training and being able to make a good living are long gone. You can accept that or continue to live in disbelief.

The real loser attitude is living in the past where you can drive around on a floor sweeper and make 50K a year plus good benefits. It's simply not there anymore than a telephone operator, a ditch digger, a ice man to deliver ice blocks for your refrigerator or a coal man to shovel coal into your basement so you can create heat for your home.

There are just some things that you can never get back such as great paying monkey jobs. And I never said our economy was dead in the water. I think our economy is doing fine.

Sorry, but I believe the jobs situation can be greatly improved. Sorry you are defeated, I'm not. Heck, even Trump knows it can improve.

Okay, fair enough, how do you improve it?

How do you influence companies to overpay workers that their consumers will not support? How do you provide good paying jobs where such costs gets transferred to the product or service that will steer customers away from your company to lower priced services or goods?

Companies can provide three things to the public: good paying jobs, good investment opportunities, and low cost products or services. You can have one or two, but not all three. It's just impossible to provide.

So we as a society decided that our priorities are low cost products and services, and good investment opportunities secondary. Good paying monkey jobs are last on the list. So how does one go about changing that?

Good questions. Just to begin. Do you agree there is more than enough wealth to go around. I have seen no reason to believe there isn't.

Wealth doesn't "go around" wealth is created.

Diseases go around, rumors go around, gossip goes around, but not wealth.

The problem we have in this country is many wait for others to create wealth and give their earnings to them. Is it not better to teach people to create wealth for themselves instead of hoping others will give them their wealth?

Who complains the most about lack of wealth? Those who have never invested their own money to create wealth.

Companies make outrageous profits! Okay, so why not buy stocks in those companies and share in those profits?

CEO"s are overpaid! Okay, then why not become a CEO yourself and get overpaid?

We can create better jobs! Okay, so start your own company and create those jobs you speak of!

Companies try to get the cheapest labor they can. Okay, but don't you do the very same? If you get three estimates for lawn care of your home, do you not choose the cheapest company? If you need the transmission rebuilt on your car, do you not choose the cheapest garage to rebuild it? If you want to put an addition on your home, don't you choose the cheapest construction company to do the job?

You didn't really answer the question. Do companies still generate enough profit to pay well?

Companies do not rely on gross profit. Companies rely on investments.

For you to understand this better, let's say you ran into a small fortune: A lottery winning, a relative that passed away, a lawsuit.

In any case, you end up (after taxes) with about 400K. Now your house is paid for, your car is paid for you have no outstanding debts. So what do you do with this 400K if you were smart? You invest it.

So you address a reputable investment company and have them do research on making your money grow. You don't want anything too aggressive, you want a conservative lower risk growth, and your company presents two options:

Company A has been around for a long time. Their growth rate is 5.5% per year. Company B is very similar, but they only have a 3.5% growth. Which company will you invest your new money in?

Before you make your final decision, I have to tell you that company A has a gross profit of 1.5 million a year. Company B has a gross profit of 2 billion a year. Does that make any difference to you when choosing who to invest your money with?

Of course not. You could care less what a company makes every year, you only care about how your money is going to grow. So if company A announces they are going to pay their employees more than their labor is worth, and that reduces their investment growth, would you still invest in their company?

I didn't think so, because nobody would.

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