Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

I would support no corp taxes as long as it is tied to hiring here and good wages and benefits.


Government owning and running the businesses. No thank you.

No they wouldn't own or run any businesses. Would shrink gov by getting people off welfare.
wrong it would still be welfare just handed out by the corporations. The free market must determine all wages and prices to be efficient at raising our standard at the fastest rate possible. A liberal lacks the IQ to understand capitalism
or even to read a book about it. Imagine how different debates would be if liberals knew how to read books?

Yes republican trickle down and voodoo economics a huge success. Very funny.

republican trickle down and voodoo economics

What's that? let's hear some specifics.
Yes republican trickle down and voodoo economics a huge success. Very funny.

if wealth didn't trickle down under Republican capitalism you would not have 100 million Americans
with iphone super computers in their pockets

Instead liberals want trickle down welfare
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I would support no corp taxes as long as it is tied to hiring here and good wages and benefits.


Government owning and running the businesses. No thank you.

No they wouldn't own or run any businesses. Would shrink gov by getting people off welfare.
wrong it would still be welfare just handed out by the corporations. The free market must determine all wages and prices to be efficient at raising our standard at the fastest rate possible. A liberal lacks the IQ to understand capitalism
or even to read a book about it. Imagine how different debates would be if liberals knew how to read books?

Yes republican trickle down and voodoo economics a huge success. Very funny.

republican trickle down and voodoo economics

What's that? let's hear some specifics.

Government owning and running the businesses. No thank you.

No they wouldn't own or run any businesses. Would shrink gov by getting people off welfare.
wrong it would still be welfare just handed out by the corporations. The free market must determine all wages and prices to be efficient at raising our standard at the fastest rate possible. A liberal lacks the IQ to understand capitalism
or even to read a book about it. Imagine how different debates would be if liberals knew how to read books?

Yes republican trickle down and voodoo economics a huge success. Very funny.

republican trickle down and voodoo economics

What's that? let's hear some specifics.

You can't explain?
Maybe you should cut and paste if that helps your point?
No they wouldn't own or run any businesses. Would shrink gov by getting people off welfare.
wrong it would still be welfare just handed out by the corporations. The free market must determine all wages and prices to be efficient at raising our standard at the fastest rate possible. A liberal lacks the IQ to understand capitalism
or even to read a book about it. Imagine how different debates would be if liberals knew how to read books?

Yes republican trickle down and voodoo economics a huge success. Very funny.

republican trickle down and voodoo economics

What's that? let's hear some specifics.

You can't explain?
Maybe you should cut and paste if that helps your point?

Can you read? I don't have time to teach you everything.
wrong it would still be welfare just handed out by the corporations. The free market must determine all wages and prices to be efficient at raising our standard at the fastest rate possible. A liberal lacks the IQ to understand capitalism
or even to read a book about it. Imagine how different debates would be if liberals knew how to read books?

Yes republican trickle down and voodoo economics a huge success. Very funny.

republican trickle down and voodoo economics

What's that? let's hear some specifics.

You can't explain?
Maybe you should cut and paste if that helps your point?

Can you read? I don't have time to teach you everything.

I can read.
If you post your definition of "republican trickle down and voodoo economics"
I'll be happy to read it.
There is a lot of information available on the subject [benefits of unions].

Yes, there is a lot of information on unions. However, evaluated fairly, none of it is good.
Why did the American auto industry have to be NEEDLESSLY bailed out? Because companies moving their production into Right to Work states could build cars for less.

What most people forget or ignore is the fact that the bailout from petulant former President Obama was for the AUTO UNIONS, NOT THE AUTO COMPANIES.

To the Progressives who are going to whine and moan that 2 or 20 or 100 million workers would have lost their jobs, I pose this question.

How many fewer new autos would have been sold in the United States had G.M. and Chrysler declared bankruptcy in the traditional manner?
Education: students now graduate with so much debt, that they are moving home with their parents and delaying marriage, buying a house and starting life.

Whose fault is that? PROGRESSIVES! Democrats/Progressives have worked diligently to convince everyone that they MUST go to college in order to be successful. In order to make that easier, they have worked even harder to make LOANS easily available to students. The result is that there is far more competition for the available spaces in all universities. What happens when the demand exceeds the supply? The price increases as has happened all across the country.

We now have another massive bubble, the result of Progressive policies is the student loan bubble. That debt is over $1.4 TRILLION!

"More than one in ten borrowers are at least 90 days behind in repaying their student debt, which puts them in the “serious” debt category. Payment progress was particularly low among those with larger debts and those from lower-income areas." 5 alarming facts about America's $1.3 trillion in student loan debt
As you know, it is the consumer of the products of a corporation who pay the taxes

As well as the owners and employees.

Not at all true. Not even close.

The only revenue available to the owners and employees is the consumer. If you know of any other source, please feel free to post it now.
As you know, it is the consumer of the products of a corporation who pay the taxes

As well as the owners and employees.

Not at all true. Not even close.

The only revenue available to the owners and employees is the consumer. If you know of any other source, please feel free to post it now.

Not at all true. Not even close.

You raise taxes on my company, I have less to pay dividends. Less to pay employees.

The only revenue available to the owners and employees is the consumer.

Unless you're raising a sales tax...so what?
We're no longer talking about consumers money, we're talking about money now held by the company.
Killing unions has less to do with prosperity than it does keeping jobs in the country and not encouraging industry to invest more in automation.

So it was all a lie. You killed unions and there is not any prosperity. Go figure.

Was there prosperity with unions? I must have missed that one.

We on the right realized the reason jobs left the country and needed to put a stop to it. So we didn't support unions for that reason.

Yes, there was great prosperity and economic growth.

So the Repub vision for the economy is stagnant wages, no middle class, and slow economic growth? Just be glad you have a job? How sad.

There was great prosperity? Do you know the word "prosperity" comes from the word prosperous; meaning accumulating great wealth and having more than enough material items? I don't recall unions doing that.

The Republican vision is for people to get off their ass and make something of themselves. No more turning nuts onto bolts and getting paid $50,000 a year. Those days are long gone and they are never coming back. Your only two choices are hope and pray somebody hires you to do monkey jobs and pays you great wages, or learn a trade or profession and MAKE YOURSELF worth more money.

That's the Republicans vision.

Thats funny, trump keeps saying he is going to bring manufacturing back.

Unemployment is low, people are working. The jobs just are not so good without unions.

Well, would you rather have jobs "not so good" or no jobs at all? That's the only two choices you have.

Your comment reminds me of something that happened to me years ago. One of our customers makes crates. They make crates the size of suitcases to crates the size of tractor-trailers. We delivered those crates to companies that were moving out of state or out of the country.

Whenever possible, I would try to learn more by starting a discussion about the move with the supervisor, the company owner, and even the workers.

In most cases, the company had to leave because of the unions. So I would ask the workers if they ever considered meeting the company demands in order to keep their jobs? They said they would never consider it. The union convinced them that the company was only trying to take advantage of them, or that the union would find them another union job so it didn't matter. Let the company close down. Who cares if they didn't play ball with the union employees?

Well, they all lost their jobs, and the union more than likely didn't find them squat. So in the end, they lost and the company still survived.

I'm sorry, but I just don't understand that logic.
So it was all a lie. You killed unions and there is not any prosperity. Go figure.

Was there prosperity with unions? I must have missed that one.

We on the right realized the reason jobs left the country and needed to put a stop to it. So we didn't support unions for that reason.

Yes, there was great prosperity and economic growth.

So the Repub vision for the economy is stagnant wages, no middle class, and slow economic growth? Just be glad you have a job? How sad.

There was great prosperity? Do you know the word "prosperity" comes from the word prosperous; meaning accumulating great wealth and having more than enough material items? I don't recall unions doing that.

The Republican vision is for people to get off their ass and make something of themselves. No more turning nuts onto bolts and getting paid $50,000 a year. Those days are long gone and they are never coming back. Your only two choices are hope and pray somebody hires you to do monkey jobs and pays you great wages, or learn a trade or profession and MAKE YOURSELF worth more money.

That's the Republicans vision.

Thats funny, trump keeps saying he is going to bring manufacturing back.

Unemployment is low, people are working. The jobs just are not so good without unions.

Well, would you rather have jobs "not so good" or no jobs at all? That's the only two choices you have.

Your comment reminds me of something that happened to me years ago. One of our customers makes crates. They make crates the size of suitcases to crates the size of tractor-trailers. We delivered those crates to companies that were moving out of state or out of the country.

Whenever possible, I would try to learn more by starting a discussion about the move with the supervisor, the company owner, and even the workers.

In most cases, the company had to leave because of the unions. So I would ask the workers if they ever considered meeting the company demands in order to keep their jobs? They said they would never consider it. The union convinced them that the company was only trying to take advantage of them, or that the union would find them another union job so it didn't matter. Let the company close down. Who cares if they didn't play ball with the union employees?

Well, they all lost their jobs, and the union more than likely didn't find them squat. So in the end, they lost and the company still survived.

I'm sorry, but I just don't understand that logic.

That sure sounds loser. Bad jobs or no jobs is the best repubs have. Funny.
Was there prosperity with unions? I must have missed that one.

We on the right realized the reason jobs left the country and needed to put a stop to it. So we didn't support unions for that reason.

Yes, there was great prosperity and economic growth.

So the Repub vision for the economy is stagnant wages, no middle class, and slow economic growth? Just be glad you have a job? How sad.

There was great prosperity? Do you know the word "prosperity" comes from the word prosperous; meaning accumulating great wealth and having more than enough material items? I don't recall unions doing that.

The Republican vision is for people to get off their ass and make something of themselves. No more turning nuts onto bolts and getting paid $50,000 a year. Those days are long gone and they are never coming back. Your only two choices are hope and pray somebody hires you to do monkey jobs and pays you great wages, or learn a trade or profession and MAKE YOURSELF worth more money.

That's the Republicans vision.

Thats funny, trump keeps saying he is going to bring manufacturing back.

Unemployment is low, people are working. The jobs just are not so good without unions.

Well, would you rather have jobs "not so good" or no jobs at all? That's the only two choices you have.

Your comment reminds me of something that happened to me years ago. One of our customers makes crates. They make crates the size of suitcases to crates the size of tractor-trailers. We delivered those crates to companies that were moving out of state or out of the country.

Whenever possible, I would try to learn more by starting a discussion about the move with the supervisor, the company owner, and even the workers.

In most cases, the company had to leave because of the unions. So I would ask the workers if they ever considered meeting the company demands in order to keep their jobs? They said they would never consider it. The union convinced them that the company was only trying to take advantage of them, or that the union would find them another union job so it didn't matter. Let the company close down. Who cares if they didn't play ball with the union employees?

Well, they all lost their jobs, and the union more than likely didn't find them squat. So in the end, they lost and the company still survived.

I'm sorry, but I just don't understand that logic.

That sure sounds loser. Bad jobs or no jobs is the best repubs have. Funny.

And where do you get this "Republicans" thing all the time? What does this have to do with the Republican party? You do know Bill Gates is a big lib, don't you? How about the late Steve Jobs? Both have sent American jobs overseas or made arrangements overseas to reduce their taxation.

Which one is funnier, Republicans wanting any kind of jobs or Democrats wanting no jobs?
Yes, there was great prosperity and economic growth.

So the Repub vision for the economy is stagnant wages, no middle class, and slow economic growth? Just be glad you have a job? How sad.

There was great prosperity? Do you know the word "prosperity" comes from the word prosperous; meaning accumulating great wealth and having more than enough material items? I don't recall unions doing that.

The Republican vision is for people to get off their ass and make something of themselves. No more turning nuts onto bolts and getting paid $50,000 a year. Those days are long gone and they are never coming back. Your only two choices are hope and pray somebody hires you to do monkey jobs and pays you great wages, or learn a trade or profession and MAKE YOURSELF worth more money.

That's the Republicans vision.

Thats funny, trump keeps saying he is going to bring manufacturing back.

Unemployment is low, people are working. The jobs just are not so good without unions.

Well, would you rather have jobs "not so good" or no jobs at all? That's the only two choices you have.

Your comment reminds me of something that happened to me years ago. One of our customers makes crates. They make crates the size of suitcases to crates the size of tractor-trailers. We delivered those crates to companies that were moving out of state or out of the country.

Whenever possible, I would try to learn more by starting a discussion about the move with the supervisor, the company owner, and even the workers.

In most cases, the company had to leave because of the unions. So I would ask the workers if they ever considered meeting the company demands in order to keep their jobs? They said they would never consider it. The union convinced them that the company was only trying to take advantage of them, or that the union would find them another union job so it didn't matter. Let the company close down. Who cares if they didn't play ball with the union employees?

Well, they all lost their jobs, and the union more than likely didn't find them squat. So in the end, they lost and the company still survived.

I'm sorry, but I just don't understand that logic.

That sure sounds loser. Bad jobs or no jobs is the best repubs have. Funny.

And where do you get this "Republicans" thing all the time? What does this have to do with the Republican party? You do know Bill Gates is a big lib, don't you? How about the late Steve Jobs? Both have sent American jobs overseas or made arrangements overseas to reduce their taxation.

Which one is funnier, Republicans wanting any kind of jobs or Democrats wanting no jobs?

The loser attitude is just wrong. We are the largest economy in the world, the richest nation in history. Yes we can have lots of good jobs.

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