Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

I am advocating for better socialism at lower cost, not communism for free. We are simply not moral enough.

WHERE have we heard "BETTER SOCIALISM" before? What a joke.

The cognitive dissonance of the right wing regarding the poor, is even funnier in the Age of Corporate Welfare and bailouts for Persons of Wealth.
Giving a corporate tax break for increasing wages makes companies want to invest overseas?

Specifically, how is that different from the government paying welfare, food stamps and such directly to the employee and then the company remaining competitive?
It is the GOP that hates the poor, that much is clear. Every time there is a democratic president, the poor and middle class flourish. When there is a republican president, the poor and middle class alone face the full brunt of their regressive and damaging policies. Democrats are overall better for the economy. Under our leadership unemployment shrinks and our market expands. Low unemployment rates and a healthy market are extremely important when looking at the living standard of our poor. Time and time again, republicans have instituted legislation that is directly damaging to the development and uplifting process of our nation's poor. Things like corporate welfare, low minimum wage, war on drugs, stop and frisk, even trumps elimination of EPA regulations- disproportionately hurt low income Americans. It is republican policies, systemic oppression, and the extreme wealth inequity in our country that keeps poor families in the cycle of generational poverty.
Want to break generational poverty?
Want to create an economy where we can all be successful? Stop voting in Republican critters would be a good start!
Giving a corporate tax break for increasing wages makes companies want to invest overseas?

Specifically, how is that different from the government paying welfare, food stamps and such directly to the employee and then the company remaining competitive?
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably.

It is about privatizing costs under our form of capitalism, not socializing costs so the rich can get richer faster.
What is that preference for, if not to invest in our economy and help with full employment? It could be taxed as ordinary income.

So you made it up. Surprise, surprise.

I've legally avoided paying capital gains on many properties I've owned by doing 1031 exchanges. When I have sold a property and paid capital gains on the profits, I never once imagined it was for me to hire anyone.
What is that preference for, if not to invest in our economy and help with full employment? It could be taxed as ordinary income.

So you made it up. Surprise, surprise.

I've legally avoided paying capital gains on many properties I've owned by doing 1031 exchanges. When I have sold a property and paid capital gains on the profits, I never once imagined it was for me to hire anyone.
Why have that preference, if not to help the People, with full employment?
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably.

Why is it "my" responsibility to compensate someone for their bad decisions?

What happens when your "social services" cost rises to $28.00 per hour?
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably.

Why is it "my" responsibility to compensate someone for their bad decisions?

What happens when your "social services" cost rises to $28.00 per hour?
Congress is delegated the social power to Tax, to provide for the general welfare. It is not your responsibility.
How does, republicans voting themselves a tax break, help the poor?

Where does it say that the tax cuts are for Republicans only? Does that mean that George Soros, Bill Gates, the vile Alec Baldwin ad-infinitum do NOT get tax cuts?

As you know, that helps the economy which helps all boats to rise.

How does, republicans voting themselves a tax break, help the poor?

Where does it say that the tax cuts are for Republicans only? Does that mean that George Soros, Bill Gates, the vile Alec Baldwin ad-infinitum do NOT get tax cuts?

As you know, that helps the economy which helps all boats to rise.

No, it doesn't; that only happens when engage our Commerce Clause, not our defense clause. All lowering taxes does is increase our debt. Spend and finance, is the only thing the right wing knows how to do.
Why did George Bush drive up the black unemployment rate the year before he left office? lol

Why did petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama do little or nothing to help blacks, or anyone for that matter?
I think if the job climate improves it would be wise to cut back on welfare for those able to work.

Great, reinstate the 1996 Welfare Reform Act. No work or no classes, no checks. But this time with random drug tests with stiff penalties including lifetime disqualification.
Why does the right wing insist on keeping people poor?

conservatives want every citizen to have a good paying job that will enable them to support themselves and their family. Its you libs that want a permanent under class that is dependent on government handouts and whose votes you think you can buy with free stuff.

Gee, I thought conservatives just wanted the free market to have free rein and let the chips fall where they may...

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