Why do Democrats want smoking banned everywhere? 2nd hand smoke is NOT addicting


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Has anyone ever heard of anyone being addicted to 2nd hand smoke?

If 2nd hand smoke is bad for you, and nicotine is the most addictive drug on earth, why are people addicted to 2nd hand smoke?
Because they want to rub the tobacco industry out of existence, and their farms made into public property so they can camp there, shit on the ground and grow weed, without ever having to work, save, or work. Did I say so they could enjoy land they could never afford because of their aversion to work?
After everything we know about the health implications, you'd have to be really fucking stupid to smoke.
Because they want to rub the tobacco industry out of existence, and their farms made into public property so they can camp there, shit on the ground and grow weed, without ever having to work, save, or work. Did I say so they could enjoy land they could never afford because of their aversion to work?
Yeah....but you say a ton of incredibly stupid shit.....
My favorite image of smokers today is the "man of the house" hunkered down in the driveway in the rain and cold because he is not allowed to smoke in the house
Has anyone ever heard of anyone being addicted to 2nd hand smoke?

If 2nd hand smoke is bad for you, and nicotine is the most addictive drug on earth, why are people addicted to 2nd hand smoke?

A study by Jennifer O'Loughlin, M Sc, PhD, an epidemiologist at the University of Montreal conducted a study revealing second hand smoke can be addictive.
You know, when I was a kid, most of the women in my family smoked. My Grandfather chewed tobacco, he didn't smoke.

But, that being said, I remember many times going on car trips that were several hours in length, and ending up sick because of all the second hand smoke I'd inhale.

Dunno if it's addicting, but I do remember it making me sick as a kid, especially in closed in environments like a car.
Smokers used to be so arrogant....smoke anywhere and any time they want

Now, they have turned in to pussies. Afraid to smoke in their own house, even their own car
Your smoke stinks and you stink

That is why it needs to be banned

You Fascist fucks slay me. Weed stinks even worse but I'm sure you're high 24/7 and wreak of patchouli oil mixed with body odor and poo.

Actually, if you walked into my house after I'd been smoking a bowl, you wouldn't even know anyone smokes cannabis in my house. Why ? I've got a very special smokeless water pipe.

And....................fwiw........................you don't smoke marijuana like you do tobacco, because you simply can't. It would put you to sleep. A regular person might smoke 3 to 5 joints a day. A regular smoker smokes 20 to 40 cigarettes per day.
Has anyone ever heard of anyone being addicted to 2nd hand smoke?

If 2nd hand smoke is bad for you, and nicotine is the most addictive drug on earth, why are people addicted to 2nd hand smoke?
It's all about control… Progressives can't tolerate anybody that disagrees with them…
Yeah why do people open the flue when they light a fire in their fireplace. If they just kept the flue shut they and their kids could be enjoying all that harmless smoke.
Has anyone ever heard of anyone being addicted to 2nd hand smoke?

If 2nd hand smoke is bad for you, and nicotine is the most addictive drug on earth, why are people addicted to 2nd hand smoke?
It's all about control… Progressives can't tolerate anybody that disagrees with them…
If you want to smoke that's fine, I am a smoker too. But no one needs to be forcing others to smoke with them. Smoke outside, in your car, in your house, whatever... Not in public buildings!

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