Why Do Democrats Want the Poor to Starve Just to Make It Easy for Illegals to Enter?

Americans sleeping under our bridges for shelter, some of them veterans.

And the Left only care about illegals.
You can be sure if the vets get any help it'll be thanks to Democrats. The GOP is a cut services to the needy, cut taxes on the rich disgrace. You don't know that, but you know every detail of imaginary Hillary scandals, brainwashed functional moron.
The Left spin and lie, but they don’t care about hungry American children so they can make it easy for illegals.
everything that has ever been done for hungry children in this country was done by democrats. As we speak the GOP blocks everything... How can you be so misinformed? God will not be amused.
More lies.

Leftists are the least charitable group in America.

Shall I post the links again to make you look like even more of an idiot?
Charities are for people who feel guilty about their party's policies. Republicans, who also need social excitement since they are horrible people--the rich Republicans in charge. Charity doesn't work it always dries when really needed, and they tend to be scams. Assistance to the unfortunate should be part of being a citizen, not charity.
And yet they are all still alive and well working with the poor and have been for years despite the democrats and their faux charity thru taxation. Go figure.
The GOP has been in charge of tax rates since 1982, dumbass. They've managed to give away the store to the greedy idiot GOP rich and screw the Non rich at the same time.
Try again. Medicare,Medicaid the ACA provide limited services(.And they are owned by the democrats). For example. You can’t be homeless or jobless and get coverage. So, when the government fails...the hospitals ( not the government) treat these people for free. However...thanks to idiots like you illegals get healthcare for free through EMSA Medicaid that we should be giving to our citizens.
This is what we need to hammer home. The poor are simpl;y a source of votes for them and so they have an interest in keeping the poor around. Democrats dont really care about them. How many times have Republicans lost by taking their lies at face value and thinking they will gain brownie points by embrcing th Democrat position?
For instance more than a few have been convinced that if Donald Trump will just choose a woman for the next Supreme Court position she will be immune from attacks because Democrats like women.
Nothing could be farther from the truth! Democrats hate women. Or more accurately they despise what they see as the weakness of femininity and femaleness.
Ask Sarah Palin how gently the Democrats and their press allies treat women who arent abortionists.
Everything good ever done for the poor and the Non Rich has been done by democrats. At the moment, after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we Have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to tax the rich their fair share and make Education and Training much cheaper so we can educate our workforce and really get with it for a change. And invest in our infrastructure for a change. Reagan cut infrastructure investment in half and it has stayed that way for 35 years. Jobs jobs jobs. Good jobs. Blue States now have living wage and healthcare for all. Enjoy your garbage red s******* of a state, super dupe.
Democrats only pay the poor lip service during elections. The private sector does all the ground work. Always has.
You are out of your mind Medicare Medicaid ACA Medicaid expansion food stamps welfare Social Security retirement. All the GOP has ever done is give us the need for such entities by giving everything away to the rich. At the moment Trump is ruining the recovery with stupid trade Wars and tariffs. And he is like a genius compared to George W bush or Reagan.... Who gave us this giveaway to the rich zombie propaganda mess the GOP is now...
If all those programs are so great. Why do we still have a boat load of food pantries, meals on wheels, thrift stores that are run to provide funds for urban gardens and food/ medical/ home care for the elderly, the united way, back packs to feed school kids on the weekends,free shot clinics,free dental exams at the hospitals, hospitals that feed hungry kids all year round, toys for tots,coats for kids,fund raisers for foster children, shelters that house and feed the homeless,etc?
because the GOP has been in charge for 35 years and given us the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history, and have cut all kinds of assistance to the unfortunate, all just 2 save the rich from paying their fair share. Your fault, brainwashed functional moron.
because the GOP has been in charge for 35 years

The Lefts lies get more and more outlandish.
Democrats want a solution that will actually work. In 2010, their comprehensive immigration bill started out with a national ID card that would end this garbage GOP scam of an issue. Of course there was a tidal wave of accusations that Democrats are communists fascists and god-knows-what. As the GOP has done for decades. They love the wedge issue that works great with their racist voters. The wall is stupid and won't work, 58% just overstay their visas,and they will just get better ladders and tunnels...

That's a god damn lie and you know it. Dem leaders don't want a solution, they want to stage a coup by flooding the country with foreigners they will bribe to vote as they are told. Hence the lot of them can ROT IN HELL!
Dem leaders just want to abstruct. Doesn’t matter what the talks are about. Just more of the same bullshit grandstanding.
The wall is a joke and won't do anything. 58% just overstay their visas, brainwashed functional moron.pass a national ID card and enforce it like other countries with this problem. Works like a charm... And no communism LOL...
Only Europeans over stay,, I’m ok with that
You have no idea what you were talking about.
I’m from the innercity of Boston I’ll know more then you will ever know
You are assuming they actually care about the poor. They don’t. They just want to create more of them.

This is what we need to hammer home. The poor are simpl;y a source of votes for them and so they have an interest in keeping the poor around. Democrats dont really care about them. How many times have Republicans lost by taking their lies at face value and thinking they will gain brownie points by embrcing th Democrat position?
For instance more than a few have been convinced that if Donald Trump will just choose a woman for the next Supreme Court position she will be immune from attacks because Democrats like women.
Nothing could be farther from the truth! Democrats hate women. Or more accurately they despise what they see as the weakness of femininity and femaleness.
Ask Sarah Palin how gently the Democrats and their press allies treat women who arent abortionists.
Everything good ever done for the poor and the Non Rich has been done by democrats. At the moment, after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we Have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to tax the rich their fair share and make Education and Training much cheaper so we can educate our workforce and really get with it for a change. And invest in our infrastructure for a change. Reagan cut infrastructure investment in half and it has stayed that way for 35 years. Jobs jobs jobs. Good jobs. Blue States now have living wage and healthcare for all. Enjoy your garbage red s******* of a state, super dupe.
Democrats only pay the poor lip service during elections. The private sector does all the ground work. Always has.
You are out of your mind Medicare Medicaid ACA Medicaid expansion food stamps welfare Social Security retirement. All the GOP has ever done is give us the need for such entities by giving everything away to the rich. At the moment Trump is ruining the recovery with stupid trade Wars and tariffs. And he is like a genius compared to George W bush or Reagan.... Who gave us this giveaway to the rich zombie propaganda mess the GOP is now...
If all those programs are so great. Why do we still have a boat load of food pantries, meals on wheels, thrift stores that are run to provide funds for urban gardens and food/ medical/ home care for the elderly, the united way, back packs to feed school kids on the weekends,free shot clinics,free dental exams at the hospitals, hospitals that feed hungry kids all year round, toys for tots,coats for kids,fund raisers for foster children, shelters that house and feed the homeless,etc?
maybe the GOP should do something about our lack of low-income housing after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich? How about our
You are assuming they actually care about the poor. They don’t. They just want to create more of them.

This is what we need to hammer home. The poor are simpl;y a source of votes for them and so they have an interest in keeping the poor around. Democrats dont really care about them. How many times have Republicans lost by taking their lies at face value and thinking they will gain brownie points by embrcing th Democrat position?
For instance more than a few have been convinced that if Donald Trump will just choose a woman for the next Supreme Court position she will be immune from attacks because Democrats like women.
Nothing could be farther from the truth! Democrats hate women. Or more accurately they despise what they see as the weakness of femininity and femaleness.
Ask Sarah Palin how gently the Democrats and their press allies treat women who arent abortionists.
Everything good ever done for the poor and the Non Rich has been done by democrats. At the moment, after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we Have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to tax the rich their fair share and make Education and Training much cheaper so we can educate our workforce and really get with it for a change. And invest in our infrastructure for a change. Reagan cut infrastructure investment in half and it has stayed that way for 35 years. Jobs jobs jobs. Good jobs. Blue States now have living wage and healthcare for all. Enjoy your garbage red s******* of a state, super dupe.
Democrats only pay the poor lip service during elections. The private sector does all the ground work. Always has.
You are out of your mind Medicare Medicaid ACA Medicaid expansion food stamps welfare Social Security retirement. All the GOP has ever done is give us the need for such entities by giving everything away to the rich. At the moment Trump is ruining the recovery with stupid trade Wars and tariffs. And he is like a genius compared to George W bush or Reagan.... Who gave us this giveaway to the rich zombie propaganda mess the GOP is now...
If all those programs are so great. Why do we still have a boat load of food pantries, meals on wheels, thrift stores that are run to provide funds for urban gardens and food/ medical/ home care for the elderly, the united way, back packs to feed school kids on the weekends,free shot clinics,free dental exams at the hospitals, hospitals that feed hungry kids all year round, toys for tots,coats for kids,fund raisers for foster children, shelters that house and feed the homeless,etc?
Because Democrats gave us those things? D u h.
This is what we need to hammer home. The poor are simpl;y a source of votes for them and so they have an interest in keeping the poor around. Democrats dont really care about them. How many times have Republicans lost by taking their lies at face value and thinking they will gain brownie points by embrcing th Democrat position?
For instance more than a few have been convinced that if Donald Trump will just choose a woman for the next Supreme Court position she will be immune from attacks because Democrats like women.
Nothing could be farther from the truth! Democrats hate women. Or more accurately they despise what they see as the weakness of femininity and femaleness.
Ask Sarah Palin how gently the Democrats and their press allies treat women who arent abortionists.
Everything good ever done for the poor and the Non Rich has been done by democrats. At the moment, after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we Have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to tax the rich their fair share and make Education and Training much cheaper so we can educate our workforce and really get with it for a change. And invest in our infrastructure for a change. Reagan cut infrastructure investment in half and it has stayed that way for 35 years. Jobs jobs jobs. Good jobs. Blue States now have living wage and healthcare for all. Enjoy your garbage red s******* of a state, super dupe.
Democrats only pay the poor lip service during elections. The private sector does all the ground work. Always has.
You are out of your mind Medicare Medicaid ACA Medicaid expansion food stamps welfare Social Security retirement. All the GOP has ever done is give us the need for such entities by giving everything away to the rich. At the moment Trump is ruining the recovery with stupid trade Wars and tariffs. And he is like a genius compared to George W bush or Reagan.... Who gave us this giveaway to the rich zombie propaganda mess the GOP is now...
If all those programs are so great. Why do we still have a boat load of food pantries, meals on wheels, thrift stores that are run to provide funds for urban gardens and food/ medical/ home care for the elderly, the united way, back packs to feed school kids on the weekends,free shot clinics,free dental exams at the hospitals, hospitals that feed hungry kids all year round, toys for tots,coats for kids,fund raisers for foster children, shelters that house and feed the homeless,etc?
maybe the GOP should do something about our lack of low-income housing after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich? How about our
This is what we need to hammer home. The poor are simpl;y a source of votes for them and so they have an interest in keeping the poor around. Democrats dont really care about them. How many times have Republicans lost by taking their lies at face value and thinking they will gain brownie points by embrcing th Democrat position?
For instance more than a few have been convinced that if Donald Trump will just choose a woman for the next Supreme Court position she will be immune from attacks because Democrats like women.
Nothing could be farther from the truth! Democrats hate women. Or more accurately they despise what they see as the weakness of femininity and femaleness.
Ask Sarah Palin how gently the Democrats and their press allies treat women who arent abortionists.
Everything good ever done for the poor and the Non Rich has been done by democrats. At the moment, after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we Have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to tax the rich their fair share and make Education and Training much cheaper so we can educate our workforce and really get with it for a change. And invest in our infrastructure for a change. Reagan cut infrastructure investment in half and it has stayed that way for 35 years. Jobs jobs jobs. Good jobs. Blue States now have living wage and healthcare for all. Enjoy your garbage red s******* of a state, super dupe.
Democrats only pay the poor lip service during elections. The private sector does all the ground work. Always has.
You are out of your mind Medicare Medicaid ACA Medicaid expansion food stamps welfare Social Security retirement. All the GOP has ever done is give us the need for such entities by giving everything away to the rich. At the moment Trump is ruining the recovery with stupid trade Wars and tariffs. And he is like a genius compared to George W bush or Reagan.... Who gave us this giveaway to the rich zombie propaganda mess the GOP is now...
If all those programs are so great. Why do we still have a boat load of food pantries, meals on wheels, thrift stores that are run to provide funds for urban gardens and food/ medical/ home care for the elderly, the united way, back packs to feed school kids on the weekends,free shot clinics,free dental exams at the hospitals, hospitals that feed hungry kids all year round, toys for tots,coats for kids,fund raisers for foster children, shelters that house and feed the homeless,etc?
Because Democrats gave us those things? D u h.
Wrong the private sector did.
That's a god damn lie and you know it. Dem leaders don't want a solution, they want to stage a coup by flooding the country with foreigners they will bribe to vote as they are told. Hence the lot of them can ROT IN HELL!
Dem leaders just want to abstruct. Doesn’t matter what the talks are about. Just more of the same bullshit grandstanding.
The wall is a joke and won't do anything. 58% just overstay their visas, brainwashed functional moron.pass a national ID card and enforce it like other countries with this problem. Works like a charm... And no communism LOL...
Only Europeans over stay,, I’m ok with that
You have no idea what you were talking about.
I’m from the innercity of Boston I’ll know more then you will ever know
They all overstay their visas. Europeans are usually ready to go home when their vacation is over. At the moment they are shocked by the ignorance greed and stupidity of trumpets.
Dem leaders just want to abstruct. Doesn’t matter what the talks are about. Just more of the same bullshit grandstanding.
The wall is a joke and won't do anything. 58% just overstay their visas, brainwashed functional moron.pass a national ID card and enforce it like other countries with this problem. Works like a charm... And no communism LOL...
Only Europeans over stay,, I’m ok with that
You have no idea what you were talking about.
I’m from the innercity of Boston I’ll know more then you will ever know
They all overstay their visas. Europeans are usually ready to go home when their vacation is over. At the moment they are shocked by the ignorance greed and stupidity of trumpets.
I know many illegal Bulgarians in Boston .. many came here can’t speak English and in 8 years own businesses.. Latinos don’t do that
Millions could face severe cuts to food stamps due to government shutdown.

Why do the Left put illegals ahead of immigrants who follow our laws and the needs of Americans who are in need of help?
Democrats and churches
Everything good ever done for the poor and the Non Rich has been done by democrats. At the moment, after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we Have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to tax the rich their fair share and make Education and Training much cheaper so we can educate our workforce and really get with it for a change. And invest in our infrastructure for a change. Reagan cut infrastructure investment in half and it has stayed that way for 35 years. Jobs jobs jobs. Good jobs. Blue States now have living wage and healthcare for all. Enjoy your garbage red s******* of a state, super dupe.
Democrats only pay the poor lip service during elections. The private sector does all the ground work. Always has.
You are out of your mind Medicare Medicaid ACA Medicaid expansion food stamps welfare Social Security retirement. All the GOP has ever done is give us the need for such entities by giving everything away to the rich. At the moment Trump is ruining the recovery with stupid trade Wars and tariffs. And he is like a genius compared to George W bush or Reagan.... Who gave us this giveaway to the rich zombie propaganda mess the GOP is now...
If all those programs are so great. Why do we still have a boat load of food pantries, meals on wheels, thrift stores that are run to provide funds for urban gardens and food/ medical/ home care for the elderly, the united way, back packs to feed school kids on the weekends,free shot clinics,free dental exams at the hospitals, hospitals that feed hungry kids all year round, toys for tots,coats for kids,fund raisers for foster children, shelters that house and feed the homeless,etc?
maybe the GOP should do something about our lack of low-income housing after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich? How about our
Everything good ever done for the poor and the Non Rich has been done by democrats. At the moment, after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we Have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to tax the rich their fair share and make Education and Training much cheaper so we can educate our workforce and really get with it for a change. And invest in our infrastructure for a change. Reagan cut infrastructure investment in half and it has stayed that way for 35 years. Jobs jobs jobs. Good jobs. Blue States now have living wage and healthcare for all. Enjoy your garbage red s******* of a state, super dupe.
Democrats only pay the poor lip service during elections. The private sector does all the ground work. Always has.
You are out of your mind Medicare Medicaid ACA Medicaid expansion food stamps welfare Social Security retirement. All the GOP has ever done is give us the need for such entities by giving everything away to the rich. At the moment Trump is ruining the recovery with stupid trade Wars and tariffs. And he is like a genius compared to George W bush or Reagan.... Who gave us this giveaway to the rich zombie propaganda mess the GOP is now...
If all those programs are so great. Why do we still have a boat load of food pantries, meals on wheels, thrift stores that are run to provide funds for urban gardens and food/ medical/ home care for the elderly, the united way, back packs to feed school kids on the weekends,free shot clinics,free dental exams at the hospitals, hospitals that feed hungry kids all year round, toys for tots,coats for kids,fund raisers for foster children, shelters that house and feed the homeless,etc?
Because Democrats gave us those things? D u h.
Wrong the private sector did.
Which has nothing to do with Medicare Medicaid Social Security etcetc where big money is spent. They exist because Republicans have cut their public equivalence or never allowed them.
Democrats and churchesDemocrats only pay the poor lip service during elections. The private sector does all the ground work. Always has.
You are out of your mind Medicare Medicaid ACA Medicaid expansion food stamps welfare Social Security retirement. All the GOP has ever done is give us the need for such entities by giving everything away to the rich. At the moment Trump is ruining the recovery with stupid trade Wars and tariffs. And he is like a genius compared to George W bush or Reagan.... Who gave us this giveaway to the rich zombie propaganda mess the GOP is now...
If all those programs are so great. Why do we still have a boat load of food pantries, meals on wheels, thrift stores that are run to provide funds for urban gardens and food/ medical/ home care for the elderly, the united way, back packs to feed school kids on the weekends,free shot clinics,free dental exams at the hospitals, hospitals that feed hungry kids all year round, toys for tots,coats for kids,fund raisers for foster children, shelters that house and feed the homeless,etc?
maybe the GOP should do something about our lack of low-income housing after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich? How about our
Democrats only pay the poor lip service during elections. The private sector does all the ground work. Always has.
You are out of your mind Medicare Medicaid ACA Medicaid expansion food stamps welfare Social Security retirement. All the GOP has ever done is give us the need for such entities by giving everything away to the rich. At the moment Trump is ruining the recovery with stupid trade Wars and tariffs. And he is like a genius compared to George W bush or Reagan.... Who gave us this giveaway to the rich zombie propaganda mess the GOP is now...
If all those programs are so great. Why do we still have a boat load of food pantries, meals on wheels, thrift stores that are run to provide funds for urban gardens and food/ medical/ home care for the elderly, the united way, back packs to feed school kids on the weekends,free shot clinics,free dental exams at the hospitals, hospitals that feed hungry kids all year round, toys for tots,coats for kids,fund raisers for foster children, shelters that house and feed the homeless,etc?
Because Democrats gave us those things? D u h.
Wrong the private sector did.
Which has nothing to do with Medicare Medicaid Social Security etcetc where big money is spent. They exist because Republicans have cut their public equivalence or never allowed them.
Really? Then why are there still privately run free clinics that cater to the underserved?

National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics and CVS Health Foundation Announce the 2018 Safety Net Health Care Champion Awardees
Because Dem leaders are traitors who have sided with foreigners who sneak into our country illegally. They should ROT IN HELL!
Democrats want a solution that will actually work. In 2010, their comprehensive immigration bill started out with a national ID card that would end this garbage GOP scam of an issue. Of course there was a tidal wave of accusations that Democrats are communists fascists and god-knows-what. As the GOP has done for decades. They love the wedge issue that works great with their racist voters. The wall is stupid and won't work, 58% just overstay their visas,and they will just get better ladders and tunnels...

That's a god damn lie and you know it. Dem leaders don't want a solution, they want to stage a coup by flooding the country with foreigners they will bribe to vote as they are told. Hence the lot of them can ROT IN HELL!
Dem leaders just want to abstruct. Doesn’t matter what the talks are about. Just more of the same bullshit grandstanding.
The wall is a joke and won't do anything. 58% just overstay their visas, brainwashed functional moron.pass a national ID card and enforce it like other countries with this problem. Works like a charm... And no communism LOL...
Only Europeans over stay,, I’m ok with that

The Democrat talking points have gone out. I have noticed on twitter and elsewhere that all the most servile chat leftists are moaning about visas being overstayed.
More sophistry. But its really interesting to watch the talking points come down from above and spread. These are people who do what they are told.
Actually we're standing up for illegal immigrants who were basically invited here by the GOP, hard working families who cause less crime than regular citizens. Pass the goddamn ID card and end this stupid bull s***, Super Dupe. The wall is a useless joke 4 brainwashed functional duped idiots only.
The Democrats refused to listen to security briefings. They refused to listen to the BPAs who work the border. They refused to listen to Homeland Security - Pelosi actually said, "I REJECT YOUR FACTS!"


Democrats and snowflakes have ignored the proven fact that everywhere a border / barrier / wall is erected illegal border crossing is lowers by 9t%.

Democrats / Snowflakes are ignorant BY CHOICE.

There are 20+ Million illegals in this country and an average 1500 illegal crossings per day... But they say there is no problem, there is no invasion, & the border is 'secured'...

They claim the WH is wrong / lying, they claim the security briefings are wrong, they say Homeland Security lies, they say our BPAs are lying...they claim there are no terrorists, human traffickers, MS13, violent illegals...despite that another cop killer was caught trying to cross back into Mexico...

...while they are violating federal law by running Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to illegals like the latest cop killer.
“'We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked...'”
Barrack Obama, 2005
"I voted, when I was a Senator, to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in...”
Hillary Clinton, 2015
You are out of your mind Medicare Medicaid ACA Medicaid expansion food stamps welfare Social Security retirement. All the GOP has ever done is give us the need for such entities by giving everything away to the rich. At the moment Trump is ruining the recovery with stupid trade Wars and tariffs. And he is like a genius compared to George W bush or Reagan.... Who gave us this giveaway to the rich zombie propaganda mess the GOP is now...
If all those programs are so great. Why do we still have a boat load of food pantries, meals on wheels, thrift stores that are run to provide funds for urban gardens and food/ medical/ home care for the elderly, the united way, back packs to feed school kids on the weekends,free shot clinics,free dental exams at the hospitals, hospitals that feed hungry kids all year round, toys for tots,coats for kids,fund raisers for foster children, shelters that house and feed the homeless,etc?
maybe the GOP should do something about our lack of low-income housing after 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich? How about our
You are out of your mind Medicare Medicaid ACA Medicaid expansion food stamps welfare Social Security retirement. All the GOP has ever done is give us the need for such entities by giving everything away to the rich. At the moment Trump is ruining the recovery with stupid trade Wars and tariffs. And he is like a genius compared to George W bush or Reagan.... Who gave us this giveaway to the rich zombie propaganda mess the GOP is now...
If all those programs are so great. Why do we still have a boat load of food pantries, meals on wheels, thrift stores that are run to provide funds for urban gardens and food/ medical/ home care for the elderly, the united way, back packs to feed school kids on the weekends,free shot clinics,free dental exams at the hospitals, hospitals that feed hungry kids all year round, toys for tots,coats for kids,fund raisers for foster children, shelters that house and feed the homeless,etc?
Because Democrats gave us those things? D u h.
Wrong the private sector did.
Which has nothing to do with Medicare Medicaid Social Security etcetc where big money is spent. They exist because Republicans have cut their public equivalence or never allowed them.
Really? Then why are there still privately run free clinics that cater to the underserved?

National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics and CVS Health Foundation Announce the 2018 Safety Net Health Care Champion Awardees
Because the Republicans have ruined government programs and refused to pass them duh...
Both Pelosi and Schumer argued and voted for it as well...

The only thing different from when they said this is Trump is now President...

...which means they are putting partisan hatred above what is best for the country.
Both Pelosi and Schumer argued and voted for it as well...

The only thing different from when they said this is Trump is now President...

...which means they are putting partisan hatred above what is best for the country.
Obama spend a lot of money on the border. We don't need any more.

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