Why Do I Need More Than 10 Rounds?

Yeah, and name one good thing that has come from this? Has crime gone down? Has shooting gone down? Nope?
The rate of mass shootings will decline.
Well, no, the Government will still stage false flags. Besides, victims having fewer guns won't stop 'criminals'. Perhaps you'd like to explain to me how taking guns away from 'law-abiding' citizens will prevent 'criminals' from printing untraceable "ghost guns" and taking advantage of the victims being unarmed.
The rate of mass shootings will decline.
Well, no, the Government will still stage false flags.
Not an argument, you also ignored the entire rest of my argument in favor of not arguing against the first point. I guess you're in the camp with the people who think a Cuban became an Australian Nationalist, then used the Shadow Clone technique to replicate himself into four people who were never mentioned again despite taking part in the shooting.

Oh, and believe that he suddenly stopped typing in Australian English to type his Manifesto, which is filled with conflicting view-points.
Just because something is "the law" that doesn't make it righteous.
It makes it something law abiding people follow. Otherwise they're miscreants, or criminals, or felons, whatever.

Btw, excellent pearl clutching...
If you want to take away someone's rights ... you could do it by force, you could do it legally ...

Or ...


You just keep chipping away at the right until what is left is unrecognizable.
Not an argument
Your delusional assertions are not arguments.
I suppose if you cut out my entire message, it wouldn't look like one. Though, to people with an attention span beyond that of a fly, they are arguments, and not bothering to refute them only shows that you can't.

Then again, if I had to lie about my ideas, I'd probably refrain from argumentation as you're doing as well.
If you want to take away someone's rights ... you could do it by force, you could do it legally ...

Or ...


You just keep chipping away at the right until what is left is unrecognizable.
There's no difference between the two.
I understand why some people need 100 round magazines. After all, you could be ambushed in the dairy section of Walmart by 100 commies.
Yeah, and name one good thing that has come from this?
I can see you had your pearls and fainting couch handy.

So you don't have an answer. You could just not responded, if you don't have a response.... or you could have responded "You are right", and it would have made you not look as petty as you do with that post.
He prefers to cut out parts of someone's post and pretend there's not an argument there.

He's a typical propaganda-spreading, dishonest snake with no support for his arguments.

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