Why Do I Need More Than 10 Rounds?

Yeah, and name one good thing that has come from this? Has crime gone down? Has shooting gone down? Nope?
The rate of mass shootings will decline.

Why would that happen?

Criminals do not go to the a legal store, put their ID on the counter, and fill out paperwork. You get caught if you do that.

Criminals go through the black market. Where they don't follow any of the laws. That's why it's the black market.

More Australian motorcycle gang DIY firearms surface -

Motorcycle gangs in Australia are fabricating home made weapons.

Guns are not super space age technology. You can make one with parts from a hardware store.

Are you planning to ban hardware stores?

Your laws, will only stop innocent law abiding people from defending themselves. It will never stop a single criminal from getting a gun, and using it.

Why do you even think it would? Did the law stop alcohol during prohibition? Does the law stop Heroin today? Or any other 'controlled substance'?

I'm always baffled by this one argument, because for decades I was told by left-wingers "The war on drugs will never work!".... yet here you are proposing a war on guns..... why would one war work, while the other would not?

Of course the difference is, one is a fundamental right of the public, and the other is not.
So you don't have an answer.
Why did you ignore this?
Yeah, and name one good thing that has come from this? Has crime gone down? Has shooting gone down? Nope?
The rate of mass shootings will decline.
Well, first; You're a massive hypocrite for ignoring other arguments, and even cutting them out of posts you're responding to entirely.

Second, I already refuted that. You're not here for honest discussion, and already showed that, so you shouldn't get butthurt over people ignoring you.
The question of 'need' when it comes to rights is a red herring. It's intended to get you to have to explain why you have the right to do something when the right already exists.
An act for which he will pay a severe price himself ... I have no problem executing people who attempt to deprive anyone of their rights.
Let me get this straight. Are you saying the USSC limiting the styles of weapons it is legal for citizens to bear will deprive people of their rights and will deserve execution?
An act for which he will pay a severe price himself ... I have no problem executing people who attempt to deprive anyone of their rights.
Let me get this straight. Are you saying the USSC limiting the styles of weapons it is legal for citizens to bear will deprive people of their rights and will deserve execution?

You made the moral equivalence between murder and impinging on the rights of citizens.

I'm merely asking you to consider the consequences of your moral equivalency.
So you don't have an answer.
Why did you ignore this?
Yeah, and name one good thing that has come from this? Has crime gone down? Has shooting gone down? Nope?
The rate of mass shootings will decline.

Because it is a non-answer. First, they had a huge gun buy back, and massive gun regulations years ago. Why didn't all that, prevent this shooting? So the plan has already failed once.

This is what all left-wingers do. "Oh it will get better!" The Soviets "Oh it will get better!" in all their propaganda videos... and by the end they were literally eating each other. People were engaging in cannibalism.

Same in Venezuela. Hugo Chavez raved about how literacy was up, and poverty was down "Oh it'll get better!", and now they have deaths by starvation, and people are chopping up the family pet dog to eat, and rummaging through trash cans.

And it's no surprise that all the cities and states with the toughest gun laws in the country, have the highest per capita crime rates, and murder rates.

I said what DID improve from this, not what mystical magical future wishful thinking improvement has happened.

And I have prediction.... when the gun crime doesn't go down in Australia, you'll find someone to blame.
Second, I already refuted that.
You refuted nothing. You made baseless assertions.
Uhm. That 3D Printing exists and people can use online schematics to make untraceable guns isn't a baseless assertion. I can literally link you 3D Printers and Schematics, but then again, articles exist in which people are complaining about 3D-Printed Guns being untraceable. Are you asserting that 3D Printers don't exist?

If you're referring to false flag attacks, I can show you a Government Document about a proposed one to start war with Cuba, the fact that Operation Northwoods was proposed isn't the slightest bit controversial. I can show you a video of multiple shooters being present at ChristChurch if that's what you're referring to. The man was identified as Cuban when he said "Subscribe to Putiepie" in the Facebook video. I can also upload his entire manifesto, where he has the "Navy Seal Copypasta" and cites Spyro, the Dragon as Nationalist inspiration. Just saying my argument is baseless isn't an argument, you have to say why it's baseless, so I can show you why you're wrong.
I'll repost your original moral equivalency, unedited, and let the reader's decide if you're making an equivalency between murder and taking someone's rights by force

If you want to take away someone's rights ... you could do it by force,
Like the way the El Paso shooter took away people's right to life?
Because it is a non-answer. First, they had a huge gun buy back, and massive gun regulations years ago. Why didn't all that, prevent this shooting? So the plan has already failed once.
Nothing can 'prevent' such things, the rate of occurrence can be lowered.
That 3D Printing exists and people can use online schematics to make untraceable guns isn't a baseless assertion. I can literally link you 3D Printers and Schematics, but then again, articles exist in which people are complaining about 3D-Printed Guns being untraceable. Are you asserting that 3D Printers don't exist?

As someone who has been doing both 3D printing and CNC for many years now and have built my own printers, I can say that using a 3D printer to make a gun is just about the stupidest thing a person can do that doesn't involve marriage or buying a time share.

There are many ways to make reliable and good quality firearms at home with limited tools that are guaranteed to not take off your hand or your face, 3D printing isn't one of them.
I'll repost your original moral equivalency, unedited, and let the reader's decide if you're making an equivalency between murder and taking someone's rights by force

If you want to take away someone's rights ... you could do it by force,
Like the way the El Paso shooter took away people's right to life?

I have no problem executing people who attempt to deprive anyone of their rights.
That 3D Printing exists and people can use online schematics to make untraceable guns isn't a baseless assertion. I can literally link you 3D Printers and Schematics, but then again, articles exist in which people are complaining about 3D-Printed Guns being untraceable. Are you asserting that 3D Printers don't exist?

As someone who has been doing both 3D printing and CNC for many years now and have built my own printers, I can say that using a 3D printer to make a gun is just about the stupidest thing a person can do that doesn't involve marriage or buying a time share.

There are many ways to make reliable and good quality firearms at home with limited tools that are guaranteed to not take off your hand or your face, 3D printing isn't one of them.
As I said, schematics exist, and people have been doing it for years. In fact, in AnCap circles, it's incredibly common, and there was an entire court shitshow about the first 3D-Printed Gun schematics posted online.

Whether or not you're informed enough to know about them or not isn't the point, the point is that it's entirely possible and untraceable.

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