Why Do I Need More Than 10 Rounds?

Criminals do not go to the a legal store, put their ID on the counter, and fill out paperwork. You get caught if you do that.
Two of the latest mass shooters, at least, did exactly that from what I can gather.

So you don't care at all about the other 75,000 people murdered last year in the US... as long as it isn't what you call a 'mass shooting'?

This is another aspect of left-wing ideology I never understand. You would be perfectly happy to have over a hundred thousands deaths a year.... as long as you take away guns from law abiding citizens, supposedly to prevent a mass shooting.... because you care about victims? Do you not see how odd that sounds?

The FBI surveyed murderers in Federal prisons years ago, and fewer than 5% got the guns they used legally.

But you don't give a crap about all those murdered people, as long as you prevent a mass shooting.

Well again, my answer is arm people. Criminals are all cowards at heart, and back off when confronted by an armed citizen.

Now I agree that if a single individual snaps mentally, and goes to the nearest gun store, they could buy a gun and shoot people.

That's because it's legal. If you made it illegal, they would simply go to the black market to get a gun.

This is the same flawed argument as controlling drugs. There are legal ways to get addictive drugs, and people use those way to abuse drugs. If we closed those ways, they would simply get their drugs illegally. We know this, because people already get crack, and heroin, and other narcotics illegally already. If we closed the drug abusers that are getting them legally, they would simply get them illegally.

The solution is, you deal with the people. Trying to ban guns, is again the same as banning alcohol and drugs. It has never worked in the history of the world.

We need teach people absolute truth, moral values, and defined right and wrong. That's what will stop mass shooters.

Also, we need to start teaching people social values, like how to be inclusive. Starting with left-wingers need to stop attacking everyone with a different opinion, and accusing everyone of racism.

And yes, I do believe it's that hate filled rhetoric that is causing some people to snap.
however the point I was trying to make is that it's fully possible to make 3D-Printed guns

But, you go on to say it's not actually possible to do so without using non-printed metal parts. Even the 'Liberator' requires a steel firing pin and conventional ammunition. It is effectively no different than a 'zip-gun' which your more stupid criminals have been making at home for nearly 100 years.

Making homemade firearms isn't difficult ... and 3D printing hasn't done anything to make the process easier, safer, or more widely available to the public.
Because someday THIRTEEN shitlords might decide to smash their way into my house, that's why.

'I Could Die': Suspects Trash House During Md. Home Invasion

If they don't stop in the first few rounds, they aren't going to stop and you just moved it into an armed conflict meaning now they are going to feel justified in using their guns and then I don't care how many rounds you have, it won't be enough. Yelling, "I have a Gun" may just get the response of "So What, we have more guns than you have". Panicking with your firearm also may get a family member killed as well. If you want the gun in your home and are willing to use it, be willing to assume the responsibilities and consequences as well.

Quit talking to me like I'm a fucking 12 year old. I'll take my chances.
As though legally buying a weapon with a high rate of fire is not easier, safer and more convenient than making one at home.
Well, for one, I see you refrained from quoting me in hopes I wouldn't check.

Secondly, the Government can't even stop people from buying and selling illegal drugs, which are easier to make, so people can just build them themselves or buy them off the black market. Your post even sounds like you're admitting that people can do it, which is all the confirmation I need that you're fully aware it wouldn't accomplish anything besides disarming people who follow 'laws'.
Because someday THIRTEEN shitlords might decide to smash their way into my house, that's why.

'I Could Die': Suspects Trash House During Md. Home Invasion
however the point I was trying to make is that it's fully possible to make 3D-Printed guns

But, you go on to say it's not actually possible to do so without using non-printed metal parts. Even the 'Liberator' requires a steel firing pin and conventional ammunition. It is effectively no different than a 'zip-gun' which your more stupid criminals have been making at home for nearly 100 years.

Making homemade firearms isn't difficult ... and 3D printing hasn't done anything to make the process easier, safer, or more widely available to the public.
It has made it easier, since people can distribute cheap plastic parts more easily with a 3D Printer, and in the worst case scenario, build Liberators. Beyond that, people can innovate off of the Liberator's design, as they have been doing. I also never claimed that other parts weren't required, I was fully aware that the Liberator used a metal part. I'm pretty sure you're just being obstinate at this point, since you're mostly trying to claim I'm making an argument that I never constructed.
Because someday THIRTEEN shitlords might decide to smash their way into my house, that's why.

'I Could Die': Suspects Trash House During Md. Home Invasion

If they don't stop in the first few rounds, they aren't going to stop and you just moved it into an armed conflict meaning now they are going to feel justified in using their guns and then I don't care how many rounds you have, it won't be enough. Yelling, "I have a Gun" may just get the response of "So What, we have more guns than you have". Panicking with your firearm also may get a family member killed as well. If you want the gun in your home and are willing to use it, be willing to assume the responsibilities and consequences as well.

Quit talking to me like I'm a fucking 12 year old. I'll take my chances.

Then stop acting like one.
As though legally buying a weapon with a high rate of fire is not easier, safer and more convenient than making one at home.

Making a gun is not super hard. It isn't.
Further, whether your argument has merit isn't relevant is it?

"As though legally buying alcohol with a high proof and quality, is not easier, safer and more convenient than making alcohol at home."

Right? And yet.... moonshiners were all across the heartland of the US, making booze at home.

'Rogue Gun Dealers' Operating In Australia

And that doesn't even include all the smugglers.

By the end of prohibition, Al Capone had a smuggling ring that went from the west coast to the east coast, from Canada, down all the way to Mexico.

Similarly, Australia is struggling with smuggling rings bringing in illegal weapons constantly since the gun bans went into effect.

So it isn't just making them at home. It's also professionally made weapons smuggled in. When you ban something, there is instantly a large black market demand.... and just like smoking pot, or Heroin, as long as there are people with money willing to buy, there will be people willing to setup black market smuggling rings to sell what you want.
Well, for one, I see you refrained from quoting me in hopes I wouldn't check.
I have no respect for your opinions, I don't care whether you check.
And, once again, you refrained from addressing the argument. Good grief, you are pathetic. If you have to completely dodge arguments and lie, your ideology isn't one worth holding.
however the point I was trying to make is that it's fully possible to make 3D-Printed guns

But, you go on to say it's not actually possible to do so without using non-printed metal parts. Even the 'Liberator' requires a steel firing pin and conventional ammunition. It is effectively no different than a 'zip-gun' which your more stupid criminals have been making at home for nearly 100 years.

Making homemade firearms isn't difficult ... and 3D printing hasn't done anything to make the process easier, safer, or more widely available to the public.
making a firing pin is easy if you have access to a CNC machine springs are my problem
Because someday THIRTEEN shitlords might decide to smash their way into my house, that's why.

'I Could Die': Suspects Trash House During Md. Home Invasion

If they don't stop in the first few rounds, they aren't going to stop and you just moved it into an armed conflict meaning now they are going to feel justified in using their guns and then I don't care how many rounds you have, it won't be enough. Yelling, "I have a Gun" may just get the response of "So What, we have more guns than you have". Panicking with your firearm also may get a family member killed as well. If you want the gun in your home and are willing to use it, be willing to assume the responsibilities and consequences as well.

Quit talking to me like I'm a fucking 12 year old. I'll take my chances.

Then stop acting like one.

Inferring that I would defend my home and family against intruders is acting like a 12 year old? The hell is wrong with you?
Criminals do not go to the a legal store, put their ID on the counter, and fill out paperwork. You get caught if you do that.
Two of the latest mass shooters, at least, did exactly that from what I can gather.
So you don't care at all about the other 75,000 people murdered last year in the US... as long as it isn't what you call a 'mass shooting'?
Look, MassDelusion...may I call you Mass? Your contention criminals don't buy guns legally was instantly refuted. This thread is about high magazine capacity firearms, the weapon of choice for mass shooters. The only way you're going to reduce the rate of mass shooting fatalities is to take such weapons out of circulation.

I realise that's not going to happen, as other people's lives is a price you're happy to pay for easy access to handguns and military style semi automatic rifles.

But don't pretend it's not possible to do something about it. The experience of every other economically advanced country shows that's not the case, if the will is there.
Because someday THIRTEEN shitlords might decide to smash their way into my house, that's why.

'I Could Die': Suspects Trash House During Md. Home Invasion

If they don't stop in the first few rounds, they aren't going to stop and you just moved it into an armed conflict meaning now they are going to feel justified in using their guns and then I don't care how many rounds you have, it won't be enough. Yelling, "I have a Gun" may just get the response of "So What, we have more guns than you have". Panicking with your firearm also may get a family member killed as well. If you want the gun in your home and are willing to use it, be willing to assume the responsibilities and consequences as well.

Quit talking to me like I'm a fucking 12 year old. I'll take my chances.

Then stop acting like one.
They're already attempting to steal his property or use violence against his family. Are you suggesting he just let violent people who broke into his house do whatever they like instead of taking matters into his own hands?

I suppose if the goal of the invaders is to rape his wife and daughter, you think it's more dignified to let it happen and hope the violent individuals take 15 minutes to leave, so that the Road Pirates can outline his and his family's bodies in chalk and shoot his dog?

What exactly is your argument?
Dudes. I hope you've got your pearls and fainting couches handy...

New Zealand gun buyback: 10,000 firearms returned after Christchurch attack


Police praise response after thousands of now-banned guns taken out of circulation in less than a month

More than 10,000 firearms have been bought by New Zealand’s government in less than a month as part of its gun buyback scheme following the Christchurch mosque shootings in March.
The governments gun-buyback scheme was launched in mid July. Since then, 10,242 firearms have been handed into police, with an additional 1,269 firearms handed in under amnesty.

The amnesty mean no questions will be asked by police about when or how owners acquired the now-banned weapons, even if they don’t have a current firearms licence or paperwork for the weapons.

Ninety gun collection events have been held around the country, New Zealand police said, attended by more than 7,000 firearms owners. In a statement New Zealand police praised gun owners’ engagement with the process, and said they were “really happy” with the public response.

yeah, and guess who turned in their guns? The people who were never going to go out and commit a crime with it anyway. The gangs and violent criminals in New Zealand still have their guns.
Criminals do not go to the a legal store, put their ID on the counter, and fill out paperwork. You get caught if you do that.
Two of the latest mass shooters, at least, did exactly that from what I can gather.
So you don't care at all about the other 75,000 people murdered last year in the US... as long as it isn't what you call a 'mass shooting'?
Look, MassDelusion...may I call you Mass? Your contention criminals don't buy guns legally was instantly refuted. This thread is about high magazine capacity firearms, the weapon of choice for mass shooters. The only way you're going to reduce the rate of mass shooting fatalities is to take such weapons out of circulation.

I realise that's not going to happen, as other people's lives is a price you're happy to pay for easy access to handguns and military style semi automatic rifles.

But don't pretend it's not possible to do something about it. The experience of every other economically advanced country shows that's not the case, if the will is there.

"High capacity firearms", as you call them, have been readily available for over a century. The AR-15 itself is 70 years old. Mass shootings are a phenomenon that's seen a steady rise only over the past 20 years, give or take a few. If your premise were true we would have seen this shit 100 years ago. We didn't.

The issue is not guns, it's moral and societal rot. And I'll be goddamned if I'm going to be disarmed and defenseless against the vermin destroying said society who CLEARLY don't give a flying fuck about your "laws".
75,000 people murdered last year in the US.

According to the latest stats I could find quickly -- 2012

Year Murder
Guns Cutting or
hands, fists,
feet, or pushing
Arson2 All

2012 12,765 8,855 69.4 1,589 518 767 85 951
however the point I was trying to make is that it's fully possible to make 3D-Printed guns

But, you go on to say it's not actually possible to do so without using non-printed metal parts. Even the 'Liberator' requires a steel firing pin and conventional ammunition. It is effectively no different than a 'zip-gun' which your more stupid criminals have been making at home for nearly 100 years.

Making homemade firearms isn't difficult ... and 3D printing hasn't done anything to make the process easier, safer, or more widely available to the public.
making a firing pin is easy if you have access to a CNC machine springs are my problem

To make a larger machine spring suitable for magazines or bolt return, you can use a hand-wound mandrel. Lots of videos on YouTube for doing this. Most smaller springs are available through hobby supply stores.

This is my problem with people who wet the bed over 3D printers when they completely ignore that a much more superior firearm can be made from a 3D digital file using CNC. For a few reasons, these aren't as popular as 3D printers, but they are essentially for turning out a safe, quality firearm.

Plastic and polymers will work for lowers and non-ballistic parts, but it's insanity to make actions from them.

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