Why Do I Need More Than 10 Rounds?

Because someday THIRTEEN shitlords might decide to smash their way into my house, that's why.

'I Could Die': Suspects Trash House During Md. Home Invasion

If they don't stop in the first few rounds, they aren't going to stop and you just moved it into an armed conflict meaning now they are going to feel justified in using their guns and then I don't care how many rounds you have, it won't be enough. Yelling, "I have a Gun" may just get the response of "So What, we have more guns than you have". Panicking with your firearm also may get a family member killed as well. If you want the gun in your home and are willing to use it, be willing to assume the responsibilities and consequences as well.

I don't get your logic. Criminals shoot completely unarmed people, all the time. When you say "and you just moved it into an armed conflict", you are acting like if you are a defenseless helpless person, that the criminal is going to have pity and leave you be?

Not happening.

And the idea that yelling "I have a Gun" is going to get back "So What, we have more guns than you have"..... what the heck are you talking about? Is this a cartoon? When has that ever happened? Is this an SNL skit, or some bad comedy film?

Criminals do not respond that way.

Watch the video. This is how criminals respond to an armed, tiny little Asian chick. I think one fired a shot at her, but clearly missed.... but that all scattered and panicked when a pissed off armed citizen confronted them with a weapon.

And ALL of them were armed. All of them had guns. 5 men with guns, against a tiny little Asian chick with a pistol.

What happened? Did they get ticked off and say "So What, we have more guns than you have!"? No, they scattered like the sub-human cockroaches they are.

That's what they did.

Where do you people get these bonkers ideas of what happens?

And last thing.... key to this whole discussion.

If you tell them you are armed, and they try and attack you..... then they were going to kill your butt no matter what.... so you had better have all the bullets you need to fight them off.

That's the bottom line.
Criminals do not go to the a legal store, put their ID on the counter, and fill out paperwork. You get caught if you do that.
Two of the latest mass shooters, at least, did exactly that from what I can gather.
So you don't care at all about the other 75,000 people murdered last year in the US... as long as it isn't what you call a 'mass shooting'?
Look, MassDelusion...may I call you Mass? Your contention criminals don't buy guns legally was instantly refuted. This thread is about high magazine capacity firearms, the weapon of choice for mass shooters. The only way you're going to reduce the rate of mass shooting fatalities is to take such weapons out of circulation.

I realise that's not going to happen, as other people's lives is a price you're happy to pay for easy access to handguns and military style semi automatic rifles.

But don't pretend it's not possible to do something about it. The experience of every other economically advanced country shows that's not the case, if the will is there.

So you can't actually argue against anything I posted? I realize you don't give a crap about people dying, just as long as you can push your ideology, but I was kind of hoping you had some amount decency.
Making a gun is not super hard.
It's a lot harder and more time consuming than driving across a state line to buy one legally.


So do you understand how a black market works? If there is a group of people in Ohio that all want guns to commit crimes.... they don't all drive across to Arizona, or even Indiana to get a gun.

Instead.... a person who wants to make some money, will drive to another state, or country, get the guns, drive back to Ohio, and sell the guns.

Again......... (sigh).... Al Capone had a network that went from the west coast to the east coast, from Mexico to Canada, not including all the moonshiners in the middle of the country.

What part of this do you not get? What is there about how a black market works, that you don't understand?

No one is going to drive to another state, if you ban guns. Black market providers will setup networks to provide those smuggled goods.

When I say that gangs in Australia are making fully automatic weapons homemade.... I'm not talking about the average biker dork, driving home on his Harley to his house in his leather jacket, and sitting down a CNC mill, and saying "Alright mate, time for some calculations and detailed crafting!".

These gangs are hiring some guy skilled at machining, and having him build these weapons with professional equipment. Its not Bubba on his Bike. He's just paying Dan to make these guns for them.

They are quality, accurate, and dependable.

Police demonstrated them, blowing through 50 round home made magazines.

Why is this so hard for you? Are you just so bound and determined to follow your ideology, that no amount of facts and logic, will ever change your mind?
Dudes. I hope you've got your pearls and fainting couches handy...

New Zealand gun buyback: 10,000 firearms returned after Christchurch attack


Police praise response after thousands of now-banned guns taken out of circulation in less than a month

More than 10,000 firearms have been bought by New Zealand’s government in less than a month as part of its gun buyback scheme following the Christchurch mosque shootings in March.
The governments gun-buyback scheme was launched in mid July. Since then, 10,242 firearms have been handed into police, with an additional 1,269 firearms handed in under amnesty.

The amnesty mean no questions will be asked by police about when or how owners acquired the now-banned weapons, even if they don’t have a current firearms licence or paperwork for the weapons.

Ninety gun collection events have been held around the country, New Zealand police said, attended by more than 7,000 firearms owners. In a statement New Zealand police praised gun owners’ engagement with the process, and said they were “really happy” with the public response.

This ain't New Zealand.
Because someday THIRTEEN shitlords might decide to smash their way into my house, that's why.

'I Could Die': Suspects Trash House During Md. Home Invasion

If they don't stop in the first few rounds, they aren't going to stop and you just moved it into an armed conflict meaning now they are going to feel justified in using their guns and then I don't care how many rounds you have, it won't be enough. Yelling, "I have a Gun" may just get the response of "So What, we have more guns than you have". Panicking with your firearm also may get a family member killed as well. If you want the gun in your home and are willing to use it, be willing to assume the responsibilities and consequences as well.

Quit talking to me like I'm a fucking 12 year old. I'll take my chances.

Then stop acting like one.
They're already attempting to steal his property or use violence against his family. Are you suggesting he just let violent people who broke into his house do whatever they like instead of taking matters into his own hands?

I suppose if the goal of the invaders is to rape his wife and daughter, you think it's more dignified to let it happen and hope the violent individuals take 15 minutes to leave, so that the Road Pirates can outline his and his family's bodies in chalk and shoot his dog?

What exactly is your argument?

And what is the statistical chance of that happening? If you are living in an area that is above a certain number then I suggest you move out or get behind law enforcement and your local government and do something about it. Just having a high capacity, high output weapon on the premises doesn't cut it. Or are you just yearning for a reason to kill someone like in your favorite movie. If you are that paranoid then seek help or move to a cave in the middle of nowhere where you can set up defenses. Who knows, maybe you can defend against a marauding fuller brush salesman some day.
Criminals do not go to the a legal store, put their ID on the counter, and fill out paperwork. You get caught if you do that.
Two of the latest mass shooters, at least, did exactly that from what I can gather.
So you don't care at all about the other 75,000 people murdered last year in the US... as long as it isn't what you call a 'mass shooting'?
Look, MassDelusion...may I call you Mass? Your contention criminals don't buy guns legally was instantly refuted. This thread is about high magazine capacity firearms, the weapon of choice for mass shooters. The only way you're going to reduce the rate of mass shooting fatalities is to take such weapons out of circulation.

I realise that's not going to happen, as other people's lives is a price you're happy to pay for easy access to handguns and military style semi automatic rifles.

But don't pretend it's not possible to do something about it. The experience of every other economically advanced country shows that's not the case, if the will is there.

"High capacity firearms", as you call them, have been readily available for over a century. The AR-15 itself is 70 years old. Mass shootings are a phenomenon that's seen a steady rise only over the past 20 years, give or take a few. If your premise were true we would have seen this shit 100 years ago. We didn't.

The issue is not guns, it's moral and societal rot. And I'll be goddamned if I'm going to be disarmed and defenseless against the vermin destroying said society who CLEARLY don't give a flying fuck about your "laws".

Wow, then I suggest you fight to get the M-249 made legal while you are at it. I can't think of a more devastating home defense weapon than a SAW. Be the first neighbor to be the last neighbor on your block.
Criminals do not go to the a legal store, put their ID on the counter, and fill out paperwork. You get caught if you do that.
Two of the latest mass shooters, at least, did exactly that from what I can gather.
So you don't care at all about the other 75,000 people murdered last year in the US... as long as it isn't what you call a 'mass shooting'?
Look, MassDelusion...may I call you Mass? Your contention criminals don't buy guns legally was instantly refuted. This thread is about high magazine capacity firearms, the weapon of choice for mass shooters. The only way you're going to reduce the rate of mass shooting fatalities is to take such weapons out of circulation.

I realise that's not going to happen, as other people's lives is a price you're happy to pay for easy access to handguns and military style semi automatic rifles.

But don't pretend it's not possible to do something about it. The experience of every other economically advanced country shows that's not the case, if the will is there.

"High capacity firearms", as you call them, have been readily available for over a century. The AR-15 itself is 70 years old. Mass shootings are a phenomenon that's seen a steady rise only over the past 20 years, give or take a few. If your premise were true we would have seen this shit 100 years ago. We didn't.

The issue is not guns, it's moral and societal rot. And I'll be goddamned if I'm going to be disarmed and defenseless against the vermin destroying said society who CLEARLY don't give a flying fuck about your "laws".

Wow, then I suggest you fight to get the M-249 made legal while you are at it. I can't think of a more devastating home defense weapon than a SAW. Be the first neighbor to be the last neighbor on your block.

It's already legal with the proper permits. Moreover, there's a civilian semi-auto version if you've got $14k to spend: FNH M249S SAW 5.56 200 MADE M249 56435 COLLECTOR - Semi Auto Rifles at GunBroker.com : 815338204

And this has WHAT to do with what I said anyways?
Two of the latest mass shooters, at least, did exactly that from what I can gather.
So you don't care at all about the other 75,000 people murdered last year in the US... as long as it isn't what you call a 'mass shooting'?
Look, MassDelusion...may I call you Mass? Your contention criminals don't buy guns legally was instantly refuted. This thread is about high magazine capacity firearms, the weapon of choice for mass shooters. The only way you're going to reduce the rate of mass shooting fatalities is to take such weapons out of circulation.

I realise that's not going to happen, as other people's lives is a price you're happy to pay for easy access to handguns and military style semi automatic rifles.

But don't pretend it's not possible to do something about it. The experience of every other economically advanced country shows that's not the case, if the will is there.

"High capacity firearms", as you call them, have been readily available for over a century. The AR-15 itself is 70 years old. Mass shootings are a phenomenon that's seen a steady rise only over the past 20 years, give or take a few. If your premise were true we would have seen this shit 100 years ago. We didn't.

The issue is not guns, it's moral and societal rot. And I'll be goddamned if I'm going to be disarmed and defenseless against the vermin destroying said society who CLEARLY don't give a flying fuck about your "laws".

Wow, then I suggest you fight to get the M-249 made legal while you are at it. I can't think of a more devastating home defense weapon than a SAW. Be the first neighbor to be the last neighbor on your block.

It's already legal with the proper permits. Moreover, there's a civilian semi-auto version if you've got $14k to spend: FNH M249S SAW 5.56 200 MADE M249 56435 COLLECTOR - Semi Auto Rifles at GunBroker.com : 815338204

And this has WHAT to do with what I said anyways?

You don't want gun restrictions at all. And without gun restrictions, what to stop someone from sitting on their front porch with a SAW and whiling away the time without those permits and restrictions? Sounds more like a grade B movie starring the Karradine Brothers.
Because someday THIRTEEN shitlords might decide to smash their way into my house, that's why.

'I Could Die': Suspects Trash House During Md. Home Invasion

If they don't stop in the first few rounds, they aren't going to stop and you just moved it into an armed conflict meaning now they are going to feel justified in using their guns and then I don't care how many rounds you have, it won't be enough. Yelling, "I have a Gun" may just get the response of "So What, we have more guns than you have". Panicking with your firearm also may get a family member killed as well. If you want the gun in your home and are willing to use it, be willing to assume the responsibilities and consequences as well.

Quit talking to me like I'm a fucking 12 year old. I'll take my chances.

Then stop acting like one.
They're already attempting to steal his property or use violence against his family. Are you suggesting he just let violent people who broke into his house do whatever they like instead of taking matters into his own hands?

I suppose if the goal of the invaders is to rape his wife and daughter, you think it's more dignified to let it happen and hope the violent individuals take 15 minutes to leave, so that the Road Pirates can outline his and his family's bodies in chalk and shoot his dog?

What exactly is your argument?

And what is the statistical chance of that happening? If you are living in an area that is above a certain number then I suggest you move out or get behind law enforcement and your local government and do something about it. Just having a high capacity, high output weapon on the premises doesn't cut it. Or are you just yearning for a reason to kill someone like in your favorite movie. If you are that paranoid then seek help or move to a cave in the middle of nowhere where you can set up defenses. Who knows, maybe you can defend against a marauding fuller brush salesman some day.

Home invasions happen. Rapes happen. Murders happen. There's not a jurisdiction in this country that is free of these things and I will give my family every fighting chance possible should the unthinkable happen to them. YOU can be the one to tell your wife that your virtuosity was more important than her security after she's been raped. I'll let mine blow holes in the cocksucker.
You don't want gun restrictions at all.

Correct. Anything that constitutes a "bearable arm" should be available to the general public with minimal interference, as the 2nd Amendment intended. You know... that whole shall not be infringed part?
If they don't stop in the first few rounds, they aren't going to stop and you just moved it into an armed conflict meaning now they are going to feel justified in using their guns and then I don't care how many rounds you have, it won't be enough. Yelling, "I have a Gun" may just get the response of "So What, we have more guns than you have". Panicking with your firearm also may get a family member killed as well. If you want the gun in your home and are willing to use it, be willing to assume the responsibilities and consequences as well.

Quit talking to me like I'm a fucking 12 year old. I'll take my chances.

Then stop acting like one.
They're already attempting to steal his property or use violence against his family. Are you suggesting he just let violent people who broke into his house do whatever they like instead of taking matters into his own hands?

I suppose if the goal of the invaders is to rape his wife and daughter, you think it's more dignified to let it happen and hope the violent individuals take 15 minutes to leave, so that the Road Pirates can outline his and his family's bodies in chalk and shoot his dog?

What exactly is your argument?

And what is the statistical chance of that happening? If you are living in an area that is above a certain number then I suggest you move out or get behind law enforcement and your local government and do something about it. Just having a high capacity, high output weapon on the premises doesn't cut it. Or are you just yearning for a reason to kill someone like in your favorite movie. If you are that paranoid then seek help or move to a cave in the middle of nowhere where you can set up defenses. Who knows, maybe you can defend against a marauding fuller brush salesman some day.

Home invasions happen. Rapes happen. Murders happen. There's not a jurisdiction in this country that is free of these things and I will give my family every fighting chance possible should the unthinkable happen to them. YOU can be the one to tell your wife that your virtuosity was more important than her security after she's been raped. I'll let mine blow holes in the cocksucker.

I once told my wife to use the shotgun. She couldn't shoulder it. I told her to hold it to her side. If someone were breaking down the door I would repair the hole in the door and the hole in the wall where the shotgun went through behind her. You seem to believe that if I am against EXACTLY what you preach that I am anti gun. Sorry, but, that only shows you are dishonest.
Because someday THIRTEEN shitlords might decide to smash their way into my house, that's why.

'I Could Die': Suspects Trash House During Md. Home Invasion

If they don't stop in the first few rounds, they aren't going to stop and you just moved it into an armed conflict meaning now they are going to feel justified in using their guns and then I don't care how many rounds you have, it won't be enough. Yelling, "I have a Gun" may just get the response of "So What, we have more guns than you have". Panicking with your firearm also may get a family member killed as well. If you want the gun in your home and are willing to use it, be willing to assume the responsibilities and consequences as well.

Quit talking to me like I'm a fucking 12 year old. I'll take my chances.

Then stop acting like one.
They're already attempting to steal his property or use violence against his family. Are you suggesting he just let violent people who broke into his house do whatever they like instead of taking matters into his own hands?

I suppose if the goal of the invaders is to rape his wife and daughter, you think it's more dignified to let it happen and hope the violent individuals take 15 minutes to leave, so that the Road Pirates can outline his and his family's bodies in chalk and shoot his dog?

What exactly is your argument?

And what is the statistical chance of that happening? If you are living in an area that is above a certain number then I suggest you move out or get behind law enforcement and your local government and do something about it. Just having a high capacity, high output weapon on the premises doesn't cut it. Or are you just yearning for a reason to kill someone like in your favorite movie. If you are that paranoid then seek help or move to a cave in the middle of nowhere where you can set up defenses. Who knows, maybe you can defend against a marauding fuller brush salesman some day.
People are attempting to do something about it, it's called "Brandishing firearms and killing those who attempt to harm you". Of course, you and yours pretend the burden of proof is on the passive position, that is owning property, while claiming legitimacy to infringe on their rights despite it not actually reducing the crime rate in any circumstance.

Secondly, telling people to work with the violent sociopaths which you refer to as "Police" instead of just protecting ourselves and each other, something which happens far more than actual initiations of force with guns, won't actually accomplish anything since Centralized Security has no obligation to actually protect you, as proven in several court cases already:
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia
Thirdly "Just move" isn't an argument, the "Police" have an average response time of 15 minutes, that makes them ineffective everywhere, they're legitimately just tax collectors. Regardless of statistical chance of that happening, it still happens, and people should be allowed to defend themselves and their family instead of being hurt, raped, murdered or robbed, especially since gun monopolization is a PRATT, thus ONLY accomplishing creating more victims.

I also want to point out the irony in stating that someone who wants to protect themselves is paranoid, despite robbery, murder, kidnapping, and rape happening every day, when you're advocating for disarming victims just so you can feel warm and fuzzy. You're literally just projecting. You not liking someone's rights doesn't justify using force against them, that's inherently unethical.
You don't want gun restrictions at all.

Correct. Anything that constitutes a "bearable arm" should be available to the general public with minimal interference, as the 2nd Amendment intended. You know... that whole shall not be infringed part?

How about placing a Claymore on your windows. It would be much more effective than that cheap walmart burglar alarm system. How about a M-2 in your Dining room pointed at your front door? NO telling when or if you will be visited by a whole horde of marauding fuller brush salesmen.
You don't want gun restrictions at all.

Correct. Anything that constitutes a "bearable arm" should be available to the general public with minimal interference, as the 2nd Amendment intended. You know... that whole shall not be infringed part?
Dadgummed right.

Recreational McNukes™ FTW!
You don't want gun restrictions at all.

Correct. Anything that constitutes a "bearable arm" should be available to the general public with minimal interference, as the 2nd Amendment intended. You know... that whole shall not be infringed part?

How about placing a Claymore on your windows. It would be much more effective than that cheap walmart burglar alarm system. How about a M-2 in your Dining room pointed at your front door? NO telling when or if you will be visited by a whole horde of marauding fuller brush salesmen.
Indeed....Why not?

Claymores would sure as hell keep the JWs and Mormons away.
If they don't stop in the first few rounds, they aren't going to stop and you just moved it into an armed conflict meaning now they are going to feel justified in using their guns and then I don't care how many rounds you have, it won't be enough. Yelling, "I have a Gun" may just get the response of "So What, we have more guns than you have". Panicking with your firearm also may get a family member killed as well. If you want the gun in your home and are willing to use it, be willing to assume the responsibilities and consequences as well.

Quit talking to me like I'm a fucking 12 year old. I'll take my chances.

Then stop acting like one.
They're already attempting to steal his property or use violence against his family. Are you suggesting he just let violent people who broke into his house do whatever they like instead of taking matters into his own hands?

I suppose if the goal of the invaders is to rape his wife and daughter, you think it's more dignified to let it happen and hope the violent individuals take 15 minutes to leave, so that the Road Pirates can outline his and his family's bodies in chalk and shoot his dog?

What exactly is your argument?

And what is the statistical chance of that happening? If you are living in an area that is above a certain number then I suggest you move out or get behind law enforcement and your local government and do something about it. Just having a high capacity, high output weapon on the premises doesn't cut it. Or are you just yearning for a reason to kill someone like in your favorite movie. If you are that paranoid then seek help or move to a cave in the middle of nowhere where you can set up defenses. Who knows, maybe you can defend against a marauding fuller brush salesman some day.
People are attempting to do something about it, it's called "Brandishing firearms and killing those who attempt to harm you". Of course, you and yours pretend the burden of proof is on the passive position, that is owning property, while claiming legitimacy to infringe on their rights despite it not actually reducing the crime rate in any circumstance.

Secondly, telling people to work with the violent sociopaths which you refer to as "Police" instead of just protecting ourselves and each other, something which happens far more than actual initiations of force with guns, won't actually accomplish anything since Centralized Security has no obligation to actually protect you, as proven in several court cases already:
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales - Wikipedia DeShaney v. Winnebago County - Wikipedia Maksim Gelman stabbing spree - Wikipedia
Thirdly "Just move" isn't an argument, the "Police" have an average response time of 15 minutes, that makes them ineffective everywhere, they're legitimately just tax collectors. Regardless of statistical chance of that happening, it still happens, and people should be allowed to defend themselves and their family instead of being hurt, raped, murdered or robbed, especially since gun monopolization is a PRATT, thus ONLY accomplishing creating more victims.

I also want to point out the irony in stating that someone who wants to protect themselves is paranoid, despite robbery, murder, kidnapping, and rape happening every day, when you're advocating for disarming victims just so you can feel warm and fuzzy. You're literally just projecting. You not liking someone's rights doesn't justify using force against them, that's inherently unethical.

And one can go way overboard on anything. I still hold that a shotgun pretty well handles home security. Or a mean sounding barking dog does more good. The Bad guy, when he learns of this, moves on to the next property. Nothing makes you freeze in your tracks and places flee in your mind than the racking of a Model 870 shotgun. And if you need to use it it won't take more than the 5 rounds you have. Even automatic weapons treats that shotgun with extreme respect.
You don't want gun restrictions at all.

Correct. Anything that constitutes a "bearable arm" should be available to the general public with minimal interference, as the 2nd Amendment intended. You know... that whole shall not be infringed part?

How about placing a Claymore on your windows. It would be much more effective than that cheap walmart burglar alarm system. How about a M-2 in your Dining room pointed at your front door? NO telling when or if you will be visited by a whole horde of marauding fuller brush salesmen.
Indeed....Why not?

Claymores would sure as hell keep the JWs and Mormons away.

I have a better thing for Mormons. They quoted the Book of Mormons and I quoted the exact passages from the Bible. It befuddles them and amuses me. They don't come back.
You don't want gun restrictions at all.

Correct. Anything that constitutes a "bearable arm" should be available to the general public with minimal interference, as the 2nd Amendment intended. You know... that whole shall not be infringed part?

How about placing a Claymore on your windows. It would be much more effective than that cheap walmart burglar alarm system. How about a M-2 in your Dining room pointed at your front door? NO telling when or if you will be visited by a whole horde of marauding fuller brush salesmen.

Maybe I would. My house, my castle. The fuck's it to you anyway?

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