Why do lefitists, liberals and feminists only hate christianity/christians?

And what did Jesus say about helping the poor and the sick? Die mother fuckers , now get out of my way?

Pretty sure he never said anything about stealing from others to "redistribute" to the poor.

This is another discrepancy in Christian theology. Poverty is virtuous and material possessions are meaningless, but you should give your material possessions to the poor?

Jesus envisioned a world where Christian charity would obviate the need for 'stealing' to redistribute to the poor.

Human greed has proven his vision unattainable.
Your small minded and Petty if you think that's Jesus's way, redistribution of any sort is only plausible to the control freaks of the world.

Jesus said render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, which means pay the taxes you lawfully owe,

even if some of it goes to the poor.
you are not ceaser.
And I'm pretty sure there was no redistribution of wealth through liberal government theft at the time.
So we don't know what Jesus would say.
I can say this, When Jesus spoke of helping the poor, he meant to do it from the heart, not from the theft of income by a government to be redistributed. That process takes out the whole process that Jesus was looking for.
And what did Jesus say about helping the poor and the sick? Die mother fuckers , now get out of my way?

Pretty sure he never said anything about stealing from others to "redistribute" to the poor.

This is another discrepancy in Christian theology. Poverty is virtuous and material possessions are meaningless, but you should give your material possessions to the poor?

Jesus envisioned a world where Christian charity would obviate the need for 'stealing' to redistribute to the poor.

Human greed has proven his vision unattainable.
Your small minded and Petty if you think that's Jesus's way, redistribution of any sort is only plausible to the control freaks of the world.

Why do you pretend you're not a control freak?
I don't want to control anybody, leave me alone and I'm fine. See that's the difference between me and your sort, I don't give two shits what you think and I'm not gonna trying to change what you think. Dip shits progressives Constantly want to control what other people think.
Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians.

They claim that christianity is racist, violent, sexist, homohphobic and that christian empires in the middles ages was very hard society to live in. They also claim that christians are bad people.

However, they dont say the same about other religions. They always say nice things about islam, calling it a peaceful religion, with no sexism and homophobia with a tolerant history and that muslims are very kind and gentle. They say that Iran, Saudi, ISIS does not repesent Islam, but chrisitan extremists repesent chrisianity and that problem in muslim world is not beuse of islam but becuse of culture but problem in christian nations are becuse of chrisitanity. And hey also claim that the slavery and nazism was becuse of christianity, but slavery by the arabs and turks and the the genocide done by muslims was not becuse of islam, instead it was becuse of other things.....

Why this double moral?

The feminists and leftists in the west have the same view on christianity and its followers as the far-right has on islam and muslims. Its the same type of hatred and sterotypes.

How can this feminists and leftists call themself loving people and hate right-wingers for hating islam and muslims when the feminists and the leftists have the same radical view but on chrisitanity and christians?

And are this people even aware that most chrisitans are not white? Many non-white christians vote on hillary for exemple. This non-white christians gets hated by far-right becuse of their skin color and at the same time they get hated by hillary-supporters for their religion, must be hard.

Nobody hates Christians.

We don't tolerate "christians"... people who pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ while spouting homophobia, bigotry, intolerance and general lack of compassion and love for their fellow man.

People cross the the border are children of God. Why would we turn them away?
Progressives hate Christians and anyone else with common sense...r

Faux Christians like Rustic hate anyone they disagree with politically.

Thank God (pun intended) the vast majority of Christians- both liberal and conservative- don't live their lives like that.
Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians.

They claim that christianity is racist, violent, sexist, homohphobic and that christian empires in the middles ages was very hard society to live in. They also claim that christians are bad people.

However, they dont say the same about other religions. They always say nice things about islam, calling it a peaceful religion, with no sexism and homophobia with a tolerant history and that muslims are very kind and gentle. They say that Iran, Saudi, ISIS does not repesent Islam, but chrisitan extremists repesent chrisianity and that problem in muslim world is not beuse of islam but becuse of culture but problem in christian nations are becuse of chrisitanity. And hey also claim that the slavery and nazism was becuse of christianity, but slavery by the arabs and turks and the the genocide done by muslims was not becuse of islam, instead it was becuse of other things.....

Why this double moral?

The feminists and leftists in the west have the same view on christianity and its followers as the far-right has on islam and muslims. Its the same type of hatred and sterotypes.

How can this feminists and leftists call themself loving people and hate right-wingers for hating islam and muslims when the feminists and the leftists have the same radical view but on chrisitanity and christians?

And are this people even aware that most chrisitans are not white? Many non-white christians vote on hillary for exemple. This non-white christians gets hated by far-right becuse of their skin color and at the same time they get hated by hillary-supporters for their religion, must be hard.

Nobody hates Christians.

We don't tolerate "christians"... people who pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ while spouting homophobia, bigotry, intolerance and general lack of compassion and love for their fellow man.

People cross the the border are children of God. Why would we turn them away?
Progressives hate Christians and anyone else with common sense...r

Faux Christians like Rustic hate anyone they disagree with politically.

Thank God (pun intended) the vast majority of Christians- both liberal and conservative- don't live their lives like that.
If you base it completely on this forum, everyone hates anyone that does not agree with them. Is not only the Christians. Everyone.
Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians.

They claim that christianity is racist, violent, sexist, homohphobic and that christian empires in the middles ages was very hard society to live in. They also claim that christians are bad people.

However, they dont say the same about other religions. They always say nice things about islam, calling it a peaceful religion, with no sexism and homophobia with a tolerant history and that muslims are very kind and gentle. They say that Iran, Saudi, ISIS does not repesent Islam, but chrisitan extremists repesent chrisianity and that problem in muslim world is not beuse of islam but becuse of culture but problem in christian nations are becuse of chrisitanity. And hey also claim that the slavery and nazism was becuse of christianity, but slavery by the arabs and turks and the the genocide done by muslims was not becuse of islam, instead it was becuse of other things.....

Why this double moral?

The feminists and leftists in the west have the same view on christianity and its followers as the far-right has on islam and muslims. Its the same type of hatred and sterotypes.

How can this feminists and leftists call themself loving people and hate right-wingers for hating islam and muslims when the feminists and the leftists have the same radical view but on chrisitanity and christians?

And are this people even aware that most chrisitans are not white? Many non-white christians vote on hillary for exemple. This non-white christians gets hated by far-right becuse of their skin color and at the same time they get hated by hillary-supporters for their religion, must be hard.

Nobody hates Christians.

We don't tolerate "christians"... people who pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ while spouting homophobia, bigotry, intolerance and general lack of compassion and love for their fellow man.

People cross the the border are children of God. Why would we turn them away?
Progressives hate Christians and anyone else with common sense...r

Faux Christians like Rustic hate anyone they disagree with politically.

Thank God (pun intended) the vast majority of Christians- both liberal and conservative- don't live their lives like that.
I don't hate anyone, love the sinner hate the sin
Yes middle ages was not good. but the problem is that leftists and feminists belive that the islamic world at that time was very good. the fact is that it was horrible, the whole world was, and still is.


Oh absolutely- an article by one woman is certainly proof that all leftists and feminists believe the same thing.

Islam in the Middle Ages, by our standards was pretty horrible.

But the thing is- Christianity in the MIddle Ages was even worse.

It is not defending Islam to know that when the persecution of Jews in Spain and elsewhere happened, the Jews fled to the Islamic world- where they were treated better.

Jews were hated by the entirety of Europe, not just Christian nations. You assume Anti-Semitism at that time was baseless without any research..

So you think that there was a legitimate basis for Christians hating Jews?

Please go on

View attachment 91487
Again, it was about Europeans hating Jews, not Christians.

The same countries that gave the world the Enlightenment hated Jews.
Where in the Bible does it say "steal from your neighbor so that you can be charitable with your neighbor's goods:?

Where does it say "commit acts of sinful depravity to make degenerates feel good about their own degeneracy"?

Oh absolutely- an article by one woman is certainly proof that all leftists and feminists believe the same thing.

Islam in the Middle Ages, by our standards was pretty horrible.

But the thing is- Christianity in the MIddle Ages was even worse.

It is not defending Islam to know that when the persecution of Jews in Spain and elsewhere happened, the Jews fled to the Islamic world- where they were treated better.

Jews were hated by the entirety of Europe, not just Christian nations. You assume Anti-Semitism at that time was baseless without any research..

So you think that there was a legitimate basis for Christians hating Jews?

Please go on

View attachment 91487
Again, it was about Europeans hating Jews, not Christians.

The same countries that gave the world the Enlightenment hated Jews.

It was about Christians hating Jews.

Christian leaders invoking Christ as a pretext to blame Jews for everything.

So you think that there was a legitimate basis for Christians hating Jews?

Please go on
Where in the Bible does it say "steal from your neighbor so that you can be charitable with your neighbor's goods:?

Where does it say "commit acts of sinful depravity to make degenerates feel good about their own degeneracy"?

Actually right here:

Damn- don't Christians ever read the bible?

13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians.

They claim that christianity is racist, violent, sexist, homohphobic and that christian empires in the middles ages was very hard society to live in. They also claim that christians are bad people.

However, they dont say the same about other religions. They always say nice things about islam, calling it a peaceful religion, with no sexism and homophobia with a tolerant history and that muslims are very kind and gentle. They say that Iran, Saudi, ISIS does not repesent Islam, but chrisitan extremists repesent chrisianity and that problem in muslim world is not beuse of islam but becuse of culture but problem in christian nations are becuse of chrisitanity. And hey also claim that the slavery and nazism was becuse of christianity, but slavery by the arabs and turks and the the genocide done by muslims was not becuse of islam, instead it was becuse of other things.....

Why this double moral?

The feminists and leftists in the west have the same view on christianity and its followers as the far-right has on islam and muslims. Its the same type of hatred and sterotypes.

How can this feminists and leftists call themself loving people and hate right-wingers for hating islam and muslims when the feminists and the leftists have the same radical view but on chrisitanity and christians?

And are this people even aware that most chrisitans are not white? Many non-white christians vote on hillary for exemple. This non-white christians gets hated by far-right becuse of their skin color and at the same time they get hated by hillary-supporters for their religion, must be hard.

Nobody hates Christians.

We don't tolerate "christians"... people who pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ while spouting homophobia, bigotry, intolerance and general lack of compassion and love for their fellow man.

People cross the the border are children of God. Why would we turn them away?
Progressives hate Christians and anyone else with common sense...r

Faux Christians like Rustic hate anyone they disagree with politically.

Thank God (pun intended) the vast majority of Christians- both liberal and conservative- don't live their lives like that.
If you base it completely on this forum, everyone hates anyone that does not agree with them. Is not only the Christians. Everyone.

I have repeatedly pointed out in this thread I don't hate anyone.

I see few examples of real hate- except from the nutjobs on the extreme right and left.

Oh absolutely- an article by one woman is certainly proof that all leftists and feminists believe the same thing.

Islam in the Middle Ages, by our standards was pretty horrible.

But the thing is- Christianity in the MIddle Ages was even worse.

It is not defending Islam to know that when the persecution of Jews in Spain and elsewhere happened, the Jews fled to the Islamic world- where they were treated better.

Jews were hated by the entirety of Europe, not just Christian nations. You assume Anti-Semitism at that time was baseless without any research..

So you think that there was a legitimate basis for Christians hating Jews?

Please go on

View attachment 91487
Again, it was about Europeans hating Jews, not Christians.

The same countries that gave the world the Enlightenment hated Jews.

It was about Christians hating Jews.

Christian leaders invoking Christ as a pretext to blame Jews for everything.

So you think that there was a legitimate basis for Christians hating Jews?

Please go on
Do you think Christians at that time just randomly decided to hate Jews when their own book tells them to all but worship Jews?

The stereotypes that have lasted for hundreds of years are still around today for a reason.
Oh absolutely- an article by one woman is certainly proof that all leftists and feminists believe the same thing.

Islam in the Middle Ages, by our standards was pretty horrible.

But the thing is- Christianity in the MIddle Ages was even worse.

It is not defending Islam to know that when the persecution of Jews in Spain and elsewhere happened, the Jews fled to the Islamic world- where they were treated better.

Jews were hated by the entirety of Europe, not just Christian nations. You assume Anti-Semitism at that time was baseless without any research..

So you think that there was a legitimate basis for Christians hating Jews?

Please go on

View attachment 91487
Again, it was about Europeans hating Jews, not Christians.

The same countries that gave the world the Enlightenment hated Jews.

It was about Christians hating Jews.

Christian leaders invoking Christ as a pretext to blame Jews for everything.

So you think that there was a legitimate basis for Christians hating Jews?

Please go on
Do you think Christians at that time just randomly decided to hate Jews when their own book tells them to all but worship Jews?

The stereotypes that have lasted for hundreds of years are still around today for a reason.

And again- Do you think that there was a legitimate basis for Christians hating the Jews in the Middle Ages- when Jews were persecuted in much of Christian Europe?
What a bizarre strawman to have constructed. Or perhaps English as a second language makes it even more convoluted. In any event there is an acknowledgement that liberals "hate" bigotry, but a refusal to understand religion has nothing to do with it. Why that might be is anyone's guess, but to jeffersson I would suggest a little research into the history of the Middle Ages to see if life was "hard." I suggest not ignoring Vlad the Impaler's pledge to support Christianity.

Yes middle ages was not good. but the problem is that leftists and feminists belive that the islamic world at that time was very good. the fact is that it was horrible, the whole world was, and still is.

why do you hate everyone who isn't an angry white male christian?
Jews were hated by the entirety of Europe, not just Christian nations. You assume Anti-Semitism at that time was baseless without any research..

So you think that there was a legitimate basis for Christians hating Jews?

Please go on

View attachment 91487
Again, it was about Europeans hating Jews, not Christians.

The same countries that gave the world the Enlightenment hated Jews.

It was about Christians hating Jews.

Christian leaders invoking Christ as a pretext to blame Jews for everything.

So you think that there was a legitimate basis for Christians hating Jews?

Please go on
Do you think Christians at that time just randomly decided to hate Jews when their own book tells them to all but worship Jews?

The stereotypes that have lasted for hundreds of years are still around today for a reason.

And again- Do you think that there was a legitimate basis for Christians hating the Jews in the Middle Ages- when Jews were persecuted in much of Christian Europe?

no... but like most tribal warfare, they wanted to make sure power was only in christian hands.
Nobody hates Christians....We don't tolerate "christians"... people who pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ while spouting homophobia, bigotry, intolerance and general lack of compassion and love for their fellow man.

People cross the the border are children of God. Why would we turn them away?

Christians teach to not turn away homosexuals (noun). Instead they teach to cast away homosexuality (verb). There is a vast difference between the two words because of their grammatical context.

Why do lefitists, liberals and feminists only hate christianity/christians?

Long ago a man named L. Ron Hubbard started the church of Scientology. As he did so, he tortured people psychologically into being faithful servants. Apparently he also conjured up the devil in an attempt to gain power over his flock. Another sort of rival group at the time who followed a different guru were homosexuals. Their guru and Hubbard were at odds but knew of each other. They were cast out by their guru for their homosexuality (verb) and some of them adopted the "inquisition" and social manipulation techniques of the Scientologists early on. They were instrumental in forming the Hollywood group GLAAD which handles the propaganda dispensation from the neo-cult LGBT. In the midst of all this, from the 1950s-1980s, the LGBT gaystapo forcefully took over the APA. Scientology method dictates you cannot have a legitimate authority naming your cult as "dysfunctional". So early on they had to get the science part out of psychology at the highest level.

Insert a cult film about sexual depravity (Satan's favorites) replacing decency and common sense, like "Rocky Horror Picture Show" ; and it becomes a new genre of "acceptable media". From there, you insert numerous innuendo and subliminal images in the GLAAD controlled arm of the media (which is all of it, face it). Then you have one of the men chosen for the highest Office in the Land for overseeing the very education of children....begin to teach them "anal fisting" in schools"...with a Czar who curiously has the same surname as one of the old original gay cult guys & founders of GLAAD.. maybe a cousin or?

Then you begin urging the cult-faithful through internet sites they frequent to go out and stalk Christian establishments. (Again, remember that the Scientology method dictates there cannot be an authority that says your cult is dysfunctional). You urge lesbians to go, say, to a Christian bakery in Oregon and demand a gay wedding cake. When refused, you fine and threaten and ruin the Christians to do two things 1. Establish in law that your new cult is dominant to Christianity and 2. Put fear in the eyes of all other Christian onlookers "you're next!".

After all, a cult whose roots came from a conjuring of the devil by a twisted power-hungry abusive man, cannot tolerate Christianity.
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Jews were hated by the entirety of Europe, not just Christian nations. You assume Anti-Semitism at that time was baseless without any research..

So you think that there was a legitimate basis for Christians hating Jews?

Please go on

View attachment 91487
Again, it was about Europeans hating Jews, not Christians.

The same countries that gave the world the Enlightenment hated Jews.

It was about Christians hating Jews.

Christian leaders invoking Christ as a pretext to blame Jews for everything.

So you think that there was a legitimate basis for Christians hating Jews?

Please go on
Do you think Christians at that time just randomly decided to hate Jews when their own book tells them to all but worship Jews?

The stereotypes that have lasted for hundreds of years are still around today for a reason.

And again- Do you think that there was a legitimate basis for Christians hating the Jews in the Middle Ages- when Jews were persecuted in much of Christian Europe?
Jews were hardly "persecuted" at that time; but, yes, I think the fact that Jews were hated throughout Europe at a time when European nations hated each other more than they hated the rest of the world says quite a lot.
My eldest son is a minister and truck driver, how am I suppose to hate him?
The stereotypes that have lasted for hundreds of years are still around today for a reason.

What stereotypes- and what reason are they still around?
Stereotypes of Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They are around because Jews do at least somewhat justify many of them.

The stereotypes that have lasted for hundreds of years are still around today for a reason.

What stereotypes- and what reason are they still around?
Stereotypes of Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They are around because Jews do at least somewhat justify many of them.

And again- expound upon that- which stereotypes are 'justified'?
From you link- tell us which ones you think are justified?

The portrayal of Jews as historic enemies of Christianity and Christendom constitutes the most damaging anti-Jewish stereotype reflected in the literature of the late tenth through early twelfth centuries. Jews were often depicted as satanic consorts,[15] or as devils themselves and "incarnation of absolute evil."[16] Physically, Jews were portrayed as menacing, hirsute, with boils, warts and other deformities, and sometimes with horns, cloven hoofs and tails.[17] Such imagery was used centuries later in Nazi propaganda of the 1930s and 1940s.[18] This propaganda leaned on Jewish stereotypes to explain the claim that the Jewish people belong to an "inferior" race.[19][20]

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