Why do Lefties have to lie about Abortion?

Laws are not interpreted by your feelings. Have you figured out yet that you’ve been lied to your entire life because there is, and never has been, a right to abortion?

No, "feelings" have nothing to do with law.
Law is interpreted by science, like physics.
If someone interferes with the rights of someone else, that is a crime.
Government has no authority to dictate behavior that harms no one else.
Which is why the War on Drugs is completely illegal, and that is why government can never be trusted.
There will always be a right to abortion because no one else gets any say.
Those who oppose that obvious right are criminals.
Who said that there are any complete bans in effect right now, while RvW is still the law? Still got 6 weeks in Texass.

There are multiple triggered states that will automatically revert to draconian measures to invade women's privacy.
Your fellow LibTards here are claiming all day long that abortions are banned in all 50 states.
It's not dangerous to follow laws as written...otherwise they wouldn't have written them.
They would just make it a big secret everyone has to figure out for themselves.
Mob rule isn't the answer to everything, bud.
Sometimes in order for you to maintain a society you have to follow laws and rules.
And in a free society you always have recourse if the laws are unfair or amoral.
But you really just want "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY".
You libs always want your way.....and get really angry and violent when you can't have it.

Law are almost always written to deliberately harm others, like to invade Iraq on WMD lies, to imprison drug users, to enslave other races or ethnic groups, etc.
That is why almost all governments in history, and almost all laws they have written, have been evil.
Like the ancient Romans trying to wipe out the Druids, Celts, and Germanic tribes.

Mob rule is a vast IMPROVEMENT over the autocratic rule of the greedy and wealthy elite we have almost always had.

The litmus test of who is right or wrong is based on who else is effected.
Abortion is right because it effects no one else, because a fetus is no one yet.
The War on Drugs is wrong because it deliberately harms drug users who harmed no one else.
It actually very simple and NOT at all based on feelings, but instead based on logic.
Your fellow LibTards here are claiming all day long that abortions are banned in all 50 states.

What people complain about is that if Roe Vs Wade is illegal over turned, that then there will be illegal attempts in all 50 states to make abortion illegal again.
That is worth killing over, if necessary.
Any government that bans abortion is evil and must be destroyed.
What people complain about is that if Roe Vs Wade is illegal over turned, that then there will be illegal attempts in all 50 states to make abortion illegal again.
That is worth killing over, if necessary.
Any government that bans abortion is evil and must be destroyed.
I finally learn that all 50 States are run by Republicans!
You can see the hate in her eyes. That's why they kill children. They enjoy it.

Abortion laws are so evil, that I do want to kill over anyone who would even consider preventing abortion.
Anyone who would support laws against abortion are a clear and present danger to society because they have zero understanding of law OR religion.
A truly religious person does not try to proscribe with laws, but instead leaves punishing sins to God.
That is good. MY wish is that it could happen in New York!

It is obvious you are lying because you are claiming in the diagram, that the right mean no coercive laws.
While I like that and can be considered a Libertarian on that, restrictive abortion laws are the exact opposite of that diagram.
That is nothing more invasive and authoritarian than laws restricting abortion.
Go ask a right wing, extremist, Libertarian if there should be coercive laws about abortion?
Abortion laws are inherently wrong, abusive, and authoritarian.

You a weighing one persons right to exist over another persons right not to be inconvenienced for nine months.

We weigh rights against one another all the time.

Freedom of religion may mean satanists have rights to practice their religion as they see fit...but they cannot flay cats alive as a sacrifice.

Further...we have too much medical advancement for this to even be an issue at this point.

We have birth control drug, prophylactics, the morning after pill, IUDs, Depro-Prevera implants...there is zero excuse for a million plus abortion every year. And ABSOLUTELY no justification for unrestricted abortion all the way up to birth.

Sorry. That's a fact.

Life begins at conception.

That is both a medical and scientific fact.

I could live with safe, legal and rare...I didn't like it, but those cases like rape, incest, and the life of the mother made it a fair compromise.

AND THEN, as is always the case, the EVIL left had to push it farther and farther. Second Trimester...Third Trimester...as the head crowns during birth...and even POST birth abortion has been interjected into the arguments...

The Left has lost the plot...again. So, back the old ways of doing things.

Hopefully we'll once again find a compromise for rape, incest and life of the mother ... but abortion mills have to go...abortion as a form of contraception...that's got to go too.

We'll work from there...
God would not want abortion to be legal ever. God is in no hurry for anyone to go to heaven, prematurely.

Ridiculous lie.
God does not want anything to ever be "illegal".
God wants us to do what we want, and then later judge us himself, AFTER we die.
The language is "fetal cardiac activity".
What "language" are you referring to? Texas SB 8 refers only to "fetal heartbeat." The American College of Obstretricians and Gynecologists says it is detectable after 17-20 weeks of gestation.

You a weighing one persons right to exist over another persons right not to be inconvenienced for nine months.

We weigh rights against one another all the time.

Freedom of religion may mean satanists have rights to practice their religion as they see fit...but they cannot flay cats alive as a sacrifice.

Further...we have too much medical advancement for this to even be an issue at this point.

We have birth control drug, prophylactics, the morning after pill, IUDs, Depro-Prevera implants...there is zero excuse for a million plus abortion every year. And ABSOLUTELY no justification for unrestricted abortion all the way up to birth.

Sorry. That's a fact.

Life begins at conception.

That is both a medical and scientific fact.

I could live with safe, legal and rare...I didn't like it, but those cases like rape, incest, and the life of the mother made it a fair compromise.

AND THEN, as is always the case, the EVIL left had to push it farther and farther. Second Trimester...Third Trimester...as the head crowns during birth...and even POST birth has been interjected into the arguments...

The Left has lost the plot...again. So, back the old ways of doing things.

Hopefully we'll once again find a compromise for rape, incest and life of the mother ... but abortion mills have to go...abortion as a form of contraception...that's got to go too.

We'll work from there...

Totally ignorant.
If a human life began at conception, then we would never pull the plug on vegetative state bodies like Teri Schievo.
Like is not at all sacred or else we would all have to be vegetarians.
What is sacred is ONLY sentience, not mere physical bodies.
Totally ignorant.
If a human life began at conception, then we would never pull the plug on vegetative state bodies like Teri Schievo.
Like is not at all sacred or else we would all have to be vegetarians.
What is sacred is ONLY sentience, not mere physical bodies.
Was Terri Schaivo torn limb from limb for the convenience of he husband while she was damn near guaranteed to wake up in nine months?


The husband who had power of attorney made a petition in court that Terri would not have wanted to be kept alive by artificial means with NO HOPE OF RECOVERY.

If you can present an argument that the unborn child doesn't wish to be born...I'm all ears.

But since 95% of people are pretty fucking thrilled that they were not cut to pieces and sucked out of the womb into a garbage bag...those of us with some fucking empathy will continue to err on the side of common sense and assume that the life conceived at conception needs THEIR RIGHT TO LIFE protected.

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