Why do Lefties have to lie about Abortion?

There are no State laws currently in effect which prohibit all abortions. Some States would like to regulate abortions after the first trimester. Why do Lefties have to lie about this?

Because they lie about everything?
YOU LIE. Texas law specifies FETAL heartbeat, not EMBRYONIC heartbeat. FETAL heartbeat is detectable at 17-20 weeks.

The language is "fetal cardiac activity".

You are correct. To call that a 'heartbeat' is a lie. That's why the politicians\groomers used it, but the bill says "fetal cardiac activity".
If you think about the issue you have to consider who benefits most from abortions. It certainly isn't the woman who might have physical problems for the rest of her life not to mention PTSD symptoms. Imagine a woman who has carried a baby inside her for 8+ months and is coerced by her significant other and a liberal doctor to end the pregnancy in an unspeakable way. The baby is turned around in the birth canal to produce an artificial breach birth and the mother watches as the baby is stabbed in the back of the head and it's brain is sucked out. A once beautiful human is turned into the grotesque image a a cabbage patch doll. Does anyone think that it doesn't impact a woman in a bad way while the father walks away with his future responsibilities erased at the stroke of a scalpel.? How about the former democrat governor of Va. giving his opinion that a newborn baby will "be made comfortable" while the parents and the doctor discuss weather to keep it or let it die from negligence. Democrat politicians once declared that abortion would be legal and rare and today we are considering killing newborn babies.
That is just an obvious lie.

In Texas, a law took effect on 1 September 2021, prohibiting abortion after an embryonic or fetal heartbeat is detected—which typically occurs around the sixth week of pregnancy[380]—except for medical emergencies, conflicting with judicial precedent.[381] The Supreme Court will hear a case that challenges a Mississippi law banning abortion after 15 weeks. Roe v. Wade will also be revisited.

Clearly TX has illegally passed a law prohibiting abortion after 6 weeks instead of the first 12 a trimester.

And obviously if fetal defects are detected, then abortion must be a legal option always.
That should be totally up to mother and doctor only.
Who in their right mind wants to live in Texas? :iagree:
There are no State laws currently in effect which prohibit all abortions. Some States would like to regulate abortions after the first trimester. Why do Lefties have to lie about this?
because they lie about everything

it's their thing

lying and power and bullying everyone they can
Who said that there are any complete bans in effect right now, while RvW is still the law? Still got 6 weeks in Texass.

There are multiple triggered states that will automatically revert to draconian measures to invade women's privacy.
Well....we can say the same exact thing about lock downs, vaccines, and gun ownership.
I don't expect a mass exodus from Red States to Blue States over this issue.
We are seeing the same because of crime and outrageously high taxes in Blue States.
Imagine a woman who has carried a baby inside her for 8+ months and is coerced by her significant other and a liberal doctor to end the pregnancy in an unspeakable way.

Depends on how much they get? Shirley, those Satan Worshiping Democrats pay top dollar for 8+ sacrifices. Don't you think?
why does the left have to lie about abortions. Which lie...there are so many.

The lie that it is not a child?
The lie that it is not murder?
The lie that women want this?
The lie that women are always happy with their decision?
The lie that it is not her body what she is carrying?
The lie that abortion must be legal for all the incest and rape cases (<.5 of a percent)
The lie that abortion is used as birth control, multiple times.

A non-sentient clump of cells is NOT at all a child.
I don't care if it is murder or not, just like I don't care if pulling the plug on Teri Shaivo was murder or not.
If women did not WANT abortions, they would not have them.
Whether or not they are always happy with the choice is irrelevant because clearly they have to be the one choosing, not some bureaucrat trying to raise money for their next campaign.
It does not matter if the fetus is part of her body or not, since it is effecting her body, so it is her choice.
Anyone who ever thinks any abortion by the mother should ever be illegal, is a criminal.
Humans have about 10 times the reproductive rate we should have, so have to have the option of abortion.
Anything else is insane and not only is authoritarian, but risks species extinction.
Fetal heartbeats are detectable at 17-20 weeks. "Six weeks" is just another lie like "Don't say gay."


{... Rather, at six weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound can detect "a little flutter in the area that will become the future heart of the baby," said Dr. Saima Aftab, medical director of the Fetal Care Center at Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami. This flutter happens because the group of cells that will become the future "pacemaker" of the heart gain the capacity to fire electrical signals, she said. ...}

Texas picked fetal heartbeat because they already determined they were going to use 6 weeks and wanted 6 weeks.
If they had had not wanted 6 weeks, then they would not have wanted or needed to pass the new restrictive law.
Alito has proven that he believes in following the laws as written.
Clearly Democrats don't.

The whole point of the American Revolution against "taxation without representation" is that the laws legislators write are often so wrong as to be criminal.
Anyone who "believes in following the laws as written" is an evil and dangerous fascist.
Honest and fair people know that truth and rights are more important and worth fighting for.
You cannot say that......but I know Jesus said that anyone who does anything to the most innocent among us has a special place in Hell.
That goes for people who push porn in the classroom.

If an evil person wants to commit sins and you simply do not let them with laws, that does not mean they should not go to Hell.
You are mixing up crimes with sins.
You stop crimes because they harm others, you do NOT stop sins because that is not up to anyone else.
The whole point of the American Revolution against "taxation without representation" is that the laws legislators write are often so wrong as to be criminal.
Anyone who "believes in following the laws as written" is an evil and dangerous fascist.
Honest and fair people know that truth and rights are more important and worth fighting for.

Laws are not interpreted by your feelings. Have you figured out yet that you’ve been lied to your entire life because there is, and never has been, a right to abortion?
If you think about the issue you have to consider who benefits most from abortions. It certainly isn't the woman who might have physical problems for the rest of her life not to mention PTSD symptoms. Imagine a woman who has carried a baby inside her for 8+ months and is coerced by her significant other and a liberal doctor to end the pregnancy in an unspeakable way. The baby is turned around in the birth canal to produce an artificial breach birth and the mother watches as the baby is stabbed in the back of the head and it's brain is sucked out. A once beautiful human is turned into the grotesque image a a cabbage patch doll. Does anyone think that it doesn't impact a woman in a bad way while the father walks away with his future responsibilities erased at the stroke of a scalpel.? How about the former democrat governor of Va. giving his opinion that a newborn baby will "be made comfortable" while the parents and the doctor discuss weather to keep it or let it die from negligence. Democrat politicians once declared that abortion would be legal and rare and today we are considering killing newborn babies.

That is so incredibly ignorant.
Head first if NORMAL birth.
Breach birth is feet first.
I can not believe anyone would not know even the simplest of basics, and yet still go on to pontificate so incorrectly.
The whole point of the American Revolution against "taxation without representation" is that the laws legislators write are often so wrong as to be criminal.
Anyone who "believes in following the laws as written" is an evil and dangerous fascist.
Honest and fair people know that truth and rights are more important and worth fighting for.
It's not dangerous to follow laws as written...otherwise they wouldn't have written them.
They would just make it a big secret everyone has to figure out for themselves.
Mob rule isn't the answer to everything, bud.
Sometimes in order for you to maintain a society you have to follow laws and rules.
And in a free society you always have recourse if the laws are unfair or amoral.
But you really just want "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY".
You libs always want your way.....and get really angry and violent when you can't have it.

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