Why do people bitch & whine about the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty so much?

The attack went on for hours, with distress calls being ignored by Israel and close US forces. The big American flag being displayed was shot full of machine gun holes, The ship was torpedoed and the survivors strafed repeatedly. LBJ was a rabid Zionist and never had to answer for any of his crimes because of his connection to power brokers with lots to hide. The "investigation" was handled by John McCain's father and handled accordingly. The purpose of the attack was to blind the US as to what Israel was doing in the 6 day war, and blame Egypt for the attack to pull the US into the war. It failed because the ship didn't sink and there were survivors. Why do people remember it? To know how history is really established is something not easy to forget, and is still happening today.

Excellent synopsis of just one of Israel's many betrayals.
Not only did John McCain's father side with the hostile Israeli government, his pseudo-hero son, Sen. John McCain did too.



EXCERPT "When Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., Commander in Chief, United States Naval Forces, Europe, ordered the cover-up on the attack of the USS LIBERTY GTR-5 it was a sure act of treason perpetrated on the American people and the crew of the LIBERTY to hide the true facts surrounding the unprovoked attack by the Government of Israel on our ship, the USS LIBERTY.

The survivors call this book a bunch of hog wash. Guess who endorses this book as factual? YEP! You guessed it – Senator John McCain. He knows all about the cover-up on the LIBERTY attack but he follows in his father’s footsteps and praises this piece of garbage. He, along with his father, has the blood of the LIBERTY crew on his hands."CONTINUED
Excellent synopsis of just one of Israel's many betrayals.
Not only did John McCain's father side with the hostile Israeli government, his pseudo-hero son, Sen. John McCain did too.



EXCERPT "When Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., Commander in Chief, United States Naval Forces, Europe, ordered the cover-up on the attack of the USS LIBERTY GTR-5 it was a sure act of treason perpetrated on the American people and the crew of the LIBERTY to hide the true facts surrounding the unprovoked attack by the Government of Israel on our ship, the USS LIBERTY.

The survivors call this book a bunch of hog wash. Guess who endorses this book as factual? YEP! You guessed it – Senator John McCain. He knows all about the cover-up on the LIBERTY attack but he follows in his father’s footsteps and praises this piece of garbage. He, along with his father, has the blood of the LIBERTY crew on his hands."CONTINUED
I heard the ON SITE reports DURING AND AFTER the attack---IN REAL TIME-----the "ON GOING ATTACK FOR HOURS" claim is BULL SHIT----as is the "strafing of
life boats" claim. I have heard and dealt with LOTS
OF injurious incidents---"lots" means something like
hundreds. They tend to GROW with time.
Excellent synopsis of just one of Israel's many betrayals.
Not only did John McCain's father side with the hostile Israeli government, his pseudo-hero son, Sen. John McCain did too.



EXCERPT "When Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., Commander in Chief, United States Naval Forces, Europe, ordered the cover-up on the attack of the USS LIBERTY GTR-5 it was a sure act of treason perpetrated on the American people and the crew of the LIBERTY to hide the true facts surrounding the unprovoked attack by the Government of Israel on our ship, the USS LIBERTY.

The survivors call this book a bunch of hog wash. Guess who endorses this book as factual? YEP! You guessed it – Senator John McCain. He knows all about the cover-up on the LIBERTY attack but he follows in his father’s footsteps and praises this piece of garbage. He, along with his father, has the blood of the LIBERTY crew on his hands."CONTINUED''

You ignore the obvious. In the aftermath of the Liberty Incident, Israel's actions saved the lives of hundreds of American pilots in the Vietnam War. Want the book?
Dunno about that particular Liberty incident much but let's face it; Labour Party (Demclones in Israel) and Dems in the US = fubar!!!

I nwonder who got the 10%??

You ignore the obvious. In the aftermath of the Liberty Incident, Israel's actions saved the lives of hundreds of American pilots in the Vietnam War. Want the book?

I was hoping that you would respond to my earlier Post where I posted proof that the Israeli attack was a deliberate attempt to sink an American ship and murder the entire crew.

Would you like for me to post it again?
I was hoping that you would respond to my earlier Post where I posted proof that the Israeli attack was a deliberate attempt to sink an American ship and murder the entire crew.

Would you like for me to post it again?
if Israel wanted to sink the Liberty then why didn''t they use weapons capable of doing the job?
if Israel wanted to sink the Liberty then why didn''t they use weapons capable of doing the job?
Because OUR boys put up a fight they didn't count on, the Liberty's Capitan won the medal of honor for leading it.

People should wonder about the leadership that ordered the Liberty into a combat situation without consulting with Israel.
People should wonder about the leadership that ordered the Liberty into a combat situation without consulting with Israel.
They were in international waters and we do not have to get Israel's blessing for everything we do. I'm more concerned about the traitors that recalled the fighters sent to protect the Liberty
People should wonder about the leadership that ordered the Liberty into a combat situation without consulting with Israel.


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