Why do people bitch & whine about the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty so much?

Lessons of the USS Liberty attack:

1. Don't trust the goddamn Israelis

2. Don't trust the goddamn US government

3. Goddamn traitors in the US will put the interest of Israel over the interest of the US
Israel is the only country in the Mid East that America can trust in the 21st century. The problem was that fat assed Pentagon admirals didn't learn from the 1968 capture of the USS Pueblo and ordered the Liberty into a dangerous arena. Maybe somebody needs to find out what idiot ordered the Liberty into a combat zone and whether the CIA was responsible.
It seems like every time you turn around in any discussion about Israel you see people whining about the Israeli attack on the intelligence gathering ship U.S.S.Liberty during the Six Day War?

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

The attack was first by some IDF fighters that killed 9 aboard then when IDF torpedo boats closed on the ship one of them launched a torpedo which hit Liberty squarely and killed 25 more.

Israel apologized for the attack and paid compensation to the U.S. for the dead and injured as well as damage to the ship.

Mistakes happen in war zones. You don't hear the British whining on and on about the accidental air strikes by the U.S. during Desert Storm that killed dozens of British soldiers.
Yeah, whats a few dead sailors between "friends"?
ok----repost along with the names of the Navy
witnesses who violated military law
If you count disobeying a direct order we received every morning at quarters while in Malta dry docks not to discuss the attack with anyone, you can include virtually every USS Liberty crewman in that list.

The trick is persuading the US government to prosecute us for disobeying that order. If you can, please do.

Then you have those in the Sixth Fleet who violated Article 99 of the UCMJ by obeying the order recalling rescue aircraft while we were still under attack and calling for help. That carries a possible death sentence upon conviction.

But, why just focus on the US military? How about the Israelis who used unmarked aircraft? Who jammed our radios on both US Navy tactical and international maritime distress frequencies? Who were aboard the torpedo boats that approached to within a stone's throw of the USS Liberty and circled the ship while firing on USS Liberty crewmen trapped topside or who ventured topside to help our wounded shipmates? How about the torpedo boat personnel who deliberately machine gunned serviceable life rafts we had dropped over the side in anticipation of abandoning ship?

And, let's not forget whoever removed Lloyd Painter's testimony during the US Navy Court of Inquiry where he testified about witnessing the deliberate machine gunning of those life rafts.

Of course, none of these facts would be an issue had the US government investigated the attack.

But they haven't.
I'm old enough to remember when Israel deliberately attacked our clearly marked USS Liberty and have followed old and recently declassified reports on the betrayal ever since and I've never heard the outrageous claim that:

If the Liberty was transmitting Israeli troop movements to the Arabs, why did IDF continue to kill crew members and strafe life rafts after the ship was unable to transmit anything?

If the ship was really revealing Israeli information to the Arabs, why did one ethical Israeli pilot refuse to participate in the criminal massacre?
No one has every presented any verifiable evidence that we were transmitting anything to "the Arabs."

It's simply a conspiracy theory used in an attempt to justify the attack on our ship.

The more times it's repeated, the more vacuous the claim becomes.

If anyone had evidence the claim is true, that evidence would have been presented decades ago.
It seems like every time you turn around in any discussion about Israel you see people whining about the Israeli attack on the intelligence gathering ship U.S.S.Liberty during the Six Day War?

If you look, each and every time it is brought up it is by our resident anti-Semites. And they will drag that in whenever they get a chance.
Nobody seems to mind that another U.S. spy ship, the USS Pueblo, was captured by North Korea in 1968 and is held as a trophy by N.K. Why not get the freaking ship back?

Probably because trying to do so would likely result in a conflict at that time with the USSR and PRC. Now with Russia and the PRC.

And yes, a lot of us do mind and have not forgotten the USS Pueblo. Hell, it was even put in the lyrics of a 1972 song by National Lampoon by Tony Hendra and Christopher Guest and made the Billboard Top 100.


What makes you think they didn't?

And would you ever accept any conclusion that Israel was blameless?
To answer your last question first. Of course we would. By the same token, would you accept that Israel committed War Crimes as detailed in our War Crimes Report if the investigation the DoD is mandated under the DoD Law of War Program to perform is conducted?

We think they didn't because nobody in the US government has found a US government investigation of the attack on our ship. Not any Member of Congress. Not any Historian of the US House of Representatives or Senate. Not the Congressional Research Service.

Of course, that ignores the possibility of a secret investigation of the attack on our ship. But with USS Liberty survivors alive and telling our story of an attack on a US Navy ship that was conducted in violation of international laws, US statutes and the UCMJ what success would a claim of a secret investigation have?
If you look, each and every time it is brought up it is by our resident anti-Semites. And they will drag that in whenever they get a chance.
Which troubles those of us who survived the attack on the USS Liberty because people lump us in with those who bring up the attack and continuing coverup of the attack for reasons other than promoting an agenda that results in a US government investigation of the attack.

People tend to ignore the fact that those who raise the issue of the attack and coverup of the attack on our ship to promote a nefarious agenda are using the blood of our fallen shipmates and the suffering of their families to achieve their goals.

It won't stop us from telling our story and advocating for a US government investigation of the attack and coverup. It is simply a reality we have learned to live with.
Which troubles those of us who survived the attack on the USS Liberty because people lump us in with those who bring up the attack and continuing coverup of the attack for reasons other than promoting an agenda that results in a US government investigation of the attack.

People tend to ignore the fact that those who raise the issue of the attack and coverup of the attack on our ship to promote a nefarious agenda are using the blood of our fallen shipmates and the suffering of their families to achieve their goals.

It won't stop us from telling our story and advocating for a US government investigation of the attack and coverup. It is simply a reality we have learned to live with.
You should know that eyewitness evidence is considered the Least reliable?
Lyin' Loser Lyndon

The Israelis targeted the Liberty because it was a spy ship transmitting information about Israeli troop movements to the Arabs. LBJ felt the world situation and the Mideast would be better off if he limited Israel's overwhelming and embarrassing victory. Eisenhower had also betrayed them during the 1956 Suez War for the same ignorant reasons.
Looks to me, that yesterday wasn't a great day for you to post. :smoke:

Aside from Turkey and Iran, (both absolutely not involved in the 6 day war) there wasn't a single Middle-Eastern Muslim country - that would have been anywhere near a diplomatic status, required by the USA to share intel info regarding Israel. However the USS Liberty was one of those intel providers (maybe the #1 provider) that conclusively held and had gathered information, that Israel was the one who kicked of the 6 day war.

As for "Eisenhower's betrayal" - Israel had no right at all to attack Egypt during the Suez-crisis. As such his demand to withdraw the IDF was IMO absolutely correct and a necessity - especially in view of the failed US-Egypt arms agreement, Israels attack (raid) onto Egypt held Gaza in Feb. 1955 and the thus resulting Soviet-Egypt arms-agreement of 1955.

And mate, Sinai was never ever under Libyan control nor occupation. (see your airliner reply)
You should know that eyewitness evidence is considered the Least reliable?
From both the US and Israeli sides.

Least reliable does not mean unreliable. Nor does it mean ignored.

I could be wrong but I doubt the US government used the "least reliable" argument to prevent eyewitness testimony when investigating the attacks on the USS Pueblo, USS Stark and USS Cole and the 1983 bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut or the 1988 USS Vincennes incident.

Or any other US government investigation, for that matter.

Hopefully, the US government won't use it when they investigate the attack and coverup of the attack on our ship.

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