Why do people bitch & whine about the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty so much?

From both the US and Israeli sides.

Least reliable does not mean unreliable. Nor does it mean ignored.

I could be wrong but I doubt the US government used the "least reliable" argument to prevent eyewitness testimony when investigating the attacks on the USS Pueblo, USS Stark and USS Cole and the 1983 bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut or the 1988 USS Vincennes incident.

Or any other US government investigation, for that matter.

Hopefully, the US government won't use it when they investigate the attack and coverup of the attack on our ship.
Why do you (and others) claim the attack on the Liberty was "covered up"?
Israel is the only country in the Mid East that America can trust in the 21st century. The problem was that fat assed Pentagon admirals didn't learn from the 1968 capture of the USS Pueblo and ordered the Liberty into a dangerous arena. Maybe somebody needs to find out what idiot ordered the Liberty into a combat zone and whether the CIA was responsible.
How was the USA supposed to take a "lesson" from an incident occurring on Jan. 1968, (Pueblo) towards one that happened prior on June 1967 (USS Liberty) ??? :cuckoo:

Both ships were in international waters - in regards to the Pueblo (AFAIK claimed only by the USA) and N-Korea disputing this claim
However everyone knows and admitted that the USS Liberty was in international waters - incl. even Israel.

Were Israel and the USA at war in 1967? did they have an armistice due to a previous war?
The USA and N-Korea are still technically at war since an armistice rather than a peace agreement ended the Korean War in 1953, and the two nations do not have formal diplomatic relations. Thus in April 1969 a North Korean MiG fighter shot down a U.S. Navy intelligence aircraft, killing all 31 men aboard.

And N-Korea NEVER claimed that it was an "accident".
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Wouldn't it be preferable to have a US government investigation make that determination?

Perhaps once the US government investigation is conducted you will have something to base your claim on.
Hi Bluedevil

please see my post #73 to Grau

Hi Grau, stop feeding this Zionist troll. (Dayton3)

First he tries to play stupid via throwing out a bait thread, and ignorantly asking as for "why".
Whilst deliberately and ignorantly comparing the attack onto the USS Liberty with a Friendly Fire incident onto British troops in Iraq.

Upon getting the respective answers - he persistently refutes facts and their sources, whilst countering with unsubstantiated claims - and arrogantly asking others to refute his own unsubstantiated claims.

I for my part, am not going to continue entertaining a troll like him, in this matter.

Hi Bluedevil

please see my post #73 to Grau

Hi Grau, stop feeding this Zionist troll. (Dayton3)

First he tries to play stupid via throwing out a bait thread, and ignorantly asking as for "why".
Whilst deliberately and ignorantly comparing the attack onto the USS Liberty with a Friendly Fire incident onto British troops in Iraq.

Upon getting the respective answers - he persistently refutes facts and their sources, whilst countering with unsubstantiated claims - and arrogantly asking others to refute his own unsubstantiated claims.

I for my part, am not going to continue entertaining a troll like him, in this matter.



I''m NOT a "zionist" or a troll. I'm not Jewish and have no loyalty whatsoever to Israel. I simply get tired of seeing all the bitching and moaning about the attack on the Liberty
Which troubles those of us who survived the attack on the USS Liberty because people lump us in with those who bring up the attack and continuing coverup of the attack for reasons other than promoting an agenda that results in a US government investigation of the attack.

Right, sure you are.

You first made a single post in here over six years ago. Where you simply copied a post of somebody then went dark for sex years.

Then you suddenly pop up over six years later, and start vomiting up endless comments in this thread. And now claim you were one of the crew?

Sorry, does not pass the smell test. Nice try, though.

I''m NOT a "zionist" or a troll. I'm not Jewish and have no loyalty whatsoever to Israel. I simply get tired of seeing all the bitching and moaning about the attack on the Liberty
Sure, sure - The only one bitching and moaning about the Israeli attack onto the USS Liberty, is YOU - whilst being unable to forward any single conclusive source that would support your "bitching and moaning" about it having supposedly been a "mistake".

You were provided with numerous "reliable and respected" sources - going into absolute detail regarding the incident and the resulting attack.
Someone who doesn't read up given "respected" sources. e.g. US NAVAL INSTITUTE - see my post #39, and/or those of numerous other posters, and therefore does NOT reply/discuss accordingly, simply - is a TROLL. Especially those who in majority "participate" via unsubstantiated "one liners".

And one who trolls in favor of Israel - is as a general rule, a Zionist Troll. Especially one who in majority "contributes" via unsubstantiated "one liners".

So tell me, (via sources and quotes) how far where these Israeli torpedo-boats away from the USS Liberty - when they torpedoed her and even opened fire onto her life-rafts??? And keep in mind it was broad daylight, good weather and good visual conditions. (in that reference - take a look at sparky's post - regarding the silhouette description, and forward a comprehensive argument that would proof or at least support your silly claim of having been a "mistake" of identification.

USS Liberty.jpg




Instead of posting "ludicrous crap" like: the IDF didn't have naval specified attack weapons - whilst contracting yourself in regards to your claim of Israel having supposedly mistaken the identity of the USS Liberty with an Egyptian ship.... and so on.
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Hi Bluedevil

please see my post #73 to Grau

Hi Grau, stop feeding this Zionist troll. (Dayton3)

First he tries to play stupid via throwing out a bait thread, and ignorantly asking as for "why".
Whilst deliberately and ignorantly comparing the attack onto the USS Liberty with a Friendly Fire incident onto British troops in Iraq.

Upon getting the respective answers - he persistently refutes facts and their sources, whilst countering with unsubstantiated claims - and arrogantly asking others to refute his own unsubstantiated claims.

I for my part, am not going to continue entertaining a troll like him, in this matter.


I thought that I already responded to your excellent advice but must have forgotten to post it.

I'm well aware of when "Israel Firsters" and Hasbara trolls are being evasive, "playing dumb" and fully committed to the genocidal "Greater Israel" agenda.

I also try to reply to all civil posts regardless of the other individual's point of view.

Since I realize that there is little hope of changing the opinion of individuals so fully committed to the Zionist agenda, I write what I write and post information for the benefit of other, more receptive individuals who are willing to read what I write and pay attention to the sources I post to support my claims.

Thanks for your concern but I'm over 70 years old and been around enough to know when someone is being manipulative and evasive.

Thanks again and keep up the good work,
No one has every presented any verifiable evidence that we were transmitting anything to "the Arabs."

It's simply a conspiracy theory used in an attempt to justify the attack on our ship.

The more times it's repeated, the more vacuous the claim becomes.

If anyone had evidence the claim is true, that evidence would have been presented decades ago.

Of course it's absurd to think that the US was transmitting "Israeli troop movements" to the Soviet supported Arabs.
If anything, the crew of the USS Liberty may have intercepted reports of Israeli provocations and war crimes (1)

The USS Liberty was not the only American asset gathering information on Israel's unprovoked 1967 attack and subsequent war crimes.
There was an American EC121 spy plane that recorded Israel's deliberate attempt to sink the USS Liberty and murder the entire crew. (2), (3)

The reason that so many loyal Americans remain outraged at yet another Israeli betrayal is that the deep cover-up and persecution of Liberty survivors exemplifies the control that foreign Zionists have over US Government.


(1). "Israelis admit war crimes"

EXCERPT "Six Day War atrocities: Veteran's account of captives in Egyptian uniforms being shot in the desert adds fuel to scandal; 'A prisoner was given a shovel and started to dig. Then he was fired at'" CONTINUED

(2). "Israel’s Attack on the USS Liberty: A Half Century Later, Still No Justice"
Israel's Attack on the USS Liberty: A Half Century Later, Still No Justice

EXCERPT "As the attacks were going on, conversations between Israeli pilots were overheard by US Air Force officers in an EC121 surveillance plane overhead. The spy plane was spotted by Israeli jets, which were given orders to shoot it down. The American plane narrowly avoided the IDF missiles."CONTINUED

You people ignore the obvious.

Despite the LIberty commanders orders, as the IDF torpedo boats approached the Liberty and before any torpedos were launched one of the 50 caliber machine gun mounts fired a long stream of fire at the boats and due to the heat from fires the ammunition at another machine gun mount started "cooking off" giving the appearance that another machine gun on the Libert was firing on the approaching boats. Thus the Israeli torpedo boats felt they had proof of hostility by the Liberty.
Why do you (and others) claim the attack on the Liberty was "covered up"?
Mainly because:
  • The US government has refused to investigate the attack and the culpability of the attackers leaving the attack on our ship the only attack on a US Navy ship since the end of WWII NOT investigated by the US government. Unlike the attacks on the USS Pueblo, USS Stark, and the USS Cole, as well as the 1983 bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut and the 1988 USS Vincennes incident, Congress has refused to investigate the attack on our ship.
  • Members of Congress refuse to use facts provided by USS Liberty survivors when replying to constituents who ask about the attack, opting instead to use lies provided by Israel partisans and the DoD;
  • The DoD has waived its obligation under its Law of War Program, which requires the DoD to investigate all alleged violations of the laws of war such as those detailed in our War Crimes Report;
  • The DoD has waived Article 99 of the UCMJ vis-à-vis the attack on our ship, which makes it a capital violation to refuse to come to the aid of a military unit under attack;
  • No Member of Congress has ever attended a Memorial Service we held annually on the anniversary of the attack at the site of the mass grave in Section 34 of Arlington National Cemetery;
  • The DoD has removed the testimony of Lloyd Painter from the US Navy Court of Inquiry Report where he related his witnessing the deliberate machine gunning of life rafts we had dropped over the side in anticipation of abandoning ship. Glenn Oliphant also witnessed this action but was not called to testify.
Israel is the only country in the Mid East that America can trust in the 21st century. The problem was that fat assed Pentagon admirals didn't learn from the 1968 capture of the USS Pueblo and ordered the Liberty into a dangerous arena. Maybe somebody needs to find out what idiot ordered the Liberty into a combat zone and whether the CIA was responsible.
I can assure you---the Navy investigation of the incident included----a WHO DONE THAT IDIOT DECISION to float into an arena of war---I can assure you---heads or at the very least - A HEAD---rolled. Navy investigations are classified----the people who "exposed" this or that---violated navy military law---THEY ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED
Israel is the only country in the Mid East that America can trust in the 21st century. The problem was that fat assed Pentagon admirals didn't learn from the 1968 capture of the USS Pueblo and ordered the Liberty into a dangerous arena. Maybe somebody needs to find out what idiot ordered the Liberty into a combat zone and whether the CIA was responsible.
once upon a time---I was in the US Navy----they found out ---even if I knew---I could not legally SAY
what they found out----doing so is contrary to military
If you count disobeying a direct order we received every morning at quarters while in Malta dry docks not to discuss the attack with anyone, you can include virtually every USS Liberty crewman in that list.

The trick is persuading the US government to prosecute us for disobeying that order. If you can, please do.

Then you have those in the Sixth Fleet who violated Article 99 of the UCMJ by obeying the order recalling rescue aircraft while we were still under attack and calling for help. That carries a possible death sentence upon conviction.

But, why just focus on the US military? How about the Israelis who used unmarked aircraft? Who jammed our radios on both US Navy tactical and international maritime distress frequencies? Who were aboard the torpedo boats that approached to within a stone's throw of the USS Liberty and circled the ship while firing on USS Liberty crewmen trapped topside or who ventured topside to help our wounded shipmates? How about the torpedo boat personnel who deliberately machine gunned serviceable life rafts we had dropped over the side in anticipation of abandoning ship?

And, let's not forget whoever removed Lloyd Painter's testimony during the US Navy Court of Inquiry where he testified about witnessing the deliberate machine gunning of those life rafts.

Of course, none of these facts would be an issue had the US government investigated the attack.

But they haven't.
none of your "information" is worth a hill of beans. I have been privy to some investigations-----minor little
ones----every person INJURED (or their mates or relatives) has a "story"----of course they INVESTIGATED----everything gets INVESTIGATED
Nobody seems to mind that another U.S. spy ship, the USS Pueblo, was captured by North Korea in 1968 and is held as a trophy by N.K. Why not get the freaking ship back?
Captains Uncourageous

If Truman hadn't betrayed MacArthur the same way LBJ betrayed Israel, there wouldn't be a North Korea.
Israel is the only country in the Mid East that America can trust in the 21st century. The problem was that fat assed Pentagon admirals didn't learn from the 1968 capture of the USS Pueblo and ordered the Liberty into a dangerous arena. Maybe somebody needs to find out what idiot ordered the Liberty into a combat zone and whether the CIA was responsible.
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