Why do people bitch & whine about the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty so much?

So the JBS Types & Kluxers were 50 years ahead of the rest of the pack on this story
Got any source that would support your "brain-fart claim" that the USS Liberty survivors where, "JBS Types & Kluxers" ??
When and where did I ever claim that?

That was not responding to you, but to Bluedevil. Who somehow jumped from just being another believer to claiming they were part of the crew.

There is a reason why I simply can not take CT nuts like these seriously.
In the 70s & 80s only JBS , Kluxers & The Spotlight Readers bitched & moaned about the USS Liberty

I am curious here. Now I have heard some members of the John Birch Society take a stance about that, but I have never heard of the organization itself doing so. Got any kind of reference to back up that claim?
I am curious here. Now I have heard some members of the John Birch Society take a stance about that, but I have never heard of the organization itself doing so. Got any kind of reference to back up that claim?
Just memories from back then and knowing folks .
Got any source that would support your "brain-fart claim" that the USS Liberty survivors where, "JBS Types & Kluxers" ??
I did not say that , I said that the Kluxers and JBS Types were first to use the Story to Malign Jews and Israel in the 1970s and early 80s ( long before the 21st Century Far Left & Left latched onto the Story to do the same thing )
In other words, you have nothing.

You know the KKK and JBS are nothing alike, right?
They are no more alike except they both used this incident to malign Jews and Israel and got no more traction than today’s Far Left & Left have .
They are no more alike except they both used this incident to malign Jews and Israel and got no more traction than today’s Far Left & Left have .

And where exactly did the John Birch Society do that? That had never been the aim of the organization, they were always a strongly Anti-Communist organization.

I have challenged you twice now to provide some kind of evidence to back up that claim, and you have refused each time. So I am just chalking this down to "fake news" and ignoring it from now on unless you can come up with some kind of evidence.
Syria wasn't warned by the USA about an IDF attack onto the Golan Heights. - so I fail to get your point, and Syria with it's crappy 60 or so Pz IV. didn't stand a chance anyway.

However for your information, the Golan Heights had already been on the Zionist territorial agenda since the 20'ies!!. And the same goes for the West-bank and Gaza. Since the Zionist Dogma propagates that the "entire" British mandated Palestine of 1947/8 is supposedly Israel.

Keep in mind, this topic is about the "deliberate" attack onto the USS Liberty - that some paint to have been a mistake - whilst forwarding no proof, nor any logic argumentation to support that claim.

You are aware though - that it was the LBJ administration that started to decisively support Israel - with Nixon then going all out for it.? Whilst France had abandoned it's support towards Israel. The USA, starting of with LBJ had decided in favor of Israel - whilst knowingly making enemies of ALL Muslim countries (they didn't have any Muslim enemies before that) - and thus additionally paving the way for the USSR to gain influence throughout the Middle-East.

Since LBJ, the US and Israels hegemonic interests in the region are essentially the same. (only the US dependence on Muslim oil) - has kept the USA at bay, from allowing Israel to "reign" freely.

As the saying in German goes; - gone together, caught together, hanged together.

The only war that the Arabs and Egypt kicked off, since Israels self deceleration of independence, was the Yom Kippur war of 1973. If not for LBJ's change of policy and thus the Nixon administrations (huge weapon supplies) full commitment, the State of Israel IMO - would have gone "extinct" in 1973.

Again keep in mind that it was the LBJ administration that paved the way for the IDF's US equipment - and essentially making the A-4 and F-4 the IAF's, backbone from 1966/7 onward.

Okay back to topic.
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

You gutless serfs just love getting your faces pushed into the dirt by the toxic ruling classes that have always used the JEWS!!! as scapegoats for their own heinous tyranny. Your drooling, spit-sputtering conceit comes from believing you know what's "really" going on, because your pitchfork-screwerable Masters told you so.
It seems like every time you turn around in any discussion about Israel you see people whining about the Israeli attack on the intelligence gathering ship U.S.S.Liberty during the Six Day War?

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

The attack was first by some IDF fighters that killed 9 aboard then when IDF torpedo boats closed on the ship one of them launched a torpedo which hit Liberty squarely and killed 25 more.

Israel apologized for the attack and paid compensation to the U.S. for the dead and injured as well as damage to the ship.

Mistakes happen in war zones. You don't hear the British whining on and on about the accidental air strikes by the U.S. during Desert Storm that killed dozens of British soldiers.
It wasn't a "mistake" any more than the fact we were spying on everyone involved and LBJ was the sort of cock sucker who would trade intel that Israel would be compromised by. The navy stuck our dick in a hornet's nest.

Hard to blame the hornets, but I still don't have to be happy about it.

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