Why do people still follow Mormonism?

but you get your own planet when you die and get to wear magical underwear now
The underwear is more commonly known as a garment, worn to symbolize or remind one of the promises he or she has made to God.

As for the planets...it is my understanding that is more a caricature of LDS belief of the after life--kind of on the order of the dead sitting on clouds and playing harps.

I don't know much about the LDS faith, but I would recommend waiting for a member of that faith to stop by and teach us facts instead of paying much note to anything that seems a bit fantastical.

That's actually pretty funny - that one must wear underwear to be reminded of one's faith.

Avatar told me I didn't know anything about morms and their belief in a magic, invisible planet so I did some reading. From what I read, they do indeed believe its real. I posted the links in another thread but of course, Avatar never commented any further.

It may be one of those things that varies from sect to sect.

Catholics wear a crucifix, Jews wear a Star of David and atheists wear a sour expression.

Nonsense, Ernie . . . just like my Avatar, I wear the letter 'A' on a chain around my neck and smile all the time for I'm very happy to be alive. ~ Susan :)
I don't know you, but the run of the mill atheist here at USMB and any other forum I have been to is very unhappy and pissed at the world.

The only thing I have found to be common with all atheists is their demand for empirical proof to the religious claims of others . . . extraordinary claims, whether religious or otherwise, require extraordinary proof, which is only fair I should think, don't you? Other than that, our emotions can run the full gamut of society's and are a psychological gestalt of each individual. ~ Susan
This was an interesting thread. All it's proven to me so far is that most rank and file Mormons just don't give a shit about facts if they get in the way of the story, anyone presenting those facts is to be branded an "anti-Mormon troll" and completely ignored until they stop causing mental discomfort, former Mormons are considered even worse anti-Mormons not worth listening to until they apologize for trying to think for themselves and fall back in line, and Christians in general still love sectarian conflict and would be at each other like Muslims again if they were still allowed to be.

Thanks for clearing that up, everyone! :)

Glenn Beck did a great job of describing his "church tour" and how he came to discover the truth. He asked tough questions and extensively scrutinized every supposed flaw. I had the pleasure of attending the filming of "an unlikely Mormon". It was free on Youtube, but has since disappeared due to the realities of business.
No, Avatar. He wasn't. It's a fraud. He was a con man. It's not an attack. It is simply the truth.

that's about as true as a superman comic.

a con man who sacrifices himself for his con? Who gets no benefit from it? Joseph was a poor man throughout his life and even received a revelation telling him he would never be wealthy. But not shocking, when he ran his shop he lost money giving products away to the poor.

then there are his teachings. They make no sense for someone insincere. Take the work for redemption of the dead. How does building temples to redeem our kindred dead pull a con on anyone when no mortal benefits from it?

yet it makes perfect sense for Joseph to inquire about the salvation of the dead when his brother Alivin died before the restoration.

when he was asked how he controlled so many people, he told them "i don't. I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves". That doesn't sound like someone trying to con people does it.

and then you have to completely ignore the the witnesses. Take the witnesses of the Book of Mormon. Many had arguments with Joseph smith. Yet even leaving the Church, they kept testifying that the Book of Mormon is true. David Whitmer heard a rumor that said he denied his witness. So he calls the press to reaffirm it. Oliver cowdery runs for political office and loses because he won't deny the Book of Mormon.

have you ever read the letters between these two men? They aren't letters of people in on a con. These are letters between people who had real experiences. Not someone involved in cons.

how about the 27 people who participated in the vision of the three degrees of glory? Or the people who were healed by Joseph and wilford woodruff in the swamp at commerce? Or the handful that saw the Father and the Son in the school of the prophets?

impressive con job. Especially when you don't get anything out of it

Joseph Smith was a con artist. He operated as if he had a right to sleep with other men's wives and underage girls.

Interestingly enough you ignore your own alleged witnesses and their relationship with each other. In order for Cowdery to enter into a lengthy confession then he would have had to admit his own part in fraud and deception.

Oliver Cowdery is excommunicated after he calls out Joseph Smith for having an affair with Fanny Alger. Not a wife. Not a spiritual wife. She is an affair. In the same house as his wife Emma. Fanny Alger is then hit on by Brigham Young and she turns him down.
Frances Fanny Ward Alger Custer 1817 - 1889 - Find A Grave Memorial

But, there is a little more to the story: Kirtland Safety Society Anti-Banking Company . This is the backdrop of the dissenters. Isn't that right?

Martin Harris publicly states that nobody saw any plates in 1838.

Whitmore does what? Starts his own brand of BS church.

All con-men. The reality here is that YOU should no better.
Exactly. Mormonism is one of the clearest cut cases of brainwashing fraud of all modern day religions.

If it werent for scientology, theyd be the #1 ding bat sheep on the planet.

Yep. It is brainwashing.

Any organization that seeks to control all contact and privacy is the number one sign.
Except the church does no such thing. Been a member since 1979 and they have never tried to control me or who I saw nor invaded my privacy or any other of your outrageous lies.

They do. You can see it outlined very clearly with the missionary handbook. The one that is lying here is you. Par for course.
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but you get your own planet when you die and get to wear magical underwear now
The underwear is more commonly known as a garment, worn to symbolize or remind one of the promises he or she has made to God.

As for the planets...it is my understanding that is more a caricature of LDS belief of the after life--kind of on the order of the dead sitting on clouds and playing harps.

I don't know much about the LDS faith, but I would recommend waiting for a member of that faith to stop by and teach us facts instead of paying much note to anything that seems a bit fantastical.

That's actually pretty funny - that one must wear underwear to be reminded of one's faith.

Avatar told me I didn't know anything about morms and their belief in a magic, invisible planet so I did some reading. From what I read, they do indeed believe its real. I posted the links in another thread but of course, Avatar never commented any further.

It may be one of those things that varies from sect to sect.

Catholics wear a crucifix, Jews wear a Star of David and atheists wear a sour expression.

Nonsense, Ernie . . . just like my Avatar, I wear the letter 'A' on a chain around my neck and smile all the time for I'm very happy to be alive. ~ Susan :)
I don't know you, but the run of the mill atheist here at USMB and any other forum I have been to is very unhappy and pissed at the world.

No, living in reality is quite nice
The underwear is more commonly known as a garment, worn to symbolize or remind one of the promises he or she has made to God.

As for the planets...it is my understanding that is more a caricature of LDS belief of the after life--kind of on the order of the dead sitting on clouds and playing harps.

I don't know much about the LDS faith, but I would recommend waiting for a member of that faith to stop by and teach us facts instead of paying much note to anything that seems a bit fantastical.

That's actually pretty funny - that one must wear underwear to be reminded of one's faith.

Avatar told me I didn't know anything about morms and their belief in a magic, invisible planet so I did some reading. From what I read, they do indeed believe its real. I posted the links in another thread but of course, Avatar never commented any further.

It may be one of those things that varies from sect to sect.

Catholics wear a crucifix, Jews wear a Star of David and atheists wear a sour expression.

Nonsense, Ernie . . . just like my Avatar, I wear the letter 'A' on a chain around my neck and smile all the time for I'm very happy to be alive. ~ Susan :)
I don't know you, but the run of the mill atheist here at USMB and any other forum I have been to is very unhappy and pissed at the world.

The only thing I have found to be common with all atheists is their demand for empirical proof to the religious claims of others . . . extraordinary claims, whether religious or otherwise, require extraordinary proof, which is only fair I should think, don't you? Other than that, our emotions can run the full gamut of society's and are a psychological gestalt of each individual. ~ Susan
Spiritual people rely on faith. We don't demand any more proof than looking up at the stars at night. We don't demand atheist prove there is no God, because the idea is ludicrous to us.
We know there is a God the same way you know that if you jump off a roof, you will fall.
no wonder why mitt didn't want to talk about his religion


His religion was irrelevant. His morality and his leadership experience was. What qualified barack obama to be POTUS in 2008?

His religion was relevant.

It was only relevant because fruitloops like you and JoeB131 are afraid of people of faith.

Now, barack obama's religion was relevant; not the fact that he was/is Christian, but the way he practiced and the influence of a pastor that spewed hatred of whites and the US from his pulpit over the 20 years the President say in his pews.
Special undergarments or odd beliefs of the afterlife really matter not when imagining how a President might conduct himself in office.
20 years of obama's listening to his mentor (his words) Jeremiah Wright should have scared the shit out of anyone.
I kind of like Mormons. They keep me grounded. Every time I am confronted by one, I end up walking away feeling "blessed" that I never buy into such totally transparent crap. I feel the same way about Scientologists, Vegans and the Tea Party.
The underwear is more commonly known as a garment, worn to symbolize or remind one of the promises he or she has made to God.

As for the planets...it is my understanding that is more a caricature of LDS belief of the after life--kind of on the order of the dead sitting on clouds and playing harps.

I don't know much about the LDS faith, but I would recommend waiting for a member of that faith to stop by and teach us facts instead of paying much note to anything that seems a bit fantastical.

That's actually pretty funny - that one must wear underwear to be reminded of one's faith.

Avatar told me I didn't know anything about morms and their belief in a magic, invisible planet so I did some reading. From what I read, they do indeed believe its real. I posted the links in another thread but of course, Avatar never commented any further.

It may be one of those things that varies from sect to sect.

Catholics wear a crucifix, Jews wear a Star of David and atheists wear a sour expression.

Nonsense, Ernie . . . just like my Avatar, I wear the letter 'A' on a chain around my neck and smile all the time for I'm very happy to be alive. ~ Susan :)
I don't know you, but the run of the mill atheist here at USMB and any other forum I have been to is very unhappy and pissed at the world.

No, living in reality is quite nice
Except that you want to dictate what others believe.
Look I accept that you have no belief in a Higher Power. I'm really cool with that.
Why do you insist I remove my Nativity displays and call my Christmas party a "Holiday Extravaganza?
Could it be that you're not nearly as sure there is no God as I am that there is?
no wonder why mitt didn't want to talk about his religion


His religion was irrelevant. His morality and his leadership experience was. What qualified barack obama to be POTUS in 2008?

His religion was relevant.

It was only relevant because fruitloops like you and JoeB131 are afraid of people of faith.

Now, barack obama's religion was relevant; not the fact that he was/is Christian, but the way he practiced and the influence of a pastor that spewed hatred of whites and the US from his pulpit over the 20 years the President say in his pews.
Special undergarments or odd beliefs of the afterlife really matter not when imagining how a President might conduct himself in office.
20 years of obama's listening to his mentor (his words) Jeremiah Wright should have scared the shit out of anyone.

No. His religion was relevant to Christians.

The Biblical Case Against Voting For A Mormon for President Why Christians Who Support Romney Actualy Violate Scripture Pastors 4 Huckabee

Further, I am an ex Mormon. Sell that to some one else.
What's the point of this thread continuing? The Mormons don't give a shit about any facts contradicting their position, as evidenced by their blunt refusal to reply to anything I've said so far. The other Christians just want to Crusade the Mormons. The only other person I've seen speak any sense here has been Disir, who apparently was a Mormon too until seeing why it was bullshit and having the guts to leave.
I was baptized and raised a Mormon. I actively took part in until I enlisted in the US Army. I have never turned from the teachings and only feel that I no longer wish to actively participate.

I think the LDS church presents the best possible source of guidance when growing up and prepares children to be responsible and educated adults.

My own reason for not participating? I never liked the public standing up and sharing my beliefs and experiences before an audience.
Oh, I have family that are die hard Mormons and some that look at it through rose colored glasses but no longer participate.

I noticed this summer when I saw some of those looking through rose colored glasses that they sure did love those teachings..........as they drank coffee and sipped on beer and had a few cigarettes smoked while they passed chocolate.

Yep, those teachings. Yum.
Why do people follow any of the fantastical religious sects/cults?

Is mormonism really any nuttier than catholicism or the protestant religions? Any how in the world do the fundies rationalize their beliefs?

'tis a brain flosser, for sure.

OTOH, it apparently gives them great comfort and gives them the strength to deal with the real world.

So, I guess that's the why of it.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe they know the truth of all things?
no wonder why mitt didn't want to talk about his religion


His religion was irrelevant. His morality and his leadership experience was. What qualified barack obama to be POTUS in 2008?

His religion was relevant.

It was only relevant because fruitloops like you and JoeB131 are afraid of people of faith.

Now, barack obama's religion was relevant; not the fact that he was/is Christian, but the way he practiced and the influence of a pastor that spewed hatred of whites and the US from his pulpit over the 20 years the President say in his pews.
Special undergarments or odd beliefs of the afterlife really matter not when imagining how a President might conduct himself in office.
20 years of obama's listening to his mentor (his words) Jeremiah Wright should have scared the shit out of anyone.

No. His religion was relevant to Christians.

The Biblical Case Against Voting For A Mormon for President Why Christians Who Support Romney Actualy Violate Scripture Pastors 4 Huckabee

Further, I am an ex Mormon. Sell that to some one else.

Good point in the website.
What's the point of this thread continuing? The Mormons don't give a shit about any facts contradicting their position, as evidenced by their blunt refusal to reply to anything I've said so far. The other Christians just want to Crusade the Mormons. The only other person I've seen speak any sense here has been Disir, who apparently was a Mormon too until seeing why it was bullshit and having the guts to leave.
Be glad we're not Muslims. The subject would be "off with your head, infidel."
What's the point of this thread continuing? The Mormons don't give a shit about any facts contradicting their position, as evidenced by their blunt refusal to reply to anything I've said so far. The other Christians just want to Crusade the Mormons. The only other person I've seen speak any sense here has been Disir, who apparently was a Mormon too until seeing why it was bullshit and having the guts to leave.

From memory " the Book of Mormon is the most correct of any book" nowhere does it claim to be perfect!

Since it is "the most correct" you will find "stumbling blocks" which you have obviously stumbled your self upon.

Proof is the antithesis of faith, as you so well exemplify!

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