Why Do People Support Trump?

...Yet here you are. Just out of curiosity…when Trump was mocking the reporter’s birth defect…were you ashamed of him?
Doesn't matter in the slightest... eight years of Liberal Agenda legal wins have driven America to this Reaction.


So you're happy to vote for a "man" who makes fun of the physically disabled? Seems about right.

Can't wait until he visits soldiers at Walter Reed and begins mocking their wounds.
...So you're happy to vote for a "man" who makes fun of the physically disabled? Seems about right. Can't wait until he visits soldiers at Walter Reed and begins mocking their wounds.
"Stand by to repel Drama Queens, portside!!!"


Like I said... people have stopped listening to Liberals... you brought this on yourselves... enjoy.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?
People want the 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens gone.

People want the Big Corporations to be forced to bring manufacturing jobs back on-shore.

People want the US to break away from NAFTA, TPP and similar treaties which harm the Middle Class.

Attila the Hun promises these things, when nobody else (who actually stands a snowball's-chance-in-hell of pulling it off) will.do so.

People see light at the end of the tunnel, in such promises, and do not see the forks in the tunnel-road that can lead into darkness.

You can't blame people for being drawn to the light, and fresh air.

Assuming that light and fresh air actually exist at the other end of that tunnel...

If he promised a pony in every back yard, free trips to Monaco for you and your entire family, and that you’ll be able to retire by your next Birthday, could you blame people for believing those whoppers?
But that's not what he's promising...

He's promising to flush the Beaners, ban the Muzzies, and bring jobs back on-shore... all do-able... assuming that America wishes to do those things.
He's also promising bread and freedom and Lebensraum and a chance to make Germany great again.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?
Well, first of all if you're in such a position that eminent domain, abortion, and single payer healthcare are topping your priority list, congratulations. You're doing far better than 95% of Americans. The majority of Americans are far more concerned about illegal immigration, the porous border, jobs, and Isis. Having said that, let me start off by saying that I think the majority of Americans are neither strictly Democratic or Republican. We vote for whichever candidate best aligns with our core value systems. When forced to align with a particular party we pick the party who more closely represents our views as a general rule.
On to your objections and allegations regarding Donald Trump. You brought up war crimes, I assume you're referring to waterboarding and Obamas ban on it. First of all his ban is hardly credible and he only placed it to further coddle the terrorist organizations he REPEATEDLY aligns himself with at the expense of American soldiers, American citizens, and American lives. He frequently plays host to the Muslim Brotherhood who is without a doubt tied to terrorist organizations. It's been proven by the FBI. He's releasing terrorist from GITMO as we speak who have American blood on their hands. His ban on waterboarding had NOTHING to do with human rights. According to Obama human rights only apply to the Islamic community as is the belief of all Muslims. If it's fine with you that American citizens loose their lives so that poor Ahkmed doesn't feel discomfort then you're in a very small minority of people. I don't care that a couple of Obamas yes men have said that it doesn't work as a PR stunt to sell it to the liberals. It's been used for centuries. It does work, it has saved lives and it won't stay banned. So you needn't concern yourself with an American POTUS committing war crimes. Though I find it odd that you're unconcerned with the intentional disregard of genocide being committed against the Coptic Christians in Syria and other places in the Middle East by the current Administration. Or like Obama are you only concerned with the "human rights" of the Islamic community?
I am unsure what you dislike about Trumps foreign policy because you gave no specifics you simply called him an idiot. I tend to agree that NATO should be restructured and geared toward the new threats our Nation faces which is terrorism. I also agree that Russia can be a respected adversary, we needn't constantly be on to verge of war with them. "Keep your friends close, your enemies closer" makes perfect sense to me. I also agree that America has been footing the bill on trade deals with ALL Nations for far to long, we no longer have the money to eat losses on EVERY single deal we make. It's absurd. And I also feel that American interests far outweigh any International interests. Every other Nation on the planet takes care of itself FIRST, but America shouldn't? That's ridiculous.
Lastly, American culture is worth preserving. We do NOT owe anyone anything. For far to long America has allowed people to come to this Country and bent over backwards to accommodate them, at the expense of our culture and our way of life. No more. Coming to and becoming American is a PRIVILEGE not a RIGHT. It's time that it be treated as such again. Which leads to the border. It's ludicrous for people to say it's racist to protect our borders LIKE EVERY OTHER NATION including Mexico to the south. Our sovereignty and the safety of our people comes before anyone's "feelings". However the waving of Mexican flags while screaming at Americans to "get out" of their own Country certainly makes me want to roll out the welcome mat. It matters little though because the bottom line is that Americans need jobs, and we should have first pick. If immigration is harmful to America, which at this point it is, it should stop. And I could go on and on but I need to ask, "If not America first" then who? Donald Trump isn't racist, you're confusing him for Hillary and her KKK contributing friend. He's NEVER said one thing that's racist

Sent from my Z987 using Tapatalk
How is Trump going to build that wall or deport those illegals? While you are at it genius tell us what good is deporting him when he will let then in directly through the front door right after...

The sheer stupidity of Trump supporters is sickening.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?
Well, first of all if you're in such a position that eminent domain, abortion, and single payer healthcare are topping your priority list, congratulations. You're doing far better than 95% of Americans. The majority of Americans are far more concerned about illegal immigration, the porous border, jobs, and Isis. Having said that, let me start off by saying that I think the majority of Americans are neither strictly Democratic or Republican. We vote for whichever candidate best aligns with our core value systems. When forced to align with a particular party we pick the party who more closely represents our views as a general rule.
On to your objections and allegations regarding Donald Trump. You brought up war crimes, I assume you're referring to waterboarding and Obamas ban on it. First of all his ban is hardly credible and he only placed it to further coddle the terrorist organizations he REPEATEDLY aligns himself with at the expense of American soldiers, American citizens, and American lives. He frequently plays host to the Muslim Brotherhood who is without a doubt tied to terrorist organizations. It's been proven by the FBI. He's releasing terrorist from GITMO as we speak who have American blood on their hands. His ban on waterboarding had NOTHING to do with human rights. According to Obama human rights only apply to the Islamic community as is the belief of all Muslims. If it's fine with you that American citizens loose their lives so that poor Ahkmed doesn't feel discomfort then you're in a very small minority of people. I don't care that a couple of Obamas yes men have said that it doesn't work as a PR stunt to sell it to the liberals. It's been used for centuries. It does work, it has saved lives and it won't stay banned. So you needn't concern yourself with an American POTUS committing war crimes. Though I find it odd that you're unconcerned with the intentional disregard of genocide being committed against the Coptic Christians in Syria and other places in the Middle East by the current Administration. Or like Obama are you only concerned with the "human rights" of the Islamic community?
I am unsure what you dislike about Trumps foreign policy because you gave no specifics you simply called him an idiot. I tend to agree that NATO should be restructured and geared toward the new threats our Nation faces which is terrorism. I also agree that Russia can be a respected adversary, we needn't constantly be on to verge of war with them. "Keep your friends close, your enemies closer" makes perfect sense to me. I also agree that America has been footing the bill on trade deals with ALL Nations for far to long, we no longer have the money to eat losses on EVERY single deal we make. It's absurd. And I also feel that American interests far outweigh any International interests. Every other Nation on the planet takes care of itself FIRST, but America shouldn't? That's ridiculous.
Lastly, American culture is worth preserving. We do NOT owe anyone anything. For far to long America has allowed people to come to this Country and bent over backwards to accommodate them, at the expense of our culture and our way of life. No more. Coming to and becoming American is a PRIVILEGE not a RIGHT. It's time that it be treated as such again. Which leads to the border. It's ludicrous for people to say it's racist to protect our borders LIKE EVERY OTHER NATION including Mexico to the south. Our sovereignty and the safety of our people comes before anyone's "feelings". However the waving of Mexican flags while screaming at Americans to "get out" of their own Country certainly makes me want to roll out the welcome mat. It matters little though because the bottom line is that Americans need jobs, and we should have first pick. If immigration is harmful to America, which at this point it is, it should stop. And I could go on and on but I need to ask, "If not America first" then who? Donald Trump isn't racist, you're confusing him for Hillary and her KKK contributing friend. He's NEVER said one thing that's racist

Sent from my Z987 using Tapatalk
How is Trump going to build that wall or deport those illegals? While you are at it genius tell us what good is deporting him when he will let then in directly through the front door right after...

The sheer stupidity of Trump supporters is sickening.
Far more likely that once they're gone, they're gone, and they're not coming back, regardless of the campaign rhetoric to the contrary.
...So you're happy to vote for a "man" who makes fun of the physically disabled? Seems about right. Can't wait until he visits soldiers at Walter Reed and begins mocking their wounds.
"Stand by to repel Drama Queens, portside!!!"


Like I said... people have stopped listening to Liberals... you brought this on yourselves... enjoy.

Your response makes zero sense. LIberals have caused Donald Trump to make fun of handicapped people and turned otherwise sensible folks into cheering such disgusting antics? Hardly.
And by the way, Trump said nothing about pulling out of NATO. You people never cease to amaze me. You can't hold an intelligent conversation with anyone without attacking them personally. Any time someone has an opinion that you don't want to hear, or you disagree with it's because they're not "thinking" about your point of view. Run to your safe space hypocrite, you're far to "tolerant" for this adult to waste anymore time one. Continue to hate though, it's apparently the the quality you feel worth sharing.

Sent from my Z987 using Tapatalk

"NATO is obsolete". Quote from Drumpf. So he wants us to continue to be part of something that is "obsolete"?
Turkey needs to be kicked out of NATO. Other than that it just needs to be streamlined so that it's actually filled with like minded allies.
...Your response makes zero sense...
Sure it does... to anybody not playing the part of a Drama Queen, anyway...

...LIberals have caused Donald Trump to make fun of handicapped people and turned otherwise sensible folks into cheering such disgusting antics? Hardly.
Never said any such thing... rather, I said that Liberals brought this Populist Reaction on themselves. Enjoy.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?
Well, first of all if you're in such a position that eminent domain, abortion, and single payer healthcare are topping your priority list, congratulations. You're doing far better than 95% of Americans. The majority of Americans are far more concerned about illegal immigration, the porous border, jobs, and Isis. Having said that, let me start off by saying that I think the majority of Americans are neither strictly Democratic or Republican. We vote for whichever candidate best aligns with our core value systems. When forced to align with a particular party we pick the party who more closely represents our views as a general rule.
On to your objections and allegations regarding Donald Trump. You brought up war crimes, I assume you're referring to waterboarding and Obamas ban on it. First of all his ban is hardly credible and he only placed it to further coddle the terrorist organizations he REPEATEDLY aligns himself with at the expense of American soldiers, American citizens, and American lives. He frequently plays host to the Muslim Brotherhood who is without a doubt tied to terrorist organizations. It's been proven by the FBI. He's releasing terrorist from GITMO as we speak who have American blood on their hands. His ban on waterboarding had NOTHING to do with human rights. According to Obama human rights only apply to the Islamic community as is the belief of all Muslims. If it's fine with you that American citizens loose their lives so that poor Ahkmed doesn't feel discomfort then you're in a very small minority of people. I don't care that a couple of Obamas yes men have said that it doesn't work as a PR stunt to sell it to the liberals. It's been used for centuries. It does work, it has saved lives and it won't stay banned. So you needn't concern yourself with an American POTUS committing war crimes. Though I find it odd that you're unconcerned with the intentional disregard of genocide being committed against the Coptic Christians in Syria and other places in the Middle East by the current Administration. Or like Obama are you only concerned with the "human rights" of the Islamic community?
I am unsure what you dislike about Trumps foreign policy because you gave no specifics you simply called him an idiot. I tend to agree that NATO should be restructured and geared toward the new threats our Nation faces which is terrorism. I also agree that Russia can be a respected adversary, we needn't constantly be on to verge of war with them. "Keep your friends close, your enemies closer" makes perfect sense to me. I also agree that America has been footing the bill on trade deals with ALL Nations for far to long, we no longer have the money to eat losses on EVERY single deal we make. It's absurd. And I also feel that American interests far outweigh any International interests. Every other Nation on the planet takes care of itself FIRST, but America shouldn't? That's ridiculous.
Lastly, American culture is worth preserving. We do NOT owe anyone anything. For far to long America has allowed people to come to this Country and bent over backwards to accommodate them, at the expense of our culture and our way of life. No more. Coming to and becoming American is a PRIVILEGE not a RIGHT. It's time that it be treated as such again. Which leads to the border. It's ludicrous for people to say it's racist to protect our borders LIKE EVERY OTHER NATION including Mexico to the south. Our sovereignty and the safety of our people comes before anyone's "feelings". However the waving of Mexican flags while screaming at Americans to "get out" of their own Country certainly makes me want to roll out the welcome mat. It matters little though because the bottom line is that Americans need jobs, and we should have first pick. If immigration is harmful to America, which at this point it is, it should stop. And I could go on and on but I need to ask, "If not America first" then who? Donald Trump isn't racist, you're confusing him for Hillary and her KKK contributing friend. He's NEVER said one thing that's racist

Sent from my Z987 using Tapatalk
How is Trump going to build that wall or deport those illegals? While you are at it genius tell us what good is deporting him when he will let then in directly through the front door right after...

The sheer stupidity of Trump supporters is sickening.
Far more likely that once they're gone, they're gone, and they're not coming back, regardless of the campaign rhetoric to the contrary.
Hey retard he has said he will let them right back in.... Fucking gullible children. Wont have to worry about him though because Hillary Clinton is going to kick his ass. We finally get a candidate that is a constitutional conservative and what do you fucking idiots do? You want to nominate the ONLY CANDIDATE that cant beat Hillary. For fucks sake he give money to Hillary. The sheer ignorance of you fuck wits is breath taking.
[QUOTE="thanatos144, post: 14170295, member: 18909" ...Hey retard...[/QUOTE]
Calm yourself, Princess...

...he has said he will let them right back in...
And you believed that shit? Funny stuff.

...Fucking gullible children...
Incorrect. The only gullible children here are the ones who believe he's going to let them right back in.

...Wont have to worry about him though because Hillary Clinton is going to kick his ass...
Yeah, sure...

...We finally get a candidate that is a constitutional conservative and what do you fucking idiots do? You want to nominate the ONLY CANDIDATE that cant beat Hillary. For fucks sake he give money to Hillary. The sheer ignorance of you fuck wits is breath taking.
Oh, dearie-me, look, Mumsy, a Sore Loser... film at 11... on WankerVision.
...Your response makes zero sense...
Sure it does... to anybody not playing the part of a Drama Queen, anyway...

...LIberals have caused Donald Trump to make fun of handicapped people and turned otherwise sensible folks into cheering such disgusting antics? Hardly.
Never said any such thing... rather, I said that Liberals brought this Populist Reaction on themselves. Enjoy.

Populist Reaction? Oh, okay. Thanks for another reason to laugh at you. Seriously folks, liberals are "suffering" from a Populist Reaction now? We're choosing between HRC and one of her top financial backers. You simply are not making sense. And, btw, Drumpf's policies are pretty liberal when held up to others in the GOP race.

Those are the facts, now back to the spin.
Better question is why the hell anyone support that self-focused, parhelogically lying, scandal-plagued, incompetent, treasonous, corporate slutbag under investigation for crimes ynder the Espionage Act, especially when her own husband - when given the chance - repeatedly chose others over her their entire life together?

He may be a pig, but he's a good choice of character...
...Your response makes zero sense...
Sure it does... to anybody not playing the part of a Drama Queen, anyway...

...LIberals have caused Donald Trump to make fun of handicapped people and turned otherwise sensible folks into cheering such disgusting antics? Hardly.
Never said any such thing... rather, I said that Liberals brought this Populist Reaction on themselves. Enjoy.

Populist Reaction? Oh, okay. Thanks for another reason to laugh at you. Seriously folks, liberals are "suffering" from a Populist Reaction now? We're choosing between HRC and one of her top financial backers. You simply are not making sense. And, btw, Drumpf's policies are pretty liberal when held up to others in the GOP race.

Those are the facts, now back to the spin.
If Trump is such a liberal, you and your party would be better served to vote for him over Wall Street coddler Hitlery.
And by the way, Trump said nothing about pulling out of NATO. You people never cease to amaze me. You can't hold an intelligent conversation with anyone without attacking them personally. Any time someone has an opinion that you don't want to hear, or you disagree with it's because they're not "thinking" about your point of view. Run to your safe space hypocrite, you're far to "tolerant" for this adult to waste anymore time one. Continue to hate though, it's apparently the the quality you feel worth sharing.

Sent from my Z987 using Tapatalk

"NATO is obsolete". Quote from Drumpf. So he wants us to continue to be part of something that is "obsolete"?
Turkey needs to be kicked out of NATO. Other than that it just needs to be streamlined so that it's actually filled with like minded allies.

This is something I could argue for. However, as a strategic base of operations on the doorstep of the middle east, it certainly has it's advantages for staging and support.

I would be more interested in expanding NATO into the heavens where the ESA, NASA, and our allies could gain a real advantage on the next battlefield. Instead Drumpf has made the following campaign promise:


"In the old days, it [NASA] was great. Right now, we have bigger problems, you understand that," Trump said. "We have to fix our potholes. We don't exactly have a lot of money."
[QUOTE="thanatos144, post: 14170295, member: 18909" ...Hey retard...
Calm yourself, Princess...

...he has said he will let them right back in...
And you believed that shit? Funny stuff.

...Fucking gullible children...
Incorrect. The only gullible children here are the ones who believe he's going to let them right back in.

...Wont have to worry about him though because Hillary Clinton is going to kick his ass...
Yeah, sure...

...We finally get a candidate that is a constitutional conservative and what do you fucking idiots do? You want to nominate the ONLY CANDIDATE that cant beat Hillary. For fucks sake he give money to Hillary. The sheer ignorance of you fuck wits is breath taking.
Oh, dearie-me, look, Mumsy, a Sore Loser... film at 11... on WankerVision.[/QUOTE]
Yes I am sad that morons like you just fucked up the country.
People who love the country support Trump. I support him mostly because he is the only candidate who isnt bought and paid for. I also support him because almost every politician of both parties who have run up a 20 trillion debt and gotten thousands of american soldiers butchered and maimed for nothing hate him. I support him because he stands strong after more than a billion dollars has been spent against him and 55,000 negative ads run against him.
That is absolutely not an answer or explanation.
Bernie Sanders is not bought and paid for either. In fact his supporters tout that as the reason they support him.

Your post is absolutely spot on, The Rabbi. Bravo. Bernie Sanders is the best of the bunch, by far. Let's see what happens from here on in!!
...Populist Reaction?...
Indeed... Populist Reaction.

...Oh, okay. Thanks for another reason to laugh at you...
Gotta love the arrogance of The Left after they've been in power for a few years... they can't even properly identify the phenomenon, never mind counter it.

...Seriously folks, liberals are "suffering" from a Populist Reaction now?...
Seriously. You don't even know what is happening, never mind why it happened. Deliciously ironic.

...We're choosing between HRC and one of her top financial backers...
Yeah? So?

...You simply are not making sense...
Yes. Liberals cannot make sense of of the present Populist Reaction on the Right, anymore than they can make sense of the Populist Revolution on the Left.

...And, btw, Drumpf's policies are pretty liberal when held up to others in the GOP race...
Doesn't matter... Trump promises to flush the Beaners, ban the Muzzies, and bring jobs back on-shore. That's all people are hearing this year.

...Those are the facts, now back to the spin.
Here's another fact... both sides of the aisle are being hit by a wave of Populism... it simply manifests in different ways on each side of the aisle.
...Yet here you are. Just out of curiosity…when Trump was mocking the reporter’s birth defect…were you ashamed of him?
Doesn't matter in the slightest... eight years of Liberal Agenda legal wins have driven America to this Reaction.


So you're happy to vote for a "man" who makes fun of the physically disabled? Seems about right.

Can't wait until he visits soldiers at Walter Reed and begins mocking their wounds.

Especially if he starts more wars and then visits the soldiers who've been permanently maimed, blinded, and
rendered brain-damaged by war, as well as having PTSD as a result of killing as well as the possibility of being killed, to boot.

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