Why Do People Support Trump?

I doubt he is a success. Where is his tax returns???? I am betting he is no where NEAR a billionaire.

I'm betting he's far more successful than you are. I'm confident i'll win the bet.
No way. I have a wife I love and that loves me. That more then Trump will EVER have.

Oh come on, Trump has loved ones too. Your attacks are becoming more & more pathetic. I'll still bet Trump is far more successful than you'll ever dream of being.
He has people he pays... I will say his kids love him... But thats it.

So you know for sure it's only his kids who love him? Seriously, you're losin it. Just quit your whining and go vote for the corrupt Globalist asshole Clintons. Problem solved. You're welcome. I'm here to help.

Wonder if he'll demand that Hillary prove her family loves her....
How to explain this?
One of the most interesting political questions of our time, seriously.

He has somehow tapped into a vein that makes people forget/forgive all the things you mention, not mention his (pick a few adjectives here) behavior, and focus on what appears to be three things: The border, America First and his obnoxious personality.

And a year ago, many of these same people would have told you that they firmly and unequivocally support "conservative values", period.

Personally, I think it's pretty clear that about half the party has been whipped into a hysterical frenzy - first by talk radio and then, on top of that, by conservative online media.

Many books will be written about this time.
Trump understands the media better than any other candidate, and has used that to his advantage. He has also listened to BT Barnum who wrote that no one ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of the American people.
This is one of the key components to why he is so successful. His information control and propaganda machine are something we haven't seen in this country since the 1950's most likely. You literally see him and his supporters disregard highly legitimate, reputable sources that disagree with his stances or opinions because...they disagree with his stances and opinions. That is radical.

Oddly enough, a lot of people also seem to support him because he claims that he can't be bought by big business like other politicians are. The odd thing is...Trump IS BIG BUSINESS. He's highly successful, has a lot of links to people in the business world, and has shown repeatedly, in the past, to try and use people in a political position to get policies pushed that favor him and his business allies. Why would he change now?

In short, most Trump supporters are idiots.
Trump can't be bought because Trump does the buying asshole!
Yes Trump is highly successful. I'll take that over a fucking criminal like Hillary or 'The First AA Golfer In Chief' pussy Communist all day.
Trump has been bought by every bank he owes money to... He is the definition of a sell out and you are the definition of a fool.
I'd really get a laugh knowing what websites you visit that tell you Trump owes money to banks and so Trump is "owned" by these banks.
You are seriously in need of mental help.
I doubt he is a success. Where is his tax returns???? I am betting he is no where NEAR a billionaire.

I'm betting he's far more successful than you are. I'm confident i'll win the bet.
No way. I have a wife I love and that loves me. That more then Trump will EVER have.

Oh come on, Trump has loved ones too. Your attacks are becoming more & more pathetic. I'll still bet Trump is far more successful than you'll ever dream of being.
He has people he pays... I will say his kids love him... But thats it.

So you know for sure it's only his kids who love him? Seriously, you're losin it. Just quit your whining and go vote for the corrupt Globalist asshole Clintons. Problem solved. You're welcome. I'm here to help.
He is a mistreble disgusting littl man who has to pay women to marry him or hell even have sex with him so Yes I am pretty confident he is poor man.
His several bankruptcies prove you wrong.

A few failures doesn't take away from the fact that he is overall a success.
I doubt he is a success. Where is his tax returns???? I am betting he is no where NEAR a billionaire.

LOL that is just insane , OF COURSE he wealthy beyond belief.
Then he needs to prove it.

You don't think the giant ass building in downtown Manhattan with his name on it proves he's wealthy? Come on man.
Those are owned by the bank.
I'm betting he's far more successful than you are. I'm confident i'll win the bet.
No way. I have a wife I love and that loves me. That more then Trump will EVER have.

Oh come on, Trump has loved ones too. Your attacks are becoming more & more pathetic. I'll still bet Trump is far more successful than you'll ever dream of being.
He has people he pays... I will say his kids love him... But thats it.

So you know for sure it's only his kids who love him? Seriously, you're losin it. Just quit your whining and go vote for the corrupt Globalist asshole Clintons. Problem solved. You're welcome. I'm here to help.
He is a mistreble disgusting littl man who has to pay women to marry him or hell even have sex with him so Yes I am pretty confident he is poor man.

Then go vote for the corrupt slag and her serial rapist husband. Off ya go now. Enjoy.
I'm betting he's far more successful than you are. I'm confident i'll win the bet.
No way. I have a wife I love and that loves me. That more then Trump will EVER have.

Oh come on, Trump has loved ones too. Your attacks are becoming more & more pathetic. I'll still bet Trump is far more successful than you'll ever dream of being.
He has people he pays... I will say his kids love him... But thats it.

So you know for sure it's only his kids who love him? Seriously, you're losin it. Just quit your whining and go vote for the corrupt Globalist asshole Clintons. Problem solved. You're welcome. I'm here to help.

Wonder if he'll demand that Hillary prove her family loves her....
why when it is obvious only her Daughter loves her
I'm betting he's far more successful than you are. I'm confident i'll win the bet.
No way. I have a wife I love and that loves me. That more then Trump will EVER have.

Oh come on, Trump has loved ones too. Your attacks are becoming more & more pathetic. I'll still bet Trump is far more successful than you'll ever dream of being.
He has people he pays... I will say his kids love him... But thats it.

So you know for sure it's only his kids who love him? Seriously, you're losin it. Just quit your whining and go vote for the corrupt Globalist asshole Clintons. Problem solved. You're welcome. I'm here to help.
He is a mistreble disgusting littl man who has to pay women to marry him or hell even have sex with him so Yes I am pretty confident he is poor man.

You have proof of this?
One of the most interesting political questions of our time, seriously.

He has somehow tapped into a vein that makes people forget/forgive all the things you mention, not mention his (pick a few adjectives here) behavior, and focus on what appears to be three things: The border, America First and his obnoxious personality.

And a year ago, many of these same people would have told you that they firmly and unequivocally support "conservative values", period.

Personally, I think it's pretty clear that about half the party has been whipped into a hysterical frenzy - first by talk radio and then, on top of that, by conservative online media.

Many books will be written about this time.
Trump understands the media better than any other candidate, and has used that to his advantage. He has also listened to BT Barnum who wrote that no one ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of the American people.
This is one of the key components to why he is so successful. His information control and propaganda machine are something we haven't seen in this country since the 1950's most likely. You literally see him and his supporters disregard highly legitimate, reputable sources that disagree with his stances or opinions because...they disagree with his stances and opinions. That is radical.

Oddly enough, a lot of people also seem to support him because he claims that he can't be bought by big business like other politicians are. The odd thing is...Trump IS BIG BUSINESS. He's highly successful, has a lot of links to people in the business world, and has shown repeatedly, in the past, to try and use people in a political position to get policies pushed that favor him and his business allies. Why would he change now?

In short, most Trump supporters are idiots.
Trump can't be bought because Trump does the buying asshole!
Yes Trump is highly successful. I'll take that over a fucking criminal like Hillary or 'The First AA Golfer In Chief' pussy Communist all day.
Trump has been bought by every bank he owes money to... He is the definition of a sell out and you are the definition of a fool.
I'd really get a laugh knowing what websites you visit that tell you Trump owes money to banks and so Trump is "owned" by these banks.
You are seriously in need of mental help.
Because that is precisely what you idiots said about Cruz. Hypocrite.
No way. I have a wife I love and that loves me. That more then Trump will EVER have.

Oh come on, Trump has loved ones too. Your attacks are becoming more & more pathetic. I'll still bet Trump is far more successful than you'll ever dream of being.
He has people he pays... I will say his kids love him... But thats it.

So you know for sure it's only his kids who love him? Seriously, you're losin it. Just quit your whining and go vote for the corrupt Globalist asshole Clintons. Problem solved. You're welcome. I'm here to help.
He is a mistreble disgusting littl man who has to pay women to marry him or hell even have sex with him so Yes I am pretty confident he is poor man.

Then go vote for the corrupt slag and her serial rapist husband. Off ya go now. Enjoy.
Unlike you I dont vote against my principles. I am not voting Trump Or the next president Clinton.
Trump understands the media better than any other candidate, and has used that to his advantage. He has also listened to BT Barnum who wrote that no one ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of the American people.
This is one of the key components to why he is so successful. His information control and propaganda machine are something we haven't seen in this country since the 1950's most likely. You literally see him and his supporters disregard highly legitimate, reputable sources that disagree with his stances or opinions because...they disagree with his stances and opinions. That is radical.

Oddly enough, a lot of people also seem to support him because he claims that he can't be bought by big business like other politicians are. The odd thing is...Trump IS BIG BUSINESS. He's highly successful, has a lot of links to people in the business world, and has shown repeatedly, in the past, to try and use people in a political position to get policies pushed that favor him and his business allies. Why would he change now?

In short, most Trump supporters are idiots.
Trump can't be bought because Trump does the buying asshole!
Yes Trump is highly successful. I'll take that over a fucking criminal like Hillary or 'The First AA Golfer In Chief' pussy Communist all day.
Trump has been bought by every bank he owes money to... He is the definition of a sell out and you are the definition of a fool.
I'd really get a laugh knowing what websites you visit that tell you Trump owes money to banks and so Trump is "owned" by these banks.
You are seriously in need of mental help.
Because that is precisely what you idiots said about Cruz. Hypocrite.
Wait? What? I've never heard anyone say that about Cruz, BUT comparing the financial status of Trump to Cruz is just ridiculous.
No way. I have a wife I love and that loves me. That more then Trump will EVER have.

Oh come on, Trump has loved ones too. Your attacks are becoming more & more pathetic. I'll still bet Trump is far more successful than you'll ever dream of being.
He has people he pays... I will say his kids love him... But thats it.

So you know for sure it's only his kids who love him? Seriously, you're losin it. Just quit your whining and go vote for the corrupt Globalist asshole Clintons. Problem solved. You're welcome. I'm here to help.
He is a mistreble disgusting littl man who has to pay women to marry him or hell even have sex with him so Yes I am pretty confident he is poor man.

You have proof of this?
Easy to see.... But dont worry you can still keep your delusion it will be shattered soon enough. Just remember YOU own this.
This is one of the key components to why he is so successful. His information control and propaganda machine are something we haven't seen in this country since the 1950's most likely. You literally see him and his supporters disregard highly legitimate, reputable sources that disagree with his stances or opinions because...they disagree with his stances and opinions. That is radical.

Oddly enough, a lot of people also seem to support him because he claims that he can't be bought by big business like other politicians are. The odd thing is...Trump IS BIG BUSINESS. He's highly successful, has a lot of links to people in the business world, and has shown repeatedly, in the past, to try and use people in a political position to get policies pushed that favor him and his business allies. Why would he change now?

In short, most Trump supporters are idiots.
Trump can't be bought because Trump does the buying asshole!
Yes Trump is highly successful. I'll take that over a fucking criminal like Hillary or 'The First AA Golfer In Chief' pussy Communist all day.
Trump has been bought by every bank he owes money to... He is the definition of a sell out and you are the definition of a fool.
I'd really get a laugh knowing what websites you visit that tell you Trump owes money to banks and so Trump is "owned" by these banks.
You are seriously in need of mental help.
Because that is precisely what you idiots said about Cruz. Hypocrite.
Wait? What? I've never heard anyone say that about Cruz, BUT comparing the financial status of Trump to Cruz is just ridiculous.
If he's pissing you off, he's really the man. Go Trump!
Yes dipshit a person who will cause great fucking harm to the country I love pisses me off. Unlike you you pathetic liberal scumbag I love my country!

Oh come on, calm down. The man's gonna put Americans first again. And if that pisses you folks off, than so be it. In fact, him pissing you folks off makes me wanna support him even more.
In what fucking way has he EVER FUCKING DONE THAT! He Hires immigrants in his Palm Beach resort instead of americans using H1B visas his own fucking clothing lines are made in MEXICO AND CHINA!. AT no time has this man EVER put America or Americans first! This is how stupid you truly are. ALL evidence shows he is lying to you fucking retards and yet you think otherwise when he wont even keep his word to his wives! Hell he brags about fucking them and other people over! You pathetic little mole of a person! YOU are the reason Hillary Clinton will be president. YOU are the reason why this country will be greatly harmed and the future of MY children is in jeopardy. Why? Because you are a selfish ignorant racist who couldn't stand another person NOT white sitting in the white house.

The alternative is the corrupt Globalist asshole Clintons. I'm goin with Trump. You do what you gotta do though.
THEY ARE THE SAME YOU IDIOT! Not only that but you chose THE ONLY candidate who will lose against Clinton. Unreal how moronic you are.
Got any other REP candidates at this point to run against Hillary in mind?
Maybe Romney?
Of course Romney being a loser once sort of makes people concerned right?
Wait a minute?
Didn't Hillary loose to a fucking 'AA' community organizer?
The REPs have spoken. They want Trump to run against Hillary.
They REALLY want to see her lose again!
Imagine the scene in Hillary's and Huma's bedroom after she loses again!
Yes dipshit a person who will cause great fucking harm to the country I love pisses me off. Unlike you you pathetic liberal scumbag I love my country!

Oh come on, calm down. The man's gonna put Americans first again. And if that pisses you folks off, than so be it. In fact, him pissing you folks off makes me wanna support him even more.
In what fucking way has he EVER FUCKING DONE THAT! He Hires immigrants in his Palm Beach resort instead of americans using H1B visas his own fucking clothing lines are made in MEXICO AND CHINA!. AT no time has this man EVER put America or Americans first! This is how stupid you truly are. ALL evidence shows he is lying to you fucking retards and yet you think otherwise when he wont even keep his word to his wives! Hell he brags about fucking them and other people over! You pathetic little mole of a person! YOU are the reason Hillary Clinton will be president. YOU are the reason why this country will be greatly harmed and the future of MY children is in jeopardy. Why? Because you are a selfish ignorant racist who couldn't stand another person NOT white sitting in the white house.

The alternative is the corrupt Globalist asshole Clintons. I'm goin with Trump. You do what you gotta do though.
THEY ARE THE SAME YOU IDIOT! Not only that but you chose THE ONLY candidate who will lose against Clinton. Unreal how moronic you are.
Got any other REP candidates at this point to run against Hillary in mind?
Maybe Romney?
Of course Romney being a loser once sort of makes people concerned right?
Wait a minute?
Didn't Hillary loose to a fucking 'AA' community organizer?
The REPs have spoken. They want Trump to run against Hillary.
They REALLY want to see her lose again!
Imagine the scene in Hillary's and Huma's bedroom after she loses again!
It doesnt matter Hillary is going to win. Do you feel Pride giving her the election?
As I pointed out in another thread, Trump has always put the entity he was in charge of first. And that's as it should be.

Now, what does your nonsense rant about someone being a racist and not wanting another non white person in the white house have to do with this topic?
His several bankruptcies prove you wrong.

A few failures doesn't take away from the fact that he is overall a success.
I doubt he is a success. Where is his tax returns???? I am betting he is no where NEAR a billionaire.

I'm betting he's far more successful than you are. I'm confident i'll win the bet.
No way. I have a wife I love and that loves me. That more then Trump will EVER have.
The word is "whom" dipshit!
It's 'that's' not 'that' dipshit!
Oh come on, calm down. The man's gonna put Americans first again. And if that pisses you folks off, than so be it. In fact, him pissing you folks off makes me wanna support him even more.
In what fucking way has he EVER FUCKING DONE THAT! He Hires immigrants in his Palm Beach resort instead of americans using H1B visas his own fucking clothing lines are made in MEXICO AND CHINA!. AT no time has this man EVER put America or Americans first! This is how stupid you truly are. ALL evidence shows he is lying to you fucking retards and yet you think otherwise when he wont even keep his word to his wives! Hell he brags about fucking them and other people over! You pathetic little mole of a person! YOU are the reason Hillary Clinton will be president. YOU are the reason why this country will be greatly harmed and the future of MY children is in jeopardy. Why? Because you are a selfish ignorant racist who couldn't stand another person NOT white sitting in the white house.

The alternative is the corrupt Globalist asshole Clintons. I'm goin with Trump. You do what you gotta do though.
THEY ARE THE SAME YOU IDIOT! Not only that but you chose THE ONLY candidate who will lose against Clinton. Unreal how moronic you are.
Got any other REP candidates at this point to run against Hillary in mind?
Maybe Romney?
Of course Romney being a loser once sort of makes people concerned right?
Wait a minute?
Didn't Hillary loose to a fucking 'AA' community organizer?
The REPs have spoken. They want Trump to run against Hillary.
They REALLY want to see her lose again!
Imagine the scene in Hillary's and Huma's bedroom after she loses again!
It doesnt matter Hillary is going to win. Do you feel Pride giving her the election?

I won't be voting for her.
In what fucking way has he EVER FUCKING DONE THAT! He Hires immigrants in his Palm Beach resort instead of americans using H1B visas his own fucking clothing lines are made in MEXICO AND CHINA!. AT no time has this man EVER put America or Americans first! This is how stupid you truly are. ALL evidence shows he is lying to you fucking retards and yet you think otherwise when he wont even keep his word to his wives! Hell he brags about fucking them and other people over! You pathetic little mole of a person! YOU are the reason Hillary Clinton will be president. YOU are the reason why this country will be greatly harmed and the future of MY children is in jeopardy. Why? Because you are a selfish ignorant racist who couldn't stand another person NOT white sitting in the white house.

The alternative is the corrupt Globalist asshole Clintons. I'm goin with Trump. You do what you gotta do though.
THEY ARE THE SAME YOU IDIOT! Not only that but you chose THE ONLY candidate who will lose against Clinton. Unreal how moronic you are.
Got any other REP candidates at this point to run against Hillary in mind?
Maybe Romney?
Of course Romney being a loser once sort of makes people concerned right?
Wait a minute?
Didn't Hillary loose to a fucking 'AA' community organizer?
The REPs have spoken. They want Trump to run against Hillary.
They REALLY want to see her lose again!
Imagine the scene in Hillary's and Huma's bedroom after she loses again!
It doesnt matter Hillary is going to win. Do you feel Pride giving her the election?

I won't be voting for her.
You already did by picking the weakest candidate. Dont worry I am sure your racism will be seen as great.
His several bankruptcies prove you wrong.

A few failures doesn't take away from the fact that he is overall a success.
I doubt he is a success. Where is his tax returns???? I am betting he is no where NEAR a billionaire.

I'm betting he's far more successful than you are. I'm confident i'll win the bet.
No way. I have a wife I love and that loves me. That more then Trump will EVER have.
The word is "whom" dipshit!
It's 'that's' not 'that' dipshit!
That awesome....Not go fuck yourself you treasonous dick.
The alternative is the corrupt Globalist asshole Clintons. I'm goin with Trump. You do what you gotta do though.
THEY ARE THE SAME YOU IDIOT! Not only that but you chose THE ONLY candidate who will lose against Clinton. Unreal how moronic you are.
Got any other REP candidates at this point to run against Hillary in mind?
Maybe Romney?
Of course Romney being a loser once sort of makes people concerned right?
Wait a minute?
Didn't Hillary loose to a fucking 'AA' community organizer?
The REPs have spoken. They want Trump to run against Hillary.
They REALLY want to see her lose again!
Imagine the scene in Hillary's and Huma's bedroom after she loses again!
It doesnt matter Hillary is going to win. Do you feel Pride giving her the election?

I won't be voting for her.
You already did by picking the weakest candidate. Dont worry I am sure your racism will be seen as great.

what racism? Third request.
THEY ARE THE SAME YOU IDIOT! Not only that but you chose THE ONLY candidate who will lose against Clinton. Unreal how moronic you are.
Got any other REP candidates at this point to run against Hillary in mind?
Maybe Romney?
Of course Romney being a loser once sort of makes people concerned right?
Wait a minute?
Didn't Hillary loose to a fucking 'AA' community organizer?
The REPs have spoken. They want Trump to run against Hillary.
They REALLY want to see her lose again!
Imagine the scene in Hillary's and Huma's bedroom after she loses again!
It doesnt matter Hillary is going to win. Do you feel Pride giving her the election?

I won't be voting for her.
You already did by picking the weakest candidate. Dont worry I am sure your racism will be seen as great.

what racism? Third request.
All of it. Why did you vote for Trump? I bet it is cause you mistakenly believe he will keep all those brown people out of your white country.

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